Andrews Government Betrays the People…again!

The following is very important.

If this Act is passed in Victoria, no doubt the rest of the states will follow suit.

Briefly, the Andrews Government has drafted the Local Government Act 2018 that has many draconian features about it.  Reading the Bill indicates the following events will happen if the Bill passes through the pariament unchallenged:

  1. ALL local councils will become legitimised as “corporations” as representing “the third tier of government”.  Our Constitution does NOT allow for this to happen; nor is it appropriate for a corporation to be both a commercial profit-making enterprise and an arm of government.
  2. ALL Councils will be elevated to “Authority” status; meaning, they will become laws unto themselves.
  3. ALL councils will be able to make their own “Local Laws” (which are different to by-laws) and they will able to enforce them — even utilising the police when necessary.
  4. Councils will be required to bring community housing up to the standards specified in the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target 2007 (Agenda 21).  This means they will send “approved officers” to people’s homes and businesses to produce a list of work required by the landowner to meet these targets for energy efficiency.
  5. If the landowner fails to complete the work within the given timespan, the council will then arrange for the work to be done.  This could costs $$0,000’s more than the actual cost!!!
  6. Once completed, the council gives the landowner time to pay.  If he/she cannot do that, then the land is “transferred” to the council.
  7. The council will then determine “market value” of the property and after any mortgage costs, encumbrances, fees and fines are deducted, many people will not see much cash remaining from the value of their former home.  They could also be looking for other accommodation too.

With already corrupt councils potentially being offered so much POWER to exercise over their ratepayers, it is believed that the laws they plan to enact will be so totalitarian that no person will have any means to object to their decisions.

Fortunately, this Draft Bill is available for public comment.

If you value your freedom download the Submission Template that exposes each council’s illegitimacy (together with other issues) and contact your MP’s and tell them to NOT support this Bill.

Affirmative Action

To enable this to happen, the Victorian public (and in all other states) should take the following action:

  1. Download a copy of the Submission Template here.
  2. Submission Comments – Exposure Draft Bill
  3. Edit the document by typing in the name and address of the landowner and/or tenant in the box located on the front page.
  4. Email an electronic copy to the your:
  • Lower House member (1 person)
  • Upper House members (5 persons)
  • The Parliamentary submission website.
  1. Follow up these emails by arranging an appointment to visit the local member (Lower House) and as many Upper House members as possible.  If these can’t be visited personally, they should be telephoned.
  2. When visiting or telephoning members, their position regarding this draft legislation should be determined — either supporting or opposing it.

If 1,000 or more Victorians were to undertake the above procedure, then the likelihood of the Bill being read and voted on in the parliament is very slim.

Spread the word!

Every person reading this needs to spread the word about this legislation to as many Victorians as possible.  This can be done by:

  • Using social media such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.;
  • Emailing friends and family;
  • Contacting the media — local newspapers, TV stations via telephone or writing an article;
  • All other means possible.

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