The AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT and all its ministries, departments and councils are registered as a Corporation in the USA. Therefore, none of them have any authority or power over We, the People of the Commonwealth of Australia living under our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 and Common Law.
The Corporation Act QLD has a company Seal and is Copyrighted. It, therefore, has no Crown and Constitutional Authority.
Crown Acts are never Copyrighted as they belong to the people. The people’s representatives make them and the Crown representatives enact them.
In other words, the so-called “government”, police, councils, toll companies, parking companies, do not have any power or authority under our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 to issue fines.
They simply cannot do it, and if you know the law and you take them to court and hold the Magistrate to our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 they must throw the fine case out of court.
Below is what the Queensland Corporations Act states. However, while this shows up in Queensland legislation it holds good for all states, but if you look at the NSW Corporation Act, Section 8 has been removed. Also the in the Commonwealth Corporations Act 2001. (See

If we are going to stand up for our rights and freedoms we must know the law, and we must know what the political party corporate governments have done to hide their TREASON!
We must fight to bring the courts and our laws back under the Constitution and Common Law; the highest law of our Land.
Application of regulations
8. (1) The regulations in force for the time being under the Corporations Act, section 22—
(a) apply as regulations in force for the purposes of the Corporations Law of Queensland; and
(b) as so applying, may be referred to as the Corporations Regulations of Queensland.
(2) Subject to subsection (3) of this section, where regulations under the Corporations Act, section 22 take effect from a specified day that is earlier than the day when they are notified in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette under the Acts Interpretation Act 1901, section 48(1) (Cwlth), subsection (1) of this section has effect, and is taken always to have had effect, as if those regulations had taken effect under the Corporations Act from the specified day.
(3) To the extent that a provision of the Corporations Regulations of Queensland is taken because of a particular application of subsection (2) to have effect, or to have had effect, before the day of notification of the regulations referred to in that subsection, the provision does not operate so as to—
(a) affect a private person’s rights as at that day so as to disadvantage that person; or
(b) impose a liability on a private person in respect of anything done or omitted to be done before that day.
(4) In subsection (3)— “private person” means a person other than—
(a) the Commonwealth, a State or the Capital Territory; or
(b) an authority of the Commonwealth, of a State or of the Capital Territory.
(5) Subsection (3) does not affect any other operation that the provision has because of subsection (2) or otherwise.
3 thoughts on “The Corporations Act 1990 Qld”
Hi Mike, jow much is this as o need 1 asap to fight a couple of tickets. 1 speeding fine, 1 council parking ticket & 2 dog registrations.
If you are referring to the e-Book “Steps to Fight Fines” click here:
Ask Dick Yardley.