Revolution is the act to change the form of government.
The Crimes Act defines Treason and Treachery clearly. Even though the Political Parties have tried to ignore the Constitution and use their own corporate constitution, our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 is still in force. We, the people of the Commonwealth, have a Common Law right to implement the laws according to our Constitution…not the political party one.

CRIMES ACT 1914-1973 – SECT. 24AA.
Inserted by No. 84, 1960, s. 24.
24AA. (1) A person shall not-
(a) do any act or thing with intent-
(i) to overthrow the Constitution of the Commonwealth by revolution or sabotage; or
(ii) to overthrow by force or violence the established government of the Commonwealth, of a State or of a proclaimed country; or
(b) within the Commonwealth or a Territory not forming part of the Commonwealth-
(i) levy war, or do any act preparatory to levying war, against a proclaimed country;
(ii) assist by any means whatever, with intent to assist, a proclaimed enemy of a proclaimed country; or
(iii) instigate a person to make an armed invasion of a proclaimed country.
(2) Where a part of the Defence Force is on, or is proceeding to, service outside the Commonwealth and the Territories not forming part of the Commonwealth, a person shall not assist by any means whatever, with intent to assist, any persons-
(a) against whom that part of the Defence Force, or a force that includes that part of the Defence Force, is or is likely to be opposed; and
(b) who are specified, or included in a class of persons specified, by proclamation to be persons in respect of whom, or a class of persons in respect of which, this sub-section applies.
(3) A person who contravenes a provision of this section shall be guilty of an indictable offence, called treachery.
Penalty: Imprisonment for life.
(4) In this section-
‘proclaimed country’ means a country specified by proclamation made for the purpose of this definition to be a proclaimed country, and includes any colony, overseas territory or protectorate of that country, or any territory for the international relations of which that country is responsible, which is a colony, overseas territory, protectorate or territory to which the proclamation is expressed to extend; ”proclaimed enemy”, in relation to a proclaimed country, means an enemy-
(a) of and at war with a proclaimed country, whether or not the existence of a state of war has been declared; and
(b) specified by proclamation made for the purpose of this definition to be an enemy of and at war with that country.
(5) A proclamation shall not be made for the purpose of the definition of ”proclaimed country”, or for the purpose of the definition of ”proclaimed enemy”, in the last preceding sub-section except in pursuance of a resolution of each House of the Parliament passed within the preceding period of twenty-one days.
Common Law still defines the punishment for Treason as death by hanging. With all the betrayals, treachery and treason committed by the political parties in Federal and State Parliaments isn’t it time to make an example of the worst offenders and make the rest, including the traitors who have stolen our money and land through their corporate “local government” accountable for their crimes with jail time?
12 thoughts on “Treason & Treachery Defined”
Yair! But how can traitors be identified, prosecuted, judged and executed without a proper and consistent government and judicial system?
We all should be familiar with rampaging mobs hysterically declaring just about anyone of learning and understanding to be “traitors” at the behest of cunning rabble-rousers. Take any “revolution” from the French Revolution onward to see the resultant anarchy, debauchery and misery that results.
I say that the endemic corruption of all sham (treasonous) “governments” in the World today must be quietly supplanted with good, honest people (if there are any left) for there to be any stable improvement to the commonwealth of the citizens.
We agree, and that is why we have instituted the My Will letter initiative, engaged 15 CPO’s (Commonwealth Public Officials) who have duly sworn allegiance to HM Queen Elizabeth the Second, defender of the Faith, as well as at least on Common Law Sheriff. We are following the lawful steps under Common Law to investigate and prosecute the criminals and traitors. Anyone brought to trial will face their accusers in a court and judged by a 12 man/woman jury.
So what is the real difference between “swearing allegiance” to HM QE II and a de facto allegiance to “The Crown” which is the “City of London” that owns the Monarchy anyway?
To think that 15 CPO’s who have a vested interest in preserving “the establishment” will do anything but preserve the establishment is a fantastic dream.
The “secretocracy” pervades every level of officialdom and they have lackeys of every shape and colour to preserve the status quo.
Ah, our old friend Ol David who still hasn’t grasped what is going on. Please keep reading the articles on our website here…you’ll get it one day.
SA POlice booked me for supposedly speeding but Will Not show speed camera meets Federal Measurement Act requirement
they push it to court I,m in WA approx 3000k away video refuse ==court up held police =so attempted to lodge appeal got no pace
Pervert the Course of justice & threats
Have you got the e-Book, Steps to Fight Fines — and Stay out of Court? It includes template letters you can use to challenge their authority. People are reporting almost every day that their fines and other legal problems are getting resolved. The letters work…and the e-Book shows you how to challenge fines and other unlawful attempts to extract money from you. They have no authority. Challenge them on that.
They wont do that because under the law they don’t have to. if you don’t pay the fine all that will happen is that you’ll get more fines. Eventually you’ll lose everything you own. The whole sovereign citizen thing is bullshit, it never works. Eventually the court will run out of patience with you. It’s not that your baffling them with your dazzling legal mind and cunning traps into which they happlessly fall, it’s that they are humouring you in the hope you’ll wake up to yourself and they won’t have to take away all your toys. Eventually the axe will fall, on you.
{sigh} Brenda, you can deny all you like, but people who buy our e-Book are reporting back to us that they are stopping their fines using the template letters we have created, BASED ON OUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE LAW…THE REAL LAW OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA.
You are confused, because you still believe that the political party corporate government has any authority. Instead of denying what we say, why don’t you do some real investigation and start learning what has gone wrong with our country’s government? The video in this article is a good place to start…and you can double check by looking up the laws mentioned in it: Criminals in Government: How Goss & Rudd Stole our Democracy
If you want to put a stop to the criminal behaviour of the corporate government, you can do two things:
1. Send a copy of the letter we have provided to your Council CEO (Mayor) telling him he is on notice that we know he and all Local Councils (not Local GOVERNMENT) are unlawful and in treason. If you still don’t believe us when we say they are not lawful government, ask yourself why all government documents today have an ABN.
2. Download and sign the My Will letter to authorize 15 Commonwealth Public Officials (CPO) to convene a Grand Jury to investigate and prosecute political corruption at all levels.
under what oath have you taken Under what jurisdiction under what legal system legislation ? Legislative law needs consent
You need to learn how to read. Read this again. There is not a single politician in the country that meets the criteria given for treason. You’re a bunch of raving lunatics.
Directed to Brenda under what oath did maybe you and your fellow politicians make an oath to and
Why are we operating as company which is a corporation when under under a federation we’re a constitution
One thing that makes matters worse is this persists manipulation of the Australian government Corp into our education system the media makes out that we are the criminals when it’s the reverse
Some of the horrific things that they have done it’s time now to see some nooses