Our Constitutional Identity

Our Constitutional identity determines our interaction with and control over our government. It is essential that we understand where we stand under the law. If we fail to understand our legal and civil rights we can and will lose them to tyranny. Australia is no longer governed under the rule of law. Instead, we have a tyranny of the states, dictated to us by the United Nations.

Relevant clauses from the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution

Preamble: Whereas the people of New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland, and Tasmania, humbly relying on the blessing of Almighty God, have agreed to unite in one indissoluble Federal Commonwealth under the Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and under the Constitution hereby established:

2. The provisions of this Act referring to the Queen shall extend to Her Majesty’s heirs and successors in the sovereignty of the United Kingdom.


6. “The Commonwealth” shall mean the Commonwealth of Australia as established under this Act. “The States” shall mean such of the colonies of New South Wales, New Zealand, Queensland, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, and South Australia, including the northern territory of South Australia, as for the time being are parts of the Commonwealth, and such colonies or territories as may be admitted into or established by the Commonwealth as States; and may be admitted into or established by the Commonwealth as States; and each of such parts of the Commonwealth shall be called “a State”. “Original States” shall mean such States as are parts of the Commonwealth at its establishment.

Our Inalienable-Rights

So 4 major points to hold:

1. The people in 1900 united in an indissoluble Federal Commonwealth
a. Indissoluble meaning it can NOT be dissolved, but will exist forever
2. The people were OF the Original States – which are the colonies that became States at the establishment of the Commonwealth.
3. Those Original States ONLY exist because the colonies were ADMITTED INTO the Commonwealth.
a. So the Commonwealth admissions created the States from the colonies.

4. The people OF those Original States are the signatories (through their elected representatives) to the contract IN the Commonwealth of Australia and so
a. The Original States must still exist
b. For the States to drop out of the Constitution would require the permission of the people
c. Those States would then revert back to colonies
d. And would thus be answerable back to the Queen personally as the colonial Head of State.

Big time Catch 22 for them

The term “common wealth” is biblical – Ezekiel 22:29

1. Common refers to the land, the earth
2. The people were formed from the dry earth
3. Common people = the people of the land
4. Law of the Land = common law
5. Common wealth = the wealth of the people of the land

So the Commonwealth of Australia is the people of the land of Australia. Hence all assets created by those people in the Commonwealth are assets OF the people.

The Constitution is essentially the Articles of Incorporation.

The common people, abiding in specific colonies, agree to unite in a Common wealth corporation, for the purpose of united trade and commerce nder 1 set of laws held to the law of the land – common law

Hence, the Commonwealth of Australia is a common law company with a common law contract and a common law Constitution.

Each of those people then: held 1 share in the Common wealth
Which is: inheritable

Note the difference between the terms ‘heir’ and ‘successor’. An ‘heir’ is one who has been given an inheritance, but they have not yet received that inheritance – it is still just an offer. A ‘successor’ is one who has been given an inheritance, and has accepted it.

With regard the monarchy, a perfect example is the situation of the Queen’s uncle Edward VIII, who inherited the role from his father George V, but did not go through with the coronation, instead abdicating. So he was an heir but not a successor. The Queen’s father George VI was the next heir in line, accepted the role and became the successor to the throne, followed on his death by Elizabeth II.

We, as heirs to the Commonwealth are in that exact same situation. We are heirs but not successors until we accept the role.

In biblical terms the life of man is 70.

change australian-constitution-writers
The men who wrote the Australian Constitution

The Constitution was Proclaimed & Gazetted 1st January 1901.

1966: Decimal currency was introduced into Australia through a private agreement between the Premiers of each State.

1967: the use of International Military Postcodes were introduced into Australia

1973: Whitlam created the Australian Government as a body of the Executive of the Commonwealth. Whitlam then created the title the Queen of Australia, as the “patron” of the Australian Government

The High Court have stated that no judicial authority can be attached to anything using the term “Australia”, as all constitutional authority lies with the Commonwealth of Australia.

The Australian Government enacted the Seas and Submerged Lands Act 1973, which expanded the international ocean boundaries around the shoreline, both inward and outward. This act also created a new ‘exclusive economic zone’ operating in the map expansion.

The United Nations is a body that holds no land whatsoever. Therefore all its dealings are held to Admiralty law – the law of the high seas. The expansion of this exclusive economic zone into international waters, brought UN-bound admiralty law into play. Admiralty law does not deal in living men or women – it is solely about commercial contracts. Things in personam v things in rem. Cargo.

So an admiralty case is often against a ‘ship’ (a thing in rem) with the acceptance that the captain (a thing in personam) can speak for the ship.


Do not be mislead

– admiralty also exists under common law
– but this brought in UN Admiralty law
– which is NOT under common law, but is independent to the UN.

The Original States protested the constitutional validity of this act and it went to the High Court, who approved it. That should not be taken to mean that the High Court acted treasonously, because a decision depends on what is asked.

All the Original States then entered into a Constitutional Offshore Agreement with the Commonwealth, changed their State Constitutions and assumed the titles of NSW, VIC, QLS, SA, WA, TAS.

From the Federal election of 1974 on, the people voted to elect an Australian Government NOT a Commonwealth of Australia Parliament.

So the Commonwealth of Australia is from then on referred to as the Australian Government

The Original States were now referred to under new titles also, so creating new States.

Now it is important to note this Constitutional fact:

1. The Parliament is vested with the authority to make laws THROUGH the clauses of the Constitution
2. The Executive (government) is vested with the authority to action those laws – they can NOT make laws.
3. The Judiciary are vested with the authority to examine disputes IN those laws – they can NOT make laws, BUT they can dispute the constitutional validity of a law.

One of the other things Whitlam did in 1973, was amend ALL Cth Acts by removing the term Commonwealth and replacing it with the term Australia or Australian Government.

The Australian Government then brought all the relevant acts together and created their version of the Constitution. the 1901 Constitution is approx. 24 pages – the Constitution of the Aus Govt is over 100 pages.

The States essentially did the same with their new State Constitutions.

BUT: Just as the Constitution of the people of the Commonwealth is alive and well, the Constitutions of the Original States must exist to support those bodies as well.

So – Given that man had reached his age of 70, and no-one was apparently stepping up to accept their ‘heirship’ role as one of the people of the Commonwealth, it appears Whitlam and co were able to activate the C’est Que Vie act 1660.

This act was created after the Great Fire of London, when so many people died and so much property was lost. And given that international sea trade was the primary trading route, when a sailor was shipwrecked, it might take him years to get back to home, so his estate would be placed in administration until 7 years had passed. At that time, the estate would be divided among the heirs, or would go back to him IF he had turned up.

Because it appears no-one was claiming their Constitutional role, and were trading under false titles, all estates were taken into C’est Que Vie administration.

This is a massive deception as proven by the fact that it could have been resolved by simply advising all the people of their constitutional responsibilities and the amount of time that the gradual evolution of the takeover took, from 1966 at least until the Corporations Act 2001 specifically.

Administrations run under Leiber Code rules – which include registration, postcodes and etc. because the administration is a UN body and so held to foreign laws – not domestic.

The Australian Government is that administration and refers to itself in its own documentation as a ‘foreign government of political subdivisions.’

Because the Constitution is a single contract and all and any enactment must have a ‘Head of Power’ from a constitutional clause – the people were not required to deal individually with government on many occasions.

However, the Australian Government has absolutely no constitutional authority and no ‘Head of Power’ to provide the same, so it requires all individual and specific contracts to be in place to provide the enforcement it then uses.

So the people are constantly now expected to register every trade qualification, purchase, legal necessity, personal issue, health matter, financial activity and etc – so they are all held to contractual obligations when a dispute arises.

This is where a living man or woman’s Private Law comes into play.

People around Australia are uniting to form common law assemblies: community government, of the people, by the people, for the people. Learn how common law assemblies work here:

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