There is a general feeling around Australia that there is something “not quite right” with our government. It’s difficult to put your finger on specifically what is wrong — unless you know where to look.
This article explains just what went wrong, and how ‘they’ did it.
By ‘they’ I am referring to the political parties. But there are many others who are complicit in the massive fraud and crimes against us; from the rapacious banksters – both local and international, the fraudulent ‘local government’ imposters, the unlawful toll road operators, and even the United Nations.
Once you finish reading this article you will have a very clear picture that explains how the politicians have stolen our future, and destroyed our nation.
Always remember this, though: We are protected by English Common Law, and it is up to each one of us to stand up for our rights and freedoms. If you fail to do so, you will lose them. Once you lose them the only way you can recover them is by paying a very high price…. sometimes with your blood. So, don’t let that happen. If we all unite and stand together to demand and defend our rights we can reclaim control of our once prosperous and happy land. Do it for your children!
Get started here:
If we want liberty and freedom we have to unite and fight for it
There are less than 1 million people involved in governing us, including the police, military and bureaucracy.
There are a total of 25 million members of the Commonwealth of Australia…YOU AND I are members of this Commonwealth of Australia!
Do the math. Who has the numbers and who has the power?
Why are we letting this minority ruin our lives?
How the Political Parties have destroyed our country
Watch the video if you prefer, and then refer to the text below for more information:
How the Monarch Proclaims an Act

These are the calculated steps the communist-inspired political parties have taken to destroy our nation and our future.
The question is, how did they take control over us like this, and why?
Before we answer these questions, remember that both major parties are two wings on the same political bird, and all political parties are operating treasonously.
The destruction of our manufacturing and primary industries is all part of an international plan to create a utopian communist state.
The plan is to create a One World Government, led by a shadowy group of bankers, industrialists and top military, known by various names, including the Illuminati, and the Military Industrial Complex.
Even though the plan was first created two centuries ago, it wasn’t until a document was discovered in May 1979, entitled, “Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars” that we had a clear idea of their plans. You can read it here,
Later on, the plan was published by the United Nations, called Agenda 21, and later amended to Agenda 21/30.
If you thought 2020 was bad, read these plans to see how much worse it is going to get in the very near future.
These are the steps the Australian political parties have taken to implement the One World Government plan.
Step 1. On 2nd February 1960, the Political Parties removed the Governor-General, and Commander-in- Chief of the Commonwealth of Australia, from representing Her Most Excellent Majesty.
Ever since then, Queen Elizabeth II continues to appoint Governor Generals, as she is bound to do by her Coronation Oath.
However, once the appointment is received in Parliament, the political parties take her Seal off the document, and put their own Australian Government seal on it instead. This is TREASON!
The Parliamentary Seal was an Armorial Seal given to the parliament by a previous monarch, for use in public matters, such as letterheads, invitations to public functions, etc. It was not given to authenticate Acts of Parliament.
Whitlam made some changes to the appearance of this seal and copyrighted it to the Australian Government.

Even though it is not a law-making seal, yet it now sits above the Speaker of the House of Representatives, as the symbol of where his purported authority comes from.
But without Crown authority, that Seal has no authority over the people.
In the People’s Constitutional Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, the Speaker is supposed to represent the Queen! Not the political parties.
Step 2. In 1966, Political Parties created their own counterfeit money, the US-based dollars and cents, with no head of power. That is, no crown authority, and not enshrined in our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901.
The Constitution states that all government functionaries must be paid in Pounds.
At the same time, the politicians used Australian troops as collateral for massive loans in dollars from the USA.
This is why we went to war in Vietnam, against a people we had no quarrel with.

Step 3. EG Whitlam unlawfully took control of the government at the end of 1972, with help from the then Governor-General Paul Hasluck, who allowed Labor to take office before counting was due to be completed, on 15th December.
Gough Whitlam and Lance Barnard formed a ‘Duumvirate’, a two-man ministry, to run all 27 portfolios from 5th to 19th of December 1972!
They presided over the smallest ministry in Australia’s history, while they committed massive acts of treason.
Whitlam ‘reigned’ until his infamous dismissal on 11th November 1975, making many changes while sitting in OUR Parliament.
EG Whitlam and the Political Parties changed the Constitutional and official Definitions, without a Referendum, to create a private “COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALA”, purportedly outside the Founding and Primary Law of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901, as Proclaimed and Gazetted.
Corporations are not living men or women, and they are referred to by their ALL CAPS name.
He changed the name of the government from the “Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia” To the “PARLIAMENT OF AUSTRALIA”.
Australia is the landmass! The People are the Commonwealth of Australia.
Therefore, by removing “WHEREAS the people” from the Preamble, a government under the name “Parliament of Australia” has no authority over the people.
At the same time, Whitlam, without the authority of the People voting in a constitutional referendum, changed the Queen’s title from,
Elizabeth the Second, By the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and of Her Other Realms and Territories, Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith!
To create a Queen of Australia, with the title,
Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, Queen of Australia and Her other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth.
The Queen of Australia is a statutory abstract entity that does not hold the title, ‘Defender of the Faith’.
Therefore, that title is not the title of the private Queen, as found in the Preamble to our Constitutional contract.
Queen Elizabeth conspired with Whitlam to disenfranchise the Australian people to help create the Communisty-style government we suffer under today!
If the private woman is not found in that title, there is no protection in that title for the private men and women of the Commonwealth of Australia, who are part of that contract.
Consequently, that title holds no common law of England authority.
Therefore, the Queen of Australia has no authority over the People.
This fake queen holds no land, has no collateral, and gives no authority.
The Queen of Australia, is simply a statutory patron of the Political Parties’ Australian Government, a name on a piece of paper.
EG Whitlam continued his treason, without the authority of the Queen, or the People, and gave the new corporation he was creating, a constitution.
To do that he simply copied OUR Constitution, word for word, then changed the title, while creating 2 duplicates referred to as, The Constitution, and The Australian Constitution. This was a deliberate ploy to fool the people into thinking the political parties were still adhering to the true constitution.
He then copyrighted those two documents to the AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT (when you see the name in ALL CAPS you know you are looking at the fake government name).
These two new corporate constitutions have no contract holders.
Therefore, they do not adhere to the Preamble, and the First 6 Clauses of our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901.
Instead, they start at Section 1. Our true Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 starts at Clause 1, and Section 1 is within Clause 9.
Without the Preamble, the political party governments do not Recognize the living private individual people of the Commonwealth of Australia.
When you go to the cemetery the names are written in all capital letters. So, when the Australian government sends us documents addressed to the ALL CAPS NAME, they are telling us they do not recognize us as living, breathing human beings.
Nor do they recognize Almighty God, or the Queen, as referred to in our true Constitution.
They do not recognize, require, or adhere to the common law of England. Instead, they have created their own common law Australia.
Nor do they recognize, require or adhere to Human Rights legislation.
They do not require signatures, or require the Queen of Australia to hold the title Defender of the Faith, or recognize our faith as an element of a living person.
The penalty under the Common Law of England for Treason and Misprision of Treason, is still the death penalty.
The political parties tried to change this by unlawfully removing from the Commonwealth Crimes Act 1914, and from the Queensland Criminal Code Act 1899, the Seal of Queensland, and Royal Coat of Arms of the Crown.
Members of Political Parties, each under their own Party’s Constitution and policies, have deceived our Constitutional Sovereign and Monarch and Her subjects, by committing TREASON, treachery and sabotage under an evolutionary process.
In effect, those political party legal entities created an evil ‘twin’ government, closed down the real government, and operate through the other.
Building a new parliament house was part of this process, to show us that we are no longer a part of the Commonwealth of Australia.
By so doing, they were purportedly able to make changes that could not be called into account Constitutionally, because they are not a constitutional body anymore.
NOT ONE parliamentarian, lawyer, or judge spoke out to warn the people themselves, as Whitlam, Hawke and all the other fraudulent “leaders” continued changing the system of government over to their corporate system. They are just as guilty of TREASON as the politicians.
The purported Judiciary, who are supposedly the Guardians of the Constitutions, sold their souls to the Political Parties. They all sit in purported courts as a Coram = TREASON!
Step 4. Individuals without any authority, known as the Prime Minister of Australia and the Premiers of the States, with no referendum agreement from the People of the Commonwealth of Australia, formulated the Australia Act 1986.
The Australia Act was designed to break all legislative ties between Britain and Australia.
That act was enacted to the Queen of Australia, under the Whitlam Political Parties’ Definition of Australia. This act is sealed only with Whitlam’s Seal.
The Australia Act was not passed with the approval of the men and women of the Commonwealth of Australia voting in a referendum, as required by Section 128 of our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901.
This purported Act was designed to create a sovereign, independent federal nation. But without that referendum it was, and still is NULL AND VOID.
Prime Minister Bob Hawke invited Queen Elizabeth to Parliament to sign the Act into law. But she refused, telling him that any change to the Constitutional arrangements, must be approved by the people of the Commonwealth, voting in a referendum.
Queen Elizabeth signed her name on the front page of the Act to show she had seen it, and Bob Hawke printed BOB HAWKE at the bottom of the document, to unlawfully enact it.
Without a referendum, the Australia Act has no authority over the people of the Commonwealth of Australia. It is NULL AND VOID!
The Australia Act 1986 United Kingdom, was enacted to the definition, Commonwealth of Australia, as established under the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act, 1901. The Australian and British Australia Acts 1986 are two TOTALLY different Acts.
We, the people, still remain a Constitutional Monarchy under the Monarch, Her Most Excellent Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II.
All tiers and bodies of this make-believe political party government have an ABN number, and are corporatized in the US Securities and Exchange Commission, Washington DC.
The statutory legislation of the Australian Government is chartered to the landmass of Australia, and its environmental jurisdiction, a jurisdiction unknown to the Commonwealth of Australia People’s Constitution.
As a result, we can no longer get justice in any Australian court. Where a man or woman wish to use their Constitutional protection as defence in the political party courts, they are told by the purported JUDGE or MAGISTRATE, “take that rubbish out of my court.
One judge, when handed a common law Deed of Grant, thrust it away saying, “I can’t look at that thing in this court.”
In fact, no court in this country appears to operate under any semblance of the common law of England. Every case is, instead, a civil case, a contract case, a mercantile law case, and so on, and money is the over- riding claim.
People are being told by the courts, by the Lands Department, and other government departments, that the state owns their land, and we are just residents on it. The Rates you pay are actually rent to live on property you think you own! But don’t.
The political parties have pulled off the biggest theft in history; they have stolen a whole continent!
What is more astounding is that they have done it without the Australian people being aware of how massively we have been cheated.
What authority did EG Whitlam, all other political party Prime Ministers since then, and the Premiers of the States have, to do something that so gravely affected the People of the Commonwealth?
Did they have the authority of the Constitutional contract? NO.
Did they have any Crown authority? NO.
Did they have the authority of the People of the Commonwealth voting in a referendum? NO.
Question: Where do the States stand in all this deception?
Answer: They have gone back to their pre-Federation Colonial Constitutions.
They now operate independently of each other. All bodies in State Government will now refer you to their State Constitution as giving them their authority.

Question: Who and what is COAG?
Answer: The Council of Australian Governments, comprising the Prime Minister, Premiers of the States and Territories, and Local Government.
Question: Do Local Governments have Constitutional validity?
Answer: No, they don’t in our Constitution. But remember, they created a copycat copyrighted version, which is not our Constitution, but theirs.
Question: What is COAG’s role?
Answer: To enter into agreements between the independent states.
This is how the political parties have not only stolen our nation and our future. It explains why they don’t listen to us after we foolishly vote them into power.
By voting for them, we give them our permission to do whatever they like. We sign a contract with them when we vote.
This is why they make such lofty promises at election time, and then ignore us after we vote them into power over us.

Now that you know this, will you ever vote for them again?
You have the power to stop these liars, thieves, criminals and TRAITORS!
Common Law Assemblies create local governments, with the power to pass Bylaws, elect Sheriffs, and convene common law of England courts. Only YOU can create and make a Common Law Assembly work!
If you want to take back control over our government to make it work for us, it is up to each one of us to work together. We can do this with local community Common Law Assemblies.
Find out more at
47 thoughts on “How the Political Parties stole our Future”
A must for every Australian to read. Awesome Article thank you for putting the jigsaw together.
Hi, All this information is a lot to take in for an ordinary person like myself, that being said for years I have been very disappointed in the attitude and behaviour our past and present Prime Ministers and politicians. Personally I think some of them are appalling. Things really need to change and I am for actions that improve the lives of all Australians.
I confirm I have for many years lost interest and was very dissatisfied and concerned on what our governments are doing to the people of Australia across all fields, be it Federal, state or local governments, as I see it local governments/councils are a wast of time and money.
The management of government is getting worse by the month, there for I started seek support and speaking to many Australians to start up a people action committee or party to canvass local government, state and federal regarding the affairs of Australia etc.
Should action on this matter be considered, I will be one of the first to put up my hand to set up a lobby group of Australians to assist your legal challenge on the present and past governments, from the many discussions I had with general and business people in Western Australia, I believe many people will support an action against the present and past governments, in the main these governments have lost direction and purpose, a large majority of people believe there are to many government bodies and many should be removed, these bodies cost the people lots of money for no value or return etc, these bodies are not there for the benefit of Australia or it’s people, rightly so, the people these parties and government employees of a high position are there there for personal gain etc.
The first thing i believe we must do is to do is to form a group of Australians to act and assist Mike and Derick, so all Australians will know what most of the past and present government parties have created with the intent to
illegally to remove the people of Australia rights,
in addition Australia and its assets have been sold out to foreign countrie and huge amount of money given to other countries a lot wealthier then Australia based on a natural disaster or hardship etc. also Australians do not have a right to buy land be it in China or many other countries, why should we allow other countries to buy or to steel our land to control or to destroy Australia.
Can the people of Australia take back what past and present governments gave away to other countries and or stolen from the Australian people, all Australians must decide what action to take be for it is to late, also should the people of Australia start action to remove the present governments and form a care taker government so we can start to fix the huge problems that exist in front of us etc.
In addition to the above I strongly recommend steps be taken to access and assess past and present government prim ministers, ministers and personnel with in government what assets there had prior to, during and after leaving government, we believe these people have accumulated and gained huge assets by deceit and or ??, these funds should be clued back and giving back to the people and or to the new government etc.
I have spoken to many Australians on this matter and I for one put up my hand to take a front row for a planned action as above said. when ready steps should be taken to establish a care taker government to be managed solely by Australians.
I respectfully trust my above comments will assist you and confirm Mik can you please give me a quick call to discuss claims i have on the matter.
Mike to discuss please email me with your best contact details,
Best Regards Jim
I look forward to here from you
Hi Jim and thanks for putting your hand up to get involved. We have a Common Law team in WA that you should contact. Visit the page of an assembly nearest you and opt in to their mailing list. The assemblies are listed on this page:
Or you can email me directly at
Funny thing is I have approached the Qld branch by e-mail to put my hand up to help assist if I can and havent even heard from them in over a week so go figure.
How did you try to contact them? Try this instead:
Contact us
A very well put together article. With all the legal legals in our parliamentary system, how could such injustices be sanctioned?
Great write up and makes SO much sense. I have my hand up, but not sure ‘what’ we can do and how we’d go about reclaiming Australia back and running under the correct constitution, our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution.
We still have our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901… only the Political parties have shunted it aside and fooled everyone into believing they have the right to make the laws. The only way to make our Constitution work is to use the laws it is based on: Common Law. And that is what we are doing now:
I am the ordinary person, I understand the situation, I see my way of assisting you is getting the information shared as much as possible so everyone knows the real situation Australia as a whole is in given the Corporate takeover since Whitlam . We need to share the information as much as possible.
Thankyou for this reading material. I was eagerly looking forward to watching the video at bottom of page but it has been removed. Are you able to advise whete I might find a copy of it to view? Thankyou.
Thank you
Firstly thankyou for all your hard work.secondly count me and my partner in.
This is quite fascinating. It sounds theoretically possible then for one to reaffirm one’s citizenship (if that is the right word) under the correctly stated Queen and Original Constitution, maybe by posting the original seal on one’s property. Would that then make the property untouchable by this false constitution? Or would more be required?
Would it also be possible to contest a parking fine with letterhead of this seal and the correct Majestic title and state that the fine is not valid against such a person? Or what would one have to state to make the fine inapplicable?
Citizenship is a fake status created by the political party dictatorship to fool people into subjugating themselves under the political party legislation. Being an Australian is in one’s heart. No one can give or take that away from you.
When you play by their rules you lose… When Whitlam took the Queen out of the Constitution in 1973 he committed HIGH TREASON and dragged all Australians there with him. When Sir William Slim stepped down as the last lawfully Crown-appointed Governor General in 1960, all GG’s after that have been paid by the political parties and they are told what to do by the Prime Miinster. If you check the Constitution, it does not mention political parties governing us, nor does it mention having a political party leader, calling himself a “Prime Minister” taking the place of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Protector of the Faith. Therefore, ALL politicians and political parties are IN TREASON.
So, if you go into their jurisdiction you have no rights and no protections under their legislative laws…. so to answer your questions, you can post anything you like on one’s property but it means nothing if you are still under the political party jurisdiction.
If you want to contest a fine, fight them as hard as you can using the methods we explain in our e-Book:
But because you are dealing with liars, thieves, criminals and TRAITORS who are trying to steal your money it is likely even that will fail. So your next step is to demand an appearance before one of their fake magistrates. When you walk in, all you have to do when they ask you for your name is answer, “I am a living man (or woman) and a member of the Commonwealth of Australia. I stand under our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901. Is that the jurisdiction you are acting under?” If they cannot or will not answer your direct question, all you say then is, “Since you have admitted you have no jurisdiction over this living man I hereby declare these proceedings null and void, and the purported charges against me are dismissed. Good day to you!”
Then leave the court room.
Shared. Thank you!
Have you come across Riccardo Bosi and the OneAustralia party? Thoughts?
Yes, we spoke recently. He was unaware that we are working to bring back common law in Australia. However, he said he would do some research and get back to me when ready.
Beware of used car salesman psyops and their bedfellows….Stone and Steele.
Kerry…after investigation …all I can say is….Beware of the jesuit order cabal!
These members of goverment’s are absolute Crimmels.. To the living people of Australia .. They need to be removed and Jailed .. For War crimes and treason …we want Compensation ..For all the crimes… againist the people of Australia… So what do we do about not paying our rates or loans or dets…. do we write a letter and send or hand back saying unlawfull no contact .. I don’t get a rate notice do I get my smart meter taken off my house… was installed when I got Sola… was told I had to get smart meter.. .
The only way to get any justice is through the Common Law Courts:
The Common Law link is not working. Are they a victim or a simple error.
Love this article but have a lot of issues getting people to believe it
We have to say together on this thanks
Is that why, in 1993 when Superannuation was started, set up by then Labor Prime Minister Paul Keating, Superannuation didn’t form part of an Estate and was/is therefore not covered by a Will? I worry about Superannuation and the fact that these Funds hold the money of Australians, that workers are forced to contribute, have been forced into particular funds, and members cannot leave their Super and Death Benefits to whoever they want to. Most don’t know there is a list of 4 that can be beneficiaries and if your nomination doesn’t comply, then a “Trustee” decides. I know. My son died and I have fought this for 3 yrs with REST. Some Liberals (Tim Wilson, Andrew Bragg etc) are tying to make changes but naturally Labor, the Unions and Funds and the associated bodies are fighting the changes.
Hi im am currently going thru an unfair dismisal claim with unfair dissmisal commission. With rio tinto csn you help urgently thanks.
An eye opener for sure. Is there a common law assembly near dandenong or wonthaggi
Not yet Vivienne, but if you email me at and I can put you in touch with some people in that area.
What would happen if QE2 was no longer our Queen?
Would English Common Law still support the Constitution Act 1901
How do I get involved? Is it through the zoom meetings?
How do we wake the sheepl’s enough to vote for an amendment to 128 in favour of the sheepl’s themselves? Big task….
The person does not matter. When Queen Victoria signed our Constitution into Law she ensured that it would be backed by her and her heirs and successors. Therefore, the Crown entity is important.
Zoom meetings are all very well to discuss questions, but if you want to get active join a Common Law Assembly. Look here first:
If there is no assembly near you, then you can start your own. This TO DO list will guide you.
How can we the people decide who is telling the truth and who is in that big game for themselves ?
In common law we have only two guidelines: Do no harm to others; and Take responsibility for your own actions. This is what should guide you when deciding who is telling the truth. Do your research. Don’t rely on the mainstream media. We all know they lie and are told what to publish by the AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT.
All politicians are guilty of crimes against the people. Read the Constitution Sections 7 & 24. Both sections say that only We the People have the authority to select our representatives. It says nothing about political parties. If they are not mentioned in the Constitution they do not exist in law.
I am based in Adelaide and would like to know if there are people i can speak to locally etc?
Email me at
I thought since 1972 that things were being changed a legally and could not understand why other politicians or legal representatives did nothing to stop it, so thought that I must be mistaken.????
My children and I have suffered anxiety due to our Prime mister, Dan Andrews tyrant enforcements and his orders to the police that are supposed to serve and protect us.
Melbourne and Victoria have been traumatised by this and lost jobs,suicides , anxiety . The visions of 2 months ago of the people protesting for their rights to freedom peacefully had police charging towards them with rubber bullets and pepper sprayed. Bashed and bodily harm.
My children and I are in NSW and are extremely worried about the treason behaviour and of mandatory vaccinations that are still experimental medicine. We are worried that if these enforcements are made in NSW against if freedom will cause major anxiety and potentially more suicides as we have just witnessed our brothers and sisters under the Dan Andrews treason mandates.
Thanks for sharing, very interesting article
Why did they do this?
Why does a dog lick its balls?
We are uneducated and without facilitation.
For Australians to restore their sovereignty in freedom and liberty we need to be educated.
Then, and only then, will we be facilitated to actively take back our rights and privileges with due responsibility to just constitution. Lest we be dead commodities to corporate laws.
Godspeed fellow Australians.
Myself & best mate when about 10,11 & 12 years old were molested bye guys that run the police boys club etc
I’m now 58years old and we want someone accountable for the crimes they have done to us
I believe in speaking up today & Name&Shame these putrid Pedophiles run bye Government officials
What now ? . How does new King change things . I’m even more unsettled about the situation for my family.
From what I am hearing, everyone is confused now. They have had years to prepare for this event, yet no one seems to have done anything. It’s going to be funny/sad to see what they do address this dilemma. I believe they will try to ratify the Australia Act again, but without a referendum, just as Bob Hawke did before. IF/When we see that happening, we all need to unite and deny them that action. With the death of Lizzie power and authority has reverted back to We the People under our Constitution. We just need to realise this and act accordingly.
Thank you very interesting
Yes I agree with most of what you have put forward. But there’s also another side that needs to be investigated, and that is 1st October 1919.
It goes back further than that, and it’s why 1919 happened. Read Queen Victoria’s Letters Patent for the answer. You’ll find them on this website.
How do we do this in canada……….. can anybody tell us ……….Common Law Assemblies create local governments, with the power to pass Bylaws, elect Sheriffs, and convene common law of England courts. Only YOU can create and make a Common Law Assembly work!
Canada, like Australia, is part of the Commonwealth of Nations… therefore, both countries share the same laws, and the same problems. We have come up with a 5-Step Plan that can be put into operation as soon as we take back control of our courts and our government. Click on this link to learn how you could do the same thing we are.
Read the articles on this website as well… start at the top and work your way down. Use key words in the Search bar at the top to find articles of interest. Education is key.
Mike if you are right then surely a Court case to get the ball rolling.
No excuses about crooked judges.