Signing in to any business with the QR code app is voluntary. You do not have to comply. Each state calls the Covid App by its own name, but the same Federal laws apply to them.
If a business or venue tries to force you to sign in with the app, it is a Federal Crime: Privacy Act Section 94h.
Forcing anyone to accept any medical procedure, whether it be a vaccination, or a prophylactic measure like wearing masks or signing in with a QR code app, is a Federal Crime. The Australian people voted in 1946 to allow the government to provide dental and medical services, but the government cannot force anyone to accept any medical procedure.
If anyone tries to force you, get their personal details, name, address, and then go straight to your local court and charge them under the Privacy Act Section 94h.
We need everyone to start taking these people trying to force us to accept any medical procedure to court. People have already won in court and been awarded large sums of money in recompense. So, don’t allow any business owner to try and browbeat you into submission to give away your rights!
Read the following Privacy Policy issued by the Queensland Government. These are their own rules and laws:
About this app
Check In Qld is provided by the Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy (also called CHDE) and Queensland Health and the Hospital and Health Services (collectively ‘Queensland Health’) as part of the Queensland Government’s response to a declared public health emergency (COVID-19) under the Public Health Act 2005 (Qld).
What this app is for. Check In Qld is a contactless and convenient way for people to check in at Queensland venues and events. It lets people check in by scanning a QR code (a special type of barcode) that is displayed at a venue or event to confirm the date and time they were there.
If required, this information is then sent to Queensland Health to help with faster COVID-19 related contact tracing – this helps to keep the community safe.
This is a voluntary app. You do not have to use Check In Qld to check in at a venue or event – but if you don’t, then you must register your attendance in that venue or event by other means. Please confirm the details of these alternative methods with the business or organisation.
Questions or concerns. If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions about Check In Qld, please call 13 42 68.
About this Privacy Policy
What this policy is about. This Check In Qld Privacy Policy sets out how CHDE collects, processes, holds, discloses and uses personal information of people who download, access and use the Check In Qld mobile application and any associated website or software (collectively referred to as Check In Qld).
Your consent. By using or accessing Check In Qld, you are agreeing that CHDE may collect, use, hold and disclose your personal information as set out in this policy.
If you don’t agree to this Privacy Policy, then do not access or use Check In Qld.
Changes to this policy. CHDE may update this policy from time to time. If CHDE change this policy, CHDE will notify you.
If you don’t agree with the changes, then do not use Check In Qld. If you continue to use Check In Qld, the changed policy will apply from the time it was changed.
How Check In Qld works
What it does. The Check In Qld app allows people to check in at venues and events using their mobile device.
Venue and event organisers can use Check In Qld to generate unique QR codes for their venue or event. They display the unique QR code at the venue or event. People attending the venue or event use Check In Qld to scan the QR code if access to the device camera has been permitted, or manually enter the QR Code and this registers their attendance. The information is stored securely by CHDE and disclosed to Queensland Health for use in COVID-19 contact tracing, if required.
The app also allows people to enter check-in details for others who are with them – such as children, or people who don’t have a mobile device with them.
Find more information on how Check In Qld works – and what you need to use it.
Information this app collects about you
Individuals. When you first use Check In Qld, the app asks you to enter your full name, phone number and email address.
Each time you use Check In Qld to scan a QR code at a venue or event (or you allow someone else to enter your information into Check In Qld), CHDE collects additional information, including:
- the venue or event you are at;
- the time and date you were there;
- check-in details you enter about anyone who is with you; and
- information about the technology you used to check in.
Venue and event organisers. Upon application for access to the app, Check In Qld will ask you to enter details about your venue or event, including:
- your physical and mailing address,
- ABN or ACN
- vehicle registration details (if business operates from a registered vehicle)
- contact details for your contact person.
As people check in at your venue or event, Check In Qld collects information about attendance at your venue or event.
How your personal information is used and/or disclosed
If required, CHDE will disclose your personal information to Queensland Health who will use your information for the purposes of contact tracing. For example, your information will be used to contact people if someone at a venue or event they were at tests positive for COVID-19 (or is suspected to have been exposed to COVID-19).
Information collected using the Check In Qld app may be disclosed to, and used:
- by authorities with powers and responsibilities in relation to COVID-19 (and those helping them) such as the Chief Health Officer and Queensland Health (including the Hospital and Health Services) for compliance activities, and for the purposes of overseeing and managing the Queensland Government’s COVID-19 response;
- where the use or disclosure is authorised or required by law
How your personal information is stored
Check In App. When you download and first use the Check In Qld app, the app asks you for your full name, phone number and email address.
Microsoft Azure Cloud Services. CHDE manages the storage of your information in encrypted form using Microsoft Azure Cloud Services. Microsoft is subject to both Australian and overseas laws that may require the disclosure of your information (in limited circumstances) to government authorities here and overseas.
CHDE assures you that:
- CHDE will encrypt your information both in transit and when stored on Microsoft Azure Cloud Services to make it safer from external attack. Encryption is designed to make data unreadable – and to make it readable again only with the right encryption key. The encryption keys are with CHDE.
- Microsoft does not have access to, nor does it use, your information for any purpose other than providing the services required for the operation of Check In Qld, and to maintain their own services; and
- CHDE requests all of its service providers (including Microsoft) to agree to use personal information only for the purpose of providing and maintaining their services.
How long your information is kept. In accordance with Restrictions on Businesses, Activities and Undertakings Direction (No. 12) (or its successor) Your check-in information will be kept for no more than 56 days and then automatically deleted.
Your responsibilities. Whilst every effort has been taken to ensure your personal information remains in Australia, there remains a risk that your personal information collected by the app may be stored in another country through your phone’s cloud backup service. (i.e. iCloud backup). CHDE cannot guarantee the sovereignty of your personal information if you use backup services that physically store data in other countries. It is recommended that you review your phone backup process and conduct your own due diligence on where and how your personal information is stored by your backup service provider.
Privacy Obligations
CHDE is responsible for handling your personal information in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009. But, while CHDE will exercise reasonable care, CHDE is not responsible for any loss as a result of your use, or your inability to use, Check In Qld. This includes any loss, damage, cost or expense, including loss of profits or income, loss or denial of opportunity, loss of use and loss of data.
Your other rights
Further Information. For information about how the Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy protects your personal information, to learn about rights to access your own personal information or make a complaint, please visit the Department’s privacy page.
Access to your personal information. You have the right to access personal information that is collected about you through your use of Check In Qld. To access your personal information, please call 13 42 68.
Correcting your personal information. If you believe that personal information that is held about you in connection with Check In Qld is incorrect, incomplete or out-of-date, then please update your details through the Check In Qld app or call 13 42 68 with the correct, updated information.
Contact. For all enquiries relating to Check In Qld, call 13 42 68. Last updated:9 February 2021
2 thoughts on “Check In Qld Privacy Policy”
g day was reading your post on QR check in apps in QLD my employer is forcing me to use this app i am facing the loss of my job for me refusing to use one … they don’t even let the fact that my phone cant even use QR code scanners bother them
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