It has come to my attention that I wrongly attributed the following article to Alan Lutherborrough’s Facebook page. The true author of the article is Max Clark of CAMPERDOWN. VICTORIA. He has written to claim authorship and I am happy to acknowledge his work.
I, Mike Holt, have spoken to Wayne Glew and another CPO and they have both confirmed that this is going to happen.
Because Wayne’s case is before the Crown Court in London, and Rod’s case has been accepted by the Privy Council, the Highest Court in the Commonwealth, it’s only a matter of time before the corrupt political party edifice comes tumbling down.
We are going to get them and make them all PAY!
Read this and rejoice…and start buying ROPE!
There is a huge court case happening at the present moment in the UK. It is in the Privy Council/ Supreme Court of the UK. The case is about our current federal senate and parliament. The case shows that the Senate and Parliament, justice system, state governments and all of their departments are corrupt and in total disarray.
What this means is that if it is successful, then the government will be sacked and so forth.
Now what this means to the people of the Commonwealth of Australia is that we will get our Constitutional government back under OUR control as per OUR Constitution, which means NO more 2 party preferred government but a parliament and senate that has members (individuals) that we elect and serve us the people and not political parties etc.
This is one of the reasons why the current illegal government has not called an early election, as they have been an served the documents relating to this case and know very well that if this case is successful, ALL MP’s can and will be charged with treason against the We, the People of the Commonwealth of Australia. Laws will be changed, so-called local government will be dissolved and ONLY allowed to operate as per our constitution.
Everything that will 2 happen will benefit us, the people of the Commonwealth of Australia, no more selling our land and assets to other countries or people, no more BS taxes, fines, laws that are designed to take away our rights under the constitution.
So, if the case is successful, then once again we the people and our country will be the better for it.
Let’s hope this happens and this case, with the backing of the lords in the UK who want to keep the Commonwealth alive is successful. OUR FUTURE DEPENDS ON IT.
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21 thoughts on “Ramifications of the Culleton Case”
I never thought I would see the day, when a politician made the right moral choice, and started to expose the TREASON that is rife in the corporate political party governments, through out Australia, and the judiciary. Even the pretend governor general is caught up in the TREASON as a supporter for and an accessory to the fact. My God stand by your side in this fight Rod Cullenton, in bring all these traitors to the Australian people to full justice, and the jailing for life. Past and Present. No forgiveness and No mercy, as they are all evil creatures deserving nothing less.
i cant see any thing happening to any of them u never beat them by the time u get them they all be dead n buried it take 300 years to have them jailed they are to smart for the dum ass voters
And we have the hide to to throw stones at other nations that badly treat their citizens.
In 2008, the Unlawful Corrupt Corporate abn: Australian Government bailed out the Big Privately Owned Multinational Corporate Banks using Tax Payers Monies without consent of We The CommonWealth Australians.
Then in 2012, THE COMMONWEALTH HIGH COURT OF AUSTRALIA 23rd June convicted every Bank, Lender and Financial Institutions found guilty of unlawful inflating hundreds of thousands of innocent mums and dads incomes when evaluating ???? the borrowers mortgage loans with the criminal intent of the lenders shareholders receiving proceeds of crime knowing the borrowers never had the financial capability of making there repayments the Lenders (“Firstmac Limited”) and others were Ordered to extinguish the Mortgage Loans return all repayments together with interest.
In 2018, THE COMMONWEALTH ROYAL ???? COMMISSION found the Banks, Lenders and Financial Institutions ???? guilty of predatory lending practices and unlawful lending products
As the former and current corrupt Australian Federal Liberal and Labour Governments continue to protect the Banks, lenders and Financial Institutions ???? from being held liable and accountable for the deceptive criminal conduct.
Now we find Wayne Glew, Rod Culleton and Other CommonWealth Australians Act for and on behalf of all Australians who continue to seek lawful justice against the entire corrupt Bankers and Political Public Servants.
No where to be found is our Commonwealth Federal Police ????♀️ either unable and or unwilling to enforce THE RULE OF LAW against the Big End of Town and the Elite continue to inflict there unjust criminal behavior against We The CommonWealth Australians now seeking lawful justice in the United Kingdom, House of Lords and Privy Council .
VC Robbie stimpson
International and Constitutional Forensic Reaserch Consultant
Common Law Jurisdiction
All rights reserved
yes i agree with you……and also wasn’t it around 1960 the government sold of parts of our commonwealth bank to the corporate reserve bank…..???? just like they did with our communication telecom…the best in the world back then……now like everything else…on the share market for the corporations and elite world wide to invest and profit in…just like the vax…..just saying….
The Commonwealth Bank owned by the People of Australia was stolen from us by Sir Otto Niemeyer. You can read about it here:
Time to get these unlawful greedy grubs out of our treasoness parliament and bring back the sovereign people vote as per the Magna Carter giving the people the power over tyrants
We the people have the saying what happens in our country the won we fought for to keep us free of do we thought , now we have corporations disguised as police ,councils ,governments trading as trading company’s
Having AzBN numbers to gain more power and spending our money (.yes our money.) on there famous benefits spending all our money in overseas country’s when our country is suffering because of it ,
We have farmers ,kids on the streets ,,defence personal in tatters, spending huge amounts of money on the UN whose function has disappeared in yo obvioon with no account from out government it reports of Judy whwt the function of the UN is today. There are people bring slain over the earth with no apparent care from our government,
Why don’t we get a full forensic account if our money spent overseas from government can they explain in detail Where our money actually goes . Wonder whose dark this money lands on of bank or if it’s spent of farmers overseas for irrigation when our farmers are doing without.
I could keep on going but eill stop with serious note Where the hell does the media get if by not reporting on all matters and true before the people because they generally are owned by corporations that we know keep the goveremrnt happy. We home that governments fail to get correct tax from those corps
Can anyone show me and others the document that shows we have to pay tax or referendum that suggests the same ,I mean full tax not voluntary tax
WOW what a turmoil in cranberry if this is true and we the people get back to working for OUR COUNTRY AND NOT ABSENTEE LANDLORDS It will be a profound miracle if it comes to pass and we have the chance to root out all the evil corrupt arseholes in politics
We have 2 governments 1. the Commonwealth of Australia like our Commonwealth games 2. in capital letters THE AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT, a corporation registered in the USA. A corporation is dead entity, like the tombstones in a cemetery are all in capital letters. Look at your name on your license, it’s in capital letters. You have been made a corporate entity. Look at your birth certificate it’s in small case like you sign your name. Common law is common sense. Wake up Australia.
Problem is – the UK is also ruled by a “party” system.
Good point
I hear that Cullerton won the case. I also hear that a Brian Shaw has taken action in Vic against 52 politicians for treason. While those cases are pending any politician that enters the parliament is also guilty of treason. His words. My question is what now. We have had another election we still have an illegal govt. What now.
First, we all must stop believing the government will ever act for us. The government is the reason we face all these problems. They are a private corporation and their 1972 Constitution is not ours.
There’s plenty you can do.
As you can see, you have the power and you have plenty of choices to fix the problem. It’s up to you. Will you join in and do your bit?
I congratulate Mr Glew and Senator Culleton for their actions against the treasonous Australian Government and Politicians. Never did i think there would be an honest politician standing for the rights of the people.
this is great news I can’t wait for it to happen the parliament is rotten to the core
Brian Shaw for PM good times ahead
Brian Shaw for PM
I’m trying to find the information on the words to speak when I go into court .. whether it be going in claiming the beneficiary and executor or some other common law speak … I was pulled up twice .. around September last year … they charged me for having a multi tool that had a pen knife in it the length of my little finger and a large multi tool that I had in the glove box that I use for all sorts of things but mainly for push bikes and my son’s electric scooter and camping .. oh yeah , the charge was having a deadly weapon in a public place .. the second time they charged me with a laser pointer and a crappy slingshot , both had been left in the car that was my mother’s and they found four tablets I gather that they were my mother’s , she had a heart bypass and was taking all sorts of medication… I wasn’t out hurting anyone or doing anything wrong . The whole thing seems a bit ridiculous and theyr going to want to fine me … I’m not happy …over nothing .. I want to know how to go into court and have it dismissed with no record and no fine ….for what do they want to fine me for … if you could help or point me to someone I could get Indians words or help … you’d be my friend forever and I would be in yr debt … you know what I mean .. ha ha would be appreciated .
Oh yeah again …. I’m 57 and I live in Sydney …if that matters. and I go to court next week on Monday 22nd and Tuesday 23rd . If you would txt me please
Thankyou brett
Say this, and only this when you get into court. Do not answer any of their questions. Just repeat this statement 3 times.
I am a living man/woman, and I am the administrator of my trust, I have no contract with this court. I do not consent, and I waive all benefits
Dont have any legal training or qualifications, and dont shoot the messenger, but from Blacks 4th it appears that claiming to be an “administrator” your claiming for and on the record to be surety for the Cestui que Vie Trust Estate, the “Trustee”.
Happy for critique.
Quoting Blacks 4th Edition
“ADMINISTRATOR, in the most usual sense of
the word, is a person to whom letters of administration,
that is, an authority to administer the
estate of a deceased person, have been granted
by the proper court. A representative of limited
authority, whose duties are to collect assets of
estate, pay its debts, and distribute residue to
those entitled. Smith v. White’s Estate, 108 Vt.
473, 188 A. 901, 904. A technical trustee. In re
Watkins’ Estate, Vt., 41 A.2d 180, 188.
He resembles an executor, but, being appointed
by the court, and not by the deceased, he has to
give security for the due administration of the
estate, by entering into a bond with sureties, called
the administration bond. Smith v. Gentry, 16
Ga. 31; Collamore v. Wilder, 19 Kan. 78; Gormley
v. Watson, 177 Ga. 763, 171 S.E. 280, 281.”
To add further regarding what happens in “Court” in my opinion is:
When the Justice addresses “you” as “Mr.” they are addressing your Cestui que Vie Trust Estate.
From the “Federal Register of Legislation, Part 2—Definitions
2B Definitions
estate includes any estate, interest, charge, right, title, claim demand, lien or encumbrance at law or in equity.
person: see section 2C.
2C References to persons
(1) In any Act, expressions used to denote persons generally (such as “person”, “party”, “someone”, “anyone”, “no‑one”, “one”, “another” and “whoever”), include a body politic or corporate as well as an individual.
(2) Express references in an Act to companies, corporations or bodies corporate do not imply that expressions in that Act, of the kind mentioned in subsection (1), do not include companies, corporations or bodies corporate.”
From my perception from my perspective, when the Justice addresses “Mr. NAME” he/she is addressing your Cestui que Vie Trust Estate, and they have custody of the original registration instrument. They are the Trustee of that creation, hence they are addressing themselves and deceiving you into becoming the Trustee, the surety, the Debtor.