Maxims in Law

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Maxims are a short, pithy statement expressing a general truth or rule of conduct

The following maxims are worth reading and remembering as you deal with the unlawful political party governments. Remember that you, as a human being, have all the rights bestowed on you by the universe, and no man may ever take them from you.

This is something that kings from John down to the French Revolution should have realized. By trampling on the god-given rights of man they created a situation that became unbearable, and forced the people to act to redress these wrongs.

Today, the “kings” are the politicians, banksters, and petty “officials” who believe they have a right to run roughshod over our rights and freedoms. They, too, should remember the French Revolution!

Viva la Revolution!!!


French-revolution 1




(If you want to do something to stop the criminal corporate political parties continuing to destroy our nation and our Democracy, sign up for free at Advance Australia Group. We are not a political party. We are a political group of Australians who want to bring back the rule of law under our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901….Click here to Sign Up!)




  • What is done without consideration or reflection, upon better consideration we should revoke or undo.
  • Time cannot render valid an act void in its origin.
  • Written obligations are dissolved by writing, and obligations of naked assent by similar naked assent.
  • No one is obliged to accept a benefit against his consent. But if he does not dissent he will be considered as assenting.
  • Private contracts cannot derogate from the public law.
  • A public right cannot be changed by private agreement.
  • The agreement of the parties makes the law of the contract.
  • The contract makes the law.
  • Fictions arise from the law, and not law from fictions.
  • The law would rather tolerate a private wrong than a public evil.
  • Consent makes the law. A contract is a law between the parties, which can acquire force only by consent.
  • A contract founded on a base and unlawful consideration, or against good morals, is null.
  • The agreement of the parties overcomes or prevails against the law.
  • A concealed fault is equal to a deceit.
  • Once a fraud, always a fraud.
  • It is a fraud to conceal a fraud.
  • Great neglect is equivalent to fraud.
  • Strong presumption avails in law.
  • A privilege is, as it were, is a private law.
  • When the Common Law and statute law concur, the Common Law is to be preferred.
  • The execution of the law causes no injury.
  • Human laws are born, live and die.
  • It is contrary to the Law of nations to violate the rights of ambassadors.
  • In the presence of the superior power, the minor power ceases.



(If you want to do something to stop the criminal corporate political parties continuing to destroy our nation and our Democracy, sign up for free at Advance Australia Group. We are not a political party. We are a political group of Australians who want to bring back the rule of law under our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901….Click here to Sign Up!)



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