Ramifications of the Culleton Case

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It has come to my attention that I wrongly attributed the following article to Alan Lutherborrough’s Facebook page. The true author of the article is Max Clark of CAMPERDOWN. VICTORIA. He has written to claim authorship and I am happy to acknowledge his work.

I, Mike Holt, have spoken to Wayne Glew and another CPO and they have both confirmed that this is going to happen.


Because Wayne’s case is before the Crown Court in London, and Rod’s case has been accepted by the Privy Council, the Highest Court in the Commonwealth, it’s only a matter of time before the corrupt political party edifice comes tumbling down.

We are going to get them and make them all PAY!

Read this and rejoice…and start buying ROPE!


There is a huge court case happening at the present moment in the UK. It is in the Privy Council/ Supreme Court of the UK. The case is about our current federal senate and parliament. The case shows that the Senate and Parliament, justice system, state governments and all of their departments are corrupt and in total disarray.

What this means is that if it is successful, then the government will be sacked and so forth.

Now what this means to the people of the Commonwealth of Australia is that we will get our Constitutional government back under OUR control as per OUR Constitution, which means NO more 2 party preferred government but a parliament and senate that has members (individuals) that we elect and serve us the people and not political parties etc.

This is one of the reasons why the current illegal government has not called an early election, as they have been an served the documents relating to this case and know very well that if this case is successful, ALL MP’s can and will be charged with treason against the We, the People of the Commonwealth of Australia. Laws will be changed, so-called local government will be dissolved and ONLY allowed to operate as per our constitution.

Everything that will 2 happen will benefit us, the people of the Commonwealth of Australia, no more selling our land and assets to other countries or people, no more BS taxes, fines, laws that are designed to take away our rights under the constitution.

So, if the case is successful, then once again we the people and our country will be the better for it.

Let’s hope this happens and this case, with the backing of the lords in the UK who want to keep the Commonwealth alive is successful. OUR FUTURE DEPENDS ON IT.

Hit the link to Email the author: clark.maxwell@bigpond.com .

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