Letter to Chief of AFP about their Oath

If we are going to get our country back to Commonwealth of Australia Constitutional government we are going to need the police on side.

The first step in this process must be to alert them that they are serving the wrong masters, under a false Oath.

We are asking all members of the Commonwealth of Australia to send to the chief of the Australian Federal Police, Commissioner Reece Kershaw, the letter below, informing him that all political party governments since Gough Whitlam have participated in and committed HIGH TREASON!

Once we have informed the Chief and all members of the AFP of their status serving an unlawful organisation, they must either resign immediately, or take the proper Oath of Allegiance and start serving the people of Australia, as required by Common Law and our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901.

The following is the text of the letter, or you can download an MS Word copy of the letter by Clicking here

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Whenever you write a letter to any government office you must always put your name and address in Sentence Case (no ALL CAPS) on the right hand side of the page. This shows that you are the Creditor, not the Debtor.


Commissioner Reece Kershaw
C/O Australian Federal Police
GPO Box 401
Canberra ACT 2601
ABN – 17 864 931 143

John/Jane Doe,
Address, city,
Postcode, Australia

Dear Sir,

I would just like to take up a short moment of your time and establish some facts from you to determine if a very serious indictable crime has or has not been committed.

Our Supreme Law is the Commonwealth of Australian Constitution Act 1901 and English Common Law. It is for this that our brave ANZAC Diggers have given their lives, to ensure that We, the People of the Commonwealth may live in peace and harmony. It is this contract with the Constitution that the People of the Commonwealth of Australia have agreed to live under the law.

It has come to the attention of a growing number of Australians, myself included, that governments led by political parties have sought to destroy our founding laws by passing legislation to change our Constitution without the permission of We, the People of the Commonwealth of Australia voting in a referendum, as required under Section 128.

To do so, the Australian parliament, by the Royal Style and Titles Act 1953, gave the Queen the title Queen of Australia. However, in 1973, EG Whitlam, an individual with one vote in the Commonwealth of Australia, and without the authority of the Queen or the People, changed her title from

  • Elizabeth the Second, By the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her Other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith to
  • Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God Queen of Australia and Her other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth (A statutory abstract entity that does not hold the Title ‘Defender of the Faith’).

Therefore, that title is not the title of the private queen as found in the Preamble to our Constitutional contract. If the private woman is not found in that title, there is no protection in that title for the private men and women who are part of that contract.

Consequently, that title holds no common law authority.

Therefore, the inherent jurisdiction of the private people is absent in that title. That is not the title of the Constitutional Monarch We, the People of the Commonwealth of Australia hold the contract with.

Therefore, the Queen of Australia has no authority over the People. This ‘fake’ queen holds no land, has no collateral and gives no authority. It is simply a statutory patron of the Political Parties Australian Government.

Taking the rightful Queen out of our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 is HIGH TREASON!

My question to you is: Were you, and all serving members of the AFP, aware when you took the Oath to become Police Officers that you were swearing an Oath to a false Queen?

 If you were not aware, then you have just been informed of this serious crime against the Crown and the People of the Commonwealth of Australia. Therefore, you and all officers of the AFP must:

  1. Either resign immediately. Failure to do so and remaining in your current employment will mean you are committing Misprision of Treason, a serious indictable offence punishable with Life in Prison
  2. Or, recall all serving AFP officers to swear the true Oath of Allegiance to Elizabeth the Second, By the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her Other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith, as required in the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901, and then arrest the criminals and traitors, past and present, who have committed unspeakable crimes against the Crown, and We, the People of the Commonwealth of Australia to be put on trial in a Common Law court.

The Oath you are lawfully required to swear, or by affirmation, is:

The Oath:

I, A.B., do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Victoria, Her heirs and successors according to law.

So Help Me God!


I, A.B., do solemnly and sincerely affirm and declare that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Victoria, Her heirs and successors according to law.

(Note: The name of the King or Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland for the time being is to be substituted from time to time.)

Your office has already received the summary sheet of “64 counts of treason” (September 2019) brought against the entire parliament and sent to the Inspector General, every Governor, every Premier, every TV station, yet you all continue in breach of the covenant of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 every day.

You swore a false Oath to protect every man, woman and child of today and the future, and to obey the unlawful legislation.

Therefore, it is your solemn duty to start working in a manner which is expected of you by the people of the Commonwealth. We are not just a small group of people. We number in the millions and we are taking every diplomatic and lawful step to bring parliament back into line. This notice to you is to alert you to the very serious crimes that have been committed by various members of the political parties and their organs of the State. Yet the politicians dismiss us and just create more statutes to make our lives more difficult….as if they are trying to create civil unrest – something we are trying very hard to avert through lawful means.

It is your duty to return to lawful service by taking the correct Constitutional Oath of Allegiance, otherwise you leave yourselves open to arrest and prosecution, and under the law any member of the Commonwealth of Australia may arrest you and any other suspected criminal.

We, the People of the Commonwealth of Australia are a peaceful and forgiving people. Therefore, we are asking you and all AFP officers to please do the right thing for the people of Australia, do the right thing for your children, and do the right thing for their children down the ages, otherwise there will be no future for them due to the tyranny.

Even the Nazi soldiers who committed such terrible crimes in the name of the State were not spared in the end, so using the excuse “I was following orders” is no longer acceptable.

Every Patriotic Aussie prays that you will take action and start taking down the corrupt politicians in line with the Constitution. Good always prevails over evil. We wish you God speed in doing the right thing, and upholding the true law of the land.

Yours sincerely,

John/Jane Doe

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