Liens – How to Hold “Officials” Accountable
What is a Commercial Lien?
Thanks to for this information
If someone has ‘wronged’ you, by their actions, you have a remedy, in Law. The Common Law is the Law-of-the-Land, and is the highest man-made Law under which the People of the Nation are bound.
Under the Common Law, everyone is individually responsible for their own actions. The ‘office’ they may hold, the ‘authority’ they may consider they have, and/or the uniform they may wear, does not protect them in any way, shape, form. Simply because they (like everyone else) are responsible for every action they take. This was set in stone following Word War II, at the Nuremberg Trials. German Officers claimed “I was only obeying orders”, yet they were still found guilty, and hung accordingly. This also forms a part of the Geneva Convention to which most Countries are signatories, especially the United Kingdom and Commonwealth countries. Thus, “I was only obeying orders” is not a defence.
The reasoning is simple: BEFORE taking any actions against anyone else, make sure that what you are doing is lawful and moral. If you suspect that the action you have been ordered by your superior to take is either unlawful or immoral, then you must refuse to obey. You can report the order, and your reasons for believing it to be unlawful and/or immoral to a higher authority. You can go as high as you like in the chain of authority, pointing out that anyone who conspires to support the unlawful/immoral order is making themselves an accomplice, in Law. And that, as a consequence, they (themselves) will be held fully accountable, in Law.
The Process itself
In simple terms you write down The Exact Truth of what occurred, based on your first-hand knowledge, including any necessary supporting documentation. You will be writing under penalty of perjury, so do not lie, or make any Statements you feel you cannot prove. You explain the ‘wrong’, and you claim damages that you feel you deserve.
You write this in the form of a sworn Affidavit, (Google to learn how to write an affidavit if you need help) and send it to whoever ‘wronged’ you, giving them 7, 14, or 28 (you decide) days to rebut what you have said. You tell them that you will remove any Statements they can prove to be incorrect, but the result (after all removals) will be Notarised and placed on to the Public Record.
You must take this step, because it is honourable, and you must remain in honour. You cannot expect a Commercial Lien to work if you cannot prove this step. Thus your Notice should be sent by Recorded Delivery, so that you can prove it was received. If you do not take this step you can expect your collar to be felt at some later date because it is essential, and the essence of the Common Law, that a Party you consider offended you has the chance put their side of the story, and you must not deny them that chance.
Once they receive your statement of claim (the affidavit) they must respond within 72 hours, or they will be in dishonour. This means that neglecting to respond in the required time means they have accepted your claim and you are clear to take it to a Common Law Court for a hearing.
It is very important to remember how the Common Law works. This is solely by Verdicts of Juries elected by the people of the community (upon hearing first-hand knowledge-based evidence) and by unrebutted Statements of Truth (also based solely upon first-hand knowledge).
What remains unrebutted, in substance, creates The Truth, in Law. (This is the only way the Law can work. It relies on people being truthful, with the possibility of perjuring themselves if they lie).
Note that ‘in substance’ does not mean ‘simple denial’ as in “No, I didn’t!”. ‘In substance’ means denial with supporting proof. (And remember “I was only obeying orders” is not ‘proof’, nor is it any kind of defence. Neither, by the way, is “I didn’t know” – because ignorance of the Law is no excuse. They should have checked, and discovered whether or not their actions were lawful and/or moral, before doing whatever they did).
Being The Truth, in Law, it immediately becomes The Judgement, in Law.
This is why, as a Witness, you are required to swear to: “Tell The Truth, the Whole Truth, and nothing but The Truth”. Simply because all judgements are based on that. (I repeat … it is the only way the Law can work).
Now that you have an Affidavit that remains unrebutted, you can get it notarised by a Notary Public. ‘Notarising’ consists of identifying yourself to the Notary (Passport, Driving Licence, etc), and signing your Affidavit in his or her presence … such that he or she can verify that it was you, yourself, making your signature. The Notary will apply his seal, and will sign accordingly. (Their fees for doing this range from £30 to £50 on average).
All you need to do from this point onward is to ‘place the fact that your Affidavit exists on to the Public Record’. This can be done by talking out a small advertisement in a newspaper. Within the advertisement you can invite Debt Collection Agencies to contact you – in order to actually exercise the Commercial Lien debt.
What can the Lienee do about this?
Judges know that they cannot affect a Commercial Lien because it is based on first-hand knowledge, which they can never have. Only you can have that knowledge. Only you can make the Statements you made. Thus there is nothing for them to ‘judge’, and they know that.
The Lienee, therefore has three options:
- To pay up the full amount you have demanded
- To engage a Common Law Court, with a Jury of 12, to have their side of the story considered. In this Court you will also be able to explain your side of the story to the Jury. The Jury has the power to wipe away your Lien (if, for example, they don’t believe what you stated), or to modify the amount you have demanded (if they think it was unreasonable). This is because the whole process derives from the Common Law (Note: Not Statute Law, which is subsidiary to Common Law!)
- To wait up to 99 years with the Lien hanging over their head. However, within this period, you can progress your Lien via Debt Collection Agencies and Credit Reference Agencies.
Who can you take out a Lien against?
Anyone you feel who has wronged you – or conspired to wrong you. For example, the Directors of a Company who have made demands upon you, without a Contract of Obligation from you.
For example, all Debt Collection Agencies who simply write, demanding money, when you have never heard of them before, and know that you have no obligation to ‘do business’ with them. They may write on the basis of a Parking Fine, or whatever. The point is they do this without having first obtained a lawful obligation from you. They may very well claim a Warrant from the Northampton Bulk Clearing Centre, but you never consented to be ‘judged’ at Northampton Bulk Clearing Centre (and were never given any opportunity to put your side of the story). Furthermore the Warrant is not based on the Verdict of a Jury, or sworn Affidavit from first-hand knowledge (computers do not have first-hand knowledge!). So any such Warrant is void in Law. Consequently, if they continually harass you, they are (seriously and criminally!) ‘wronging’ you.
Therefore you go to the Companies House Website, and pay £1 for a Current Appointments Report on the Debt Collection Agency. This will list the names of the Directors. You apply a Lien to each of the Directors, because it it their responsibility to make sure that their Agency acts in honour, and within the Law, not outside of it..
Important Notes
If you read the description above carefully, you will see that – in order to apply a Commercial Lien – you do not need to get a Court’s permission. The Lienee would need to take you to Court (with a Jury of 12) in order to get it removed, or the amount reduced, without making a payment. (You can go to a Common Law Court)
Obviously you need to be prepared to remove it yourself, if they do pay up.
A Detailed Example Template:
Notes for the Templates
DO NOT CHANGE THE FORMAT OF THE AFFIDAVIT/STATEMENT OF TRUTH (Notary Publics love it, and will have an orgasm when they see it).
Simply Embed it by means of “Replace All”, searching for the “<..>” codes given below, and replacing with your specific text
Use “View > Headers and Footers”, on the first page, to change the Given & Family Names in the Footer.
Add any “evidence pages” as extra pages at the end, such as scanned ‘Signed for’ receipts, and scanned samples of letters sent/received, which are referred to in the listed complaints, torts, etc.
The UK Column have agreed to publish Public Notices for free. It would then be possible to send the Subject a copy of the UK Column Edition containing the Public Notice.
Replacements Codes:
<1> = Given Name e.g. Veronica
<2> = Family Name e.g. Chapman
<3> = Affiant’s Legal Fiction Name e.g. MS VERONICA CHAPMAN
<4> = All listed complaints, torts, detail, etc inserted … see specimen, below.
<5> = Subject’s Full Name e.g. MR. ROBERT DOE
<6> = Amount – as numbers, then spelled in words within brackets e.g. £5,000,000 (FIVE MILLION POUNDS STERLING)
<7> = Date when “Notice of First And Final Warning” was ‘Signed for’, as received e.g. 22nd January, 2012 (Note: this is NOT <12>, below)
<8> = Subject’s Name variants e.g. BOB DOE
<9> = Subject’s full Service Address e.g. 1 Any Street, Anytown, Anywhere, AnyPostalCode
<10> = Your Address (in “Notice of First And Final Warning” only)
<11> = Individual(s) Name(s) and Service Address (in “Notice of First And Final Warning” only)
<12> = Date (in “Notice of First And Final Warning” only)
Specimen complaints, detailed torts, etc. – which go in at <4>
(“Word” will automatically number these in, and re-number everything that follows)
1. THAT on the <date> at a place commonly known as “<place>”, “<5>” arrived just after <time>am, and started to ‘fling his weight about’.
2. THAT on that date, and at that time, “<5>” disturbed me, the Peaceful Inhabitant, without LAWFUL authority to do so.
3. THAT on that date, and at that time, “<5>” ejected me, the Peaceful Inhabitant, from that dwelling without any LAWFUL authority so to do.
4. THAT on that date, and at that time, “<5>” attempted to deceive me with a statement “I’m a Bailiff, I can do what I like”.
5. THAT having ejected me, “<5>” made no attempt to discover whether or not I had the means to summon a taxi or some other kind of aid necessary to leave the place.
6. THAT I, <1>: of the family <2>, the Undersigned, herewith and herein demand of “<5>” to furnish answers to the following:
a) Where is the real and true Commercial Paperwork bearing on this instant matter that made me liable to summary ejection from said dwelling?
b) Where are the real, true, proper and lawful assessments bearing on this instant matter that I am said to be liable to summary ejection from said dwelling?
c) Where are the clean hands?
d) Where is the good faith action?
e) Where are the truth, mercy, grace, and all similar just and virtuous qualities and proceedings based on them that are supposed to inhere in the Common Law, and commerce via the Uniform Commercial Code?
7. THAT if “<5>” believes his actions against me carried the force of Law behind them, let him show the Common Law precedent.
8. THAT if “<5>” believes that the Common Law (the Law-of-the-Land) does not exist, has no value, is not supreme in this Land, or that it is inferior to any Administrative Court-produced ‘Warrant’ he may have possessed, then let him show that there is no crime of murder (a Common Law crime), or Misconduct in Public Office (a Common Law misdemeanour), or Contempt of Court (a Common Law misdemeanour).
9. THAT if “<5>” disavows the Common Law, then let him explain whether or not he disavows the crime of murder.
10. THAT if “<5>” disavows the Common Law, but does not disavow the crime of murder, then let him show how this is possible.
11. THAT if “<5>” disavows the Common Law, and also disavows the crime of murder, then this places him an “Outlaw” (i.e. “Wanted – Dead or Alive”), with no protection from the Common Law, and thus fair game for anyone to take his life, not only “without facing any penalty” for so doing, but may possibly even “receive a bounty” for so doing. (Read up on history!)
(If you want to do something to stop the criminal corporate political parties continuing to destroy our nation and our Democracy, sign up for free at Advance Australia Group. We are not a political party. We are a political group of Australians who want to bring back the rule of law under our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901….Click here to Sign Up!)
6 thoughts on “Liens – How to”
I have just downloaded the sample documents regarding Commercial Liens & have done a quick preliminary reading to familiarise myself with these sample documents. There seems to be a typo in the document titled “NoticeOfFirstAndFinalWarning” in the 4th last line. I’m thinking the word “SOLEY” should have been spelt “SOLELY”. There are a few other concerns as well. This sample is using the Times New Roman font, is this the correct font to use for Common Law documents? Also there is the use of italics, is this correct? In Queensland, would the term “English Sovereign” (also 4th last line) be used?
That article was written a while back. I need to update it. Thanks for pointing out the flaws. If you would like to edit the document that would be a help.
I’ll have a more in depth reading a little later & any spelling corrections I make (if I find any) will be in red so they’ll stand out.
I couldn’t find anything more spelling errors with that sample document. However, there is another concern in the 2nd line of the 3rd paragraph, that being “and England is a Common Law jurisdiction “,… should this be changed to Australia or perhaps (in my situation) Queensland, or maybe even both? i.e.: “and Queensland and Australia are Common Law jurisdictions”
Change “England is a Common Law Jurisdiction” to the “Commonwealth of Australia”
I live in New Zealand, but I am a British Citizen. I was born in England. As a matter of curiosity, is England or UK still a Common Law country or has its ”constitution ” been usurped as in Australia. I am considering setting up a Common law court in NZ, and I have been in touch with Mike Holt. I have to avoid stress and I know that is my responsibility. Could I be attacked by the system? I am retired and receive a State Pension. I also still work as a ”contractor” in health. I still need to work to live, can all this carry on along side my aspirations for Common law court? I am not sure if NZ is in the same position, and how I can get the information needed to put on a website? I know some Maori groups like are doing things, but they won’t talk to me.