The Star Chamber was abolished in 1640 in the United Kingdom. The Act that abolished it was transcribed in the Victorian Imperial Acts Application Act 1980 as follows:
It was introduced into the Commonwealth by the very first Parliament of the Commonwealth in which sat 27 lawyers, in the High Court Procedure Act 1903 where a single member of the Lawyers Religion, THE LAW, by S 12 was given power to exercise the Judicial Power of the Commonwealth. The Star Chamber Court was first introduced by Henry VII in 1515 until 1641, when the then Roman Catholic Church King, Charles 1, was using it to inflict horrendous punishments on religious dissenters to his Roman Catholic Church rule. In all States and the Commonwealth, in absolute contempt of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 and Constitution and Queen Victoria’s Letters Patent 1900 in pursuit of what Justice Gaudron called the “autochthonous expedient” in her reasons for Judgment in the Kable case establishing the “Kable Principle” , in almost the same time frame as it took to abolish the “Sovereign Citizen” criminals installed in Star Chamber Courts in the United Kingdom, namely 125 years, it is 121 years in the Commonwealth, and not only do they need to be abolished, the architects of their construction, the Lawyers in Parliament who practice a non-Christian religion called THE LAW, need to be again expelled from the Parliament of the Commonwealth.
Star Chamber Courts infest the entire English-speaking world. Even in criminal law a hybrid Star Chamber Court has been evolved where a Judge in Court pontificates on the law in the absence of the jury, and the jury is expected to and usually does follow the instructions of the Priests of THE LAW, licenced by the State Supreme Court the High Council of the CHURCH OF THE LAW, the counsel on both sides, the prosecution and defense, who decide what law to put to the jury. In civil cases the Star Chamber is considered normal. To become a Judge in Court a person must be registered with a State Supreme Court and be an Australian Lawyer. The Magna Carta states that We, will sell to no man. But the “Sovereign Citizen” criminals installed in Star Chamber Courts that sit without juries in all Federal Courts of Australia including the High Court have a product called justice, and they sell it to their fellow criminals who can afford to pay their fellow Priests of THE LAW, called barristers and solicitors, who as soon as they stop being paid stop work, leaving their client at the mercy of a merciless Judge in Court. The Royal We used in legislation, means the King is not a person, but a Corporation sole comprising the Father, Son and Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit and unless a jury is present the King as Corporation sole is not present either and the proceedings are Star Chamber Proceedings and therefore, Void ab Initio (Void ab initio means that a legal document, contract, agreement, or transaction is legally void from the start).
[1297] 25 Edward I (Magna Carta) c. XXIX
No freeman shall be taken or imprisoned, or be disseised of his freehold, or liberties or free customs, or be outlawed or exiled, or any other wise destroyed; nor will we pass upon him, nor condemn him, but by lawful judgement of his peers, or by the law of the land. We will sell to no man, we will not deny or defer to any man either justice or right.
[1368] 42 Edward III c. III
. . . It is assented and accorded, for the good governance of the commons, that no man be put to answer without presentment before justices, or matter of record, or by due process and writ original, according to the old law of the land; And if any thing from henceforth be done to the contrary, it shall be void in the law, and holden for error.
The Habeas Corpus Act 1640 16 Charle 1 Ch 10 (Imp)
VI. And be it further provided and enacted, That if any lord chancellor, or keeper of the great seal of England, lord treasurer, keeper of the King’s privy seal, president of the council, bishop, temporal lord, privy counsellor, judge or justice whatsoever, shall offend, or do any thing contrary to the purport, true intent and meaning of this law, then he or they shall for such offence forfeit the sum of five hundred pounds of lawful money of England unto any party grieved, his executors or administrators, who shall really prosecute for the same, and first obtain judgement thereupon, to be recorded in any court of record at Westminster, by action of debt, bill, plaint or information, wherein no essoin, protection, wager of law, aid prayer, privilege, injunction or order of restraint, shall be in any wise prayed, granted, or allowed, nor any more than one imparlance: (2) and if any person against whom any such judgement or recovery shall be had as aforesaid, shall after such judgement or recovery offend again in the same, then he or they for such offence shall forfeit the sum of one thousand pounds of lawful money of England unto any party grieved, his executors or administrators, who shall really prosecute for the same, and first obtain judgement thereupon, to be recorded in any court of record at Westminster, by action of debt, bill, plaint or information, in which no ession, protection, wager of law, aid prayer, privilege, injunction or order of restraint shall be in any wise prayed, granted or allowed, nor any more than one imparlance: (3) and if any person against whom any such second judgement or recovery shall be had as aforesaid, shall after such judgement or recovery offend again in the same kind, and shall be thereof duly convicted by indictment, information, or any other lawful way or means, that such person so convicted shall be from thenceforth disabled, and become by virtue of this act incapable ipso facto, to bear his and their said office and offices respectively: (4) and shall be likewise disabled to make any gift, grant, conveyance, or other disposition of any of his lands, tenements, hereditaments, goods or chattels, or to take any benefit of any gift, conveyance or legacy to his own use.
VII. And every person so offending shall likewise forfeit and lose unto the part grieved, by any thing done contrary to the true intent and meaning of this law, his treble damages which he shall sustain and be put unto by means or occasion of any such act or thing done, the same to be recovered in any of his Majesty’s courts of record at Westminster, by action of debt, bill, plaint or information, wherein no ession, protection, wager of law, aid prayer, privilege, injunction or order of restraint, shall be in any wise prayed, granted or allowed, nor any more than one imparlance.
Now let’s have a look at what consequences flow from the conduct of Star Chamber proceedings. The Habeas Corpus Act 1640 16 Charle 1 Ch 10 (Imp) is fully transcribed. In Part VI, It provides that if a Judge in Court sits as a Star Chamber Judge, then for the first offence the penalty is 500 pounds of English Money. That is 500 Sovereigns because a pound was a Sovereign, and a Sovereign today is worth, on its pure gold content, $714.00. the penalty is $357,000.
There remains in our communities the Office of Notary Public. They have what is called a Faculty.
What is a faculty?
It is a power, authority, or prerogative given or conferred. It is an ancient power derived from the Roman Empire, and the Court of Faculties is part of Westminster Abbey in the United Kingdom. The Statute 1 Will and Mary (Coronation Oath) 1688 (C 6) preserves that power. It is part of Our Constitution.
The common law power of the Office of Notary Public and the faculty he/she has is to enter judgment if three conditions are fulfilled. The First is a Notice to show cause why it should not be paid, with a due date for compliance, of the amount claimed at common law as a penalty. The second is a reminder notice, again with a due date for compliance. The third notice is a Notice of Default. The Office of Notary Public has a faculty to certify the debt and once that is done it can be entered on the Personal Property Security Register maintained by the Australian Financial Services Authority. Unless it is paid the respondent cannot borrow any more money, buy a car or do anything financial while technically insolvent. He/she cannot sit in the Parliament of the Commonwealth but unfortunately not all holders of the Office of Notary Public are aware of their power.
I trust you find this interesting.
Mike Holt’s Common law team.
One thought on “Why we must get rid of Star Chamber Courts”
Interesting, I knew a long time ago that our courts are Star Chambers, but what I didn’t know was what to do about it. Telling Magistrates that they are unconstitutional gets zero traction.
So, are you saying in the last paragraph that the Office of Notary Public is the remedy and how likely is it that an officer would be “to enter judgment if three conditions are fulfilled” and what are those three requirements?