A member of the Commonwealth of Australia recently wrote to Woolworths to inform them that they are acting unlawfully by imposing the State government Covid-19 mandates. This was their response:
Thank you for your email. We appreciate the comments you have raised and we note your position and the information you have provided. We are mindful that the situation surrounding COVID-19 presents a number of challenges to our team members and customers.
Wellbeing support
We understand you have concerns and that this is a difficult situation that may cause some anxiety. Please remember that help is available for you and your wellbeing is our number one priority. I recommend you download the Sonder app for wellbeing support 24/7. For immediate assistance, you can call Sonder directly on 1800 234 561.
Kind regards,
Lauren Hilton
Woolworths Group | COVID Policy
e | covidpolicy@woolworths.com.au
w | www.woolworthsgroup.com.au
a | PO Box 8000, Bella Vista NSW 2153
This typical gobbledygook is designed to deflect responsibility away from the company in the hope that people will just accept that they are ‘concerned’ about your health.
Companies are not there to be concerned about our health, unless it is in relation to the products they are selling, which must be safe to consume.
This is the response sent to Lauren Hilton today, 15 February 2022:
Dear Lauren Hilton, it has come to my attention that you are responsible for imposing the unlawful, unconstitutional Covid mandates on all stores. This makes you directly accountable for any breaches of the law, as a result.
The Constitution States:
Part V – Powers of the Parliament
51 Legislative powers of the Parliament
The Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, have power to make laws for the peace, order, and good government of the Commonwealth with respect to:
“with respect to” means they can’t go outside those sections. In other words, NO State government/parliament can make laws outside the scope of the Federal Laws contained in the Constitution.
In fact, Section 109 specifically states, “109. When a law of a State is inconsistent with a law of the Commonwealth, the latter shall prevail, and the former shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be invalid.”
This means that no State may make laws that are inconsistent with the Constitutional federal law.
You can download and read the Constitution here:
In 1946 we, the Australian people, voted in a referendum to amend the Constitution Section 51 (xxiiiA) to allow the Parliament to provide, “the provision of maternity allowances, widows’ pensions, child endowment, unemployment, pharmaceutical, sickness and hospital benefits, medical and dental services (but not so as to authorize any form of civil conscription), benefits to students and family allowances;”
In other words, the Federal Parliament is responsible for providing dental and medical services, among others, but no government may force anyone to accept or use those services. The Covid mandates are forcing people, and that is a federal Crime.
The State governments have lied to the people about their ‘mandates’. A mandate is not a law. In fact, if you look in the Oxford dictionary, a mandate is what the people tell the government what they must do for us. We are the supreme authority, not the Parliament.
Knowing this, you can be held liable and responsible for any harm or deprivation of rights of any person wishing to shop in your stores if your company refuses them entry, or tries to force them to obey the illegal, unconstitutional mandates.
You have two choices, now that I have told you what the law states:
- Resign, because you know that the policy puts you into a very difficult position and you could be taken to court and face a very stiff penalty. You could, in fact, end up in prison as a result.
- Meet with your bosses and explain the law to them and tell them that they can no longer enforce any “Covid 19” mandates the State government tells them to.
The penalty for breaking the Federal Privacy Act 94H is up to 5 years imprisonment and/or a 300 Penalty point fine ($63,000).
This is the official government website that lists all Federal laws, and it links to the Section 94H I referred to: http://classic.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/cth/consol_act/pa1988108/s94h.html
I am a Commonwealth Public Official (CPO), sworn to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the Queen of the Commonwealth (not the fake Queen of Australia created by Bob Hawke).
I am writing to inform you of the law so that you may correct your behaviour and take steps to put a stop to your, and your company’s, illegal and unconstitutional behavior.
Please take this seriously, as people have had enough of the unlawful behaviour of the State governments and they are ready to take you and others imposing the mandates to court.
Warm regards,
Mike Holt
7 thoughts on “Informing Woolworths about the Law”
do you have any response to the letter that you sent Lauren Hilton, I am currently employed by Woolworths Group at Big W and have until March 31st to upload my vaccination status, which i will not be doing because I decline to be vaccinated Ijust want to know what if anything is happening in regards to this situation. I have been employed at current job for 15 years,
No response I’m afraid. But that is par for the course. They are too scared to stand up for our rights and too uneducated to respond when we write to them. The best thing to do now is to send a similar letter to your bosses, and tell them that you will hold them personally responsible if you lose your job because they insist on the jab. They are breaking the law and you can take them to court. This is how:
The more people who write to tell them they are obeying criminals, the harder it will be for them to justify harming their employees and customers. If they want to stay in business they had better start listening to us.
Bravo!!!! At last someone taking these cowards to task. I pushed back at my work, and got great results. God bless.
Lost my job, casual driver with jpt transport because of the no jab that wooworth mandates has put in place
Take them to court. Don’t let them get away with breaking the law.
woolies hq in far western sydney is a cocaine hub for its well paid staff.
the other dirty open secret about woolies is people just arent aware as they shop at woolies or coles, the air con is spreading active meth lab chem fumes from nearby hidden meth labs at the location, either part of woolies coles or both the plaza centre where its located.
the food and drinks are all contaminated with the chemical residues from active meth labs anywhere along the supply chain.
do your research, its hi skool level chemistry science turning cold flu meds into crystal meth. the chem fumes have to go somewhere away from the lab, else it blows up.
the corrupt senior police are mostly closeted lgbt and they need the meth as part of getting their sick sexual desires
This is disturbing news IF it is true. Where is your PROOF? You can’t make blanket accusations like this without providing proof. If you have enough proof for an article or a series of articles email them to the webmaster here through the Contact us page. But when you do, provide documents, images, videos or anything else that will prove your accusations.
If you can’t do this, then you are no better than those old women who used to spread rumors because they were frustrated and bitter. They were called Scolds, and in the old days they would be sat on a wooden dunking stool and dunked in a river or lake. A good punishment for anyone who spreads false rumours.