Global Economic Security and Reformation Act
People in the United States of America are whooping and hollering as they do over there. Dr Charlie Ward and his merrie men are smiling like Cheshire Cats, Simon Parkes is grinning from ear to ear. Shari Raye is spreading the word, and hundreds if not thousands of people have been arrested over the Covid19 scam and attempts to scam the Quantum Financial System that has been achieved.
As of 1st October 2021 word has spread that the Act of 1871 that created the United States of America as a serf State under the Crown, has been repudiated, and the Crown in the United Kingdom, has conceded that the admission of lawyers into the House of Commons in 1870, corrupted the Parliament of the United Kingdom, that the then Sovereign, Queen Victoria, being bound by the Statute 1 Will & Mary C 6 (Coronation Oath ) (1688), was disentitled to assent, by reference to that Oath, to anything enacted contrary to the Gospels, and the Act of 1372, 46 Edward III AD 1372
Lawyers and Sheriffs excluded from Parliament could not be repealed by the House of Commons nor its provisions ignored, as the Gospel of Luke 11 Verses 46 and 52 which condemns lawyers, and prevented Lawyers and Sheriffs sitting in the House of Commons, if still in force, voided all Acts passed since then, including the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900/1, and Canada North America Act. The Supreme Court of Queensland Act 1867, enacted before that event, coupled with the Australian Courts Act 1828 means that the machinery for the delivery of Justice, remains in place, and Supreme Court of Queensland Act 1991 by S 11 declares this fact as law.
46 Edward III AD 1372, 80. Lawyers and Sheriffs excluded from Parliament was not repealed for the then Colonies, so every Parliament since 1870 that has contained lawyers can technically be declared void and Whiplash 357, Dr Charlie Ward and Simon Parkes and Craig Roy, found not guilty of misinformation. We will have to have a Referendum, to ratify this change, as the Will of Almighty God where His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven, requires ratification by the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost and we are the Body of Christ and committee of the whole, notwithstanding that lawyers are the Priests of Satan.
I have appended to this comment the elements of Gesara-Nesara. To ratify this change, it provides that an election that will be a referendum, must be held within 120 days, and because Senator Rod Culleton motion, Motion 163 of 2016 has not been attended to by the Parliament of the Commonwealth, by S 44 (1) Constitution, all present members of the Parliament of the Commonwealth will be ineligible to be chosen, and no lawyers or sheriffs will be eligible to be chosen. 46 Edward III AD 1372 80. Lawyers and Sheriffs excluded from Parliament.
There is no fee to file a Criminal Proceeding in the Federal Court of Australia in 305 Collins Street Melbourne and that is where Fight the Fines should be. Our half educated lawyers, have no idea how to litigate without money, and our poor bloody uneducated Police who have insurance do not realise their insurance does not cover them if they break the law.
GESARA has been signed off by all countries at The Hague(International Court of Justice) 2019 & 2020
The Hague (International Court of Justice):
The main elements of Gesara are:
- Forgives credit card mortgage and other bank debt to illegal banking and government activities. This will abolish all Fines Registries in Australia, make border closures illegal, as they offend S 268:12 Criminal Code Act 1995 (CTH), and allow people to be treated for Covid19 instead of being imprisoned in their own homes. The implementation of Number 9 below, Restore the courts will bankrupt all Australian States including the Commonwealth.
- Abolishes income tax. Income Tax is mostly spent on paying interest on government debt to the Reserve Bank, which will be abolished under Gesara-Nesara. It is illegal under the Constitution which Her Majesty Elizabeth the Second has sworn to uphold as the New Testament of the King James Version of the Holy Bible. As a subject of the Queen of the Constitution we are all part of the Royal Family. Matthew 17 verses 24-27. As Citizens since 1948 and the Nationality and Citizenship Act 1948 we are slaves of two States and subject to mob rule by them. Income Tax was introduced during WWII as it was wartime, and all law suspended for the duration. It could only be continued by a declaration of citizenship. The King could not consent to that in the Commonwealth.
- Abolishes the IRS creates flat rate only non essential new items only taxation sales tax to fund government. The ATO in Australia must be abolished. Taxes paid since 1948 should be credited to each subjects account with the Gesara bank of their choice.
- Increases benefits for senior citizens to enable them to live their twilight years in comfort and peace by giving them access to their Birth Certificate Account credits but not in a lump sum without due process of law. See Numbers 3 and 9 below. The figure cited is three time the present pension or $7000 per month United States Dollars for the United States of America and probably Australia and New Zealand .
- Returns Constitutional Law: Constitutional Law was since 1215 the New Testament of the King James Version of the Holy Bible and the Book of Isaiah of the Old Testamentand this is evidenced by the Royal Seal in the Fly Leaf of Official King James Version of the Holy Bible published by Cambridge University and Collins of Edinburgh in Scotland. The New Testament of the King James Version of the Holy Bible is the ultimate Law Book by which all others must be measured. The fake Bibles used in Courts with Judges called Rules of Court must be abolished.
- Establishes new Presidential and Congressional Elections within 120 days after Gesara’s declaration. In other words a Double Dissolution election in the United States of America and in Commonwealth countries. Perhaps an Abdication of Her Majesty Elizabeth the Second and a referendum on a Republic, or confirmation of a New Sovereign.
- Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities or special interest groups. This will end the two party system as we know it where both agree to take turns governing, but the underlying policies do not change.
- Creates new United States of America treasury currency, Rainbow Currency backed by Platinum Silver and Gold precious metals. This will be a universal worldwide currency redeemable for silver and gold anywhere on the planet. The Quantum Financial System will ensure every account is legitimate and organised crime will be ended, trafficking drugs, arms and women and children worldwide and bribery of government by Big Business. Every individual account will be monitored. Everyone will have their own account. Money will be no problem to anyone.
- Returns Constitutional law to all our courts and legal maters. The present Reigns of Terror instituted in the name of Covid19 while since 1st August 2020 a credible cure has been available and in the public domain will mean that in the Commonwealth the States and Commonwealth under S 64 Judiciary Act 1903 ( Australia) are liable for negligence for not treating affected people, and instead locking whole States up. and destroying the economy at the same time. The use of Rules of Court to replace the Constitution by all Courts with Judges, renders them obsolete as heretics who have replaced the New Testament of the King James Version of the Holy Bible with man made Rules of Court blaspheming against the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost as set out in the Gospel of Luke 12 Verses 10-12.
- Initiates new US Treasury Bank system in alignment with Constitutional law. This is already in place as there are reports the new notes are being issued in Europe and Zimbabwe. The Deep State Central Banks worldwide are being supplanted. Platinum, Gold and Silver are the basis of the Rainbow Currency. In Australia S 115 Constitution makes Gold and Silver the only legal tender in payment of debts so the fiat Australian Dollar and all debts incurred in it are void as outside the Constitution. Loans incurred worldwide in fiat currency will be cancelled without compensation.
- Eliminates the Federal Reserve System. The Reserve Bank which issues our present currency cannot continue. Unless our High Court accepts its original jurisdiction under S 75 (i) Constitution and declares Gesara-Nesara its will be proven to be misbehaving and subject to removal by the Senate and House of Representatives in a Joint Sitting, after the next election, under S 72 (ii) Constitution. Like in the United States of America when the Courts with a Judge are derelict in their duty they must be changed. The State of Queensland has all the law still in place to establish a constitutional Federal Supreme Court in the Commonwealth. The Supreme Court Act 1995 (Qld) declared those laws.
- Restores Financial Privacy. Each of us under the Quantum Financial System will have our own account and it will be and remain private under our control and not subject to bank or government oversight.
- Retrains all Judges and Attorneys in Constitutional law. In the Commonwealth of Australia this will mean that The separation of Church and State will be restored and the supremacy of the Judiciary ended and their power to write Rules of Court in the image of Satan will be ended. A single law exam will be necessary to qualify anyone to act for another as attorney administered by the Quantum Financial System. A Court with a Judge and no jury is Satanic, A court in line with S 79 Constitution of The Commonwealth with a jury is Holy. The Clergy will again be authorised to conduct Chancery Courts in equity. The existing Judges could all be sacked.
- Ceases all aggressive US Military actions worldwide. In place for 4 years already under President Donald Trump.
- Establishes peace throughout the world. Giving effect to the paragraph in Ephesions 2:12 establishing the Commonwealth of Israel where Israel means Man (or woman) of God from Genesis 32 Verse 28 .
- Initiates first phase of worldwide prosperity distribution of vast wealth which has been accumulating for many years. This wealth is said to be four quadrillion dollars enough to give everyone alive, $4.5 million dollars, in a trust account. We all have a share in the Common Wealth and will have our own Gesara account under the Quantum Financial System. Most people cannot handle wealth so it will be trickled to those who cannot handle money, and those who can will be given their just rewards for effort by a restored system of Christian Justice where Church and State both deliver justice and if a conflict arises the Ecclesiastic Court ruling will prevail. .
- Releases enormous amounts of money for humantarian purposes. This money apparently has been recovered from the Vatican Bank where it has been deposited by organised crime, and will be available to anyone as a grant where humanitarian projects are proposed.
- Enables the release of new technologies such as alternative energy devices. Thus making coaland oil redundant as proposed by Nicola Tesla. Further Medical Knowledge is already being released to cure all disease as required with Medbeds. This is a precis that need to be published to all interested parties, with or without the cooperation of the Main Stream Media. This ties Gesara in with the Paris Accord.
Put together by John Grey a humble servant of Almighty God resident in the Commonwealth of Australia. This ninth day of October 2021.
United States of America
Who is John Grey?
The nom de plume of a distinguished legal practitioner, a gentleman and a scholar, a fine judge of women and wines, with more than 50 years experience in law. He no longer practices, but he continues to advise and write about the law. His in-depth knowledge of the law, and dealing with the legal fraternity, has been of invaluable assistance to this Author.
20 thoughts on “Everything you need to know about Gesara”
I have a concern over our accounts being monitored. I still won’t trust any government even after gesara is implemented, so why would I want my money to be monitored? It is not their business. Also, what are you going to do about crypto currency’
If all this is going to happen, how come the same old thing is still going on?
Haven’t seen one iota of change!!!
So as a Dr Charlie Ward Insiders Club member we heard that as of midnight 19-2-2022 the QFS and NESARA/GESARA was implemented. All systems go!
Has anyone seen Australia’s new gold backed notes?
Charlie ward is a shill. Don’t trust him.
You are right there
Perth Mint is owned entirely by the australian government apparently… doesn’t sound to good to me…
January 2023 and still nothing in Australia.
I don’t want to be monitored.
Or blockchain or be micro chip…Yes like my own home.
I look after poppy accounts I make sure he has food and his bills ate paid as he can’t read or write and using a keycard he fotgets pin numbers. So ppl like poppy and my daughters who are intellectual disabilities will not beable to use QFS. Do what happens to us?
Unless a lot of Australians start actually demanding that the government act as the PUBLIC SERVANTS they are supposed to be, they will keep on telling you what to do and destroying our lives. It is up to each one of us to realize that we are the MASTERS and they are the SERVANTS. Start telling them this and refuse to obey them when you know they are breaking the law.
Thoroughly enjoyed reading this and look forward to the times when this will be upheld
Hi What Paris accords tie to Nesara/Gesara. Please if anyone knows or has a link please let me know. I dont see any good Paris accords out there.
The RBS are still trying to take my home ,in UK 19/5/22 ??? Where is GESARA ?
A good question. There does not appear to be any evidence that it is happening, apart from very strange videos made by anonymous people with computer generated voices. Nor do we believe people should wait for Nesara/Gesara to happen. In Common Law, everyone is bound by two rules: 1. Do no harm, & 2. Take responsibility for our own actions. We should all be working together to get rid of the Admiralty government system and replace it with a government of the people, by the people, for the people, as required by our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901.
I still believe Simone parks is a whack job and has some very new age strange beliefs. Charlie ward ? I dont know …. What is he a Dr in ? Why does he call himself a Dr. I understand that all the events that have illegally taken place over decades if not 100s of years must be unwound and it takes time … all of this mk-ultra, was a slow gradual form of manipulation and it’s going to take time to unwind the lies. I just pray that Jesus comes back for His people ASAP because there will be no peace, until His Kingdom come and His will be done.
I have reservations about Charlie Ward too… Just as I have about Jesus coming to save you. We have to save ourselves, so please stop relying on a mythical man to appear from the sky to save you. It’s up to you, me, each one of us to do everything we can to fix the many problems we have allowed to fester for all these years.
Could this just be another con designed to ease us onto a programmable CBDC, with some form of digital ID and consent to a new contract/trust agreement. Be very wary.
It’s hard to know who or what to believe these days. You are right to be wary. Until we see solid proof that Nesara/Gesara is real I believe we should all be taking responsibility for our own actions to reform the corrupt governments currently destroying our country. It’s up to each one of us to take steps to stop the criminals. In fact, it’s our duty!
Very interesting. I wonder if it will ever happen here since the govt is continuing with its attempts to shut us all off social media. Be good to know when
Very soon. Wait for the call.