It appears that Matt Thistlethwaite MP is laboring (sic) under a misapprehension…. or is he merely stating the truth as the political party government sees it?
Take a look at this web page on the Attorney General’s website:
Notice anything amiss?
Hint! Hint!
There are 2 ministers sworn to administer our department:
- the Hon Mark Dreyfus KC MP, Attorney-General- external site
- the Hon Matt Thistlethwaite MP, Assistant Minister for the Republic.
Since when are the Attorney General and his assistant ministers, Ministers for the Republic?
Here is the website page link again where this statement is made:
If you are wondering who the Attorney General works for, and you are confused by the statement that he and his staff are Ministers for the Republic, fill in this form and start asking questions:
The text box is pre-filled with a recommended question, but you can add your own comments as well.