Of course, it’s all about the money, but how many of you know why we really sent our boys off to a war we didn’t want?
In 1966 the Australian government, amidst great fanfare and hoopla, changed us over from Pounds Sterling to the Metric currency ($) we use today. At the same time, we converted to the Metric measuring system.
At the time, it was touted as the sensible thing to do to simplify our monetary and measuring systems.
However, there was a sinister reason behind it all. The Australian government, aka the Harold Holt Liberal/Country coalition, needed money…tons of it, so they turned to the US and the international banksters for it.
But the banksters were not just going to lend the money to the “Australian Government” without collateral.
Where was the government going to find enough assets to cover the cost of such a massive loan?
There was only one untapped source that represented an almost bottomless pit of value…it was us! We, the people of the Commonwealth became the collateral for the loans the government needed to take out. And like all ALP and LIB governments, they borrowed the money to give it away and squander on useless projects to “benefit the people”…or to line their own pockets and those of their mates.
Yeah, right!
Table 1 gives a simple representation of the main components that are included and excluded from the Australian Government’s net debt calculation.
Decimal Currency & Debt after WW2
PM John Curtin’s economic policies from 1941–1945 greatly stimulated the economy by increasing production and ending unemployment. Soon after he came to power the Australian economy started to boom.
But by 1943 Australia was facing a severe manpower shortage, and this impacted on industrial expansion. The upside of this was that high profits and strict rationing of consumables led to a rapid increase in national savings and profits, creating a surplus of domestic capital.
Australia needed funds for our contribution to the war effort and in 1942 Government enacted the Uniform Taxation Act. This removed the ability of the state governments to levy income tax.
Coupled with higher taxation and several successful bond drives this meant that by 1945 the Australian Government was able to fund most of our war effort from domestic sources.
However, international financial events, especially the British devaluation of their pound, forced the government to devalue our pound as well. This, and other factors, impacted negatively on our economy and it wouldn’t be long before Australia needed to borrow substantial amounts of money to continue economic growth.
Despite this, the ALP adopted a policy of reconstruction based on the principles of “nationalisation and rationalisation”. The government maintained control over the “commanding heights” of the economy to continue economic growth, restrain inflation and institute full employment.
When the Liberal party came to power they continued the economic growth stimulus. In other words, they just did exactly the same as the ALP. And so was born the look-alike two-party preferred government system of Australia.
The economy remained buoyant up to the 1960’s. Then, on the 2nd February 1960 the Political Parties acted in TREASON and took total control of the Governor-General and Commander in Chief (of the Commonwealth Defence Force) by removing the Signet from the Commission.
This was followed not long afterwards in 1966 with the changeover to decimal currency. This meant that the GG could no longer be employed in Australia by the Crown, because the Constitution stated that the GG must be paid in Pounds, not dollars.
From then on, Australia was doomed to a continuing downward spiral.
But it was a slow descent, deliberately designed by the political parties to slowly whittle away our freedoms and rights as they surreptitiously changed our laws to suit themselves. With each change in the law we lost yet another freedom or right. But that was all to happen in the future.
The turning point was the change to decimal currency and then the slow slide into poverty and 3rd world status, all while the political parties kept telling the people of the Commonwealth how good we had it.
The writing was on the wall, and the Australian government foresaw economic difficulties looming. They turned to the USA for loans to help prop up the economy and continue the economic boom.
The USA was happy to oblige, but as the Australian government did not have the necessary cash or other valuables to underwrite the loans the US demanded a different kind of security.
The lives and bodies of our Australian youth were required as collatoral. As a result, the Australian and US governments colluded to bring in National Service and send our boys over to join the Americans fighting in Vietnam.
To achieve this, the Australian government was also forced to abandon British Sterling currency and bring in US-backed dollars instead.
Ever since then, we have been in debt and in thrall to the US banksters. Australia’s Big Four banks, while making huge profits from their lending and money-creation practices, are dictated to by the US/International banking cartel through the Central Banking System.
This loss and decline actually started back in July 1930 when Governor of the Bank of England, Sir Otto Niemeyer, arrived in Australia. He came ostensibly to work with Sir Robert Gibson to help Australia through the depression.
In reality, they conspired to hoodwink the ALP Scullin Administration into handing over the keys to bank and the money millions of Aussie battlers had saved to the international Central Banking System.
As a result, Sir Robert Gibson was re-appointed to the Commonwealth Bank Board for another seven years on August 4, 1930, although his existing appointment did not expire until the following October. (Hansard, Vol. 129, p. 1610-1612). This done, Niemeyer attended a meeting of the Loan Council and the Premiers’ Conference in Melbourne (August, 1930), and laid his demands before them. There were five main provisions.
(Parl. Papers, 1929-31, Vol. 2, No. 81, p. 45).
- Budgets to be balanced at any cost in human suffering.
- Cessation of overseas borrowing until the then short-term indebtedness had been dealt with.
- No public works, which would not pay for interest and sinking funds on loans, to be put in hand.
- All interest payments to be credited to a special account in the Commonwealth Bank, and to be used only in favour of the bondholders.
- Monthly accounts to be published in Australia and overseas, showing summaries of revenue and expenditure. The short-term debt and loan account were also to be stated.
The Conference seems to have accepted these terms with a good many mental reservations, but outwardly, at any rate, their submission was complete, not to say abject.
“Today”, writes Mr. H.N. Brailsford (quoted in Hansard, Vol. 127, p. 576), “you may behold a continent on its knees. It is bowed to his (Niemeyer’s) dictation. It will cut down its imports. It will lay the axe to all its expenditure on social services, including education. It will reduce the salaries of its civil servants. It will cut wages all round. It is prepared for an increase in unemployment from the present 18% to a possible 30%. It is kissing the rod that chastened it. On all hands, we read, ‘the help of Sir Otto Niemeyer is warmly appreciated’.”
In desperation, the Scullin Administration begged Sir Robert Gibson to increase the note issue by $40 million, to enable them to fight the depression, which was now advancing on the world and Australia like a landslide.
But Sir Robert, secure in his recent appointment, no longer troubled to be polite, saying, “Mr. Prime Minister and Members of the Cabinet, you ask me to inflate the currency by issuing another $40 million in notes. My answer is that I bloody well won’t.” (“Smith’s Weekly” 4/10/30).
It is difficult to believe that the Scullin Administration did not know that they had the power to deal with this hectoring individual by other means than getting a Bill through the Senate: but if they did know their power, they did not use it.
After some ineffective attempts at revolt they submitted, and Sir Robert Gibson, in company with the trading banks, fixed up what is known as the Exchange Mobilisation Agreement. This dictated that each trading bank should hand over to the Commonwealth Bank, out of its Sterling receipts in London, month by month an amount sufficient to meet the overseas commitments of the Australian Government – the rate of exchange to be fixed by the Commonwealth Bank — now subject to the International Central Banking dictatorship. This agreement eased the overseas position considerably, so far as the Government and the bond-holders were concerned.
Eventually, due to the economic domination by overseas financial interests, and the failure of successive governments to adhere strictly to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 under PART V. – POWERS OF THE PARLIAMENT we became a nation of debt slaves when we never should have if we had elected representatives directly accountable to the People of the Commonwealth.
Our Constitution states in Section 51: The Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, have power to make laws for the peace, order, and good government of the Commonwealth with respect to:-
(xii.) Currency, coinage, and legal tender
(xiii.) Banking, other than State banking ; also State banking extending beyond the limits of the State concerned, the incorporation of banks, and the issue of paper money
In other words, only Parliament has the power to create money, both coin in silver and gold, and to create paper money.
However, paper money must be backed by something of value, usually gold. Ever since 1932, after the government abandoned the Gold Standard, Australia’s monetary supply has been backed by nothing more than the “good word” of the banks and the government. In other words, our money is worthless unless we believe that it has value.
And on 5 November 1964, the Cabinet introduced a compulsory selective National Service scheme to underwrite the massive loans Australia needed. Our boys were the collateral.
Knowing this, how can we ever trust the political party governments and the banks to administer and fund our nation ever again?
The Political Parties Australian Dollar is Fiat Money like all fiat money in the world, but the Political Parties Australian Dollar is also counterfeit to the Founding and Primary Law, Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 as Proclaimed and Gazetted, which is a Major Criminal Offence.
The Council of Australian Governments (COAG), which includes all Local Governments (Councils), All Australian Banks are criminally enforcing the use of counterfeit money.
When Australian Banks lend Australian Dollars they are lending nothing but counterfeit money. A Criminal action for which they must be held accountable.
The debt created by the Political Parties Australian Governments sitting under their own corporate, copyrighted Constitutions belongs to the Political Parties, not the people of the Commonwealth of Australia as established under the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 as Proclaimed and Gazetted.
This timeline explains in a few simple words how the Fabian Society — “soft Communists”, aka Socialists — stole our nation, our Parliament, our GG, our economy, and sold us all out.
“It’s Time” a.k.a. ‘How to switch us to a ‘different society’
Step 1. Sit back and wait for the 70 years to be up (1901 – 1971)
Push hard with the “It’s Time” Campaign.
2nd Dec 1972 ‘Fabian’ Labor gets elected (first time since 1949) with ‘Fabius Maximus’ (a.k.a. E.G.W.) ‘taking the reins’.
(Prime Ministers and Premiers are all groomed and hand picked after graduating from Fabian London School of Economics.
Fabians play both sides of major parties. (Whether left or right wing, it is the ‘same bird’.)
Step 2. 5th Dec 1972 instead of waiting until 15th Dec, (waiting for Postal Votes, re-counts etc. to be finalised.) E.G.W. gets the then G.G. (Paulus Has-lucked us all) to declare the election won.
Step 3. Duumvirate (Duumvirate – meaning a ministry of two.)
For the next two (2) weeks E.G.W. ran the whole cabinet with Lance Barnard (Barnyard (and G.G. Paul Hasluck (Paulus Has-lucked us all.) Repealed 40 significant decisions.
Step 4. Changed constitutional definitions and created private ‘AUSTRALIA’ and ‘COMMONWEALTH’ (without a Referendum) for the benefit of the Political Parties.
Step 5. 20th March 1973 UNIDROIT Treaty signed.
Step 6. 4th Dec 1973 Seas and Submerged Lands Act 1973. Covers Australia with an imaginary layer of water to create an exclusive economic zone for UNIDROIT to exist in Australia, converting ‘heirs’ to ‘holders’. (and the administration for and by the Political Parties)
Other Steps the Political Parties took to destroy our nation:
12 – 26 March 1975 Lima Declaration signed by Labor Senator Don Willesee. Australia complied and now 98% of manufacturing has gone overseas.
11th Nov 1975 E.G.W. sacked by G.G. John Kerr (C.I.A.’s man)
(Viet Nam War withdrawal and Pine Gap played significant parts)
11th Nov 1975 – 1983 Fabian Malcolm Fraser took over as P.M. (Liberal). Malcolm showed remorse before ‘kicking the bucket’ on 20 Mar 2015 13:30
A list of Fabian Prime Ministers:
1983 – 1991 Bob Hawke
1991 -1996 Paul Keating (The Recession we had to have)
1996 – 2007 John Howard (1996 – Took away our guns)
2007 – 2010 Kevin Rudd
2010 – 2013 Julia Gillard
2013 – 2013 Kevin Rudd (again)
2013 – 2015 Tony Abbott
2015 – 2018 Malcolm Turnbull
2018 – Scott Morrison
And that, dear readers, is how to steal a whole nation while keeping the inhabitants docile, dumb and compliant.
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