This is the corporate seal of Queensland Incorporated. It does not represent the lawful entity, State of Queensland.
by Jim O’Toole
The Queensland Labor Party Inc has made a rod for its back by introducing the Queensland Criminal Code (Child Sexual Offences Reform) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2019.

It allows for five years incarceration for persons failing to notify police about known child sexual abuse.
The Labor Party secretly believes the amendments in the bill will be a formidable weapon against political dissenters or other perceived enemies of its extreme socialist agenda in the run up to the 2020 state election, due by October.
However the Queensland Labor Party is about to open the gate for prosecutions against a number of its former and sitting MP’s, judicial appointees, public servants and party officials.
CIRNOW has been given a sexual and other offences portfolio which details extensive investigations of sexual abuse and other crimes committed by public officials going back decades.
The bombshell, largely Queensland-oriented report has been compared to the extensive and detailed first hand experiences of child abuse victim Fiona Barnett in her book, ‘Eyes Wide Open’, which names some ALP offenders and many other high profile satanist pedophiles.
The back room party moguls had the draftsmen draw up a hotch-potch of rules and contradictory regulations attempting to amend the Queensland Criminal Code Act to ensnare sex offenders without affecting its onerous provisions or those of many other connected pieces of legislation.
The bill is so poorly concocted it is doubted it could ever be deciphered by the misnomer Crown Law or any court.
The bill says the legislation will commence on the day after Assent. It is careful to omit the word ‘Royal’ which is essential for any bill to become law under the provisions of the Commonwealth Constitution of Australia Act 1900.

Royal Assent in the past was provided by the State Governor however due to amendments to the Queensland Constitution in 2001 by then notorious ALP Premier Peter Beattie, the Queen was removed from all Queensland law and legal procedures.
The State Governor, former Chief Justice Paul de Jersey, under the 2001 constitutional amendments has become an integral part of the corporate entity, the Queensland Parliament.
To even a casual observer it is glaringly obvious the State Governor cannot lawfully give Royal Assent to what in effect is policy of Queensland Incorporated with the Premier as chairman of the board of directors.
Therefore no ‘legislation’ since at least 2001 can be lawful.
It should be noted that every government department in Queensland is incorporated and has an Australian Business Number, including courts, Queensland Police Service and numerous police officers.
Beattie removed the Queen (Crown) in 2001, incorporating the parliament and has left the lawful entity, the State of Queensland stymied by an overflowing bagful of ‘legislation’ and all legal process since.
In 2017 the High Court of Australia was warned by renegade West Australian senator Rod Culleton it was functioning unlawfully as it had removed the Queen from its legal process.
The HCA duly reinstated the Queen. Queensland Inc has not. Consequently no Queensland legislation is lawful since at least 2001 but Constitutional analysts believe government in Australia has been unlawful since at least 1974 after former ALP Prime Minister Gough Whitlam, removed the Queen from all process during his, thankfully, short term of government.
Every state introduced the Australia Act 1986 which was a back door attempt to amend the Commonwealth Constitution of Australia to allow for incorporation of the states and Commonwealth and in effect create a defacto republic. Queen Elizabeth the Second rejected the Australia Act. It has no authority because the required referendum to alter the Constitution was not held.
Whitlam’s legacy was the Queen of Australia, to which Queen Elizabeth the Second has never consented.
Should this mish-mash of vexatious amendments to the unlawful Criminal Code Act be adhered to by authorities, the Labor Party will fold up across the country.
The Liberal party also will have its ranks depleted. It will seal the fate of the Greens.
Offenders could rely on a defence of the Act being ‘ultra vires’ because lawfully, it cannot be given Royal Assent.
It is notable that the Queensland amendments to the Criminal Code do not mention Satanism or child sacrifice which Barnett, independent authorities and alternative media report is rife in Australia as it is in the UK and US.
There are at least two known covens in the Canberra area attended by a great number of public servants (serpents), politicians, clergy, police and businessmen, et al.
These covens are known to practice disgusting child sexual abuse, child sacrifice and mind manipulation as related in Barnett’s 455 page masterpiece.
There is prima facie evidence in Barnett’s work to establish that a considerable number of politicians, public servants, police and the PM have been compromised by honey pot, child sex traps. The PM’s close association with Hillsong Church in Sydney make him, and by his policy inaction’s, compromised.
CIRNOW has been asked to publish this book. Click to: Download it here
Queensland allegedly has at least one coven situated on the Sunshine Coast hinterland which reputedly, is attended by members of Queensland Parliament Inc. and other similar entities to those attending the Canberra covens.
It should be noted cirnow and its contributors as policy, do not store any files in their computers, nor do they use the cloud or hard drives. The only copies or research material they have are those which have been published. That is due the efficacy of WordPress.
2 thoughts on “ALP introduces Child Sexual Offences Reform”
This woman is a true Warrior and a Hero….God help her, she has such bad health due the abuse and ongoing harrassment
Yep, it all makes sense now. I was there during Goughs plague and was very badly effected as many others were by his insane actions. They’ve all been the same ever since, irrespective of which Political Party had power.
I’m in and I’ll contact you for further talks on where we can take this body. Cheers