Common Law Court Convicts Covid Criminals

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We all know who pushed the Covid scam on the people of Australia. They thought they would get away with their murderous crimes against the people. But Karma and the law always catch up with crooks like these. Now that they have been convicted, any Australian has the power and authority under our Common Law to arrest these criminals on the run.

  1. Scott Morrison (Former Prime Minister)
  2. Greg Hunt (Former Federal Health Minister)
  3. Martin Fletcher – AHPRA CEO
  4. John Skerritt – Health Products Regulation Group (TGA)
  5. Paul Kelly (Commonwealth Chief Health Officer)
  6. Daniel Andrews (Premier – Victoria)
  7. Mark McGowan (Premier – Western Australia)
  8. Gladys Berjiklian (Former Premier – New South Wales)
  9. Annastacia Palaszczuk (Premier – Queensland)
  10. Peter Gutwein (Former Premier Tasmania)
  11. Michael Gunner (Former Chief Minister – Northern Territory)
  12. Steven Marshall (Former Premier – South Australia)
  13. Martin Foley (Former Health Minister – Victoria)
  14. Roger Cook (Former Health Minister – Western Australia)
  15. Amber Jade Sanderson (Health Minister – Western Australia)
  16. Brad Hazzard (Health Minister – New South Wales)
  17. Yvette D’Ath (Health Minister – Queensland)
  18. Jeremy Rockliff (Health Minister – Tasmania)
  19. Stephen Wade (Health Minister – South Australia)
  20. Natasha Fyles (Health Minister – Northern Territory)
  21. Rachel Stephen-Smith (Health Minister – Australian Capital Territory)
  22. Nicola Spurrier (Chief Health Officer – South Australia)
  23. Hugh Heggie (Chief Health Officer – Northern Territory)
  24. Kerryn Coleman (Chief Health Officer – Australian Capital Territory)
  25. Brett Sutton (Chief Health Officer – Victoria)
  26. Andrew Robertson (Chief Health Officer – Western Australia)
  27. Kerry Chant (Chief Health Officer – New South Wales)
  28. John Gerrard (Chief Health Officer – Queensland)
  29. Mark Veitch (Director of Public Health – Tasmania)
  30. Brendan Murphy (Former Commonwealth Chief Health Officer)

We, the People of the Commonwealth of Australia will never forget, nor forgive, the harm these criminals have inflicted on us.

Should anyone see one or more of these traitorous criminals walking the streets, arrest them immediately, and march them down to the nearest police station where they must be formally arrested and thrown in jail. If the police refuse to obey the law, arrest them too and keep on arresting each one that refuses to do their duty until one steps up and follows the instructions of the Court.

Each of these criminals has been convicted and sentenced to three consecutive 30-year jail terms, a total of 120 years.

All persons who were the victims of a crime in Anglo-Saxon England were expected to raise their “hue and cry” and apprehend the criminal; and upon hearing their cry, every able-bodied man in the community was expected to do the “utmost in his power” (pro toto posse suo) to chase and apprehend the accused as a “posse”. Every man was thereby personally responsible for the law and for the safety of the entire community. – From1215: The Year of Magna Carta ~by J. Danziger (2003)

This has not changed ever since the Magna Carta was first signed. As members of the Commonwealth every member is bound by law to apprehend any criminal they see.

These people have caused so much fear to further their communist agenda. But now that they have been convicted, it is they who will never be able to walk the streets without looking over their shoulders all the time.

It’s up to you! Every Australian has the power!

Download and read the verdict here:

Common Law Court Verdict and Remedy
Common Law Court Verdict and Remedy

Download and read the Common Law Court Verdict

Size: 453KB

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