These are black and white facts.
A Challenge to Anne Twomey
Adjunct Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Sydney Legal Practitioner of the Supreme Court of New South Wales Legal Advisor to the Victoria High Court in Melbourne.
Therefore you, Anne Twomey, with your qualifications, cannot plead Ignorance of the law — there is NO excuse.
This challenge is also to: the Attorney General Christian Porter, all High Court Judges, all Federal Police, all State Premiers, all Senators, all Members of Parliament, all Magistrates, all Mayors and Council CEO’s, all other purported members of the judiciary and government.

We challenge you to refute these Facts!
All Australian Political Parties, their Australian Courts, all Judiciary, Federal and State Police, University Lecturers of Law are involved in a Treasonous Conspiracy to remove the people’s Queen, Elizabeth the Second by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Our other Realms & Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith from her Oath = Willful Treason as they all know exactly what they have done and continue doing.
These are all true and verifiable Facts, verified by all State Australia Acts (Request) Act 1985
The Declaration
Preamble: Whereas the Prime Minister of the Commonwealth and the Premiers of the States at conferences held in Canberra on 24 and 25 June 1982 and 21 June 1984 agreed on the taking of certain measures to bring constitutional arrangements affecting the Commonwealth and the States into conformity with the status of the Commonwealth of Australia as a sovereign, independent and federal nation:
The above paragraph is where the Prime Minister and State Premiers conspired with each other on two occasions to join with the Political Parties Commonwealth of Australia Republic as a sovereign, independent and federal nation with NO Crown or Constitutional Authority.
All States joined the Commonwealth of Australia Republic, therefore conspiring to restrain and remove the people’s Queen from her Oath. This also removed all rights of the People, which benefitted only the Political Parties.
All State Governors sold their souls to join this Treasonous Conspiracy by using Treason to restrain and remove the people’s Queen from her Oath by enacting these State Australia Acts (Request) Act 1985 with no Crown and Constitutional Authority.
These Australia Acts (Request) Act 1985 cannot go forward, as three Sections are Referendum entrenched.
With no Referendum, therefore, the Australia Acts (Request) Act 1985 is no Act at all. It is null and void. A null Act has no authority at all and any laws created purporting to be authorized by a null and void Act are also null and void.

No. S85, Sunday, 2nd March 1986
ELIZABETH R By Her Majesty The
Queen of Australia
WHEREAS it is provided by sub-section 17 (2) of the Australia Act 1986 that that Act shall come into operation on a day and at a time to be fixed by Proclamation:
NOW THEREFORE, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council. WE HEREBY FIX 3 March 1986 at 5.00am. Greenwich Mean time as the day on which, and the time at which, the Australia Act 1986 shall come intooperation.
(LS) GIVEN under the Great Seal of Australia at Our Court at Government House,
Canberra, on the 2 March 1986.
By Her Majesty’s Command,
Prime Minister

ELIZABETH R = (“R” stands for the Latin Regina, meaning “Queen”.
This creates “Elizabeth R” for the Political Parties.
Queen of Australia = created in 1973 by and for Political Parties.
Great Seal of Australia created in 1973 by and for Political Parties.
BOB HAWKE is a pseudonym. Political Parties don’t recognise the living people of Australia ever since the start of 1973.
GOD, Political Parties created their own private God in 1973 – The Anglican Church of Australia
All Enacted to the Political Parties definition of their private abstract Australia in 1973.
England’s Political Parties conspired with their Australian counterparts. British political parties are complicit in the TREASON as well.
The British Australia Act 1986 was enacted while the British Parliament was under European Law. The British Parliament was sitting in Treason. England could not lawfully become a member of the European Union without a vote of all members in a Constitutional Monarchy.
In pursuance of section 17(2) of the Australia Act 1986 (a), I hereby make the following Order:—
1. This Order may be cited as the Australia Act 1986 (Commencement) Order 1986.
2. This Australia Act 1986 shall come into force on the 3rd March 1986, at five o’clock, Greenwich mean time, in the morning.
Geoffrey Howe
Her Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State
for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs.
The people’s Queen is Elizabeth the Second by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Our other Realms & Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith.
Only the people of the Commonwealth of Australia may decide if Australia may become a Republic.
Also The people’s Queen, as shown above, sent Letters Patent to all State Governors. These Letters Patent, revoked existing Letters Patent and instructions.
These Our letters Patent shall come into operation at the same time as the Australia Acts come into force.
Because the people’s Queen has used Acts plural therefore the Australian and British Political Parties and their Australia Acts 1986 are involved in Treason against the Queen’s Oath and the whole Commonwealth of Nations.
THEREFORE all Australia Act (Request) Acts 1985 and Australia Acts 1986 are Void not voidable.
Therefore all the Letters Patent and instructions sent to all State Governors by the people’s Queen are still valid as of before any Australia Acts 1985.
This enforces Wilful Treason as all Political Parties and all involved knew exactly what they had and have done by removing the peoples Queen, Elizabeth the Second by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Our other Realms & Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith from her Oath, therefore restrains The Queen and removes all rights from the people of the Commonwealth of Australia as established under the Founding and Primary Law, Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901.
All States have created Local Governments under their Republic = TREASON — NEW SOUTH WALES SUPREME COURT
The Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland were installed in the western lobby of this building from 1977 until 2011, when the entire ground floor lobby area was refurbished.
While no longer in official use. these Royal Arms have been reinstalled here for public display as part of the legal and artistic heritage of the State, and for their heraldic significance.
Law Courts Limited April 2015

From the 2nd February 1960 forward the Governor-General and Commander in Chief is owned and controlled by the Political Parties, who now own the Governor-General and Commander in Chief
The Political Parties created their own Republican Australian Dollar, Trademarked emblem within and for their Company Australia created in 1973 without a Referendum, No Federal Election, No Commission appointing the Governor-General, No appointed Federal Judiciary from 2nd February 1960 NO Crown Authority = Treason.
The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901, as Proclaimed and Gazetted, which consists of the Preamble, Clauses 1 to 9 and the Schedule, prescribes at
Clause 9—The Constitution of the Commonwealth,
Chapter I—The Parliament,
Part I—General,
Salary of Governor-General = pounds.
each senator and each member of the House of Representatives = pounds.
payable to the Queen = pounds.
Ministers of State = pounds.
Political Parties circumventing the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 as Proclaimed and Gazetted is a Treasonous Act.
We the people voted in 1999 to stay as a Constitutional Monarchy and said loudly No to a Republic.
Political Parties and all involved have taken no notice of the Referendum = TREASON
A Federal Referendum of the people is an explicitly binding Act on all Australian Parliaments and Governments (COAG) . When Australian Parliaments, Governments (COAG) don’t listen to Referendums they enact Treason upon themselves.
Political Parties created their Republic Parliament and Government in 1973 while sitting in Our Parliament House.
Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 as Proclaimed and gazetted.
Part II – The Senate
7 The Senate
The Senate shall be composed of senators for each State, directly chosen by the people of the State, voting, until the Parliament otherwise provides, as one electorate — NOT BY POLITICAL PARTIES
Part III – The House of Representatives
24 Constitution of House of Representatives
The House of Representatives shall be composed of members directly chosen by the people of the Commonwealth, and the number of such members shall be, as nearly as practicable, twice the number of the senators. NOT BY POLITICAL PARTIES
Therefore you, Anne Towomey, with your qualifications, ignorance of the law is NO excuse.
All Australian Political Parties, their Australian Courts, all Judiciary, Federal and State Police, University Lecturers of Law are all involved in this Treasonous Conspiracy to remove the people’s Queen, Elizabeth the Second by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Our other Realms & Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith from her Oath = Willful Treason as they all know exactly what they have all done.
Political Parties circumventing the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 as Proclaimed and Gazetted is a Treasonous Act.
The People’s Queen has said NO and the people have said NO: That leaves all involved enforcing Political Party Treason.
Anne Twomey, have a go at proving us wrong — WE DARE YOU!
23 thoughts on “Challenge to Professor Anne Twomey et al.”
Time to round up all past and present politicians and try them for treason governors and governor Generals as well
I came across this article shared on Facebook, and noticed the shared photo in the link was taken from my website and reproduced without permission contrary to copyright laws. It has both the Great Seal of Australia and the Royal Arms of the United Kingdom on it, with “Australian Law was enacted under the wrong seal” in bold letters on top, and ” Australian Government Gazette – Glenevan Pty Ltd [2015] NSWSC 201″ on the bottom right, which are the two main references in the associated article on my website. See here:
Please either remove this breach of copyright from your website, or provide the source with the link provided in this comment.
Cheers, Rob Sudy
Go stuff yourself Sudy you moron. You do not own the copyright to the seals.
No not to the seals I don’t, but I do to the graphic of both seals together and the writing I put on them. It is an article header from my website that I created myself. It is under copyright. I find it quite hilarious though, that you would steal a graphic and not notice that the case law cited on it, Glenevan Pty Ltd [2015] NSWSC 201, actually debunks this whole rant lol. Quite the IQ you have there lol.
Tough tittie nowflake. But you can crawl back under your rock now…. I removed the image because tit was defiling this website and I don’t want to give you any semblance of support.
I wonder why someone would go to so much trouble to put up a site that attempts to ward off those who would question the lawfulness of the “Australian Corporate Government’s” system? Smells like a government set up to look like a concerned citizen investigating claims. Trouble is that the “Freeman Delusion anti bodies” have missed key arguments in establishing lawful authority and proving a lawful path back to Australian Constitution Act 1900. But then, they are only dumbed down government actors.
How can we get these traitors out
For many years, laws have been passed without the legal and correct process. POLITICIAN’S have been interfering with the process to their own ends by COERCION and giving of favour to the judiciary.
Outstanding, will we require a rebellion to reverse the damage done or is there a more preferably peaceful way of achieving a reversion to our true Constitution
Hang the lot of them now
Just a thought. Where would our Commonwealth be if it were public knowledge that the Queen committed treason by wearing the St. Edwards Catholic crown at her coronation? Where would we be if the public knew that the Original Constitution, voted on by the Australian People, went to England where several changes were made that were NOT voted on by the Australian People, but signed off by Queen Victoria? That Rod Culleton committed a crime, ( misdeamor), was convicted of crime, (misdemeanor), & therefore not eligible to sit? I am no Rob Sudy afficionado, but i can see where our illegal australien government is coming from. If the queen is a fraud, & if our Constitution is a fraud, where does that leave us? If local government is actually in our Constitution as ” Municipalities and local government” on page 936 of Quick & Garrans Annotated, & the vic3_doc_1851 Letters Patent specifically states that councils as local government will be established on page 672, where does that leave us? Are the people pushing the agenda to revert to our Commonwealth ignoring the facts here? I have already asked Mike Holt to reply to some of these concerns in an e mail, i got no answer. By the way, i want a republic, but without the leeches of the monarchy, Just people interested in a great nation based on Magna Carta & Common Law … Just a thought …
It leaves us exactly where we are right now. The only way to fix it is to return to our Constitution and then initiate a series of carefully considered constitutional referendums to change what needs to be changed. We have no other choice.
Why would you mention Sudy? He’s an idiot.
What IF Australia really does have their own Rightful Aboriginal Monarchy here . Covered up by the Queen Victoria in 1853..
Queen Elizabeth knows this as it is a REAL FACT ..!!!!
Hahaha! Really? Where did you get this nugget from? Or did you just run out of toilet paper?
What’s the difference between a real fact and a fact? What a load of cods wallop. The Abo’s were scattered and isolated all over Australia. There was never a proclamation by any tribe over other tribes. They were essentially hunters and gatherers. But here is a more modern fact. Recently self proclaimed aboriginal Bruce Pascoe is about as aboriginal as Queen Elizabeth II is.
You loonies ….
Prove us wrong.
What a crock – stuff the Queen & the Govt
I gave you the facts on vic 3-doc-1851 & quick & garrans notation on page 376 of the municipal & local government a fair while ago, & yet no mention of these two facts are mentioned in your challenge to Anne Twomey et al. Nor do you mention that it was me that gave you that specific information. If you are working or the Oz people, then please stop the bullshit & go for our Commonwealth Constitution. If you are in a position to do what needs to be done, as per our Commonwealth Constitution, just ask & I will help. If not, just fuck off & go away …
No idea who you are “Jim”. So either come out of the shadows, show your picture and true identity, or fuck off yourself you moron!
…Gidday Mike , prolly a silly question … did you ever get any response from her ?
No, of course not. Reality is too difficult.