Australians are forced to vote, whether we like it or not. We all know that our vote is meaningless, because no matter who we vote for we only end up with one of two major political parties; either the ALP or the LIB/NATS.
Yet, very few people understand why our wishes are ignored once we elect these people to power over us. The simple answer is that the Political Parties have already sold us out to the United Nations while we were all asleep.
Since the Whitlam Labor Government Australia has been registered as a Corporation. We have lost our sovereignty. We are no longer subjects of HM Queen Elizabeth the Second. Nor are we a part of the Commonwealth under the Crown. Instead, we have been sold out and we are now dictated to by the United Nations.
The MEDIA are complicit and being very quiet about it.
Corporate Government? How did this happen?
The political parties, led by the LIB/ALP cartel registered a Corporate Government under a UN ‘CORPORATION REGISTERED NUMBER’ in the USA, using a corporate structure called the “Brigalow Corporation”. Today, our so-called Government is nothing more than the caretaker to sell off all public owned assets such as:
- ‘Water’
- ‘Electricity’
- ‘Rail and transport’
- ‘Ports and Shipping’ – etc. before UN takeover and the proclamation of the NEW laws which will take effect immediately. If you don’t like it, you’ll get locked up.

Download the document that proves the Australian Government (GovCorp) is a corporation registered in the USA. It is not our lawful Commonwealth of Australia government as gazetted under our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901.
In the December 8, 2009 writ the applicants demanded that the executive government of Australia ‘cease all operations that are carried out under the Commonwealth of Australia ABN 122 104 616 and registered with the United States American Securities and Exchange Commission : No. 000 080 5157 and further command them to dissolve their subsidiary companies being;
- The State of New South Wales ABN 066561153
- The State of Victoria ABN 054558619
- The State of Queensland ABN 066 102930
- The State of South Australia ABN 050208921
- The State of Western Australia ABN 072526008
- The State of Tasmania ABN 053201308
- The Trustees of Northern Territory Government ABN 09059854 NSW
- POLICE FORCE ATO ABR Information ABN 43408613180 ABN is Current Yes Entity Status
- Active Entity Type State Government Entity GST Effective From 01-07- 2000 Locality 2150
- NSW Main Name NSW POLICE FORCE Main Trading Name NSW POLICE FORCE Other Trading Name(s)
- NSW POLICE SERVICE Previous Main Name
- NSW POLICE from 19-11- 2002 to 01-02- 2007
- NSW POLICE SERVICE from 10-05- 2000 to 19-11- 2002
- POLICE SERVICE (NSW) from 01-11- 1999 to 10-05- 2000
- Previous Main Trading Name NSW POLICE from 19-11- 2002 to 01-02- 2007
- NSW POLICE SERVICE from 12-04- 2000 to 19-11- 2002
- POLICE SERVICE-PROCUREMENT SERVICES (NSW) from 01-11- 1999 to 12- 04-2000
- Previous Other Trading Names NSW POLICE from 19-11- 2002 to 01-02- 2007
- NSW POLICE SERVICE from 12-04- 2000 to 19-11- 2002
- POLICE SERVICE-PROCUREMENT SERVICES (NSW) from 11-04- 2000 to 12-04- 2000 Record Last Updated 10-04- 2008 Code: 90295 Legal name: NSW Police Force Trading name(s): NSW Police Service NSW Police
- Force Status: Current ABN: 43 408 613 180 (external link) ACN: 408 613 180 RTO type: Enterprise
Here are some details of the businesses known as the Australia’s police force taken from :
ABN: 17 864 931 143
Main Business Location: ACT 2600
ABN: 19 173 586 474
Main Business Location: TAS 7000
ABN: 43 408 613 180
Main Business Location: NSW 2150
ABN: 63 446 481 493
Main Business Location: VIC 3008
ABN: 29 409 225 509
Main Business Location: QLD 4000
ABN: 93 799 021 552
Main Business Location: SA 5000
Trading Name: SOUTH AUSTRALIAN POLICE, Commissioner of Police, SAPES Games, SOUTH AUSTRALIA POLICE, South Australia Police & Emergency Services Games, SA Police, SAPOL
ABN: 91 724 684 688
Main Business Location: WA 6004
Trading Name: Western Australian Police
If you look at any government document you will see it has an ABN. You have to ask Why?
Why does a government need an Australian Business Number to govern?
Only a corporation requires an ABN.
Draw your own conclusions!
These are the company registrations in the Dunn and Bradstreet records showing how the AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT, posing as the COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, AUSTRALIA, AUSTRALIA COMMONWEALTH OF, using ALL CAPS, are registered :

Our rights and freedoms cannot be taken away from us unless we willingly give them away. It is up to each one of us to stand up against the liars, thieves, bullies, criminals and TRAITORS who have tried to deprive us.
It is up to each one of us to stand strong and defend our rights and freedoms. If we don’t, our children will live their lives as slaves to the corporate TREASON!
30 thoughts on “Corporate Government ABN Numbers”
I don’t think police have the power to arrest to gain identification.
Regina v Banner (1970) VR 240 at p 249 – the Full Bench of the Northern Territory Supreme Court
“(Police officers) have no power whatever to arrest or detain a citizen for the purpose of questioning him or of facilitating their investigations. It matters not at all whether the questioning or the investigation is for the purpose of enabling them to ascertain whether he is the person guilty of a crime known to have been committed or is for the purpose of enabling them to discover whether a crime has or has not been committed. If the police do so act in purported exercise of such a power, their conduct is not only destructive of civil liberties but it is unlawful.”
The Australian Government Law Reform Commission states the following: 15.89 The common law privilege against self-incrimination entitles a person to refuse to answer any question, or produce any document, if the answer or the production would tend to incriminate that person.[123] Although broadly referred to as the privilege against self-incrimination, the concept encompasses three distinct privileges: a privilege against self-incrimination in criminal matters; a privilege against self-exposure to a civil or administrative penalty (including any monetary penalty which might be imposed by a court or an administrative authority, but excluding private civil proceedings for damages); and a privilege against self-exposure to the forfeiture of an existing right (which is less commonly invoked).
Lee v NSW Crime Commission [2013] HCA 39
Para 1. The presumption of innocence, the privilege against self-incrimination and the right to silence are important elements of the “accusatorial system of justice” which generally prevails in the common law world. The privilege against self-incrimination reflects the longstanding antipathy of the common law to compulsory interrogations about criminal conduct. It is said to be partly a result of “a persistent memory in the common law hatred of the Star Chamber and it’s works.
34. “A principle deep-rooted in our law and our history that the Crown may not subject an accused person to compulsory process to obtain his answers upon the issue of his guilt of an offence with which he has been charged. ”
73. “requires that the state formulate the charge that is to be prosecuted and then prove every element of that charge, beyond reasonable doubt, without the accused being required to make any answer to the charge at any stage of the process.”
The TREASONOUS POLITICAL PARTIES changed the Oath of the Queensland Police Force and created a Police Service for the TREASONOUS POLITICAL PARTIES and their Judiciary The Oath they swear is to the our Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth the Second and Her Heirs and Successors according to law. The Sovereign Lady of Queensland is the Queen of Australia, written on a piece of paper.
When you swear your Oath to the Queen of Australia you lose your Nationality.
The TREASONOUS POLITICAL PARTIES made Mercenaries out of the honest people of the Police.
Dick Yardley
It is much worse than you have pointed out Dick. By creating an armed mercenary force the political parties have actually committed treason. Read this, and then tell us what the penalty for treason is please. Criminal Code Act 1995 No. 12, 1995
I checked our Paypal account. Nothing there from you. Please EMAIL me a copy of the payment confirmation.
So dose this mean because the police & court house’s are under a abn number. They no longer swear a oth because you can not swear a oth to a abn number can you. So they can not tell us what to do & it is a crime against our constitution.
I am searching everywhere for the correct Australian Annotated Constitution 1901 can you please advise where I can purchase one online thankyou. Kind thanks for all the work you are doing to bring FREEDOM back to WE THE PEOPLE
The “annotated” version is not our constitution and may as well be a phone book – it does have useful information, however, as stated not out constitution which is is available as an IOS app.
I am searching for the A.B.N. for the ‘QUEEN OF AUSTRALIA’.
All help greatly appreciated.
Click on the magnifying glass at the top right and search for ‘USA’.
I cannot believe these traitors from Whitlam days.
So we have been sold down the drain to the UN.
Why is this not being published
It is. You just read it. Please share it to everyone you know. The more people who know this the stronger the people become. It’s time to take back control of our Parliament.
Could you please do an article on 1947 Clearfield declaration it helps to expose govt. Incorporated powers
Peter, one of the tenets of our Common Law is that each person takes responsibility for their own actions. Since you obviously know about the Clearfield Declaration why don’t you write the article and send it to us? When you have written it, use the Contact form on the website.
Pretty full on , been chasing this info for a few days cheers !
Time to take their powers away as committing war crimes against their boss we the peoples
Well there we have it. Sneaky criminals heyyyyy. The WORST OF THE LOT. Sneaky under the table behind your back EVIL is not the word! So the UN vehicles near the Brisbane airport. I wonder what that’s about
Check your ABN they are out of Date, as the creatures change them as people become aware of taking action against the traitors, – and when using an out of date ABN, you no longer are engaging with the creatures,
The new one now is ABN: 75 818 456 675 QUEENSLAND STATE GOVERNMENT,
dont ever use QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT, its a farm. for obvious sheeple
Its now been updated on this site. Good Call
I Love your passion and integrity in writing the wrong, RIGHT. The material I have paid for and your generosity providing thousands of hours worth of knowledge and information for free has been priceless for my encounters with the Grubberment and its officers. I am spreading the word to the ones who are ready for change and are ready to hear the TRUTH and FIGHT BACK.
As an Australian born citizen in 1967. I am disgusted in the Australian Government for hiding this. The decision should have been to the people of Australia before this took place. Take it to the High court please. He had no right to speak or sign for us all!
We are taking it to court right now… watch this website for details.
Whe will all the Patriotic Lawyers come together free of charge, and help the people of Australia restore our Commonwealth soverenty?
Sorry, but there are no lawyers in common law. We the people are defending for standing up for our rights and freedoms.
The constitution is not for man , man wants nothing to do with the constitution. Does it not only apply to Gov and their agencies, do not forget US Supreme Court ruling 1795 1985 that no gov , gov agencies , no laws , statutes, policies etc apply to man or have authority or jurisdiction over man .Only to persons or that which man chooses to contract
I’m sorry, but you’ve got it wrong…. and right. I see your comment trying to justify why we do not need a constitution, but that is wrong. We need a Constitution to keep the government in line. If you read the Commonwealth of Australia Constitutino Act 1901 that’s exactly what it does. It lays out a guide for government to follow and to be accountable to We the People. Unfortunately, the very people who it is supposed to limit in power have assumed total power over us… and it’s up to each one of us to restore power to the people and put the SERVANTS back in their place.
the biggest problem is our or even “their” constitution does not contain remedy, so if someone breaks s51.23 for example it does not say go to jail do not collect $200billion if you see what i mean.
The Constitution specifies the types of laws that restrain government power. The remedy can be found in other laws, most especially in the Crimes Act 1914. Read the Classic Austlii version.
Great information in one location…
I’ve always been intrigued as to why specifically, if you are conducting a business in a realm and you are trading with everyone in that realm that you should be compelled to say which realm you are trading in… So, why if we are trading in ‘Australia’ does the ‘Business Number’ have to be touted as an ‘Australian Business Number’?? If you look up the discovery that Rom and Rohan made in the ITAA and the Interpretations Act you will see that the Definition of ‘Australia’ includes everything except the Continent Terra Australis and the Island Tasmania… so in applying for an ‘Australian’ business number or tax file number you are squarely putting yourself on their ship.. the citizenship, so you then make yourself subject through this to their rules both bad and outrageous.
Rom and Rohan have misunderstood the Acts Interpretation Act. There is no such entity as Terra Australis. Unfortunately, too many people have taken the two R’s at their word instead of doing the research.