Mike Holt is the founder of CIRNow
Mike served with the RAAF during the Vietnam War in North Eastern Thailand in 1967. He returned home disillusioned with the political system that sent thousands of young men to face death and danger for all the wrong reasons.
After Gough Whitlam came to power Mike could see that the changes he began back then would have a terrible result. Mike’s vision has proved to be right. Australia has been stripped of our former wealth, our manufacturing capacity, and our farmers are up against the wall due to the stupid socialist policies that have been enacted since then.
After returning home from his war service, Mike resigned from the RAAF, and traveled extensively around Australia as well as to many countries around the world. His experiences showed him that Australia was heading down a track that is destroying our once cohesive nation.. At the time, he saw no solutions being offered by anyone to the many problems Australian politics have brought onto our wonderful nation.
During his travels he met and married a Thai woman. They settled in Bangkok, Thailand in 1978 where he set up an English teaching school. He sold the school ten years later after the marriage broke down due to very personal reasons.
Soon after that he set up an IT company and a couple of years later he got into the real estate business as well. In 1998 Mike met and married his current Thai wife. In 2008 he sold the company and returned home to Australia in 2009, expecting to retire and enjoy the fruits of his many years in business.
Mike says he thought he was coming home to a stable political environment. Shortly after he returned Julia Gillard ousted Kevin Rudd in what can only be described as a bloodless coup. Mike survived 5 coups during his time in Thailand so he recognized a coup when he saw one. This was when Mike realized that he wanted to do something to help stop Australia becoming a 3rd world banana republic. Mike started looking around for solutions to the many political problems we face. He eventually met Lt Col (Ret) Charles Mollison who had spent over 12 years working with a group of Australians to write a Draft Constitution.
After reading this brilliant attempt to reform the political landscape, Mike and Charles set up a membership group called RestoreAustralia with the aim to amend Section 128 of the Constitution to put the power into the hands of the people to start referendums. Bringing in Citizens Initiated Referendums (CIR) will allow Australian voters to decide on the type of government we want and make politicians directly accountable to We the People.
However after working together for a few years, and learning a lot more about the political situation, Mike and Charles went their separate ways. By then Mike had come to realise that simply bringing in Citizens Initiated Referendums would not solve the many problems that we face. Nor did Charles have a plan to implement his ideas.
Mike set up a new organisation called AdvanceAustraliaHQ and he formulated a five-point plan to get Australia back on track.
Just before Covid came along to destroy our nation, Mike was one of the original team of people discussing Common Law on weekly Zoom calls. However, it soon became clear that talking about it was all the group was doing. They weren’t offering any solid plans to change the political landscape.
So, Mike set up a website which has evolved into the current version: https://commonlaw.earth/
Using the many powerful features in this website, Mike has helped people around Australia and New Zealand set up Common Law Assemblies that teach members about their right, freedoms and responsibilities and how to live as a free, independent man or woman.
Mike, his wife and two young daughters live on the Sunshine Coast. Although he is retired he has become very politically active and as GovCorp has striven to silence him by charging him with contravening a Supreme Court Suppression Order, he has been forced to learn about the law and how to challenge the authority of those who would take our rights from us.
Mike has become a symbol for everyone who believes we should live free, and not under the yoke of a dictatorial government that has no authority or right to tell us how to live. Mike says it’s time for every Australian to demand that the politicians and judges do what they have been hired to do: Serve the Will of the People.
Mike says, the politicians, judges, and bureaucrats are called Public SERVANTS for a reason. They are the SERVANTS. We the People of the Commonwealth of Australia are the MASTERS. It’s time we start living up to our potential.
During his spare time, Mike enjoys writing short stories, political papers, and short stories. He has also published two novels.
In his spare time, Mike also writes and records his own music, and when he can, he creates artworks, or goes fishing.
Soon after returning home, Mike wrote a novel about the experiences of a World War Two veteran who was captured by the Japanese in Singapore, 1942. The Aussie Digger was subsequently sent to work on the Burma Railway in Thailand, and then shipped to Kyushu where he worked in the Mitsui Coal Mines. He says the Nagasaki atomic bomb saved the lives of thousands of POW’s, as well as averting a bloodbath if the Allies had been forced to invade Japan. Mike’s first published book, POW 921 is available online through Amazon Books. Click on the Link below to get your copy.
Buy Mike's Books here:
POW 921 - A War story of Courage and Sacrifice | Life, Death & Everything In-between |
POW 921, a very personal story about the experiences of an Aussie Digger captured by the Japanese in 1942 (Click here to buy the book) | Life, Death & Everything In-between is a collection of short stories that will delight and surprise the reader...taking you on a roller-coaster ride of emotions, surprises, and fun. (Click here to buy the book) |
Mike Holt, owner of this website & Founder Advance Australia HQ
Skype ID: bkkwriter
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https://advance-australia.com.au/ &
https://www.cirnow.com.au/ &
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