CIRNow is a Political Blog and Information Resource
Created and led by Mike Holt, this blog provides information about our political system and our fight to reform it and put the power into the hands of We the People to manage our own destiny. This is our history.
Mike was born in the UK in 1947 and immigrated to Australia with his family in the mid-1950’s. His father had served in the RAF during WW2 and then he transferred to the RAAF under the Australian immigration plan. On arrival they lived in Brisbane in a suburb where many New Australians, as they were called then, were settling into their new land.
Mike went to the local primary school. In 1960 the family moved to Victoria where the RAAF had transferred his father. They didn’t stay long, as the RAAF transferred the family to Malaysia, where Mike continued his secondary education.
When the family returned to Australia in 1963 Mike completed his education and joined the RAAF as well, where he trained as a Telegraphist. The training he received was to have a profound effect on the rest of his life, as he learned speed typing and other communications skills. He graduated as one of just five out of the original 35 trainees who started the course. Two of the men in the picture on the right dropped out before the end of the course.
In 1967 Mike was posted to Ubon, NE Thailand, during Operation Rolling Thunder, the largest continuous bombing assault ever. The RAAF base was attached to the outer perimeter of the USAF base. They lived in tin huts which were like ovens in the scorching tropical sun. They had no air-conditioning, just small fans fitted to the open ceiling beams which merely moved the hot air around.
Their ears were assailed with the thunderous roar of flights of F4C Phantom jets taking off every 10 to 20 minutes to fly over to bomb North Vietnam, 24 hours a day.
Six months later, Mike returned home, and served out the rest of his 6 year contract.
After leaving the RAAF in 1970 Mike traveled around much of Australia before deciding to travel overland to the UK for a visit. He got as far as Thailand, where he was offered a job in a publishing company. After some consideration, Mike decided to accept the offer, intending to stay just twelve months before resuming his travels. But things didn’t turn out as he expected. During that year he met and married a Thai woman, settled down and started a business, the first of four businesses he eventually ran there.
Thirty years and a second marriage later Mike sold up his businesses and returned home to Australia.
By then, he had lived through five coups and he could see that the volatile political situation in Thailand was only going to get worse. As he was not a citizen of Thailand he had no political say in anything that happened. This influenced his decision to leave. But once more life served up a surprise for Mike when he returned home. Soon after arriving, Gillard knifed Rudd in the back to take over the Prime Minister’s position.
Mike recognized a coup when he saw one. He realized that there was something terribly wrong with our political system. But this time he was able to decide to do something about it as a private citizen. He wanted to do something for his nation so that we would not descend into the chaos and corruption he had witnessed in Thailand. He started looking around for a way to change the way the government of Australia works.
CIRNow – The Beginning
After checking out the aims of the various political activist groups he met Lt Col (Ret) Charles Mollison, Chairman of the Foundation for National Renewal (FNR). Charles had spent twelve years working with a group of about 100 Australians to write a Draft Constitution for Australia. Mike offered to help Charles, and they began promoting the Draft Constitution. It soon became apparent that the only way political change could come about was for them to form an arm of the FNR to seek to amend Section 128 of the Constitution so that We the People would have the power to amend our Constitution through democratic binding referendums.
They discussed a name for the new arm of the FNR and called it RestoreAustralia. Mike was appointed the Chief Executive Officer of the group and Charles became his mentor.
Mike worked mainly on Facebook, Twitter and through the RestoreAustralia website to raise political awareness and the need for change.
We teamed up with various political groups that were also working to change the government system and stop the islamization of Australia. RestoreAustralia actively supported the Stop the Mosque in Bendigo campaign by raising donations for the group fighting the mosque application there.
Meanwhile, Charles drove a truck around Bendigo broadcasting a message to alert the citizens about the need to stop the mosque application. He made the news and helped raise awareness among the citizens of Bendigo….and in fact around Australia. Despite the many battles patriots have fought against this mosque we still have not been able to stop it. However, the fight continues.
Mike also drove a similar truck around the Gold Coast to help stop the Currumbin mosque Development Application. Currumbin citizens held rallies and lobbied the city councilors and as a result of the combined efforts of patriotic Australians the mosque application was rejected.
RestoreAustralia also supported Reclaim Australia rallies. Mike was invited to speak at the Newcastle, Canberra and Melbourne rallies. He organized protest rallies outside the Maroochydore, Sunshine Coast, mosque, and he also organized the Reclaim Australia rally in Brisbane, November 2015.
To help reach more Australians RestoreAustralia organised the RestoreAustralia Street Rep group by signing up people willing to distribute flyers to letter boxes in their street. The Street Reps helped distribute over 120,000 flyers so far to letter boxes warning Australians about the halal scam.
Throughout this work Mike discussed with Charles ways to bring about their aim to amend the Constitution to bring in CIR. Mike ran in the 2013 election as a One Nation candidate for the seat of Fairfax. Even though he failed to get elected he gained valuable experience in the electoral process and made many good contacts as a result.
After that, Charles and Mike supported Senator John Madigan’s attempt to submit a Bill to the Senate, but the Bill was rejected by the Senate Petitions Group. However, the rejection included suggestions for changing the Bill to make it acceptable to submit to the Senate. We were glad that it was rejected but the Senator’s Bill never went far enough and it would not have given all Australians the freedom to initiate referendums without first overcoming huge hurdles that the political parties would put in front of them.
Mike continued to build up awareness of the need for political change. As word spread around the internet more people joined RestoreAustralia. By the time the 2015 election was due Mike thought that the only way to submit a Bill to Parliament was to stand for election himself, or to help others who also support CIR get elected. Mike decided to put himself up as a candidate. Charles disagreed with this strategy and they parted ways.
After the split with Charles Mollison Mike changed the name of the group and the website to Advance Australia. He published a 5-Point Plan that, if implemented, will revolutionize the political landscape of Australia to create a much better future for all.
Rather than reacting to circumstances, as Australian governments have traditionally behaved, Advance Australia, and this website, are creating awareness of the need for change. We are providing leadership to implement changes that will allow the people of Australia to have a say in government. Through Citizens Initiated Referendums we aim to restore Australia’s sovereignty, rebuild our economy, strengthen our defense capabilities, and create a healthier, happier, more prosperous future for every Aussie citizen.
Our proposals include putting the power into the hands of the People of the Commonwealth of Australia to start referendums, changing electoral boundaries to create smaller electorates, eliminate State governments and substitute smaller, more inclusive regional governments composed of independent citizen representatives instead, and from there initiate a series of carefully considered referendums to bring about gradual change to our Constitution.
We believe that a Constitution, as the supreme law of the land, must be a dynamic document that changes at the Will of the People to keep pace with changes to our political and social needs so that our government can respond to international events to protect citizens. There is a way for all Australians to unite to reform our broken political system. Join a Common Law Assembly today:
The changes we envision will restore our freedoms and create a strong, independent sovereign nation. We can only achieve this if every citizen has the right to initiate a referendum….bringing in Citizens Initiated Referendums (CIR) is our first and most important core goal.
In August 2016 we set up this website, as a Blog to publish articles that help educate Australians and indeed patriots around the world learn the truth about the political party crimes and treason being committed against us every day. It has become a go-to resource for many people. Thank you for reading.