Who Knows? Only the Elbow

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This is a warning for all Australians about the ongoing attack by the Communists in charge to destroy our nation and our culture and impose absolute tyranny over us. Every Australian needs to understand what is happening behind our backs.

The Aboriginal Industry is well known around Australia as a huge funnel sucking our hard-earned dollars into a dark void. Where does it goes? Nobody knows!

This is just one aspect of the attempt to impose total tyranny over us, We the People of the Commonwealth of Australia, but it is a very important cog in their machine..

The left… nah! Let’s call them what they really are…. The Communists who have taken control of our government through lies and deception, the usual methods they employ anywhere they infect, have been working behind the scenes for decades to destroy our once peaceful and prosperous country.

A moslem woman posing as an Aborigine? Really?

How have they destroyed it?

They have a plan, developed by the Fabians, a shadowy group of soft Communists, and this plan lays out a schedule for its adherents to follow that has brought us to the almost total collapse of our nation.

What have they done?

  • They dumbed down our education system
  • Negated the Constitution by suborning the Governor General
  • Took away our lawful currency and replaced it with US backed dollars
  • Passed illegal laws to give themselves power over us while taking away our inalienable Rights: All done with lies, deception and claims of “doing it for our own good”, as if we Aussies are a bunch of idiot children!

But the Aboriginal Industry has been there all along, sucking our money away while doing nothing for the people it was intended for…. Unless they agreed to Big Brother’s terms and conditions.

Then we had a divisive and totally fake “Welcome to Country” ceremony foisted on us by Ernie Dingo, who created the first ceremony to appease a bunch of crybaby Pacific Islanders and Maoris who threw a tantrum and refused to perform at an arts festival unless they were indigionously welcomed. How silly is that?

AI Generated vision of Elbow gettin’ down!

Now we have Elbow giving a truly cringeworthy speech at the Garma Festival 2024.

Listen carefully to his speech in the video below, because he makes it quite clear that his government is ignoring the Voice Referendum result. Instead, the Federal Labor Government has ordered State governments to implement the Voice by proxy for Labor.

We have already seen this starting in Queensland where the Sunshine Coast Council recently announced they have set up an “indigenous” zone, which will effectively implement the aims of the Voice while ignoring the voice of the PEOPLE who employ these PUBLIC SERVANTS.

They plan to give the indigenous 50% of all Tasmanian land. Don’t forget that Labor’s forefathers formed groups of men to hunt down and kill every indigenous person

At a public meeting in Hobart in the late 1830s, Solicitor-General Alfred Stephen, later Chief Justice of New South Wales, shared with the assembled crowd his solution for dealing with “the Aboriginal problem”. If the colony could not protect its convict servants from Aboriginal attack “without extermination”, said Stephen, “then I say boldly and broadly exterminate!”

And that’s exactly what they did. Yet Labor wants to ‘recompense’ the indigenous that no longer exist there!

Watch Elbow’s excruciatingly boring and sanctimonious speech here, if you can:

Albo Sticking Labor’s Elbo into everyone!

Albo’s dictatorial government that is overriding our rights and freedoms guaranteed in our Constitution is pushing ahead with the Voice plans, despite an overwhelming majority of Australians voting NO!

How bad is it?

Albo and his bundh of out-of-touch Commies is pushing through something called a Recognition and Settlement agreement onto councils whether they like it or not. It is based on the Uluru Statement.

We voted NO to any of this. So, why is Albo pushing this onto the States through the local Councils?

Let’s examine point 3.6, just one section of a very long and detailed plan:

  • All new and existing road, bridges and public spaces must be given indigenous names (just as the Chinese tried to exterminate the Uighur names in 360 villages in Xinjiang, and removing and deleting any references to religion, Uighur cultural and historical practices. 3,600 village names have been changed since 2009)
  • Self-determination issues to be part of council planning and decision making.
  • Indigenous rights and perspectives to be incorporated into Council Plans and Vision on an equal footing with council.
  • Indigenous say on water plans and policies, and ultimately sole managers of ‘their’ waters and waterways.
  • Indigenous say on new rating strategies and policies and to minimize all rates and levies for indigenous organizations.
  • Indigenous review of all local laws to ensure ‘appropriate alignment’ with indigenous rights and interests.
  • Indigenous to play a role in the creation of the council plans and be paid for their involvement.

This is just a small sample of Labor’s plans to force us under the dictatorship of the aborigines, a people who have achieved absolutely nothing in 40,000, or is it 60,000 years they have purportedly occupied this land. About the only thing they claim they ever invented was the bent stick, but there are even doubts about that. Boomerangs have been found in numerous pictures and mentioned in documents found in ancient Phoenician and Egyptian texts.

Not even the Aborigines can tell us how long they have been wandering the land. Nor do they ever mention the virtual extermination of the previous Negritos who were living here long before the southern Indians arrived overland to occupy the land. Nor do they mention the mass extinction of many giant animals that were abundant until the Indians arrived.

So, what does Albo expect to achieve with his lily-livered and cowardly attempt to undermine the work by millions of Australians who worked hard and developed this land into a beautiful and bountiful place we all love?

Elbo hasn’t bothered to answer that question.

Australia, is this the kind of future we want for our nation? Are we going to let these people get away with their Crimes against We the People?

BTW, Who was there at the Garma Festival?

Our extensive contacts among Aborigine groups have told us that they couldn’t identify any of the people attending the festival.

So, who was there? We’d love to know!

We do know, however, that people paid vast sums of money to attend, many from overseas. What happened to all that money? Who benefitted?

The government has forgotten their function and place. Isn’t it time we remind them?

We’d love to know!

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