The Deception Exposed
After World War Two the western Allies presented us with a picture of Hitler as a mass murdering monster. But have you ever wondered who this “monster” really was?
We have all seen Hitler speaking to massive crowds of Germans, but we rarely hear his speeches translated into English. Have you ever wondered what he really said that so entranced millions of Germans?
How did Hitler manage to take a Germany prostrated into submission by the victorious Allies and re-build the German economy? He couldn’t have done it without the willing support of the German people. Yet we rarely hear any explanation for this.
Why did Hitler decide to eliminate all the Jews? We are told he hated them, but why? That is rarely explained either.
In fact, we are told very little about Hitler the man….the man the German people not only idolised, but willingly went to war for against the whole world.
This video answers these and many more questions. It should be noted that this website does not, and never will, support National Socialism. It is a totalitarian form of government that we could never tolerate. And yet, Hitler managed to completely revitalize Germany through Nazism. We can learn from his successes and his failures.
Australia is heading towards a similar fate to Germany before Hitler came along. We are losing our rights, our freedoms, the government ignores our needs and our will. The political parties have set up a destructive, dictatorial style of socialist government that has disenfranchised all members of the Commonwealth of Australia. It is up to us to change things. But we can only do that if we understand what is really going on in the world today.
And we can only understand if we learn from history. Hitler, despite the evil he did, has plenty to teach us. This video shows us a completely different view of the man and the nation than the one we have been told.
What Hitler Really Thought – Video Part 1
What Hitler Really Thought – Video Part 2
7 thoughts on “What Hitler Really Said”
All in favour of CIR; Have 1 person in both house of reps and senate that hold them both to account: The CIR Member holds the various ministers to account via an app that we the people can vote on the outcome of the vote then goes via the CIR representative saying and showing what We The People think…
Have you read this?
No where, is there any verification that this IS in fact what Hitler said : WHAT was this guy’s source ??????
Read Mein Kampf.
Read Mein Kampf. Hitler was a great man who worked tirelessly for his people and country. When the war started, he was annoyed at the British, whom he saw as a kindred people, and hoped they would come to their senses and end the hostilities. It was Britain that started the war, Hitler kept offering peace but Churchill didn’t want it.
Well said Wayne I know of two People one lived in Germany and the other in Hungary and they both said to this day that there was never a Holocaust .
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