Lock Down = NOT A LAW
Forced Mask Wearing = NOT A LAW
Forced Vaccinations = NOT A LAW & UNCONSTITUTIONAL
WHEREAS the people voted to stay as a Constitutional Monarchy in the Referendum 1999. By the Treasonous Political Parties, not listening to the people, all (COAG) have enforced Treason upon themselves.
NOTE: If you are retired, the fees to file a case in the Supreme Court are drastically reduced to just under $140!!!
When you are ready to take action to remedy a harm done to you, please contact mikeh@commonlaw.earth.

This is what our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 consisting of its Preamble, Clauses 1 to 9 and the Schedule states and how it protects our rights and freedoms..
Part V – Powers of the Parliament
51 Legislative powers of the Parliament
The Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, have power to make laws for the peace, order, and good government of the Commonwealth with respect to:
…have power to make laws for the peace, order, and good government is a statement of Common Law of England.
Common Law of England was removed by the Political Parties taking control of the Governor-General and Commander-in Chief on the 2nd February 1960 and changing Common Law of England to Common Law in Australia (Political Parties definition of their Statutory Australia created in 1973) by enacting the: Law and Justice Legislation Amendment Act 1988 Act No. 120 which amended the Judiciary Act 1903 Section 80, Common Law to Govern replacing “common law of England” with “common law in Australia”. Total Treason
In the High Court Decision Sons of Gwalia case, Gummow and Hayne JJ made the point that there is no common law of companies: The company is a statutory creature and the principles governing it must be derived from statute.
with respect to means they can’t go outside those sections.
Chief Justice French made this point very clear in his speech “The Judicial Function in an Age of Statutes” In simple terms French is telling us No Common Law of England = NO Rights
This video explains what the amendment to the Constitution S51(xxiiiA) means:
Any amendment to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 MUST be voted on in a referendum before the Constitution can be changed.
State legislation is always subordinate to a Constitutional Act. All state legislation imposing covid restrictions are NULL and VOID. We, the people of the Commonwealth of Australia, can lawfully refuse to obey any state legislation that is against the constitution.
In 1946 Australians voted in a referendum that asked if they would authorise the so-called political party governments to force anyone to undergo a medical or dental procedure without their consent.
Here is what the referendum asked, and the voting result:

Question 1.
Do you approve of the proposed law for the Alteration of the Constitution, entitled Constitution Alteration (Social Services) 1946?
New paragraph to be added to section 51 of the Constitution:
(xxiiiA) the provision of maternity allowances, widows’ pensions, child endowment, unemployment, pharmaceutical, sickness and hospital benefits, medical and dental services (but not so as to authorize any form of civil conscription), benefits to students and family allowances;
Q1. The referendum was carried.
All six States recorded a YES vote. Nationally 54.39% of electors voted YES
The question was approved, but with a condition:
medical and dental services (but not so as to authorize any form of civil conscription)
This means that the People of the Commonwealth of Australia denied the government any power to force people to undergo any medical or dental procedure without their consent.
More Constitutional Reasons Covid restrictions are unconstitutional
In 1945, the then Chief Justice Latham held that quarantine laws “may be regarded in most, if not all, of its aspects as a form of public health legislation”.
The Commonwealth has the power under section 51(ix) of the Constitution to make laws with respect to ‘quarantine’. This is a power granted to the Commonwealth. Not the States.
At section 257 of the decision, High Court Judge Latham CJ held that the Commonwealth “could not pass a law requiring citizens of the States… to submit to vaccination or immunization”.
So there are several important things that flow from this High Court decision.
- Vaccinations and immunizations are matters that fall within the category of ‘quarantine’.
- Only the Commonwealth has the power to make laws with respect to ‘quarantine’ under section 51(ix) of the Constitution.
- The Commonwealth is prohibited from passing laws requiring citizens to submit to vaccination or immunization (which are quarantine matters).
- The States have no power to make laws with respect to quarantine, including matters dealing with vaccinations and immunizations (as Latham CJ held that these things are ‘quarantine’ matters).
- The States are unable to do something that the Commonwealth is prohibited from doing under the exercise of the quarantine power.
- Therefore the States cannot pass any law that requires citizens to submit to vaccination or immunization.
- Part 3B of the Public Health (COVID-19 Air Transportation Quarantine) Order (No 2) (NSW) 2021 is invalid.
Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901
The following sections of the Constitution also make it clear that the Federal and State governments do not have any power to force We, the People of the Commonwealth to comply with their public health orders, restrictions on travel, and all the other attempts to strip us of our Rights the political party corporate governments are attempting to impose.
92 Trade within the Commonwealth to be free
On the imposition of uniform duties of customs, trade, commerce, and intercourse among the States, whether by means of internal carriage or ocean navigation, shall be absolutely free.
Political Parties shutting State borders have circumvented the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 consisting of its Preamble, Clauses 1 to 9 and the Schedule = Treason
69 Transfer of certain departments
On a date or dates to be proclaimed by the Governor-General after the establishment of the Commonwealth the following departments of the public service in each State shall become transferred to the Commonwealth:
posts, telegraphs, and telephones;
naval and military defence;
lighthouses, lightships, beacons, and buoys; quarantine
The State Parliaments, by quarantining the people of the States have circumvented the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 consisting of its Preamble, Clauses 1 to 9 and the Schedule = Treason
116 Commonwealth not to legislate in respect of religion
The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion, or for imposing any religious observance, or for prohibiting the free exercise of any religion, and no religious test shall be required as a qualification for any office or public trust under the Commonwealth.
By not consolidating “humbly relying on the blessing of Almighty God” and removing the Church of England. Removing Common Law of England. Created Council of Australian Governments (COAG) with their Australian Courts, Federal and State Police all under Lucifer. This has removed everybody’s rights.
“The Christian religion is, in most English speaking countries, recognized as a part of the common law. “There is abundant authority for saying that Christianity is a part and parcel of the law of the land.””
Circumventing the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 consisting of its Preamble, Clauses 1 to 9 and the Schedule = Treason.
117 Rights of residents in States
A subject of the Queen, resident in any State, shall not be subject in any other State to any disability or discrimination which would not be equally applicable to him if he were a subject of the Queen resident in such other State.
State Lock down has created discrimination between States, people and invented borders. Under the Political Parties “The Constitution together with the Australia Act 1986” the above Queen, (Queen of Australia) was created in 1973 by and for the Political Parties private company’s status, Commonwealth of Australia as a sovereign, independent and federal nation, circumventing the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 consisting of its Preamble, Clauses 1 to 9 and the Schedule = Treason.
You do not have to consent!
Download and print out the PDF and carry it around with you at all times. If you are stopped by the police or the covid cops show them this document and explain to them politely that they are also men / women of the Commonwealth of Australia with one vote each. They do not have any authority to break the law.
Forcing people to wear a mask, or undertake any test (including for covid or RBT) is a crime under the Crimes Act 1914, as codified in our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 S. 51 (xxiiiA)
Inform them that if they continue to demand that you submit to their unlawful orders you will citizens arrest them and summon them to appear before a Common Law Court.
If they continue to demand that you submit to their demands, utter the words:
I hereby arrest you under my common law power to citizens arrest anyone I observe committing a crime. By insisting that I submit to your demands you are committing an indictable crime against me. You are hereby required to supply your name, badge number and police station you are working from.
Make sure you get as much information from them and inform them that they will be required to appear before a Common Law Court when they receive the summons, and that if convicted by a jury of 12 of their peers they will be held personally responsible for any harm they have caused.
Then upload your complaint here and we will advise you on how to take these criminals, liars, thieves and traitors to a real court before 12 of their peers sitting on a properly constitution jury.
Upload your Statement of Claim
Click here to download the PDF, print it out and carry it with you everywhere. If you are challenged by the police be polite, ask them if they ar aware that they are the ones committing a crime, and hand them this document….

Download an extract of the 1946 referendum
Scomo needs to wake up!

Meanwhile, Scomo thinks he can break our supreme law and force all Australians to be vaccinated. Even though he quickly backed down after announcing he would make a potential Covid-19 vaccine “mandatory”, he claimed it would, instead, be “encouraged”.
This is political speak for, we won’t make it mandatory to be vaccinated, but if you refuse our offer you will be denied access to government services, access to restaurants, shops, public transport, and anything else they can think of to try and force us to be injected with their poisonous trash.
We, the People of the Commonwealth of Australia REFUSE to bow down to these treasonous scum.

74 thoughts on “1946 Referendum Denied Government power to medically test”
Hi Mike, spelling error at the top of the page mate
Thanks so much for the good work you are doing, along with Derek!
Thank you!!
Pdf link isn’t working.
It is working now. May have had a temporary glitch.
So can shops tefuse us entry?
Awesome guys, United we stand!!
They all need to be hung with barbed wire!!
Brilliant!! Thank you for pointing this out!
Love your efforts and we would like to promote you on our Facebook page.
Our page has 100k open minded followers who can help spread the truth. Lets talk.
0423 060 156
No need to ask permission. Happy to have anyone help spread the word.
Great info thanks guys! Shared to Facebook.
“but if you refuse our offer you will be denied access to government services, access to restaurants, shops, public transport, and anything else they can think of to try and force us.”
— Civil Conscription means government or others cannot deny us anything to force us to comply. —
That may be so, but they don’t see it that way. They are idiots!
I think the idiots are those Australians submitting to obvious overreach and irrational demands. The majority within health systems, and most branches of government or at least many, who go along to get along. They too are idiots. These are the useful idiots enabling what would otherwise face extreme resistance. There are too few who are standing against it to overcome the inertia when so many not only remain neutral but by submitting make the crime the norm.
The perpetrators within government and police and the higher ranks of health systems who are involved in or know of the corruption which surrounds them are not fools. They have played the bovine public like the fools they have become.
Not forgetting the legal system, which is kaput. As a member of the AdvocateMe class action law suit,m I have seen the death of legality. The government doesn’t follow their own laws, then there is no law. Also no legitimate government.
Our government in Australia hasn’t been legal since Billy Huges ILLEGALLY signed the Treaty of Versailles on 28 June 1919. As the prime minister of the colony of the Commonwealth of Australia he was not authorised to sign anything regarding the British Commonwealth of nations. Only the British Prime Minister the Hon. David Lloyd George, the 1st Earl Lloyd-George of Dwyfor was the only person authorised by the British Parliament to sign the treaty on behalf of all the British Commonwealth nations collectively. Australia has never been lawfully or legally granted independence by the British Parliament nor the ruling monarch. This matter is STILL pending the approval of the British parliament to the present day.
Further, political parties using Treason took control of the Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief in 1903. From this date forward Referendum Writs have NO Crown and Constitutional Authority. Political Parties created their own Private Australian Dollar in 1966 Counterfeit to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901. The Australia act was likewise the act of political parties creating their own legislation in 1986 again, Counterfeit to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901, and thus have NO Crown and/or Constitutional Authority.
The Australia Act is an unlawful and constitutionally illegal act of the Australian parliament, which was previously refused by referendum on the matter of a third tier of government in Australia. There is NO lawful or legal Royal Assent to this act as the Australian Governor-General has NO Crown Authority.
True. And this is why the Common Law Assemblies are needed. United, we can help educate those who have swallowed the government lies and bullshit.
Can’t download the pdf, it won’t let me.
Please describe the problem clearly, as telling me it won’t download doesn’t help me understand what is causing the problem. I have tested the link many times and it works for me.
Great Work, BRAVO ????????????????????????????????I just wish we had something like this over here in France ,where people are like SHEEP ! Oh by the way your pdf link is not working.
Google wont allow me to download the pdf. Can someone email it to me instead? Thanks
I cant download either please fix please or email me thank you in advance
These Corporate Governments have USURPED all Governments Worldwide and the people are none the wiser. They have been Registered in WASHINGTON with the SEC. Corporations supplying Government Services for PROFIT. The only way people are able to tell that they are not De Jure Government is that Corporations names are written in ALL CAPITAL letters. You might like to know why they always address you in the all Capital Letter name as MR.WILLIAM JAMES BOGART. your mother named you William James of the family Bogart. When you received your birth Certificate it was not noticed by anyone, that you had been Registered as a Corporation { Your Strawman Name } and a bond was formed based on roughly what you would earn in your life, the Number on the Certificate is that bond number to this Treasury Direct Account originally called a Cestui Que Vie. Corporations operate in COMMERCE, a Corporation is known as DEAD ENTITY or FICTION, a fiction can only Contract with another fiction not a live flesh and blood Human Being. This is how they got to contract with you, by you thinking that this ALL CAPITAL Letter name is you, IT IS NOT YOU, It is this STRAWMAN NAME that they deal with in every situation and by you answering to this name you accept responsibility for everything they accuse this Corporation of doing, an example is your Drivers license is in the Capital letter name, a Cop asks you for YOUR license so you show him the STRAWMAN NAME, this is a Contract you have agreed you are operating in COMMERCE and to the CORPORATIONS road rules. They have no AUTHORITY over a Human Being unless you CONSENT. The same goes for any medical TEST.
thank you thank you thank you !!!!
Thank you for your continued efforts towards
the great awakening albeit some are still sheeples.
When the vaccine is available and they try to coerce me to take it by denying social services or access to school for my children or access to shops etc, is there anything in the constitution that I can quote to them to ensure me & my family are not denied all I have mentioned?
Read Maxx’s comment on August 22 above…
Hahaha you guys make me laugh, has reading out anything from the 1901 constitution or quoting common law to the black op police with the guns helped anyone in Victoria and their rights? It’s about what you will accept and won’t accept. Don’t be an order follower and encourage others to educate themselves about the common law principle and start reading history today to uncover what’s next and what not to do!
1946 referendum is not working. Cannot download.
Try now
It’s not working for me either as of 3/01/2021. It only shows a couple of paragraphs which are the same as the excerpt shown in the article. Maybe the author of the article could post it in full so we can copy it ? I’d like to have the information and don’t want to go off half-cocked if stopped by police. Seems several people have been unable to download it, judging from comments, so I think to provide it in full would be the best option. Regards
I have tried to download it and it works perfectly. Please describe in detail the steps you followed, from opening the page, to the actual problem. I cannot fix something if I can’t follow each step that causes the problem.
Dear Sir
I do have a number of questions for my self education. I would appreciate if you could entertain me with clarification.
When Whitlam committed his treason and Undermined the Constitution and The Queen, why did The Queen not protect Her Dominion of Australia and order the soldiers of Australia at the time to take back the country by force and kill or contain the politicians committing treason against Her ?
Further, under The Birth Certificate Scheme, I understand that my parents basically sold me as a servant to the Queen. This obligation may have been transferred to the present Corporation of Australia with the agreement of The Queen on the basis that She be paid rent for the use of Australia and its resources which includes ME. Am I correct in my thinking ?
I understand that The Queen is paid rent for various interests in and around Australia, being in the order of 350 million dollars. Is that correct ?
If I declare the present Corporation Government to be illegal and unlawful without appropriate determinations under The Constitution for my own protection, do I in fact, lose my birthright, and in fact, find myself in trespass, such that even travel on local roads would be disallowed by the Corporate Owners as being in trespass ?
Its seems to me that The Queen may in fact have sold us out. Is that correct ?
Looking forward to your explanation and clarification of my questions.
Kindest Regards
Hi SMH, I’ll try to answer your questions, but I do urge you to do more research yourself, as that is the best way to learn.
A good place to start is the videos here: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheBloodyAussieBattlerPodcast. Many of your questions will be answered in the videos, so I’ll only answer the ones that are not.
Some of your questions are answered in the video “How the political parties have deliberately destroyed our nation”: The Queen has no power to tell anyone what to do. She only gives Crown authority to laws through her representative, the GG.
No, your idea about the Queen owning you is not correct. You need to be looking at the Vatican instead. Nor do we know how much rent the Queen gathers. Perhaps this is something you could research?
You are born with inalienable rights and freedoms. Look up the English Bill of Rights 1689. But as you have unknowingly signed them over to the corporate government, they can and will take your rights if you continue to allow them to. It’s up to you to take action to stand up against the liars, thieves, criminals and TRAITORS. For more information about how to protect your rights, go here:
The link to:
because the browser could not open the page. Tried this on two browsers with the same result
That’s the old link in a comment. Go here:
Tricky signing away of birth rights. This is incorrect. A contract is unlawful, and null and void, if it is signed without full knowledge and consent of all clauses and their intent and material or legal implications. As in real estate conveyancing, no changes can be made either unless these are endorsed by the initials of all parties. Further more, each page of the contract must display evidence that each party is aware of each page’s contents.
First, you establish your standing by reverting back under the Comm of Australia constitution 1901, by claiming your birthright and ensured common law rights. See Commonwealth of Australia fb , sue maynes , for detail.
Interesting point, seems, if Q was renting us out, we’d still have our common law, more like were under UN UNIDROIT. Treaty of Rome, Roman civil law.
So sick of having my life run by criminals in suits the majority of people just want to be left alone to live their lives
Does this include the UK?
No, sorry.
I totally agree. The only way I can see that having any chance of happening is by voting in the Australia One party lead by Riccardo Bosi. Death by hanging for high treason is in Australia One’s policies.
ALL political parties are unconstitutional. Read Section 7 and 24 of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901, and stop urging people to break the law!!!
We need to band stand strong .Australia need to have these traitors arrested now removed from their cage charged with treason. But how do we get it to happen without violence Scumo will have his body guards
PDF link isn’t working
It is now….
Does this mean that every single Act of Law since 1973 is null and void…?
Yes. Read these articles and watch the videos:
Bad news, the a-holes have side stepped the Constitution via local and foreign military BS signed off on December 2020. Learn more. Mayor M3 video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaC0SMRE4lQ
Just recently found this site and I am still perusing it but so far, I can only recomend it. How did the Australian Public get soo bloody hoodwinked by our “Prime Ministers”?
Let’s keep it going and get our real Australian Constitution back.
because a) the people are stupid; b) the govt has deliberately dumbed down the people – cant have educated people running around; c) the people are stupid and only worry about the 6 pack on friday night
how am i meant to exactly show this to my employer (forced covid vax for aged care workers) without them laughing in my face and telling me to fuck off?
That’s up to you. Stand strong, and stand in law. Refuse to comply. They are wrong. Get that into your head when you confront them and don’t ever back down.
Yes I’m the same, I will lose my job next month if I haven’t had the death dart, omg I’m really worried, I just do not know how to go ahead.
Don’t worry Monique. You are not alone and solutions are available for you. Join a common law assembly in your area. If there isn’t one already near you, get together with a few friends and start one. Go to this page to start reading about common law assemblies, and then download the TO DO list available under the Activate menu to guide you.
When you have set a date, time and place, email to admin@commonlaw.earth and we will support you as much as we can.
If they can change the Consitution that easily, why don’t they bring it into the 2st Century, scrap all the ancient rubbish, and bring in the new, technologies etc.
But not before you alter the Murrumbigee water fiasco, take it away from foreign ownership, and make the rules Australian…????
As it is it is unconstitutional….!!!
We have already started the process Malcolm, but it is not as easy as you might hope. First, we have to re-establish the rule of our true Constitutional and Common Law. That 1946 referendum was held before the political parties completely hijacked our Commonwealth of Australia government to create their own corporate AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT.
We have already started the process of wresting back control over our Parliament by convening Common Law Assemblies: https://commonlaw.earth/assemblies/.
As our numbers grow, we will start convening a series of national constitutional congresses. Each Regional assembly will elect one representative to sit in the congresses to discuss how to elect a true Parliament of the People, and then initiate a series of carefully considered Constitutional Referendums to amend the Constitution. We all have a lot of work ahead, but if we all pitch in together we can do it. It’s up to each one of us to join an Assembly, or start one, so that we can bring about the change to create a government of the people, by the people, for the people.
For more insight into what we propose for the future, read this website:
Thanks mate. You’re a real asset to our nation, a true blue Aussie who obviously loves this land we call Australia and hate to see it destroyed by elected overpaid criminals who should be behind bars for their crimes against our great people. Together we are one and must stand together hand in hand and support each other to the very end.
Hi I am very interested to know where was these reported to (has it gone to the Governor General?
Search this website for a list of referendums.
BIO SECURITY ACT PROPOSED CHANGES…https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Bills_Legislation/Bills_Search_Results/Result?bId=r6776……A COPY AND PASTE COMMENT ….from Richardson post I want to draw to your attention a bill to reword the bio security act 2015. This was just introduced on the 1/9/21. The current 2015 bill allows for a bio security order be placed on an individual who is infected. This new bill proposes a mechanism to make a human biosecurity group direction for a class of individuals, where the individual or individuals have, or have been exposed to, a listed human disease. ”
For example, the rewording in one section is:
Omit “The main method of managing risks to human health is by imposing a human biosecurity control order on an individual who may have a listed human disease.”, substitute “Methods of managing risks to human health include imposing a human biosecurity control order on an individual, and making a human biosecurity group direction for a class of individuals, who have, or have been exposed to, a listed human disease.”.
As the bill currently stands, there is no real allowance for a group order to be imposed on a certain class of people, such as unvaccinated people; perhaps to quarantine them or impose some other restrictions on them. This new bill is clearly gunning for the provision of powers that are alarming in their scope and it is imperative that we do all we can to oppose this bill.
Well done ,
Why can’t the public overthrow this corrupt government
It’s up to each one of us to arrest anyone we see breaking the law and put them on trial before a common law court. To do that, we need to join a common law assembly first. Are you a member of one yet? If not, check this page to see if there is one near you:
and if there isn’t one, would you like to start one? This TO DO list will guide you:
So can shops tefuse us entry?
Our constitution is the correct way to adhere to all law until such time it is changed by a referendum.
Unfortunately, not all of it is useful today, and that is why we are planning to initiate a series of referendums to amend it. Have you read the 5-Point Plan yet?
“medical and dental services (but not so as to authorize any form of civil conscription)”
NOT what you seem to think it means. The Liberal and Country parties agreed to support the amendments as long as doctors and dentists could not be “conscripted” to government run hospitals and clinics in the same way as they perceived that the new ‘National Health Service’ in the U.K. could. It is why Medicare is structured as it is and is a different model from the NHS.
Finally, note that while the 1946 amendments gave the Federal Parliament new legislative powers, there was nothing to say that the had to use them which is why Medicare didn’t happen until decades later under Labor governments..
We don’t care what the political parties think, say or do. They have no authority, no jurisdication and no justification for the crimes they have perpetrated against the people of the Commonwealth of Australia. While you continue to give them any credence you are helping continue the FRAUD and TREASON. Fraud vitiates everything, and therefore all legislation perpetrated by the political parties is NULL AND VOID. When are you going to realise that the so-called AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT is a criminal conspiracy masquerading as a government by registration of a private corporation in the USA. If you don’t understand this, please do some more research on this website.
Pdf not working get 404 page error
Try again. It’s working.
I knew it that’s why I refused to have the jab knew it was corruption once again spot on and thankyou.
For the benefit of those who haven’t been informed yet:
Political Parties are Constitutionally Unlawful and Illegal in Australia.
Constitution of the Senate.
The Senate shall be composed of senators for each State, directly chosen by the people of the State, voting, until the Parliament otherwise provides, as one electorate.
But until the Parliament of the Commonwealth otherwise provides, the Parliament of the State of Queensland, if that State be an Original State, may make laws dividing the State into divisions and determining the number of senators to be chosen for each division, and in the absence of such provision the State shall be one electorate.
Until the Parliament otherwise provides there shall be six senators for each Original State. The Parliament may make laws increasing or diminishing the number of senators for each State, but so that equal representation of the several Original States shall be maintained and that no Original State shall have less than six senators.
The senators shall be chosen for a term of six years, and the names of the senators chosen for each State shall be certified by the Governor to the Governor-General.
Constitution of the House of Representatives.
The House of Representatives shall be composed of members directly chosen by the people of the Commonwealth, and the number of such members shall be, as nearly as practicable, twice the number of the senators.
The number of members chosen in the several States shall be in proportion to the respective numbers of their people, and shall, until the Parliament otherwise provides, be determined, whenever necessary, in the following manner:–
(i.) A quota shall be ascertained by dividing the number of the people of the Commonwealth, as shown by the latest statistics of the Commonwealth, by twice the number of the senators:
(ii.) The number of members to be chosen in each State shall be determined by dividing the number of the people of the State, as shown by the latest statistics of the Commonwealth, by the quota; and if on such division there is a remainder greater than one-half of the quota, one more member shall be chosen in the State.
But notwithstanding anything in this section, five members at least shall be chosen in each Original State.
Sections 7 and 24 in our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution yet? These sections specifically state that ONLY we, the People of the Commonwealth of Australia, may choose our representatives and Senators….not political parties.
Nor does our Constitution say anywhere that political parties may govern. If it’s not in the Constitution it does not exist under law.
The ONLY authority granted any power is the Governor General representing the Crown, and he has the final say on all laws passed by Parliament.
But today, we do not have a GG. Nor do we have a lawful government. We are, instead, ruled over by a criminal organisation. Australia has reverted back to our original status as a Penal Colony…and WE are the prisoners.
HM Queen Elizabeth II has stated that only We, the People of the Commonwealth of Australia have the power and a duty to resolve our Constitutional Crisis caused by Whitlam who took the Crown out of the Constitution, and Bob Hawke who forced the Australia Act on us without a referendum or the Queen’s signature.
ALL the political parties, including PHON, GAP and the rest are complicit in HIGH TREASON. Even the Queen has said that it is up to We, the People of the Commonwealth of Australia to resolve our Constitutional crisis…not the politicians…not the parties, but you and me and all other Aussies who can see the TREASON. It’s our duty to do something to right the wrongs. See Section 61 of the Magna Carta that grants us the power within ourselves to Lawfully Rebel.
As I stated elsewhere in this thread, Billy Huges ILLEGALLY signed the Treaty of Versailles on 28 June 1919. As the prime minister of the British colonial Commonwealth of Australia he was not authorised to sign anything regarding the British Commonwealth of nations or any of its constituent nations. The then British Prime Minister the Hon. David Lloyd George, the 1st Earl Lloyd-George of Dwyfor was the only person authorised by the British Parliament to sign the treaty on behalf of all the British Commonwealth nations collectively. Australia has never been lawfully or legally granted independence by the British Parliament nor the ruling monarch. This matter is STILL pending the approval of the British parliament and the legally reigning monarch of the British Commonwealth to the present day.
Further, political parties using Treason took control of the Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief in 1903. From this date forward Referendum Writs have NO Crown and Constitutional Authority. Political Parties created their own Private Australian Dollar in 1966 counterfeit to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901. The Australia act was likewise the act of political parties creating their own legislation in 1986 again, counterfeit to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901, and thus have NO Crown and/or Constitutional Authority.
The Australia Act is an unlawful and constitutionally illegal act of the political parties of the Australian parliament, which was previously refused by referendum on the matter of a third tier of government in Australia. There is NO lawful or legal Royal Assent to this act as the Australian Governor-General has NO Crown Authority pursuant to the unlawful and illegal acts of the political parties in 1903 as stated above.
It is incumbent on all Australian citizens to make themselves aware of their country’s constitution and stand upon their rights as citizens to have our constitutional laws obeyed by those we put in power. We also need to enforce the abolition of the unlawful and illegal Australian political party system and demand that our lawfully and legally elected representatives perform the tasks that WE THE PEOPLE selected them to do on our behalf. We elected them to serve our interests not their own individual ones nor the interests of their political parties. Time for the powers that be to change their agenda to ours.
Thank you for your attention.