Police have no right to stop you unless you have committed a crime
You are welcome to print out everything below the line and carry it in your car at all times. Whenever you are stopped, lock all doors, and wind up all the windows in the car, leaving a small space open for the driver to speak to the police. The first thing you should do is ask the police if they are stopping you because you have committed a crime.
If they say No then hand them this document and ask them to read the laws that forbid them stopping you without due cause.
Then ask them if you are free to go. By our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 and Common Law they cannot detain you without due cause. They must allow you to continue your journey unmolested.
- They do not have any right to stop you without due cause
- They cannot enter or search your car without your permission or a Court Order
- They must not use force against you or your property. If they do you can sue them for damages
Police are bound by the same Commonwealth of Australia Laws as everyone else
See Section 109 in the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 that states:
109. When a law of a State is inconsistent with a law of the Commonwealth, the latter shall prevail, and the former shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be invalid.
Common Law and the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 guarantee the right of people to go about their lawful business unhindered by the police or anyone else as long as you are not suspected of committing a crime. Common Law is the highest law in the land and therefore all State laws must be consistent with Common Law.
The State Acts that the police act on to justify stopping drivers for a Random Breath Test (RBT) are inconsistent with the law of the Commonwealth and Common law.
Being pulled over for a Random Breath Test does not constitute a crime. Therefore, the police have no right to pull you over without due cause, or to make any demands on anyone going about their lawful business, as confirmed in these court decisions…
Regina v Banner (1970) VR 240 at p 249 – the Full Bench of the Northern Territory Supreme Court
“(Police officers) have no power whatever to arrest or detain a citizen for the purpose of questioning him or of facilitating their investigations. It matters not at all whether the questioning or the investigation is for the purpose of enabling them to ascertain whether he is the person guilty of a crime known to have been committed or is for the purpose of enabling them to discover whether a crime has or has not been committed. If the police do so act in purported exercise of such a power, their conduct is not only destructive of civil liberties but it is unlawful.”
Justice Stephen Kaye – Melbourne Supreme Court ruling – 25 November 2011
“It is an ancient principle of the Common Law that a person not under arrest has no obligation to stop for police or answer their questions. And there is no statute that removes that right. The conferring of such a power on a police officer would be a substantial detraction from the fundamental freedoms which have been guaranteed to the citizen by the Common Law for
Magistrate Duncan Reynolds – Melbourne – July 2013
“There is no common law power vested in police giving them the unfettered right to stop or detain a person and seek identification details. Nor, is s.59 of the (Road Safety) Act a statutory source of such power.”
NOTE: None of the above precedents have been overturned on appeal or in the High Court
SURVEILLANCE DEVICES ACT 2007 – Section 7 -Prohibition on installation, use and maintenance of listening devices
(1) A person must not knowingly install, use or cause to be used or maintain a listening device:
(a) To overhear, record, monitor or listen to a private conversation to which the person is not a party, or
(b) To record a private conversation to which the person is a party
ANALYSIS of 1(a) |
The person recording is a party to the conversation. |
ANALYSIS of 1(b) |
A conversation on the roadside between a person and a policeman is not a private conversation. |
A person video recording an encounter between himself and police is doing so legally. |
(3) Subsection (1) (b) does not apply to the use of a listening device by a party to a private
conversation if:
- All of the principal parties to the conversation consent, expressly or impliedly, to the listening device being so used, or
- A principal party to the conversation consents to the listening device being so used and the recording of the conversation:
- Is reasonably necessary for the protection of the lawful interests of that principal party, or
- Is not made for the purpose of communicating or publishing the conversation, or a report of the conversation, to persons who are not parties to the conversation
A conversation on the roadside between a person and a policeman is not a private conversation. |
A recording made to protect the lawful interests of the person recording is legal. |
Such a conversation is not private, therefore can be published. |
A person recording an encounter between himself and police is doing so legally. That person is also legally entitled to publish the recording to the public, such as on Youtube or other websites. |
News media do this every day, recording people and events without requiring the consent of those being recorded. The media is not subject to any special dispensation by law to do this, therefore members of the public have the same rights to record their encounters with police.
Any policeman who tries to prevent a member of the public doing this is acting illegally and can and should be prosecuted.
Do Australians have the right to record police officers while they are doing their jobs?
Yes you do have the legal right to film the police if it is in a public place and as long as it does not interfere with the performance of the police officer’s duties. What many people do not realise is that they have the right to photograph the police even when the police tell them not to record them.
Intentional interference by the police of peaceful recording such as blocking the camera or demanding that someone stop videotaping constitutes censorship. However, police could arrest someone through the Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002 for such misdemeanors as obstruction type criminal offences or disorderly conduct.
In the case of “Move Along,” police officers can tell you to move along if “they believe on reasonable grounds that you are:
• obstructing another person
• obstructing traffic
• harassing or intimidating another person or persons
• causing, or likely to cause, fear to another person or persons.”
Can Police Randomly Stop and Search Me?
Also according to the “Public Disorder” directives, police may be given Emergency Powers to stop and search people and their belongings even if they have not done anything wrong. This includes seizing and detaining personal items such as vehicles and mobile phones.
If it is legal to record police in public why do police in Australia continue to intimidate and threaten to arrest people for filming them?
Courts recognize that recording police activities is legal. However, with technology and laws constantly changing, some police officers have not yet been trained otherwise. They may also feel his or her authority is being challenged and react accordingly.
Many police officers and People of the Commonwealth of Australia believe that as soon as a police officer tells you to do or not to do something that it is an order. However, police can only order someone to do something (or not) based on the current laws in effect – and current laws do not give police the right to order anyone to stop going about their lawful business.
What Should I do if a Police Officer Tells me to Stop Recording Them?
If you are approached by the police while recording them you should calmly explain what you are doing and state you have a legal right to do so. Unfortunately there are many instances where this has not worked and people from photo-journalists to innocent bystanders have been arrested for filming the police. That is why you need to know your legal rights. Alarmingly, many people report that the recording of the incident on their phones had “disappeared” after it was returned to them by Police.
Modern technology can overcome this, however, if you set your recording device to upload directly to the cloud as you record. Even if the police delete the recording from your device you will still have a copy stored in the cloud, such as Dropbox.
Are there cases in which a police officer can stop you from recording them?
The reason why you are allowed to record any activity (including police activity) in a public place is because according to Australian legislation there can be no reasonable expectation of privacy while in public. The police can, however, stop you from recording them if they are on private property.
There are also Eavesdropping / Wiretapping Laws that make it illegal to use your phone or other device to audio record a private conversation without consent in some states, but not in others.
If you do record the police protect yourself by ensuring:
1) that the filming was done openly and
2) it was done without infringing on the officer’s duties. If you have been arrested or your equipment confiscated a criminal lawyer can help.
If you are fined for anything you are innocent until proved guilty by your right under the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 and Common Law to a trial by jury. Without that, no purported Act can presume you are guilty and expect you to pay a fine just because you have been accused.
Know your rights under the law and you can defend yourself from unlawful fines. Buy the e-Book Steps to Fight Fines and learn what your rights are and how to protect yourself from harm by unlawful political party “government”.
49 thoughts on “POLICE POWERS – Our Rights and Responsibilities”
Someone forgot to mention State Laws. Would love for someone to try this on. Expect to be dragged from your car. Have fun everyone. Commonwealth takes precedence only if State Law conflicts. Most don’t, particularly in regard to traffic and vehicle searches.
You are assuming that State and Federal governments have the authority to act. Please read https://www.cirnow.com.au/commonwealth-of-australia-vs-australia-act/ to understand why NO STATE OR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT has had any authority since the Australia Act 1986.
If we don’t stand up for our rights and freedoms we lose them. While you remain ignorant of the reality of the state of our political system you help perpetuate the treason and corruption. Is that what you want for the future of your children?
well said …ignorance is bliss for may on every topic it seems …no wonder the elites refer to us as cattle
Well said i also now studying the Australian constitution as best as i can. I want to keep Australia Australian and bring it back to where we were a strong ,wonderful and respected country.whereour people were proud of who we are and what we are Australian!!!
That is interesting comments
drag from your car ?? if u have not committed a crime u from nazi germany we have rights ok
Apparently not in South Australia. It’s not uncommon for police to act in this manner, even when compiling. And if you try and exercise your rights they bully you and make your life very hard.
What is your take on “police duty of care”. Do the police have a duty of care?
Does it look like it to you?
interesting article – so can you provide example where someone anywhere in Australia has refused to do RBT, handed the police this article and then been allowed to drive away unhindered? Not doubting the information here but do doubt legally you can do as suggested here.
I have heard of people doing it successfully. But no proof in my hand.
look up be free with deb on facebook theres atleast 3 videos of people doing so successfully
Is this page still current? I can’t find it.
I have been searched me and my car 12 times now.they tell me I have a flag on my name.when is to much to much.???
Know the law and how to deal with those who claim to act for the law and you can protect yourself from harm.
The police have no right to search your car unless you give them permission. Nevergive your permission for any invasion of your rights. And ALWAYS film them.
They wont stop… Not untill you start going after them in civil court. Everytime they arrest you detain/arrest makes no diffrence. Wrongfull arrest, trespass, deprevation of liberty. Once u begin doing this.. theyl leave u alone.
Wow…well I learn’t something tonight reading this…holly shit your average Joe blow don’t know these stuff…iam keeping a bloody copy in my car ???? ????????????????????
I tried to purchase your e book but it was too hard . is your name cir now
What do you mean it was “too hard“? Thousands of people have Bought the book and nobody else has ever said it was too hard so I’m curious what the problem is.
What about fisheries boarding boats asking people to pull half there boat apart to look for fish, life jackets, etc. Is that legal if u have done nothing wrong
No it’s not. Chuck them off…or better yet, don’t allow them to board.
Why cant I print this
A new law came in a few yrs ago, that when a march / protesting is unfolding & citizens sit down & police have to move them, you are now not allowed to film history unfolding..
Even though it’s ALL public places..
They’ll tell you to stop filming or go in hand cuffs, even though it’s ALL public..
Hi I was wondering if there was anyway of overturning a dui conviction considering the act is unconstitutional and a pretend law.
When you play by their rules…. You lose!
You have already agreed to play by their rules. If you want to stop them targeting you, then learn your rights under the Constitution and Common Law and then stand up for them when confronted… not afterwards.
Drink driving is dangerous. If you cause an accident and harm someone, then under Common Law you are liable for the offence.
Drink driving is not under Common Law
The death you cause from drink driving is under Common Law. Once the Common Law Courts are “BACK” in full swing, I’m sure referendums will be held, the people will make/vote for laws more suited to today’s environment. Think of it as a refresh, voted for and created by the very people who have to obide by their own referendum decisions as a whole. As living breathing free Australians under the 1900/01 Constitution Act U-K. Causing no harm injury or loss. Beats answering to a self indulgent foreignly invested Government corporation, any day of the week.
I watched your video regarding what to print and leave in car, but not sure how much of the information to print off.
Download the file here that tells you where to start and stop printing.
Sorry, but this is crap …
Numerous times I’ve seen police threaten, warn and even arrest people .
I even had a fine issued to me because my occy strap slid and protruded a number on my rego.
I went through all sorts of constutustions, e.g. ombudsmen and legal aid, yet still lost the case.
So unless we have someone to actually keep us totally informed ..
We’re f***d mate ..
Not crap…but you need to understand our situation today. Read the other articles on this website to gain a better understanding of our rights and how you can stand up for them.
I’ve seen people with an attitude try to deal with the police, and of course they always lose. If you want to help the police understand that they are acting unlawfully you need to be polite, firm and knowledgeable.
I made that ‘understand’ error myself. To use the word ‘understand’ is a Dog Latin meaning of which the police decieve you with. Their meaning of ‘understand’ is stand under.
Policeman asks, “do you understand.” What he really means is, do you leave Common Law status and ‘stand under’ him. Who’s using double speak, Dog Latin, Legalese. When you reply ‘yes’ you’re now contracting with him outside of Common Law, under Admiralty Law with no rights, guilty until proven innocent. ‘Understand’ is a dangerous word.
You’re not understanding the difference between Common Law and Statute Law. You can’t knock Common Law when you walked unsuspectingly into an Admiralty system court and submitted yourself as their corporate property. You stood out of your given Common Law rights.
Could you please send me your booklet regarding police ????♀️RBT not to comply .
You can download the free document to hand to police from this page:
But if you want the full e-Book that explains your rights under the law and ow to stand up for them when sent one of their unlawful “fines”….then this book has all the information you need:
Hi, Long story short. As a pensioner I fell and broke my arm badly. the only person I could ring to mind my dog, was a Grub who crawled out of satans after birth bucket.
i employed him to take the dog to an animal minder. Instead he kept my dog in the house and treated her cruelly. The Police broke in and took the dog away. I was unaware and in hospital three weeks. The Jerk only told me as we drove up my driveway. This resulted in me getting a record for cruelty to animals. I was not permitted to explain. Just screamed at by a cop eager to impress his female offsider. This record has plagued me. I may not have been convicted but it’s on my record. Is there any way I can have it removed?
Help us get rid of the corporate political party government system. Then we can start fresh without the trash.
In the article it says: Magistrate Duncan Reynolds – Melbourne – July 2013.“There is no common law power vested in police giving them the unfettered right to stop or detain a person and seek identification details. Nor, is s.59 of the (Road Safety) Act a statutory source of such power.”
This has been overturned. MASSIVE FAIL.
An appeal decision By Judge Bell was handed down in the Victorian Supreme Court on Thursday 18 December 2014 which overturned magistrate Duncan Reynolds’ 2013 ruling that police do not have an “unfettered” right to randomly stop and check vehicles.
Judge Bell, quashed the decision of Magistrate Reynolds ruling that he committed an error of law when he decided in June last year, that section 59(1) of the road safety act did not give police an unfettered right to stop motorists.
Judge Bell needs to learn how the Constitution and supreme court judgements work. He’s obviously ignorant.
In jan of 2020 I was stopped detained questioned, car searched prior to being impounded and charged with a licencing violation. I took the matter to the civil division of the Supreme Court in Western Australia, citing the cases mentioned along with HCA ruling Plenty V Dillon. The registrar took a look at my claim and told me my case was frivilous, vexatious and an abuse of the courts power. My mistake was thinking I had 21 days to appeal the registrars decision, in reality I had 10 days to appeal and went over the time by some 7 days. Watch out for how they will screw you over. Until then, I was set to ask $1,000,000 from each officer for breaching my civil rights. Now I will have to buy another car, travelling again, until I get stopped, detained, questioned, vehicle impounded again and start the whole process again.
Easy to check out, easy to read…heck I had to leave a commment!
Could you give me some legal advise on Covid QR tracing? Is it illegal if you don’t do the QR tracing into shops etc? Are we covered by the Australian Constitution 1901, or has it change since the covid QR tracing became into affect. Do SAPOL have the right to fine a business and consumer if they have not done the covid check in? Thx.
Search for ‘referendum’ and read the article about the 1948 referendum.
You might be in the right but if your broke or have very little money to spare, like most people these days, then what use is the law and a legal system you can’t afford. Please don’t say legal aid, they’ll just tell you – due to government cut backs we can no longer represent you in this matter or because the cost to represent you is considerably more than what you will gain we can’t represent you. The legal systems a joke and only as good as what you can afford which isn’t much. Justice has nothing to do with it.
Do what I am doing… Learn how to present your own case. That’s what you have to do in Common Law anyway. They hate it when you self-represent, but the judges are always more lenient because they realize you are not a professional. Lawyers are not on our side. They work for the system.
Just wondering if you can be fined for speeding once you have pulled into your own driveway. I know that you can’t be breathe or drug test once your on your own property?
People need to comprehend that we are all caught in two law systems. Their Admiralty system of law, and Common Law. Even Jesus said to give unto Caesar that which is Caesars. While you live in their system, don’t break their rules. If you do… then you have a right to challenge them in court. Or you can just pay up and get on with your life. Do you really think pulling into your driveway is a defence when you obviously broke their rules on their roads? Wake up.
Hi, I’m trying to find the court cases cited in REGINA V BANNER, HAMILTON V DPP, ect. and cant find them in any law databases. Hopefully you, or someone you know has a full copy of the transcript of these cases
Contact Registrar at Paramatta Court