Free e-Book of Australian Government Successes!
Yes, it’s finally here!
You can download our Free e-Book of Australian Government Successes and read for yourself what a wonderful job our political party governments have been doing.
Be aware that this is a work in progress….there are so many things to list in the book that we are sure we haven’t been able to list them all. If you have any suggestions we have left room at the end of the book for you to add your own entries to the growing list.
Download your Free e-Book of Australian Government Successes!
Download this free e-Book detailing all the government successes that have benefited Australians.
When you are finished please leave your comments below to tell us your thoughts on the results of the massive list we have compiled.
We Googled “idiot australian politicians” just to see who would be considered the stupidest….and this was one of the first pictures in the results. Whether you agree or not, we can all agree that they are not doing a good job…nor are they serving We, the People of the Commonwealth. Of course, the rest of the idiots that have infested our Parliament for the past 100 years were listed in the Google results as well….What can we say? It’s on the internet so it must be true!
6 thoughts on “Free e-Book”
Best laugh ive had for awile ????
Loved it. Good to see you did so much research. Keep up the good work and look forward to the sequel.
We are working on the sequel now. Each page will feature a gallows for each traitor.
100% on the money.
Seems like a lot of research went into putting this piece together. Hahaha
I would like to know more on how to get these books
This will be a good read . Keep up the good work