Attempting to Fix the Constitutional Problems

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If you haven’t already read our article about Queen Victoria’s Letters Patent, you should read it first before learning more about the importance of the Letters Patent and how they govern the government.
(We have reproduced it below as well, to make it easy for our readers)

Moves are afoot to restore our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 by taking a case to the Courts. So far, the Federal Court, the Supreme Court and the High Court have refused to accept that they are sitting in TREASON.

So, now we are attempting to restore our Common Law Commonwealth through the Federal Circuit Court. But even there, we are being thwarted by traitorous Registrars who are refusing to file cases before the court. A Registrar has no power to make that decision, and they will be held accountable under the law. If all else fails, We the People have the absolute power to convene our own Common Law courts to put the traitors on trial This is what we are doing….

The Federal Circuit Court has jurisdiction because under the Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977  it has jurisdiction to correct administrative errors, and if it issues process to review an administrative error made by a modern day official who is living a lie, based upon an administrative error made over 120 years ago, is able to be corrected by this Honourable Federal Court. 120 years ago, we were entitled to courts of judicature.

Instead, we were given Courts of Judiciary, and the State Courts that should have been incorporated into ONE JUDICIAL SYSTEM were allowed to continue, but under the same Sovereign. This was not the deal agreed by the people of Australia who voted in a referendum to adopt the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution, which united 6 British colonies into one Commonwealth Federated Nation.

As part of that agreement we were supposed to, by Queen Victoria’s Letters Patent 1900, get one united court system under the Judicature, not a Judiciary.

By authority of the Parliament of the Commonwealth the Federal Circuit Court has power to correct this old error, and at the same time correct the error made by Prothonotary Registrars  in refusing to allow a proper Chaoter III Court to convene to correct an error made by single Judges in absolute unlawful disobedience to a lawful order of the Parliament of the Commonwealth made in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in its Article 9 under S 15F Crimes Act 1914.

No one, not a Judge, not a Registrar, has authority to ignore the work of our Federal Parliament. The Parliament of the Commonwealth has made inconsistent laws, and it is the Federal Circuit Court which has been given power by the Parliament of the Commonwealth to decide such things in S 8 Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977 which should decide which is law, not a Prothonotary.

The State Courts must be available to enforce Commonwealth law when asked to do so.

No Prothonotary Registrar has any right to refuse, and act as a Judge of First Resort and decide not to exercise the Judicial Power of the Commonwealth simply because the Rules of Court he works under are deficient. This was made clear in 1996 when the “Kable Principle” was established by four Judges in the High Court.  Like Queen Victoria’s Letters Patent 1900 this decision has largely been ignored. In the Kable Principle, it was stated that State Courts must comply with ChIII Constitution, and not act otherwise.

The Federal Court has an enormous power as a Court of equity to correct a 120 year old administrative error, and that power granted to the court is under the  Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977.

Administrative Decisions are NOT judicial decisions. An Administrative Decisions is one given arbitrarily, and the word ‘arbitrary” appears in Article 9 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights as a full bodied civil and political right each and every one of us is entitled to enjoy and enforce. It is settled law that a Judicial Registrar can be reviewed by a Judge under the Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977. There must be at least two Judges sitting in the Federal Circuit Court to comply with the minimum number that will satisfy S 79 Constitution,

The Federal Circuit Court does not comply with S 79 Constitution, even if the Act says one can sit, because the Parliament of the Commonwealth has no power to legislate to repeal a Constitutional law. ONLY We, the People of the Commonwealth of Australia have that power, vested in us by Constitution S 128 to vote on any change to the Constitution in a referendum.

It is not yet settled law that a Judge who cannot be a “judge” of S 79 Constitution has no immunity or privilege and is bound by the law just like everyone else.

There is a dedicated team working hard to submit for a Judicial Review of the National Judicial Registrars as they continue to break the law.

There were two such reviews last year, 2022, but the two Federal Court of Australia Judges, while they could have delivered a course of justice in respect of the Judicial power of the Commonwealth under The Judicature with juries whose pay is appropriated to them by S 40 and 41 Federal Court of Australia Act 1976. Instead, they sat as a Court with a single Judge as defined in S 2 Judiciary Act 1903, and now the National Anti- Corruption Commission  Act 2022 is activated they could be indicted for treason, or at least under S 268:12 Criminal Code  Act 1995 for sitting “arbitrarily”, in the exercise of the Judicial Power of the Commonwealth  and fined the prescribed fine of $280,500 as provided in S 4B Crimes Act 1914.

We reproduce the article about Queen Victoria’s Letters Patent 1900 again here:

Queen Victoria’s Letters Patent 1900 

In 1900 Australia as it was to become was a gaggle of fiefdoms, and had just had a referendum to Federate and become One Nation under Almighty God. That this was the intention is evidenced by the words, “Humbly relying on the Blessing of Almighty God” in the preamble to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900.

It was, before it Federated, a gathering of six British colonies, and one other across the Tasman Sea, New Zealand which declined to become part of it.

Each colony had its own Governor, and each had its own Parliament.

In 2023 at Westminster Abbey the heir and successor to Queen Victoria took the Statute 1 Will and Mary (Coronation Oath) 1688 (C 6) and became the Sovereign of S 16 Acts Interpretation Act 1900. At that ceremony was the Prime Minister Albanese of Australia and he swore allegiance to His Majesty King Charles III. 

The seeds of treason, in which the majesty of Almighty God vested in the Sovereign, was to be replaced were already present in the fledgling Nation. The Religions in the New Nation, were not united under the Sovereign at all. A large bulk of the population was drawn from Roman Catholic Church backgrounds, and post WWII immigration bolstered that percentage and the Roman Catholic Church flourished, but retained its allegiance to the Roman Catholic Church governed from Rome in Italy.

The United Kingdom with the British Empire in 1900 was the most powerful nation on earth. It had just won the Boer War, very brutally, and sixty thousand troops from the colonies of Australia and New Zealand were about to return to their home colonies. Anticipating this eventuality and being very aware that after the American War of Independence when seventy thousand French troops returned to France a revolution swiftly followed, destroying the French Monarchy only 13 years after the return of those troops in 1789. The United Kingdom Government encouraged a Referendum to give the Commonwealth to be, an opportunity to unite in a Sovereign Nation we call Australia.

Even in 1900, the passage from the United Kingdom to Australia by ship was four weeks by fast steamer. After Queen Victoria gave the Governor General her Letters Patent it was four weeks each way to report. She died soon after.

The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 consists of three main Statutes. It, the Acts Interpretation Act 1900 and Judiciary Act 1903. the Judiciary Act 1903 contains the first departure from the Queen Victoria’s Letters Patent 1900. The then Governor General assented to a provision in S 16 Judiciary Act 1903 vesting jurisdiction in Chambers in a single Justice of the High Court  It has been corrupt ever since. S 71 Constitution says the “There shall be a Federal Supreme Court to be called the High Court. The High Court shall consist of a Chief Justice and so many other Justices, not less than two, as the Parliament prescribes. In 1900 horses and carts and buggies were the main transport and rail travel was difficult with steam engines. No one noticed or cared. The sabotage of Queen Victoria’s Letters Patent 1900 had started.

Our Constitution is a contract between each and every one of us and Our Government and has to be set in stone, and every clause of it strictly enforced and binding. It is said to be binding on the “courts judges and people” of every State notwithstanding anything in the laws of any State. (Clause 5 Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900). It is, essentially, a workplace contract that sets the rules for the Parliament and its government to serve the people of the Commonwealth.

It agrees that His Majesty King Charles III is our Chief Executive Officer in S 61 of the Constitution. It declares that His Majesty King Charles III is entitled to delegate His authority to the Governor General. The conditions of that delegation, are set out in the Queen Victoria’s Letters Patent 1900. It forms an integral part of the Chain of Title of the Sovereign, to make contracts with us and us with the Sovereign. It cannot be unilaterally repudiated by even the Parliament of the Commonwealth. Every landowner, home owner, and even renter owes the security of their place of residence or farm, to that overarching and sacred contract. I say sacred because for His Majesty King Charles III to be King, he must swear allegiance to Almighty God Our Lord and creator, and his Oath of Allegiance to Almighty God is contained in the Statute 1 Will and Mary (Coronation Oath) 1688 (C 6).

The Prayer said in every Parliament every day they sit is the Lord’s Prayer. In the prayer it is declared as law that “Thine is the Kingdom, the power and the glory, forever and ever”. Amen.

Under the guidance of Almighty God, the Parliament of the Commonwealth under authority of S 5 Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900, has added to that Constitution, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. It is a law made by the Parliament of the Commonwealth under the Constitution, derived from a treaty and no one can deny that fact.

In the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights is Article 9 that the Federal Parliament has signed into law, the word ‘Arbitrary’ is used as a prohibition on the exercise of any power whatsoever. This upsets atheists, and may I say adherents to the Roman Catholic Church, who have been taught all their lives that the Pope is the only representative of Almighty God and all rights come from the Pope.

The Pope rules under the Golden Rule: He who has the gold rules

Back to Queen Victoria’s Letters Patent 1900, a copy of which is held in the National Archives. In it are some very pertinent paragraphs. It is in a very special embossed casket, as befits its importance.

I reproduce verbatim the salient points missing from our Home-Grown Forgeries presently being given weight. It should be moved to Parliament House in Canberra and displayed next to Our Copy of the Magna Carta These are the four and a half paragraphs that really matter:

I. That the person who shall fill the said office of Governor General shall be from time to time appointed by Commission under Our Sign Manual and Signet. And we do hereby authorize and command Our said Governor General to do and execute, in due manner, all things that shall belong to his said command, and to the trust We have reposed in him, according to the several powers and authorities granted or appointed him by virtue of “The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act, 1900,” and of these present Letters Patent and of such Commission as may be issued to him under Our Sign Manual and Signet, and according to such Instructions as may from time to time be given to him under Our Sign Manual and Signet, or by Our Order in Our Privy Council, or by Us through one of Our Principal Secretaries of State, and to such laws as shall hereafter be in force in Our said Commonwealth.


II. There shall be a Great Seal of and for Our said Commonwealth which Our said Governor General shall keep and use for sealing all things whatsoever that shall pass the said Great Seal. Provided that until a Great Seal shall be provided the Private Seal of Our said Governor General may be used as the Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Australia.

III. The Governor General may constitute and appoint, in Our name and on Our behalf, all such Judges, Commissioners, Justices of the Peace, and other necessary officers and Ministers of Our said Commonwealth, as may be lawfully constituted or appointed by Us.

IV. The Governor General, so far as We Ourselves lawfully may, upon sufficient cause to him appearing, may remove from his office, or suspend from the exercise of the same, any person exercising any office of Our said Commonwealth, under or by virtue of any —- Commission or Warrant granted, or which may be granted, by Us in Our name or under Our authority.

Paragraph III. The words Our Name mean that every of the enumerated people, Judges, Commissioners, Justices of the Peace and other necessary officers and Ministers of our said Commonwealth as may lawfully constituted or appointed by Us. Upon the promulgation of this Queen Victoria’s Letters Patent 1900 the Sovereign Herself acknowledges that She can no longer appoint State Governors independently of the Commonwealth. 

Further: VI. And whereas by “The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900,” it is amongst other things enacted, that we may authorise the Governor General to appoint any person or persons, jointly or severally, to be his Deputy or Deputies within any part of Our Commonwealth, and in that capacity to exercise, during the pleasure of the Governor General such powers, and functions of the said Governor General as he thinks fit to assign to such Deputy or Deputies,

This clarifies that the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 abolished the Office of State Governor, and the Governor General was instructed to appoint deputies to those positions. In other words, the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 has made every State Government acting under its own Governor illegitimate, and all Judges and Magistrates and Justices of the Peace appointed by them, as having no valid commission, or Judicial Power of the Commonwealth. This did not suit the colonial establishments at all. So, they probably got the Governor General very drunk or compromised him in some way, and persuaded him that he did not have to obey Queen Victoria’s Letters Patent 1900. The woes we suffer flow from this dereliction of duty.

What is a King without subjects? Could we say a very expensive ornament of no practical value?

In 1948 the Nationality and Citizenship Act 1948 stripped us of our Status as Subjects of the King, entitled to the quiet and sure protection of the Rule of Law, and made us citizens of a de-facto republic. It in effect repealed a Statute dating from 1400, The Free Access to Court Act; still in force in the Australian Capital Territory. It was in force in 1911 in New South Wales when the ACT was formed, and as such is almost certainly good law.

Here is its Text:


Every person shall be in peace
All his liege people and subjects may freely and peaceably, in his sure and quiet protection, go and come to his courts, to pursue the laws, or defend the same, without disturbance or impediment of any.


Full justice shall be done

Full justice and right be done, as well to the poor as to the rich, in his courts aforesaid.

A referendum in 1946 prohibited civil conscription, in S 51 Placitum (xxiiiA) Constitution. Where were the High Court?

In 1952 after losing the Communist Party Case the then Prime Minister Bob Menzies, a barrister at law, persuaded the High Court to make a Rule of Court to restrict access to its authority. The High Court Rules 1952 in Order 58 Rule 4 subrule 3 restricted access to it, on the arbitrary decision of a Registrar and One Justice, an overt Act of disobedience to S 71 Constitution.

Effectively by a Rule of Court the Federal Supreme Court abolished itself. That opened the door to thieves and robber barons to run riot in Australia; and they have. The greatest thieves and robbers are the State Governments, closely followed by the Banks and money lenders. 

This was never supposed to happen. We are supposed to have a Judicature, not a Judiciary. A Judiciary is a Roman Catholic Church invention that led to the Habeas Corpus Act 1640 when Star Chambers were abolished forever in the Laws of England and in 1649 the Roman Catholic Church King was executed abnd a Republic established. It lasted eleven years only. : A Judiciary allows arbitrary judgments. A Judicature and our Constitution does not.  

A Judicature does not, because S 79 Constitution makes it quite clear that the Judicial Power of the Commonwealth must be exercised in a court with judges — plural. A Judge does not fit the bill. These people are, and have been oppressing the general population arbitrarily since 1903.

The Labor Government in 1983 sabotaged the remedy for this wrong, which was a Private Prosecution by “any person” as authorised by S 13 Crimes Act 1914 anyone who sat arbitrarily, in breach of S 79 Constitution. That includes almost every Judge and Magistrate in the Commonwealth. After the High Court case of Sankey V Whitlam [1978] HCA 43 the cunning lawyers in the Parliament of the Commonwealth and elsewhere realised that their gravy train, could easily come off the rails and cause them great grief if people learned that the quickest and simplest Appeal, as defined in S 2 Judiciary Act 1903, was a Private Prosecution by “any person” using Information and Summons in a local Magistrates Court. S 2 Judiciary Act 1903 allows Appeals from any Court or Judge, but not a court with judges. These cunning individuals lobbied for a Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions and had S 9.5 inserted into the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions Act 1983, which without compensation or trial by jury, allows the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions to take over and kill any private prosecution, arbitrarily. This is Government theft, and is a cheating of the Revenue as well. The Constitution prohibits Government theft.  S 51 Placitum (xxxi) Constitution guarantees “just terms”.  Property includes an enormous number of things. In the Bankruptcy Act 1966 “property” is defined in S 5 and is defined as; real or personal property of every description, whether situated in Australia or elsewhere, and includes any estate, interest or profit, whether present or future, vested or contingent arising out of or incident to any such real or personal property.

A chose in action is a species of personal property. A chose in action according to the Australian Financial Services Authority may be assigned by written instrument signed by the assignor, that is absolute in terms and by Notice in writing being given to the debtor. The Courts have confirmed the right of a trustee to sell a chose in action, including to a discharged bankrupt. The Australian Financial Services Authority neglect to advise that by S 86 Bankruptcy Act 1966 where there have been “mutual dealings” between a bankrupt and a Petitioning creditor, the chose in action is clarified by Gye v McIntyre [1991] H C A 60. If two people have been involved in a court case and one has lost to the other on an arbitrary judgment of a Judge in Court then the Petitioning creditor who may be trying to recover a debt or costs must render an account, or the supervising authority in Australia, called Australian Financial Services Authority, creates a chose in action against itself by not insisting on an account under S 30 (2) Bankruptcy Act 1966. The chose in action created is attempting to pervert the course of justice in respect of the Judicial power of the Commonwealth. It presently carries ten years imprisonment, and or a fine for the offending administrator of $165,000. Practically every Trustee in Bankruptcy since 1991 owes the Estate he administered for his /negligence in that respect. It is a chose in action not pursued at the present time. Bankruptcy is also a severe deprivation of physical liberty and prohibited from being arbitrarily inflicted upon anybody, by Article 9 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and S 268:12 Criminal Code Act 1995 as is was enacted to prohibit such mischief.

However, without Queen Victoria’s Letters Patent 1900 the possibility and probable reality of bribery of a Judge in Court by a very wealthy individual is a reality and fact of life. The Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions is highly likely to confiscate a Chose in Action without compensation, using s 9.5 Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions Act 1983, because the Official Trustee in Bankruptcy and all Private Trustees are said to be Officers of the Court. That is the mischief that Queen Victoria’s Letters Patent 1900 and S 79 Constitution set out to prevent.

Using the Criminal Law to cover up the treason involved in repealing the Queen Victoria’s Letters Patent 1900 and substituting a home grown one for it, is a tactic being used by the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions. No Judge in Court is entitled to sit in his/her own cause. Because they are the Commonwealth, a Judge in Court feels obliged to give them whatever they want to ask for.

Since 1980 the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights has banned arbitrary judgments on any issue at all. It has been confirmed law since 1986 when the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights was incorporated into the Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 as Schedule 2. By Article 9 arbitrary judgments and arbitrary imprisonment have been strictly banned. Any Judge who makes any Judgment whatsoever without first consulting and taking the verdict of a jury of judges is acting administratively, not judicially. S 79 Constitution makes that absolutely clear. As such, the Federal Circuit and Family Law Court Act 2021 is given jurisdiction under its Section 8 to apply the Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977. S 10 (3) Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977 gives the Federal Circuit and Family Law Court power to issue any Writ it sees fit to issue. One of the Writs it could issue is a Writ of Habeas Corpus, and another Prerogative Writ of Coram Nobis. (Writ of error). It also could issue a Writ of Procedendo (a writ requiring a decision when a Judge sort of unnecessarily delays making a decision). It has a General Federal Law division and in that by S 15C Acts Interpretation Act 1900 has the same jurisdiction as the High Court. However, to sit legally and comply with S 79 Constitution and Article 9 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights it must sit with at least two judges at first instance, and at least three on Appeal.

There is another aspect of Queen Victoria’s Letters Patent 1900. Its repeal and destruction killed the ecclesiastical side of the administration of Justice vested in the King. We are entitled to believe in Ghosts even the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit. That is a Christian right and the Parliament of the Commonwealth is strictly prohibited from abolishing it by S 116 Constitution.

The legal fiction that THE LAW, is above Religion is just that; a fiction. When applied with blind trust or recklessly as the state Religion, it is heresy and treason. Treason is defined in S 80.1 Criminal Code Act 1995.

If, in your opinion, which as a potential juror is equal to that of any single Judge and Magistrate you would be happy to concur with your fellow jurors, these are the elements of a decision by yourself and eleven other judges to comply with S 79 Constitution.

Criminal Code Act 1995 S 80.1 Treason:
(1) A person commits an offence if the person:

(a) causes the death of the Sovereign, the heir apparent of the Sovereign, the consort of the Sovereign, the Governor-General or Prime Minister.  (This section does not exactly apply but the King might as well have been killed as restrained as the Sovereign has been.)

(b) Causes harm to the Sovereign, the Governor General or the Prime Minister, resulting in the death of the Sovereign, the Governor General or Prime Minister.

(c) causes harm to the Sovereign, the Governor General or the Prime Minister.  Or Imprisons or restrains the Sovereign, the Governor General or the Prime Minister.

Penalty: Imprisonment for life.

To remove and make impotent the powers of the Governor General contained in the Queen Victoria’s Letters Patent 1900 is the same as turning such person into a eunuch.  That is probably the ultimate harm to the Sovereign.

Once you inform your Local Member or Senator of the Parliament of the Commonwealth that you are aware this crime has occurred and he or she does nothing, the Act requires you to inform a Constable of Police. That Constable then has a duty under S 8 Australian Federal Police Act 1979, to act to prosecute that Local Member or Senator, and once prosecuted and found attainted of treason his or her career in the Parliament of the Commonwealth is over under S 44 Constitution. A Local Member or Senator ignores this issue at his peril.

You, as just one person, can bring about change and restore the Rule of Law, presently in tatters, but with eleven others you can absolutely end the Reign of Terror orchestrated by organised Political Parties.

The Australian people deserve you attention to these allegations, and they should be dealt with as a matter of privilege and given the highest priority in the Parliament of the Commonwealth and be subjected to an urgent joint sitting. Print these allegations and the information in this document off and mail it to a Local Member or Senator. They must act or you can complain.

Yours in undying loyalty to the Commonwealth of Australia.

Peter Alexander Gargan

For your information:



The First Royal Great Seal of the Commonwealth was in this design and was replaced by another introduced in 1932. It has a Royal Badge of Arms adorned by the Crown, there is no Crown on the 1973 Great Seal so it is not a Royal Seal, and merely a Corporate Seal of no legal force. We only owe allegiance to the Crown, not the Flag or the Republic or any State or Federal Government or a seal the same as a beer bottle has. The two subsequent Great Seals are forged and uttered by an entity that is in law by S 64 Judiciary Act 1903 a subject of the Queen of the Constitution and are utterly illegal, as made. Those forged unauthorised Great Seals have oppressed the people of Australia since their utterance. By that Original Great Seal every State was under the Commonwealth Crown all six of them and the Commonwealth. They have had no power to unilaterally declare independence from the Commonwealth Crown except under Forged Seals used illegally.

The Crown as the Fount of Justice

No less an authority than Blackstone, probably revered more in the United States than in the United Kingdom or Australia, explains that “justice is not derived from the king, as from his free gift; but he is the steward of the public…He is not the spring, but the reservoir…” 

In England, from time immemorial, this authority has been exercised by the king or his substitutes. The Crown has acted as the fountain of justice in Australia from the time of the first settlement in 1788. Since the Glorious Revolution the judges are no longer appointed ‘at pleasure’, rather they enjoy tenure during good behaviour as determined by the parliament. This, and the fact they are appointed by the Crown, assures their independence. This independence preceded the grant of responsible government to the Australian colonies in the nineteenth century. Appointment of the judges is by the Crown – they are “Her Majesty’s Judges”, they are not the judges of the government in power at the time of their appointment. By their allegiance to their sovereign – even if they inappropriately and unwisely declare themselves to be republican, they cannot unilaterally dispense with their allegiance – their loyalty is clearly and publicly to the Crown as steward or trustee for the people.

I also cite A V Dicey who said this:

 “… every official, from the Prime Minister down to a constable or a collector of taxes, is under the same responsibility for every act done without legal justification as any other citizen. The Reports abound with cases in which officials have been brought before the courts, and made, in their personal capacity, liable to punishment, or to the payment of damages, for acts done in their official character but in excess of their lawful authority. [Appointed government officials and politicians, alike] … and all subordinates, though carrying out the commands of their official superiors, are as responsible for any act which the law does not authorise as is any private and unofficial person.” (Law of the Constitution.)

We all want freedom. There is no freedom but under the Crown. When in 1973 the Queen allowed the Great Seal to be forged without a Crown on it, and all the States under the One Crown, we lost our freedom and the justice system became a closed shop run by lawyers and you are just pawns in the game.

We have no one but the Crown to turn to for justice. Now the Attorney General has admitted the Great Seal has been false since 1973, and was tampered with in 1933, the Crown has been abolished by every State including the Commonwealth State, and we have no freedom. The vaccines are killing us off gently, 500 already and climbing. Without the Crown to protect us we are at the mercy of doctors who don’t care about human life at all.

No Crown no justice, Just the legal profession preaching the LAW as the State Religion.  No Freedom, no justice, no hope in the Commonwealth. We are run by a bunch of no hopers. Prime Minister Morrison is a No Hoper, The Premiers are No Hopers, the Chief Medical Officers are no hopers, and without the Commonwealth Crown and all it stands for, we have no hope at all.  

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