He copped a fine for doing the Council’s work

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This is the state of our nation today. Frankston Council recently decided to fine a local man for filling in a hole outside his home on the nature strip.


Because he shamed the Frankston Council for not doing the job they are paid to do.

But this is not an isolated incident. Buderim, Queensland, planted fruit trees and vegetables in the nature strip between the footpath and the road. The Sunshine Coast Council, like all councils around Australia, hates We the People, their bosses, planting anything in the public spaces.

Another Queensland resident used to collect eggplants off a tree growing beside the road in a housing estate. But the Council poisoned the tree, and it stands as evidence of the idiotic policies of Councils.

Other residents have also reported Councils destroying fruit trees growing on public spaces. There is obviously a deliberate policy of growing only rubbish trees, useless grass, and nothing to help feed the growing number of desperate people who cannot afford supermarket prices.

These spaces are a waste of good soil.

During World War 2, everyone dug up their lawns and and public space to plant food instead. Perhaps it’s time we all start digging up the ugly trees to plan food trees instead. And if we have to guard them from the idiotic Councils, then so be it. We the people have had enough of the Council’s overbearing policies.

Councils were originally set up by local communities to look after the public spaces for the people. But after the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) signed up to the United Nations/World Economic Forum and created corporations instead of public works departments, Councils have done everything to take control of everything public.

Our Life Savers used to be a proud volunteer organization. But Councils marched in a few years ago and took control. But have they improved the service? Many would agree that they have, as usual, botched things up and made everything difficult for the people.

Isn’t it time we all take back our public spaces and hold Councils accountable for their actions to destroy public property?

Look at this gross overreaction by the Frankston (Victoria) Council:

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