Who Signed the Lima Declaration?

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In 1986, we are told, Australia became a Signatory to the Lima Declaration. Ever since then all governments have been implementing it.

But by whose Authority?

Not one Australian ever voted in a referendum to approve this fundamental change to our Constitutional arrangements. Yet, the only way the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 can be amended is through a Referendum of We, the People of the Commonwealth.

So, where do these governments get their Authority?

They don’t! They have absolutely no authority to change our Constitution without our approval. This is enshrined in Section 128 of the Constitution.

So, who did sign the Lima Agreement on our behalf without our permission?

Read the following to find out:


29 May 1986

Page: 4325

Lima Declaration

(Question No. 3650)

John Norman Button

Mr Conquest asked the Minister representing the Minister for Industry, Technology and Commerce, John Norman Button, upon notice, on 20 March 1986.

(1) Is it a fact that Australia (a) voted in favour of the Lima Declaration on 27 March 1975, (b) is a signatory to it and (c) has subsequently ratified the declaration?

(2) Do points numbered 59(c) and 61(d) of the Declaration militate against the interests of Australian manufacturers by suggesting that certain productive capacities be redeployed to developing countries?

(3) If so, why has the agreement been signed?

(4) Will the Government implement the points contained in the Declaration; (b) if so, what is the time-frame for this to be achieved?

Barry Jones

Mr Barry Jones – The Minister for Industry, Technology and Commerce has provided the following answer to the honourable member’s question:

(1) (a) Yes.

(b) and (c) The so called ‘Lima Declaration’ is a declaration agreed to by the Second General Conference of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation at Lima, Peru, in March 1975. It is not an international instrument requiring either signature or ratification. (emphasis by this website)

(2) (3) and (4) As explained above, Australia has not signed the Lima Declaration.

In supporting the Declaration in 1975 the leader of the Australian delegation presented a statement of reservation and interpretation in which the Australian Government’s position was effectively explained. In that statement the delegation leader said, inter alia: ‘The Australian delegation has supported the Declaration and Plan of Action because of the aspirations it embodies for a fairer, more co-operative and more progressive world order. (emphasis by this website) We have done so notwithstanding reservations on a number of matters.’ Reference was then made to Australian reservations made on the program of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order (NIEO) and on the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States (CERDS). The delegation leader then expressed specific reservations or interpretations on a number of paragraphs in the Declaration, including paragraphs 17, 19, 28, 40, 42, 43, 44, 47, 59(c) (d) and (e) and 60(e) and (f).

Around the time that statement was made and subsequently, a more difficult economic environment and increasing competition, particularly from developing countries in the region, was revealing major deficiencies in Australian manufacturing industry. This resulted in a significant change in the Government’s approach to manufacturing industry policy.

That policy is now aimed at making the manufacturing sector more internationally competitive, export-oriented, flexible and innovative, and capable of operating in the longer-term with minimal levels of government assistance and regulatory intervention.

A recognised consequence of this approach is the need for a gradual restructuring of industry.

The Government also continues to be actively involved as appropriate in assisting the process of industrialisation in developing countries. Means by which Australia pursues this objective include the Australian System of Tariff Preferences, the foreign aid program, and involvement in a range of activities under the auspices of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) and the Commonwealth Heads of Government Regional Meeting (CHOGRM) Working Group on Industry.

There you have it. All governments since 1986 HAVE COMMITTED TREASON!

So, what is the Lima Declaration, and how does it affect all Australians, and why is it TREASONOUS?

A call for change was made in March 1975 when the Second General Conference of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), meeting in Lima, issued a Declaration and World Plan of Action.

The Lima Declaration and Plan of Action calls for the redistribution of world industry so that developing countries would have 25% of it by the year 2000. To achieve this, radical changes in traditional concepts and practices are recommended. Economic growth in poorer countries could no longer be seen as the “trickle down” benefit of growth in rich countries. To close the gap between rich and poor nations the developing countries would have to grow faster than the developed countries. With this end in mind, the Lima Declaration sets out the “main principles of industrialisation” and defines the “means by which the international community as a whole might take broad action to establish a New International Economic Order (NIEO)   

The Declaration envisages a process of “continuous consultations” in redeploying world industry and bringing about a new didvision of labour internationally. To facilitate this, it was recommended that UNIDO become a specialised agency of the United Nations, with a new Industrial Development Fund, and undertake the central co-ordinating role in changing the world industrial map.

The Lima Declaration calls upon the developed countries to eliminate barriers to trade with developing countries and encourage their manufactured exports. They are asked to “restructure” their industries in order to deploy production capacity to developing countries and to expand technical assistance programmes. They are also asked to co-operate in ensuring that the activities of transnational corporations conform to the economic and social aims of developing countries in which they operate. They are further asked to avoid discriminatory and aggressive acts against States which exercise sovereign rights over their own natural resources. All these recommendations are, in differing degrees, matters of controversy. But encouragingly, there is no question of the general direction of change recommended – that of industrialising the poorer countries.

Source: The Seventh Special Session of the General assembly 1st to 12th September 1975. Issues and background, New York, United Nations, 1975 pp 22-23.

A copy of the declaration was supplied from “A new international economic order”; selected documents 1945-1975 volume 2. N.Y., UNITAR, 1977 pp 631-650

Once our government started implementing the Lima Declaration they increased taxes and made it so difficult for businesses to manufacture in Australia that they were forced offshore.

All the big-name manufacturers fled overseas within a decade. Smaller manufacturers continued to flee as well, until today Australia has very little manufacturing capacity left at all.

‘Despite this, all governments, ALP ande LIBS, have increased the financial burden on We, the People of the Commonwealth, without our approval voting in referendums. Examples of this include imposing a GST when Prime Minister (for theft) John Howard promised before the election that he would not bring in a GST tax. Remember that? This is the same John Howard who boasted that he had saved the Australian economy. But he neglected to tell us that he sold off our gold reserves to do so.

As well, State governments have implementing a system of unlawful draconian fines for a wide range of legislated “offences”. These so-called offences are nothing more than a cash grab. This stealth method of raising tax money has been so successful that State Governments, that are forbidden by the Constitution from raising taxes, gather billions of dollars a year for infringing these fake “laws”.

We have been lied, to, manipulated, and fleeced until today large numbers of Australians can no longer live comfortably, as we were able to in the days of the Commonwealth of Australia….the days before the Lima Declaration.

If you are tired of the way our nation is being run into the ground, then it is up to you to do something about it. Don’t expect the government to fix the problem…ALL AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENTS ARE THE PROBLEM!

We can only regain our rights and freedoms and bring about a lawful government under the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 by acting lawfully to make the criminals accountable for their crimes.

You can help fix the broken political system by uniting with other Aussies in a Common Law Assembly. Find out more here:

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