This is what the voice is really about

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Australia, are you going to allow a racist minority take control of our country and our lives?

Correspondence containing details of an 11 point plan left behind by a group of six or seven NIAA (National Indigenous Australian Agency) employees having coffee at a cafe in the Woden town center, Canberra. Now, this coffee shop in Worden is roughly 450 meters from the NIA office here in Canberra. 

11 bullet points that were taken from the pages left behind by NIA staff. It was headed ‘Early action opportunities for The Voice’.

1. jobs quota minimum 10 appointments to be First Nations people for judges, magistrates, CW SES ADF offices AFP and state police forces, Corrections departments, Vice chancellors and ambassadors.

2 universities: no entry tests and no fees for First Nations people.

3 old age pensions reduced age eligibility for First Nations people because we die younger.

4 public housing: First Nations people to have first preference for all vacant public housing across all states.

5 Sport and music entry fees reduced by 50 for First Nations people for any events on public land.

6. beaches and national parks; all beaches and national parks to be property of the relevant tribe. Non-first Nations people to be charged to use the beaches, Parks Etc. Revenues to go to relevant tribe.

7. rivers and streams to become property of relevant tribe and fees for water consumption paid to relevant tribe.

8. mining royalties same as for water

9.  income tax for First Nations people to be 50 percent of normal rate

10. liquor licensing; all new liquor licenses across Australia to be vetted by voice

11 the voice offers research policy staff to analyze and review all proposed government policies legislation and appointments. Same size and pay as dpmc (the dpmc they refer to stands for Department of prime minister and cabinet) [sounds like the Gestapo, doesn’t it?]

Now, could ‘their’ plan be:

1)  To transfer control to this racist minority(as above), then

2)  Lock everyone up in “Smart Cities”, whilst

3) The Oligarchs behing the U.N. rape all the Natural Resources.


Revealing the Deep Secrets of Extreme Corruption in the United Nations

This page reveals the WEF plan, using the United Nations, to enslave everyone on the planet.

But don’t be fooled. These megalomaniacs have forgotten the most important traits in human kind… our humanity, our rights, and most importantly — our RIGHTS.

They will never conquer the Human Spirit. Stay strong warriors. We are winning this war against evil.

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