The Subversion of the Not-So-Innocent

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The Subversion of the Not-So-Innocent

If Western democracies collaborate with the KGB regime long enough, they are at risk of degrading to the level of backward and corrupt Russia. Western countries can simply lose their democratic political systems to the Mafia, leaving their citizens defenseless in front of that mortal danger.

Commie Killers
Commie Killers

How do we understand the treason of our elites? The fact is, our elites have been compromised by their longstanding partnerships with Moscow and Beijing. The sudden flip of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Joe Biden, almost a decade ago, along with the Democratic Party, toward anti-Russian declamations, should not be taken at face value. There are understandings and relationships hidden from public view. A double game has been played by our “progressives” and those heavily invested in China. Some of them are undoubtedly in shock, at seeing the outbreak of war in eastern Europe. Others are staying the course because they actually believe in socialism and trust in their Chinese “friends.” Some readers may wonder what I am referring to. Let’s take a page from history and reconsider where we have arrived.

In Dan Kurzman’s 1963 volume, Subversion of the Innocents, we read of a lecture given by Mao Zedong in the 1930s. This lecture is recapitulated in a chapter titled “The Art of Deceit,” with citations from a former Peruvian Marxist named Eudocio Ravines.[i] According to Kurzman, most of the progress made by communism since World War II had “been registered since the death of Joseph Stalin in 1953, which was followed by a vital Red policy switch in the underdeveloped countries….”[ii] (We can see, today, that this policy switch has since been successfully implemented to subvert the developed countries.)[iii]

Deeply impressed by the flexible maneuvers of Stalin, Mao noted how deftly the Soviet leader moved left with Kamenev and Zinoviev, then right with Bukharin during the New Economic Policy (NEP),[iv] then switched left again after the end of NEP to implement farm collectivization. Thinking matters over in the Chinese context, Mao envisioned his own variant of Stalin’s “right strategy.” Mao’s theory, wrote Kurzman, “was that he could beat [nationalist leader] Chiang only if he could swing most of the people behind him, and he wasn’t interested in the political orientation of his supporters as long as they followed him. Ideological indoctrination would come later, when the country was safely in his hands.” Thus, Mao practiced a refined variant of the “right strategy,” known as the Yenan Way, “which he had first conceived in the 1930s in his isolated North Chinese Stronghold in Yenan.[v]

Mao learned from Stalin that communist leaders had to be flexible, even ambiguous at times. In fact, Mao thought Stalin had not been flexible enough. Mao envisioned disguising communism behind “the mask of a legitimate national movement, such as anti-imperialism or agrarian reform, to win over workers, peasants, lower-and-middle-class citizens, the intelligentsia, and even businessmen….”[vi] According to former Peruvian communist Eudocio Ravines, Mao offered him the following advice in 1934:

Our experience, the experience of the Yenan Way, is this: people like doctors, generals, dentists, town mayors, and lawyers who aren’t rich, do not love power for itself; much less for the good they can do with it. They want it for the wealth it can bring. They achieve power and then they begin to call out like Napoleon for money, money, and again, money. Get this through your head, comrade. If we help these people, if we are a ladder for them because it suits us well, then it would be absurd for us to stay their hands, sew up their pockets, or check their greed. If we did this, they would turn against us and try to crush us. That happened with Chiang in 1927 – we tried to play the moralist and he hurled all his power against us.[vii]

Mao told Ravines, “Let them get rich today. Very soon we can expropriate everything. The more help they get from us in their pillage, the more positions they will let us take and occupy; they will help us to capture … [these positions] and even to extend them.” Mao then cautioned Ravines against participating in any of their frauds. He warned not to take their plunder. Collaborate with them in secret and leave no proof of the collaboration behind. “This delights your robber friends,” said Mao. “For your integrity leaves more for them to divide among a larger number of fellow rogues.” This method of taking power might seem slow, noted Mao, but it is “actually quicker and surer.”

By chance, if a rogue does not uphold his end of the bargain, the communists subject him to a “frontal attack of pitiless ferocity.” Mao then added, “It is enough to make an example of one; once they see that we can bar the path to a man, that we have the power to destroy him utterly, the rest will be afraid not to play our game. We communists have never given this fear enough weight. I don’t know why. The ambitious petit bourgeois taken with the fever of greed feels real anguish when we strike him hard.”[viii]

After China began trading with the West, this strategy was applied to the largest corporations and richest billionaires in America and Europe.[ix] Here, the Chinese communists followed through on Lenin’s insight that the capitalists “will furnish credits … and, by supplying us materials and technical equipment which we lack, will restore our military industry necessary for our future attacks against our suppliers.”[x]

With Lenin’s vision and Mao’s refinements, the Chinese communists brought the Yenan Way to Wall Street and to the pharmaceutical industry. As money-making became the core concern of the post-Cold War world, the CCP extended their hand in false friendship. “We can make you rich,” they said to American businessmen. “It is glorious to be rich.” But the communist endgame necessarily entails the expropriation of the capitalists, facilitated at some point by a viral pandemic along the lines of Chi Haotian’s secret speech. In his little red book, Quotations from Mao Tsetung, Mao explained, “As for the imperialist countries, we should unite with their peoples and … do business with them … but under no circumstances harbour any unrealistic notions about them.”[xi] (Italics added.)

By 1999 the Chinese Communist Party had received credits and technical equipment to build its military industry. At the same time, China laid the groundwork for acquiring a near-monopoly position in the production of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) and vaccine precursors. Chinese biologists began flooding into U.S. labs. In keeping with the Yenan Way, Beijing sought business partners in the West who could facilitate the CCP’s long-range strategic preparations. Especially, China needed to find the right American billionaire as a partner; and that partner was Microsoft’s Bill Gates. Here was a “visionary” entrepreneur who built a massive technology industry. And Gates was not troubled with the oppressive nature of the CCP regime. Microsoft teamed up with the Chinese communists in the 1990s and has continued to deepen its relationship with Beijing.[xii] According to researcher Peter Schweizer, Gates’s relationship with the Chinese regime has been “deeply troubling.”[xiii]

Gates was lured into this “deeply troubling” relationship because China represented the largest potential tech market on earth. With four times America’s population and a smiling communist dictator ready to promise the moon, how could Gates resist? Of course, he wasn’t the only billionaire to join with the Chinese communists; but he has been, arguably, the most important. “Gates has cooperated with the regime in ways that the other tech titans have not,” wrote Schweizer. “He has lent credence to the claims of the Chinese Communist Party and been rewarded with access, favors, and titles. He has done the bidding of the regime in the tech world and has apologized or made excuses for its aberrant activities.”[xiv]

While arguing that the Internet “cannot be controlled,” Gates has facilitated CCP internet censorship and the suppression of free speech in China (and across the Net).[xv] According to Schweizer, it is hardly surprising that “Gates’s efforts to support the regime have been rewarded.” Gates is celebrated by the CCP as one of fifty foreigners who shaped modern China. This same list includes such luminaries as Karl Marx, Lenin and Stalin. When Chinese President Hu Jintao made his first official trip to the United States, he “stopped off in Seattle for a visit with Gates at his ‘palatial home’ before heading to Washington, D.C.”[xvi]

In this context it is alarming to see that Gates has shifted his focus from computer technology to biosciences, investing in companies and technologies associated with pandemics and, by extension, with biological war. For example, Gates has invested in pharmaceutical companies, like Gilead Sciences, Inc., which developed Remdesivir, a drug credited by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., with exacerbating the COVID pandemic.[xvii] In fact, another famous name has become associated with Gilead Sciences, Inc. – George Soros, a man who has also “partnered with China.”[xviii]

Turning to the website of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Yenan Way comes into focus. According to this website, “Since opening our China office in 2007, we have supported China in addressing its major domestic health and development challenges, including infectious diseases and poverty.” The Foundation’s work is described as being “in China for China” as well as being “in China for the world.” As explained on the site, the Foundation has been tackling problems related to “immunization … infectious diseases … and … also extending the global reach of China’s health and development expertise….” The Gates Foundation also facilitates “China’s ability to share its expertise and innovations – including high-quality, low-cost vaccines and other health products – with sub-Saharan Africa and the rest of the developing world.”[xix]

Of greater interest is Gates’s infamous pandemic wargames, which showcase the effectiveness of Chinese-style administrative tyranny in response to a global outbreak. Here the Yenan Way acquires a lab coat, a test kit, and a vaccine ampule. It is global governance under the guise of healthcare – with Chinese communist characteristics. Regarding these pandemic wargames, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. wrote, “Each of these Kafkaesque exercises became uncanny predictors….[xx] Kennedy has aptly characterized them as follows:

Each rehearsal ends with the same grim punchline: the global pandemic is an excuse to justify the imposition of tyranny and coerced vaccination. The repetition of these exercises suggests that they serve as a kind of rehearsal or training drill for an underlying agenda to coordinate the global dismantling of democratic governance.[xxi]

Futuristic pandemic scenarios, sponsored by Gates, were designed “for Public Health Risk Communicators.” In 2017 there were two such exercises: MARS and SPARS.[xxii] As a tabletop pandemic simulation, the latter imagined a coronavirus pandemic that would supposedly take place from 2025 to 2028. It was, noted Kennedy, an “eerily precise predictor of the COVID-19 pandemic.” In fact, added Kennedy, “the only thing Gates and his planners got wrong was the year.”[xxiii]

The SPARS exercise simulated a coronavirus pandemic “culminating in mass vaccination of the global population.”[xxiv] Even more curious, the scenario blueprint predicted “waves of severe neurological vaccine injuries soon appearing among children and adults.” The simulation even predicted a case fatality rate of 0.6 percent in the United States.[xxv] How were the participants in the exercise supposed to respond? The blueprint was to employ fear-porn to overcome public complacency. The population was to be vaccinated, by hook or by crook. As Kennedy observed, this was not about public health. The exercise was all about sticking to mass vaccination through thick and thin, whether it made sense or not.

If we put this in context with Gates’s relationship to China, we suddenly find ourselves returning to Brig. Gen. Rothschild’s warnings about a toxic attack through the adulteration of medicines (or vaccines). The strategist is left to wonder if vaccines, under such circumstances, might serve as an attack vector. If universal vaccination is imposed, if the vaccines can be contaminated by an attacker, hundreds of millions could be unwittingly victimized. In addition, the unwitting national governments and elites who imposed the vaccinations would be discredited and civil order would likely break down.

Many will think it a contradiction for the communist Chinese to employ capitalist billionaires in their strategy. But contradictions are intrinsic to communist philosophy. In his essay, “On Contradictions,” Mao Zedong explained communist dialectics in terms of ancient Chinese philosophy, noting, “When a thing reaches the limit in one direction, it will turn back to the other direction.”[xxvi] In terms of Mao’s long game, the Cultural Revolution had run its course. A return to Mao’s “right strategy” (the Yenan Way) would naturally be expected. And this is exactly what happened.

Bioscience is big business. Military power depends on that business. Biological warfare lies within the scope of that business. Through the Yenan Way, this business can be subverted and used to facilitate Chinese strategy. What is most disturbing about China’s best billionaire friend, Bill Gates, is the way in which his pandemic simulations have prepared “public health communicators” to support a policy that might well enable an attack vector. If the public is frightened by a pandemic, and a program of mass vaccination is offered as a solution when mass vaccination is not a safe, a question of motive and opportunity presents itself.

Given the CCP’s motivations, is there not an opportunity here?


[i] The Yenan Way: Ravines, Eudocio: Books

[ii] Dan Kurzman, Subversion of the Innocents: Patterns of Communist Penetration in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia (New York: Random House, 1963), p. 5.

[iii] Surprisingly, Deng Xiaoping’s strategy derives from Mao Zedong. This becomes clear if we bother to read Mao’s writings or study his early lectures.

[iv] NEP was Lenin’s New Economic Policy, in which the Bolsheviks moved right and retreated into “state capitalism.”

[v] Ibid, p. 7.

[vi] Ibid.

[vii] Ibid, p. 9

[viii] Ibid.

[ix] Peter Schweizer, Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win (Kindle Edition).

[x] Oxford Essential Quotations, 5th ed. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017), “Lenn 1870-1924.”

[xi] Mao Tsetung, Quotations From Chairman Mao Tsetung (Peking: Foreign Language Press, 1972), p. 66.

[xii] Microsoft Plans Massive China Expansion in Asia-Wide Cloud Push – Bloomberg.

[xiii] Peter Schweizer, Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win (Kindle Edition), pp. 85-86.

[xiv] Ibid, p. 86.

[xv] Microsoft’s Bing Briefly Blocked ‘Tank Man’ on Tiananmen Anniversary – The New York Times (

[xvi] Schweizer, p. 89.

[xvii] Ibid, p. 64. Kennedy refers to hundreds of peer review studies showing that early treatment with repurposed drugs could have saved 500,000 American lives in the pandemic. Remdesivir was integral to the faulty COVID response protocol that facilitated these deaths.

[xviii] Bill Gates and George Soros Partner with China in Coronavirus vaccine |

[xix]Bejing, China | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation – Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

[xx] Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Kindle Edition), p. 838.

[xxi] Ibid, 839.

[xxii] See, especially, spars-pandemic-scenario.pdf (

[xxiii] Kennedy, p. 855.

[xxiv] Ibid.

[xxv] Ibid, p. 859.

[xxvi] Wing-Tsit Chan, A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1963), p. 781.

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