Lawful Affidavits are a Powerful Weapon
Whenever you decide to stand up to the unlawful activities of the Government, their agents in local Councils (they are not local government), and the corporate bodies such as toll companies that hand out fines and penalties for infringing their rules you can challenge the authority of any court that they summon you to using the Affidavit below.
The sample template below was provided by Wayne Glew, an ex-Western Australaia policeman who has spent years investigating the laws and politics of our once-great nation. Along with David Walter, another ex-policeman who has also realized that all is not well in our nation, Wayne has contributed his time, effort, and even his well-being to the fight to regain truth, law, and justice in our nation.
He has made the following Lawful Affidavit template available for all to use as needed to help fight unjust acts against Australians. You can…
Click here to download a sample

Download a sample Lawful Affidavit in MS Word format

When presenting an Affidavit to the unlawful Admiralty courts they tell you it must be signed, stamped and sealed by a Justice of the Peace. A JP is a creature of the Admiralty legal system…their system.
If you want to present an Affidavit to their Admiralty courts challenging their authority it is unlikely that any JP will sign your Affidavit.
Common Law Courts are Free for Everyone
However, you will not face this problem with a Common Law Grand Jury. Any Affidavit you present need only be signed by two witnesses stating that they witnessed you sign your Affidavit.
Nor will you have to worry about paying vast sums of money to lawyers or barristers to deal with a Common Law court.
Common Law Courts are free for everyone.
And when you present a Common Law court with an affidavit of your grievances you will be summoned to appear before the Common Law court to give your own evidence about your Affidavit. You do not need to have a representative. It is your story. You must tell your story to the Court.
Below is a sample of a Lawful Affidavit. But download the Word Document (click the link above) to use the document template we have provided.
Lawful Affidavit
To [name of organization]
[your name] of the family [family name] living breathing man of [your address],
make this Living Testimony in the form of an Affidavit.
I, [your name] of the family [family name’] CPO, OWB Commonwealth Public Official — (Note: If you are not a CPO, OWB, substitute [living breathing man] to show you are not a “thing” as they try to make you) — make oath and state as follows;
Formally Challenge your ability to establish a Lawful Court being a gathering under the sovereign as described in HCA 29 of 2009 at paragraph 20 for the following reasons;
“Validity of Courts Laws and Decisions”
[1] The Commonwealth Constitution states that the exercise of authority throughout the Commonwealth is under the Crown.
[2] The State of [your state] is created under 107, 108 and 109 of the Commonwealth Constitution Act 1900 UK and the Commonwealth Constitution 1901 and draws its authority from those constitutions.
[3] The State Constitution continues after Federation, subject to the Commonwealth Constitution 106 and altered in accordance with its constitution, Not Amended, Changed, or Repealed. Ref HCA 48 of 1996 at paragraph 17.
[4] You and all Legal Practitioners Must swear the oath of allegiance contained in the Commonwealth Constitution and the State Constitution Schedule E which was Unlawfully repealed using the Oaths Affidavits and Statutory Declarations Act 2005 W.A. An Act of Fraud and Treason against The People of [your state].
[5] The Lawful Oath authorises you under the British Accreditation Register to sit and take up any authority in the Commonwealth of Australia subject to the Coronation Oath of the Monarch and the Common Law being;
– Magna Carta
– 1688 Bill of Rights containing the Statute of Monopolies
– The Act of Settlement
– Habeas Corpus, and
– The King James Bible, the only instrument that constitutes a Lawful Court.
[6] Your authority to exercise authority is created by the Lawful Oath which makes you a Commonwealth Public Officer Not a Public Officer being an Employee of a Company.
[7] Without the authority of the Lawful Crown contained in Our Constitution, You…The Judges, Politicians, Public Servants, Police and Legal Practitioners [Not Lawyers] Have No Authority. Lawyers are Prohibited by the King James Bible to exist.
[8] No Lawful Crown Authority, No Authority, No Decisions of any State Courts, No Laws from the Parliament meaning No Laws Passed that Do Not Comply with Our Constitution Have Any Authority Whatsoever.
[9] No Lawful Oath, No Authority, No Right to Sit, No Lawful Court…End of Story !!!
[10] This Gathering Can Not Sit until it Can Establish an Authority under the Crown.
11] This Authority Must come from 12 of my peers Sitting in a Lawful Court.
9 thoughts on “Lawful Affidavit”
In its infancy, New Holland almost perished. Rather then face the equal life-threatening survival sea-voyage ordeal of returning HOME those mere handful of landowners still “pioneering” here, issued directly to the CROWN …… an ultimatum by way of a LETTERS PATENT PETITIONED DEMAND.
Essentially what the LANDOWNING PIONEERS said was:- give us that which we DEMAND —-or we will go Home.
a) We want FREEHOLD *fee simple 1215 Magna Carta cl 29 Principles; absolutely guaranteed by the CROWN for the LIFE OF THE LAND. (ALL LAND LAW is with the LAND and tied to the LAND).
b) In return for this absolute perpetuating CROWN guarantee ……. we LANDOWNERS will make an Annual RATE Gift towards which ever PROCLAIMED LOCAL GOVERNMENT “settlement” defining LG Area; Parish;County; Lot No etc; etc NAMED on the DEED PLAN as CONVEYED in return for our:-
c) equal GUARANTEED “continuing development” of this Colony towards Nationhood for whichever LG Area we LANDOWNERS are registered (s113 LG Act)
D) We will “continue” to commit to a financial annual contribution based on the 6a Valuation of LAND Act….. and as the Conveyance is ASSURED in accordance with the Provisions of the Conveyance Act 23B against the internal Conveyance “dictionary Act” definitions; s 14: and 23b
The 1855 NSW Constitution (Qld was part of NSW in 1842) clearly states in this LEGALLY Binding AGREEMENT …………..that the STATE is not to “interefere” with LAND matters.
Colony LANDOWNERS gave the principles of the Magna Carta to themselves by a FEDERATED “vote” in 1901 ……………….. read the Transcript of Hansard and commentary attributed to Symons (SA) 17-03–1898 Convention debates’
Queen Victoria was pragmatic enough to know that if we LANDOWNERS did not PAY for upfront and did not actually build our own LOCAL GOVERNMENT INFRASTRUCTURE in EACH of the widely scattered PROCLAIMED area………………..this wide-spread unexplored vastness of 1842 would NEVER be settled.
The FREEHOLD landowners in each of the Local Government Areas as ASSURED by the CROWN on the first REGISTERED DEED as “conveyed” from the CROWN to the LANDOWNER……………………… is a binding commercial act of CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT between the CROWN and the SOVEREIGN CITIZEN whose name now appears on the DEED. The STATE is NOT to interfere. It’s as simple as that
My niece is a J.P. Can she witness affidavit and present to the Admiralty courts?
If she is preparing an Affidavit for the Admiralty courts then, yes, a JP may sign it.
But if you are preparing one for a Common Law court then you must get it signed by two witnesses who know you. Please read the instructions on this page carefully:
Interesting, do you have a copy or reference to that document?
Yes, I have updated the article and included a sample Affidavit in MS Word form at for you. Sorry that the link wasn’t working before.
hi mike
does the affidavit need a notary to sign it ,, does it need to filed into a court of law
If you are submitting it to a court you need at least a JP to sign an Affidavit. If you are willing to pay a Notary to sign it then that will work too.
Is this affidavit only for use in Common Law Courts?
Yes, but make sure you change any wording to reflect your own situation.