Queensland’s Evolution To Tyranny

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Introduction: There is a deep malaise present in our current political system. Most Australians are aware that there is “something wrong”…but what exactly has gone wrong with it?

The Australian Constitution Act 1901 instituted a system of government we called the Westminster system. It was based on the Australian Constitution Act 1901. Our laws were based on the Common Law system that began with the Magna Carta. Common Law forms the basis of all lawful decisions taken by the courts….Or it should.

Historically it was a day of international significance when on January 1st 1901 the people of New South Whales, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland and Tasmania, Western Australia, humbly relying on the blessing of Almighty God commenced union as one indissoluble Federal Commonwealth under the Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and under a constitution which The People had written, discussed, debated and finally expressed their will by approval at referendum.

At that moment the former colonies became States of the Commonwealth under this new contract and the various colonial legislatures surrendered their former supremacy to The People who at Federation became, “the supreme absolute and uncontrollable authority”.(Quick and Garran page 285 The People)

The political parties never accepted this demotion of their colonial status and have been by treachery, sedition and treason through a slow and remarkable transformation using legislative trickery over decades unlawfully conspired to regain their pre-federation status of supremacy over The People and their sovereign Her Most Excellent Majesty.

The following is a partial explanation and expose of how the Queensland Government has slowly but surely denied us all rights as living human beings. The so-called Government of Queensland we know today is not a lawful entity. Nor are the laws it seeks to impose on We the People. Instead, the Government of Queensland is a fictional construct set up by the political parties and registered to the Brigalow Corporation in the USA.

This article is an extract from Dick Yardley’s book, “Australian Political Treason, Treachery & Sabotage” that you can buy by clicking here. If you want a book that details all the crimes committed by the political party criminals, this is it!


(If you want to do something to stop the criminal corporate political parties continuing to destroy our nation and our Democracy, sign up for free at Advance Australia Group. We are not a political party. We are a political group of Australians who want to bring back the rule of law under our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901….Click here to Sign Up!)


Queensland’s Evolution

from “Parliament of Queensland” and “Government of Queensland”

which were within the former Constitutional system of government —“of Queensland”— as constituted under


Queensland’s Constitution Act 1867 [31 Vic. No. 38] and in force 5th April 1977 and —“of the Commonwealth of Australia”— as constituted under the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act from 1st January 1901, inter alia Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) [63 & 64 Vict.] [Ch. 12] and which were under the “Sovereign of the United Kingdom”

extending to the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty’s Successor
as lawful Successor in the sovereignty of the United Kingdom
and holder of the “Crown” of the United Kingdom,
Elizabeth the Second by the Grace of God
of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
and of Her other Realms & Territories
Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith,
with Oaths of Allegiance sworn to the “Sovereign of the United Kingdom”.

TO: “Queensland Parliament” and “Queensland Government”

operating along with the “Parliament of Australia” and “Australian Government” under a corporate Australian system of government with Oaths of Allegiance sworn to a “Sovereign of Australia”,

a corporate patron “Queen of Australia”
who was created under the Royal Style and Titles Act 1973 (Cth).

From 2nd June 1953 to 4th December 1972, the laws “of the Commonwealth of Australia”, constituted under the Preamble and Clauses 1 to 9 Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act and with authority of the “Crown” of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, had the constitutional enacting manner and form of

“Be it enacted by the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty, the Senate and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia ….. ”

But the Royal Style and Titles Act 1973 (Cth) Act No. 114 of 1973 of 19th October 1973, with no authority from the “Crown” of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, had a different and unconstitutional enacting manner and form of

“BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the Queen, (Note: Most Excellent Majesty removed) the Senate and the House of Representatives of Australia, ….. ”

The Royal Style and Titles Act 1973 (Cth) Act No. 114 of 1973 of 19th October 1973, a Private Act requested by the Government of Australia to change the form of the Royal Style and Titles to be used in relation to Australia and its Territories, changed the form to

“Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God
Queen of Australia and Her other Realms and Territories,
Head of the Commonwealth”.

It is to be noted that no law, enacted by the Parliament “of the Commonwealth of Australia”, (and no law by the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) can be found, that actually authorized this change in the enacting manner and form. It is also to be noted that no law, enacted by the Parliament of the United Kingdom, can be found, that would have been the equivalent of the Royal Style and Titles Act 1973 (Cth).

The Statute Law Revision Act 1973 (Cth) Act No. 216 of 1973 commenced 31st December 1973. It was amended by the Statute Law Revision Act 1974 (Cth) Act No. 20 of 1974 which was purportedly assented to on 25th July 1974 but deemed to commence 31st December 1973. However, without the authority of the “Crown” of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Statute Law Revision Acts 1973-1974 (Cth) both had the enacting manner and form of

“Be it enacted by the Queen, (Note: Most Excellent Majesty removed) the Senate and the House of Representatives of Australia, ….. ”

and unconstitutionally removed the words “of the Commonwealth” and replaced “Great Seal of the Commonwealth” with “Great Seal of Australia” in the Revisions to numerous Statute Laws.

Prime Minister Gough Whitlam was in that “Government of Australia” from 5th December 1972 to 11th November 1975. His “formula” in the evolution to remove the Constitutional “Crown”, progressively changed the enacting manner and form to “The Parliament of Australia enacts”.

In 1974, the words “Commonwealth of Australia” were changed to “Australia” in the “Legend” on the medium of exchange to be used as legal tender currency in the form of paper money.

But “Parliament of Australia”, “House of Representatives of Australia”, “Queen of Australia” and “Government of Australia” do not exist in the

Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act from 1st January 1901, inter alia with the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) [63 & 64 Vict.] [Ch. 12].

On 11th November 1975, Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser took over until 11th March 1983 and then Prime Minister Robert Hawke took over until 20th December 1991.

Conferences were held in Canberra on 24th and 25th June 1982 and 21st June 1984, at which “the Prime Minister of the Commonwealth and the Premiers of the States agreed”

“on the taking of certain measures to bring
constitutional arrangements affecting the Commonwealth and the States
into conformity with the status of the Commonwealth of Australia as a sovereign, independent and federal nation”.

That resulted in the Australia Act 1986 (Cth) Act No. 142 of 1985 of 4th December 1985, for an Australian system of government, with the intention that State Governments be brought into that system, and for all to carry out commercial activities under that system. However, that is a Private Act made under the authority of a patron “Queen of Australia”

as created in the Royal Style and Titles Act 1973 (Cth) Act No. Act No. 114 of 1973, and not under the authority of the Queen in the sovereignty of the United Kingdom as stated in Clause 2 (Act to extend to the Queen’s successors) of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act.

Yet, under that corporate Australian system of government,

its “Australian Government”, “Parliament of Australia”, “Australian Courts” and its corporate State Governments are operating outside constitutional Acts, despite being constitutionally bound by the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act from 1st January 1901, inter alia with the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) [63 & 64 Vict.] [Ch. 12]

as is stated at Clause 5 (Operation of the Constitution and laws)

“This Act, and all laws made by the Parliament of the Commonwealth under the Constitution, shall be binding on the courts, judges, and people of every State and of every part of the Commonwealth, notwithstanding anything in the laws of any State ………. ”.

The corporate Australian system of government under its patron “Queen of Australia” has brought entities into it, bound them to the Australian system of government and denied them and others, constitutional access to the Queens’s Most Excellent Majesty, Her Courts and Her Privy Council.

queen of Australia

When the current Governor-General Ms Quentin Bryce was asked if this seal was the same as the one referred to in Her Commission from Queen Elizabeth II, an administrative assistant from Government House in Canberra confirmed that this “is the same seal as the one that is on the Governor-General’s Commission”.

Her Majesty The Queen’s College of Arms stated that “there are scores if not hundreds of Letters Patent of Armorial Bearings that have been issued to Australian citizens or Australian corporate bodies of which The Queen is described as Queen of Australia.”

The legislative powers, under this corporate Australian system of government, are under a patron “Queen of Australia”, who is not the constitutional Sovereign of the United Kingdom Empire.

The “Queensland Parliament” operates instead of the “Parliament of Queensland” and the “Queensland Government” operates instead of the “Government of Queensland”, therefore contra to—Section 53 of Queensland’s Constitution Act 1867 as in force 5th April 1977,

its Preamble (which was omitted by the corporate Constitution of Queensland 2001),
and Section 3 of Queensland’s Constitution Act Amendment Act 1934 (still in force).

Electors of Queensland, “a State” “of the Commonwealth of Australia”, as constituted under the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act from 1st January 1901, inter alia with the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) [63 & 64 Vict.] [Ch. 12] and Queensland’s Constitution Act 1867 as in force 5th April 1977 inter alia with Queensland’s Constitution Act Amendment Act 1934, (still in force), have been and are being denied their constitutional rights, liberties and privileges,
including their right to vote by way of referendums to be held as to certain constitutional matters.

In Queensland, under the Letters Patent of 10th June 1925 constituting the Office of Governor, the

Governor’s Commission is to be
from the Sovereign of the United Kingdom,
for a Governor in and over the State of Queensland
and its Dependencies in the Commonwealth of Australia, and that appointment to the said office should be made
by Commission, under Her Majesty’s Sign Manual and Signet.

But contra to Section 53 of Queensland’s Constitution Act 1867 as in force 5th April 1977, with no approval first sought from the Electors of Queensland in referendums on the matters, Section 13 of the Australia Act 1986 as requested by Australia Acts (Request) Act 1985 (Qld),

amended Sections 11A, 11B and 14 of Queensland’s Constitution 5th April 1977.


Those amendments included removing from Queensland’s Constitution, the words

“and Signet” and
“constituted under Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom”.

Removing the “Signet” meant removing the seal with which certain documents are authorised on behalf of Queensland’s constitutional Monarch, the “Sovereign of the United Kingdom”.

That then placed the office of Governor inside the corporate Australian system of government and removed the authority of the “Crown” and the Sovereign of the United Kingdom Empire.

The Constitution (Office of Governor) Act 1987 (Qld) Act No. 73 of 1987, of 1st December, was

“to provide with respect to
the discharge of the office of Governor of the State
and the existence of an Executive Council
and to repeal or amend certain statutes
concerning the government of the State”.

Contra to—Section 53 of Queensland’s Constitution Act 1867 as in force 5th April 1977,

its Preamble (which was omitted by the corporate Constitution of Queensland 2001),
and Section 3 of Queensland’s Constitution Act Amendment Act 1934, (still in force),

Section 3 of the Constitution (Office of Governor) Act 1987 Act No. 73 of 1987 stated at its Part II — Government of Queensland

that there shall be a Governor in and over the State,
and that the Governor’s Commission shall be
under Her Majesty’s Sign Manual.

Section 3 of the Constitution (Office of Governor) Act 1987 Act No. 73 of 1987 confirmed the removal of the Signet of the Sovereign of the United Kingdom Empire

and that the office of Governor is now under the Private Act, the Australia Act 1986, which is bound to the Royal Style and Titles Act 1973 (Cth) Act No. 114 of 1973.

Section 4 of the Constitution (Office of Governor) Act 1987 Act No. 73 of 1987 stated

that the Governor is authorized and required to do and execute
all things that belong to his office according to
the laws that are now or shall hereafter be in force in the State.

again confirming that the office of Governor in Queensland is now under the Australia Act 1986.

Section 5 of the Constitution (Office of Governor) Act 1987 Act No. 73 of 1987 stated that the Governor’s Commission is to be read and published at the seat of government in the State and that the Governor shall take

“the Oath of Allegiance and the Oath of Office
subject to and in accordance with the law and practice of the State”.

However, the Governor’s Commission is now from the corporate patron “Queen of Australia” as under the Australia Act 1986, which is bound to the Royal Style and Titles Act 1973 (Cth)

so the Oath of Allegiance and Oath of Office changed,
as did the meaning of the title referred to in the words “Her Majesty”.

Section 16 (3) (b) of the Constitution (Office of Governor) Act 1987 Act No. 73 of 1987

took the Constitution Act 1867-1978 (Qld) as amended by the Australia Act 1986, and amended it further by repealing Sections 11, 13, 31, 32, 33, 37 and 38.

Section 11—Existing Legislature not affected by this Act.
Section 13—Provisions of former Acts respecting the allowance and disallowance
of Bills reserved. Order in Council s. 14.
Section 31—Duties not to be levied on supplies for troops nor any duties inconsistent
with treaties. Order in Council s. 18. Schedule to 18 and 19 Vic. c.54.
Section 32—Customs duties may be imposed not differential though contrary to existing
Acts of Parliament. Order in Council s. 19. Schedule to 18 and 19 Vic. c.54.
Section 33—Force of laws and authority of courts preserved.
Order in Council s. 20. Schedule to 18 and 19 Vic. c.54.
Section 37—Civil list to be accompanied by surrender of all revenues of the Crown.
Schedule to 18 and 19 Vic. c. 54.
Section 38—Pensions payable to judges of Supreme Court. Schedule to 18 and 19 Vic. c. 54.
(Refer—Letters Patent Constituting the Colony of Queensland—Order in Council 6th June 1859)

Section 4 of Queensland’s Constitution Act 1867 as in force 5th April 1977 stated

No member of the Legislative Assembly shall be permitted to sit or vote therein until he shall have taken and subscribed the following oath before the Governor of the colony

or before some person or persons authorized by such Governor to administer such oath

“I A.B. do sincerely promise and swear
that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance
to Her Majesty Queen Victoria
as lawful Sovereign of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of this Colony of Queensland dependent on and belonging to the said United Kingdom
So help me God”

And whensoever the demise of Her present Majesty or of any of Her Successors to the Crown of the said United Kingdom shall be notified by the Governor of the colony to the said Assembly the members of the said Assembly shall before they shall be permitted to sit and vote therein take and subscribe the like oath of allegiance to the successor for the time being to the said Crown.

But Section 16 (3) (a) of the Constitution (Office of Governor) Act 1987

— repealed and substituted Section 4 of Queensland’s Constitution Act 1867-1987 with — No member of the Legislative Assembly shall be permitted to sit or vote therein until that member has taken and subscribed the following oath before the Governor of Queensland or before some person or persons authorized by the Governor to administer the oath

“I, (name of member) do sincerely promise and swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her (or His) Majesty (name of Sovereign) as lawful Sovereign of Australia and Her (or His) other Realms and Territories, and to Her (or His) Heirs and Successors, according to law. So help me God.”

Repealing Sections 4, 11, 13, 31, 32, 33, 37 and 38, then substituting Section 4 was contra to—Section 53 of Queensland’s Constitution Act 1867 as in force 5th April 1977, its Preamble (which was omitted by the corporate Constitution of Queensland 2001), and Section 3 of Queensland’s Constitution Act Amendment Act 1934, (still in force).

The Electors of Queensland were denied constitutional rights to vote by referendum on the matter of any alteration — from the lawful Sovereign of the United Kingdom and of Queensland dependent on and belonging to the United Kingdom — to a corporate “Sovereign of Australia”.

Those repeals affected the existing Legislature duly constituted, altered the powers of the constitutional Monarch with respect to assent to Bills, revenues, troops, courts and force of law, removed the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty’s Signet, replaced Her Governor with one who swears Allegiance to a patron “Sovereign of Australia” and one who is bound to the corporate “Queensland Parliament”, “Queensland Government” and to an unconstitutional Premier.

The rest of this information can be found in Dick Yardley’s book Australian Political Treason, Treachery & Sabotage. Order your copy online through our website here: Click here to order

Extracted from Dick Yardley’s book, “Australian Political Treason, Treachery & Sabotage”

Queensland’s Evolution from “Parliament of Queensland” and “Government of Queensland” Page 1 of 38 under the former constitutional system of government “of the Commonwealth of Australia” and “of Queensland” to corporate “Queensland Parliament” and “Queensland Government” with no constitutional “Separation of Powers”.

(If you want to do something to stop the criminal corporate political parties continuing to destroy our nation and our Democracy, sign up for free at Advance Australia Group. We are not a political party. We are a political group of Australians who want to bring back the rule of law under our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901….Click here to Sign Up!)

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