The Lima Declaration is a UN-led initiative that seeks to “flatten” the world’s production to redistribute wealth to give all nations a “fair share”.
It is an international trade agreement similar to G.A.T.T, (General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs).
Australia is a signatory to The Lima Declaration as it is to many other GATT agreements.
The Lima Declaration is just one of hundreds of international agreements and treaties, signed on behalf of all Australians by one man , usually The Minister for Foreign Affairs or his nominee.
Many of the international treaties signed by governments on our behalf are driven by the United Nations, a body that no Australian has approved by voting in a referendum to allow them having a say in how we are governed or how we conduct our national affairs.
Australian political parties have signed these treaties to undermine Australian Sovereignty, giving them almost unlimited power to dictate our lives.
The High Court decision on the Franklin Dam issue in Tasmania (opposed by the Greens) is an example of how the government has ignored our sovereign right to determine decisions of national importance.
UN-inspired treaties are used to implement processes that directly impact on the Australian people’s ability to manufacture and work. Yet, governments sign these treaties without our authority voting in a referendum. And in most cases, Australians are completely unaware of how these treaties will impact on our lives. Yet if we were aware we would be totally opposed to them.

By not giving us a voice in these decisions by initiating a referendum, governments have been getting around the Australian Commonwealth Constitution. All governments who have signed these treaties are guilty of treason. Treason is being committed using many names, including International Treaties, conventions, or in this case declaration, The Lima Declaration.
Whitlam, Frazer, Hawke, Keating, Hewson, Howard, Beasley, the democrats, Greens and the Nationals all subscribe to this type of economic genocide, albeit under different names. They have given it many names, including, “North South Dialogue” – “G.A.T T” – “Internationalism” – “Inter-dependence” – “International Monetary Fund” (I.MF) “World Bank” or the newly uncovered “New World Order”. In reality, it is all part of the same agenda to destroy our independence and force us to become a subsidiary nation under the United Nations One World Government.
What Does the Lima Declaration Mean for Australians?
The Lima Declaration is an agreement to wind down Australian manufacturing by around 30% and to import that amount from other preferred Countries we sign trade agreements with.

The Declaration also mandates that we import as much primary produce as we can consume; such as fruit, meat etc.
That was the original intent.
However, the target has now blown out way beyond 30%. Current estimates are that 90% of our production capacity has gone, and our jobs with it.
We see this almost daily. Factories and even whole industries are closing down. We have, for example, completely lost our once-vibrant car manufacturing industry, including all the other manufacturing businesses that supplied parts and equipment for the car manufacturers. Tens of thousands of Australians have lost their livelihoods, with no other jobs available to replace them. Yet government statistics are used to hide these results.
There is no mention in the agreement about what happens to the Australians who lose their jobs, their factories or their farms as a result of these unfair and illegal agreements. We have become expendable.
As a result, we have become a “service economy”, as successive governments have crowed about this spurious achievement.
The poisonous “fast food industry” has grown very fast over the last 30 or 40 years to cater for the growing number of “poor” Australians who cannot afford to buy natural, healthy food produced in Australia. This has resulted in Australia becoming the world’s leading obese nation.
At the same time we are seeing a rising increase in health problems such as children’s allergies, autism, ADD, ADHD, mental health issues, and much more. We are rapidly becoming an unhealthy nation. You only have to watch TV to see the increasing number of advertisements urging us to buy health insurance or to buy “healthy” products, that in reality contain food additives, too much salt and/or sugar to be anything but healthy.
The other alternative for Australian businesses is to flee these restrictive policies and re-locate offshore and then export their ideas and products back to Australia. Our offshore neighbours are also party to The Lima Declaration and other trade agreements. They are more than happy to give you the land, assist you in every way and not tax you for the first five, eight, or even ten years. Their interest rates may range from nil to 4%, not to mention the Australian Governments incentives available to importers from preferred countries And so the playing field is drastically tilted to get the result required by the UN-led Government and financial activities.
How Do Governments Enforce These Agreements?
While ignoring our Constitution, successive governments have passed illegal Acts of Parliament to increase taxes, interest rates, the cost of employing people (without the worker gaining any benefit), and instituting environmental planning controls that destroy our ability to produce. These governments have used trade unions to help them, by encouraging union leaders to negotiate employment agreements favouring the government’s aims.

Here’s how it works. Let’s say you want to manufacture a new product that requires 5 acres of industrial land at around 2 million dollars. Before you even turn over the first sod you will pay around 25 thousand dollars a year rates, and 25 thousand dollars land tax.
Add to that hundreds of thousands in ‘contributions’ to Council coffers for “planning permissions” and other requirement like and environmental studies. To pay for this you will likely borrow at 15-20% interest then, if you are lucky.
By the time you jump through all these hoops you might be able to start manufacturing in 2 to 5 years.
But don’t think you are home free. That’s when the unions will step in and cause loss of production. At the same time, the Government will make you subject to time consuming unnecessary costs, paperwork, insurance and payroll tax and force you to collect sales tax (GST) on your product, all enforced with heavy penalties including jail sentences for late or non-compliance.
None of this existed forty years ago. Back then we had relatively little government interference in our lives or the way we conducted business. In fact, the government actively encouraged Australian business by imposing heavy import duties on overseas imports.
Then Australians started voting in Labor governments. The rot really began in earnest from the time Gough Whitlam was elected. His 1972 policy speech began, “Men and Women of Australia! The decision we will make for our country on 2 December is a choice between the past and the future, between the habits and fears of the past, and the demands and opportunities of the future.”
How Does the Lima Declaration Affect Me?
- At least 50% of the productive Australian workforce becomes unemployed
- Taxes on the remainder in employment increases, to pay for the unemployed
- With new shortage of income you are forced to buy cheaper — imports, or go without thereby aggravating the spiral of well planned economic transfer
- Resulting in oppression by government edict

As we are already seeing, unproductive government are increasing their staff numbers to cover up the real unemployed statistics
Or they are changing the definition of unemployed; if you work 10 hours a month you will be considered employed.
We then have more people in Government at all levels with little to do, other than think up more ways of controlling those who are left to produce what little we don’t import, employed thinking up new revenue raising schemes, and raising penalties to ensure their salaries.
One of the more destructive acts government has ensured compliance with their UN agenda has been to try and confiscate all firearms. By disarming us they can ensure that we are unable to resist the government as their policies become even more restrictive until they have established a Communist State at least as bad as anything the Soviet Union ever imposed.
And last but not least, the obscure reason behind The Lima Declaration is finally being revealed. Australia has become a dependent nation; dependent on other nations for everything from shoes, to machinery, food, and even our defence for our very survival.
What Can We Do About This?
We, the people of Australia, have “forgotten” that the government derives its power from us. No government has the right to dictate how we live our lives, do business, or even conduct our private lives. Yet that is exactly what is happening today.
The political system is designed to take away our right to have a say in our own government. We must change this.
Citizens Initiated Referendums (CIR) will put the power into the hands of all voting Australians to start referendums to amend our Constitution.
Getting CIR will not be easy. No government wants to give the people the right to make them accountable to the voters. That would take away their power over us and stop them implementing the UN bid to impose the New World Order (NWO) One World Government.
If we are going to change the system we need a Plan. Advance Australia has a 5-Step Plan that is designed to change the STRUCTURE of our government that will make political parties irrelevant and put the power into the hands of the people.
You can change the way our country is run. You can help restore Power to the People, and give all Australians a voice in our own government.
It is up to You. Will you take the first step and click on this link to become a member of Advance Australia?
63 thoughts on “What is the Lima Declaration?”
Very eye opening. Thankyou.
Should they be successful at the polls in the future, what is to stop the members of your party doing exactly the same? I have never yet met an elected official who stood by their word, let alone remembered what they had promised! And what steps will you take in rolling back, or attempting to roll back, the Lima Agreement?
Jason, visit our website
We are not, and never will be, a political party. We are not after power. We want our Commonwealth of Australia back….the one the political parties have tried to usurp.
Every decision taken by an elected government under the Commonwealth of Australia Act 1901 to amend our Constitution will have to be approved by We the People voting in a referendum. It’s all laid out in our website. If you have any questions please ask.
It looks like Australia is not anymore “advanced fair” but a slave of UN ,EU and minister of foreign Affairs signing in our names such treaties like Lima agreement and similar. What a shame.
Australia (a commodity) had been noted on the NYSE, or in other words, the Cabal (US Inc.) were able to buy up “shares” like any other item on the NYSE. I understood thru this trick “Australia” came in the claws of (owned by) US Incorporation.
As recently coming into the Open, we learn thru alternative news, US Inc. or United States Inc, is bankrupt since 2020 and so Australia becomes property of the Republic of The United States of America, yes, the real one, the 1776 One.
At the moment American Republic are ruled by The Military and will later handed over to the returned to We The People of The United States of America.
I would say Australia is in good hands temporarily and will be returned to We The People of Australia by President Trump
This link will tell the teal story. We were turned into a corporation under the name brigalow corporation.
brigalow corporation. 2010.
Here is more detail on this
Wonna a guess David Cole.
who runs the CIA & FBI ? WATCH one minute
USA declaration of independence signed by the designers of the NWO!!!
I disagree. We cannot wait for or rely on anyone else. It is up to each member of the Commonwealth of Australia to get off our arses and DO something to save our country. If you are just going to sit back and wait for a ‘saviour’, then you are useless to anyone.
Hitler did not oppose the private ownership of firearms that’s lying propaganda
Perhaps you would like to prove your statement by providing proof…as I have researched and this is just one of many articles that cite references and proof that Hitler did confiscate and ban guns. Yes Hitler Really Did Take Guns
The Lima declaration was introduced by Whitlam 12 mths later Frazer govt. ratified it
And made it worse for Aust. at the same time. An unelected person signed itA
Mr. Willesee( not Mike) ! All pollies were in denial about it.One of the first indications
of its effect was the flood of cheap batteries from the Phillipines. Clyde batteries in
Sydney was one of largest mfrs to close within the next few years after Lima Declaration got. established.
It seems this agreement was the sort of idealistic policy that the Whitlam govt envisaged, but what happened if 30% of our manufacturing has become 90%. Why have successive governments allowed so much of our manufacturing capability to be lost? We need to make our feelings known very clearly that this is shambles.
When i first discovered the Net many years ago, i discovered ” Basic fraud,” which, thanks to CIR, i have found again & have downloaded & secreted for my Grand children in my Will, & i thank you for that.
Your article on ” government treason” gives us so much more info on the why & how … It is most informative … & to think that in the 70’s Whitlam was my hero. How wrong can a man be. ( Rhetoric, i know.)
The point i want to make here is that back in the days of basic fraud, i followed many would be reformists, none of which came to fruition. ( I will say with glee that i singularly forced the “parliament of the Commonwealth” to commit suicide by it’s use of the Queens signature in facsimile on it’s documents.)
We are now in a situation where they have us by the balls. Recent example :- Fined for riding my bike in a “bus only lane.” Sent back all the “Aussie Speeding Fines” letters to no avail. SDRO just cancelled my Rego. Got caught driving with no Rego, pay $1000’s or go to jail.
So, Mike, if all these others failed, what makes you think your movement can rectify the situation of an illegal oz government?
I should like to join your movement, but as your site gives us what you are aiming at, i should like a step by step on how you are actually going to achieve your goals.
You blokes have set yourselves a monumental task … I wish you all the best, where all others have failed.
Hi Jim, and thank you for standing up for your rights…even if the thugs ignore and even threaten you into submission. That’s not your failure…it’s just a sad fact showing what we the people of Australia have allowed to happen. We were fooled. But now we are waking up.
Advance Australia Group is a large team of hundreds, soon to be hundreds of thousands, of concerned Australians. We do have a plan, and for obvious reasons I cannot reveal all to you yet. But you will see in the coming months our plan unfolding.
Our first step is, and remains, education. That is the purpose of this website.
When you tried to fight your unlawful fines you stood alone. But we are encouraging many Australians to challenge the corporations to prove they have Crown Authority. This is their Achilles Heel…they can’t, because they have no authority. No corporation, no matter how much it “legislates” can ever have authority over a flesh and blood man unless we give it our permission to deal with us. So by standing up to the criminals, along with many others, you can put these criminals on notice that we know what they are up to and that they must stop.
We are putting plans into motion now to send out My Will letters to our members, and later to hundreds of thousands of Aussies to sign giving us their authority to convene a Grand Jury to investigate and prosecute corruption in the Parliaments, the political parties, the police, and other organizations that have colluded with the political criminals to harm Australians. They have caused immeasurable harm, and it’s got to stop.
Our other website, Advance Australia, lays out a Plan to make Australia a strong, united, self-sufficient nation under our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 Constitution and Common Law.
We all need to remember that we are the government. We can, and will, control who represents us in our Parliament. The political parties choose their candidates, yet that is against Constitutional Law. See Part II, Sections 7 and 24 in the Constitution. They state clearly that only the people may choose our representatives. It doesn’t say the political parties can. But we have allowed them to do it all these years because too few people read and understood our Constitution…yet, it is written in plain, easy to understand English.
Yes, we face a monumental task, but we are many and growing. By signing up as a member you will add to our total strength. Together, we can and will take back our government.
Communism under another name,!
I do like that comment “Australia’s once vibrant car industry”. It is a very long time ago that the Australian car industry could be described as vibrant. They made cars that nobody wanted to buy. The unions sucked the life blood out of the industries like a flesh eating cancer. Once subsidies were lowered nobody would buy the product.
That’s not strictly true. Aussies loved their Holdens, Fords, and Valiants…all designed and manufactured here. Then along came the Lima Agreement and it became cheaper to manufacture overseas. The unions helped of course, but it was the Lima Agreement and our traitorous governments that destroyed our nation.
yes Australia certainly had more industry Vw also had assembly plants here in Au all our steel mills were closed one after another this country had the possibility of being totally self sufficient in every way but that is a threat to the powers that be . they want the whole world to be interdependent so no matter where you are you can be controlled at their mercy . we need to find a way to control the parasites ( gov,elites ) that contribute nothing but feed on the life blood of humanity but 99 % of the sheep out there will do nothing till they are on the steps of the slaughter house , then they trample each other ,
WHAT happens in riots the sheep destroy each others property and beat themselves up mindless fuck wits Instead of going en mass to the steps of parliament and tell them you bluggers are all sacked your assets and perks are liquidated and are used to clear the public debt . kick out and shut down the FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS GLOBALLY AND CONFISCATE ALL THEIR ASSETS in the name of humanity PEOPLE POWER CAN DO THAT WE ARE BILLIONS they have a few thousand if that plus their mercenary associations for hire cut of their purse strings they are fucked
The car industry was long a power game for the unions, there were many other manufacturers in Australia prior to the loss of Ford and Holden. Nissan closed their Clayton factory in Melbourne after a long struggle with unions and changes in tariffs (1992). Hard for them to stay here when they can’t compete with overseas production costs. Here is a link to other cars that were made in Australia that makes an interesting read.
I agree. I watched with great consternation as the Unions showed they were complicit in implementing Agenda 21. There simply isn’t any other answer to why they would deliberately help destroy our manufacturing.
since 2000 our exports of goods and services have doubled. and like the Paris agreement there is no financial penalty in not fulfilling these agreements they are just targets.
Hey one wants to know that. It’s not to be happening.
This is criminal. Didn’t realise just how prevelent this is. The general public must be accorded a referendum on all decisions such as those mentioned and any other mandate that could damage our country/people!
I wish I could be as confidant as you Mike but Australians are so apathetic they find it too hard to scratch their bums. They all vote what Dad votes women follow their husbands etc.
So forget students and of course no one reads anymore so wear do you get your warriors ? But I wish you luck as we sure do need it
We’re getting out in public to talk to people….motivating them. Talking to people anywhere I meet them…at the supermarket, beach, anywhere.
People do nothing now because they don’t know what to do. We are helping them learn what has gone wrong, but more importantly we are offering ways to fight back. Our Steps to Fight Fines e-Book is helping people put the councils, toll companies, and police on notice they are all committing TREASON.
The My Will Letter offers a way to support our plan to convene a Grand Jury to put the criminals and traitors on trial.
The Who did you Vote For? poll to confirm our suspicion that election fraud took place.
But don’t wait for us to do something. Everyone can do it. Get together with friends or people who are already aware and are willing to join in. Think about what you can do to bring about change. It’s up to everyone…stop saying, “Why doesn’t the government do something.” We are the government. Make it work.
So true Joan, Australians are too apathetic & are a group of followers
Well, now this is all very scary and what’s the benefit to our country by doing this, are all our pollies mad? It sure makes you wonder why they seem to want to sink their own country
I agree Helen. And I’m sure if all Aussies knew this none of us would be stupid enough to keep voting in the traitors to our Parliament.
I have seen this happening for years however I didn’t know about the agreement what we need to do is share this with everyone and then get rid of all the political parties and start again with a government that works for us and not for them self and their hone pockets.
Agreed Colin. Here’s what you can do:
1. Download and sign a My Will letter. The more we have the more power we the people of the Commonwealth of Australia have to change things. Read the website first so that you understand what we are doing:
2. Listen to our podcasts so that you can learn from people who know our Constitution and English Common Law….the highest laws of our land that the political parties are desperately trying to ignore:
3. Read as many articles on this website as possible. The more you learn the more you can help educate others.
The many statements about Governments breaking the Constitution with unConstitutional Laws? Could you provide some examples?
Do the research like the rest of us Sam. The answers are right here on this website.
The Lima Agreement is not bringing the World Nations Together It’s Destroying The Security Of Sovereignty
All sad, very sad. I have seen the demise of this once productive Country. Mr Whitlam got thrown out but not his policy. And all have keeped it plus more. TRAITORS.
Many years ago I was told of the “New World Order” and at the time I thought it was all a crock of shit. Some 30 years on it has become evident that the warnings and predictions were real. Unfortunately most of our so called politicians are up to their tiny balls in it.
A majority vote of more than 51% is required to make changes. If you are serious why is this not publicised so people can vote. I only learned of the Lima Agreement today. Let’s take back Australia.
I don’t understand why you accuse us of not being serious. How much more information do we have to post in our website here to show how serious we are? Perhaps, instead of criticising you might do better to study our website by reading the articles, looking up the relevant laws and doing some hard work yourself.
Too many Aussies, like you, seem to expect others to do the work. We are doing what we can. What have you done?
I have known about the Lima agreement since Whitlam was elected. And every government since Whitlam has been slowly and quietly eroding our rights. It is such now that you almost have to have a licence to breathe. It is no longer a free country.
l have just passed the 3/4 century mark, and for a long time, have been attempting to encourage people to take a good hard look, at what our illegal governments have been doing to this country. Therefore, l am more than willing to become a member, even though l am a pensioner, and not a very healthy one.
The first thing that should happen is for Australia resign it’s position on the UN
The Australian Government, on all levels,Federal, State & Local, are all criminals (Pauline Hanson & One Nation not included )They all need to be sacked, for how they have literally destroyed this Country of Australia. They all need to be made accountable for all the damage that they have caused and to be witnessed by the Australian people. We are the victims of their corruption, greed & self righteousness.
You cannot exempt anyone who is, or has sat, in Parliament. Pauline and One Nation are just as guilty of TREASON as the rest of them. Take the blinkers off your eyes. How has Pauline gone from a fish and chip shop business woman to owning a large property out west of Brisbane, and enough money to run a private aircraft? She has become “suspiciously wealthy” after going into Parliament.
Then look at her voting record, as well as how she gives her preferences in elections. She’s just as dirty as the rest of them.
In agreement with what you wrote TrueBlue, I thought the very same thing when I read the comment “except Pauline”, she makes out her only interest is for Australia and the Aussie people but she’s in it for herself.
People are too easily led and blinded without doing their own checks on who supports who and what and where the money goes.
na she is saying what needs to be said no more imports
Yes, she is, but she is wasting her breath. She has not power, and as she is a part of the corrupt political party corporate government system she is just as complicit in the treason as the rest of them. The fact that she is too dumb to see this is just another reason to dismiss her grandstanding.
Should be torn up to allow Australian business to once again flourish.
This is incorrect.
The Lima Declaration is a non-binding declaration it is not an agreement or treaty requiring action.
Tell that to the political party corporate governments that have implemented it and destroyed our nation as a result.
Whatever happened to the traditional “A fair days work for a fair day’s pay” AND “Give us a go”? Too many pollies only care about lining their pockets at our expense !
i knew the governments were in bed together and sort of had an idea what was happening but not to this extent they have no right to stuff our country up the way they have our fathers and grandfathers and great grandfathers built this country and a few polies can stuff it up without our [the population of AUSTRALIA,S consent] they need to go to trail for what they have done shame shame shame
They do need to be put on trial, and you can help. Sign up here to join the Common Law Court Australia team here:
Join Common Law Court Australia
You had me interested until I got to the part where you parrot the NRA line about “taking all our guns off us, and leaving us defenceless”.
I’m very happy to live in Australia with its tight firearms laws.
I have been a gun owner, and I’m a Vietnam Veteran with a more than passing familiarity with firearms, including potent military weapons.
I now live in the city and I have no need for a firearm. Nor do I want to see Australia turn into a mini-America, with it’s rampant, uncontrolled firearms ownership and casual use. Cut out your BS about every Australian needs to be armed and you might gain a little more credibility, instead of just being seen as a lackey of the huge firearms industry.
The founding fathers of America who wrote in the part about Americans needing to carry arms was written in an era when a firearm was so primitive, it took a couple of minutes to arm it and fire it – and the firearm owner was in as much danger as the bullet recipient.
These founding fathers would be stunned to see modern firearms, their easiness to hide, and their huge killing power.
There’s no place for any military weapon in civil society, I’ve lived in a place where that occurred, and casual murder by firearms was an hourly event there.
I agree that we give too much power to unelected bodies such as the U.N. and we need to manufacture more here. But manufacturing is expensive, it is dependent on large markets for goods, and it is dependent on keeping in front with technology.
We have no need to import any food from overseas, we produce enough food to feed ourselves, plus a sizeable portion of the world.
We have always been a source of food supplies for many parts of the world, and we saved many British people from starvation after WW2 with our huge food exports, such as meat, grains, fruit, and diary products.
I, too, am a Vietnam veteran, and a sports shooter. So, let me see if I understand you correctly. Just because you now live in the city you feel there is no place for a gun in your house?
But what if some idiot high on Ice comes to your house one night and he has a gun?
Are you going to let him kill your family and you while you mouth off platitudes about guns being dangerous?
Think about it.
The American Founding Fathers didn’t include the right to bear arms because they loved guns. They did it so that the People could protect themselves from the government. Look at the way the police are armed today. Look at the way the police have already abused their power by breaking into homes and shooting first, then finding out they have entered the wrong home. That happened just recently.
Frankly, your attitude towards guns is naive and ill-informed, as is your statement that we have no need to import food from overseas. Open your eyes mate. You obviously do not know that the Chinese have been buying up huge swathes of our land, including the largest body of water up in the Pilbara, to grow food using their own imported labour to feed their people… not ours. Do some research instead of allowing your emotions to overpower your common sense.
Idiots high on ice and carrying guns, are as rare as hens teeth in Australia. You’re parrotting more American paranoia.
Give me the stats on how many innocent Australians have been killed by idiots high on ice carrying guns. They can be counted on one hand. The vast majority of gun attacks in Australia are drug dealers and gang members settling scores.
Your comments about poor police tactics are reasonable, but this comes back to proper training.
My attitude to guns is not ill-informed, it is based on the fact we live in one of the most peaceful societies in the world, and a large part of that is due to not having the American gun culture here, and having tight firearms laws. We don’t need to import the American gun culture with it’s 30,000 deaths annually from virtually uncontrolled firearms, and assault rifles everywhere.
Do the research yourself Ron. There is plenty of evidence that gun-related crimes have increased since Howard took our guns. There is also plenty of evidence that there is a massive Ice Epidemic. If you can’t see that you need to stop watching TV and get out of the house. You’d just better hope that when an Ice addict ever invades your home there is someone there with a gun. Otherwise you could well end up dead.
I disagree on this point – the real epidemic is prescription drugs not illicits! The ‘ICE’ epidemic is factually baseless but I understand what you mean. It’s actually a manufactured narrative and media propaganda to distract us from facts for instance “Valuim kills more Australians every day than ALL illegal illicit drugs combined.” valium kills more Aussies than ice, heroin, speed, cocaine, morphine etc etc but guess what? ICE keeps the revolving doors of the courts swinging and the law fraternities pockets lined. All these miscreants plunder State revenue and take us all for a ride with our own money. Lawyers are the ill of society that protect corruption of State and big corps like big pharma NOT you and or I.
Why are you pointing out the obvious? What are you doing to FIX the problems? Are you a member of a Common Law Assembly yet? That would empower you to actually do something instead of sitting at your keyboard misinterpreting articles meant to INFORM.
C’mon mate Australia has practically become a Communist regime – In Victoria doctrine of Sep of power is so far diluted now it’s gone. The Executive arm of police thugs are now an extension of Legislature protected by a corrupted and heavily stacked judiciary. Vic-Pol in particular PORT, CIRT, SOG and RIOT squad are heavily armed thugs but why – it aint international terrorist threats? I don’t believe we are as peaceful as you think and all of the aforementioned are now being used on unarmed civilian people in Melbourne IE against us the people – this is not OK and not what my grandparents fought for!
You might like to re-read the article again. It’s provided to INFORM, not to justify or approve. Shoulda gone to Specsavers!
Slight difference between GATT and the Lima declaration – the former is legally binding, the second is not binding in any way, countries can ignore it or not, regardless of whether they signed the principle. “At least 50% of the productive Australian workforce becomes unemployed” – we normally have around 5% unemployment of which nearly 3% is simply people transitioning from one job to another. Unless you mean that only a few percent of Australians do productive jobs. There are major negative issues with globalisation, but at least be honest about the issue and where blame lies. It is lazy politicians who let our industries die because it was so easy to keep plenty of money flowing in just selling minerals (68% of exports last year) – and ultra-greens who prevent almost any attempt at industrial development (“How can we stop it” not “How can we do it in a sound manner” has become the cry of the Australian public). It solves nothing to simply blame it on things like non-binding agreements – it just means that people who know anything about the issue ignore what you say..
Your opinion is not backed up by facts. When you make statements like this at least display some knowledge about it backed up by documentary facts.
What an important document – THANKS true observer for enlightening me. I’m currently writing a book about Victoria Police corruption as a former officer. My book has morphed into Covid and further parallels of corruption. One of my chapters is titled ‘Australia in decline a man made identity crisis.’ I’m going to mention your article and some of your comments have been very helpful keep up the good work.
Thank you John. I’d like to read the book when it’s published.