Treason Documented

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Treason is still a Capital Crime

“Truth Is Treason In An Empire Of Lies”

“A thing void in the beginning does not become valid by lapse of time.” — 1S & R58 Maxims of Law, Black’s Law Dictionary 9th Edition, Page 1866

No Magistrates or other court presided over by a “judge” is lawful, and therefore they have no jurisdiction over you. Watch this video to learn…even though he talks about US law it applies to Australia too.

Founding and Primary Law Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 as Proclaimed and Gazetted. It’s only 22 pages , READ IT

Treason by Legislation


Every State created a Local Government Act by joining the Commonwealth of Australia as a sovereign, independent and federal nation enforced by the Australia Act 1986 Commonwealth.

  • Local Government Act 1993 No 95 Tasmania
  • Local Government Act 1993 No 30 New South Wales
  • Local Government Act 1989 No 11 Victoria
  • Local Government Act 1995 No 74 Western Australia
  • Local Government Act 1999 No 62 South Australia
  • Local Government Act 1993 No.70 Queensland

All State Governments by joining the Commonwealth as a sovereign, independent and federal nation took ownership of all land.
Lands Acquisition Act 1973, No. 208 (Clth) of 19th December 1973 which created their own “Australian Land”

4 (1) Section 7 of the Principal Act is amended–
(a) by omitting from sub-section (1) the words ” The Governor-General” and substituting the words “The Minister”

Australia Acts 1985 & 1986 explains it very clearly.

An Act to bring “constitutional arrangements
affecting the Commonwealth and the States into
“conformity” with the “status” of the Commonwealth of
Australia as a sovereign, independent and federal nation

WHEREAS the Prime Minister of the Commonwealth and the Premiers of
the States at conferences held in Canberra on 24 and 25 June 1982 and 21 June 1984 agreed on the taking of certain measures to bring constitutional arrangements affecting the Commonwealth and the States into conformity” with thestatusof the Commonwealth of Australia as a sovereign, independent and federal nation:
“constitutional arrangements” = Australia Law as a private company
“conformity” means that their Commonwealth is already a private Company.

We the people never voted for this.

To have the status” “sovereign, independent and federal nationmeans a “Republican Dictatorship”.

Notice: sovereign, independent and federal nation are NOT Sovereign, Independent and Federal Nation. We are NOT yet a Republic.

The Australia Acts 1986

Proclamation his name as Bob Hawk — this is not a legal signature. His name is Robert James Lee Hawke, and he should have signed his name as he would a bank cheque for it to be lawful.

Nor did he hold a referendum, as he was told by Queen Elizabeth II when she just initialed the front page. She refused to sign the Act into law without a referendum.

All States created an Australia Acts (Request) Act 1985 was void as the so-called Act needed 3 Entrenched Referendums just to become an Act.

This proves that all State so-called Governors sold their souls to the Political Parties = TREASON

Entrenched sections within these Acts are:

Referendum No 1 We are a Constitutional Monarchy NOT a sovereign, independent and federal nation.

Referendum No 2 Section 13 of the Australia Acts (Request) Act 1985 is Referendum-entrenched and stipulates

Queensland’s Constitution Act 1867

53.(1) A Bill that expressly or impliedly provides for the abolition of or
alteration in the office of Governor or that expressly or impliedly in any way
affects any of the following sections of this Act namely—
sections 1, 2, 2A, 11A, 11B, 14; and
this section 53
shall not be presented for assent by or in the name of the Queen unless it
has first been approved by the electors in accordance with this section and a
Bill so assented to consequent upon its presentation in contravention of this
subsection shall be of no effect as an Act.

Referendum No 3 Section 14 of the Australia Acts (Request) Act 1985 is Referendum-entrenched and stipulates:

Western Australia Constitution Act 1889
Legislature as constituted by this Act empowered to alter any of its provisions 73

(2) A Bill that
(a) expressly or impliedly provides for the abolition of or alteration in the office of Governor; or
(b) expressly or impliedly provides
for the abolition of the Legislative Council or of the Legislative Assembly; or
(c) expressly or impliedly provides that the Legislative Council or the Legislative

Assembly shall be composed of members other than members chosen directly by the people; or

(d) expressly or impliedly provides for a reduction in the numbers of the members of the Legislative Council or of the Legislative Assembly; or
(e) expressly or impliedly in any way affects any of the following sections of this Act, namely sections 2, 3, 4, 50, 51, and 73, shall not be presented for assent by or in the name of the Queen unless
(f) the second and third readings of the Bill shall have been passed with the concurrence of an absolute majority of the whole number of the members for the time being of the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly, respectively; and
(g) the Bill has also prior to such presentation been approved by the electors in accordance with this section, and a Bill assented to consequent upon its presentation in contravention of this subsection shall be of no effect as an Act.


Australia Acts (Request) Act 1985

Therefore all so-called Acts from that date forward are only PURPORTED ACTS and PURPORTED ENACTMENTS

All States have a similar section in their Acts Interpretation Act or Interpretation Act.

Tasmania Acts Interpretation Act 1931
Section 46C. Declaration of validity of certain laws

New South Wales Interpretation Act 1987
34A Declaration of validity of certain laws

Victoria Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984
58 Declaration of validity of certain laws

Western Australia Interpretation Act 1984
76A. Written laws made before Australia Acts, validity of

22B—Declaration of validity of laws made before Australia Acts

Queensland Acts Interpretation Act 1954
9A Declaration of validity of certain laws


Oxford Dictionary: purport v. appear to be or do, especially falsely

Therefore all Acts after the Australia Acts are only PURPORTED ACTS

Another point

Australia Act 1986 (Clth) No 142, 1985 came before the Australia (Request and Consent) Act 1985 (Clth) Act No. 143 of 1985
The Australia Acts 1985 and 1986, State and Commonwealth are UNDER the Political Parties changed Constitutional Definition of Australia in 1973 without a Referendum = TREASON

In 1999 All States enacted

  • Tasmania Australia Acts (Request) Act 1999 No 37
  • New South Wales Australia Acts (Request) Act 1999 No 11
  • Victoria Australia Acts (Request) Act 1999 No 33
  • Western Australia Australia Acts (Request) Act 1999 No 27
  • South Australia Australia Acts (Request) Act 1999 No 39
  • Queensland Australia Acts (Request) Act 1999 No 36

All these Acts were to change the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 as Proclaimed and Gazetted.

All State and Federal Australia Acts were enacted by the Queen of Australia and under the Political Parties changed Constitutional Definitions without a Referendum in 1973.


People of the Commonwealth of Australia under the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 voted to stay as a Constitutional Monarchy in 1999.

The Australia Act 1986 UK was done under the Definition of “the Commonwealth” means the Commonwealth of Australia as established under the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act.

By NOT listening to the People the Political Parties in the State and Federal Governments, their Parliaments kept the TREASON going by using the Australia Act 1986 Act 142 as their Primary Law


Click on the link below to Download a PDF document to read how the political parties have committed TREASON!

Political Parties Treason Documented and Exposed

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