Our Australian Law

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Our Official True Law of This Country is:

Our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 UK / 1901 (Cth) as proclaimed and gazetted

This act was derived from the draft of the Constitution put together by Australians for Australians.

Queen Victoria and the British Parliament added 9 Clauses and several other parts to control the Colonial Parliaments during and after Federation.

The extra parts were added by Victoria 28 and 29, which included a Preamble. The preamble insures that the people of Australia are a part of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act.

The People of Six Colonies accepted the Commonwealth Constitution Act 1900 UK, including the 9 Clauses and the Preamble by Referendum.

This Constitution was put in place by a Letters Patent by Queen Victoria and included all State Constitutions in their Original Form and a Letters Patent putting in place the Office of Governor.

This took place on the 29th of October 1900, coming into effect on the 1st of January 1901.

This document called a Constitution, is a Covenant between the Crown and The People of the New Federated Colony, which is Indisolvable by way of the Preamble – being as We the People.

The States were created by Sections 107, 108 and 109 of the New Constitution and derive their authority from it. Ref HCA 48 of 1996 at Paragraph 17. “The State Constitutions only continue subject to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act with only the authority to Alter not Amend, Change or Repeal”.

RRef 106 is also fully explained by HCA 48 of 1996 at paragraph 17.

The exercise of any authority throughout the New Commonwealth is by authority granted by Our Covenant without exception.

As the Colonies ceased to exist by way of Clause 7 on the Proclamation of the Commonwealth Constitution Act 1900 UK there were no authorities exerciseable at Federation under Section 51 sub section 38 as claimed by the Australia Act 1986.

That Act is a Fraud

There were 4 months and 25 days of only Imperial Common Law for that period of time.

“There were only 7 Legislative areas exerciseable before Federation by the Australasian Council and even less by the Colonies and all Seven are in Section 51 of the New Covenant Constitution.”

A quote from Quick & Garran under Section 51 ss 38 explains that, Quick & Garran were fully involved in the drafting of the Constitution and its full meaning.

Every Man, Woman and Child that exercises authority granted by the Constitution must state under what section of the constitution that authority comes from and must swear the lawful oath contained in that constitution without exception. Every Australian since 1 January 1901 has had one share in the government of the Commonwealth of Australia.

What that means is that everyone granted authority by the Constitution as a Politicians, Judges, Magistrates, Police Officers, Public Servants or Legal Practitioners before swearing an oath of Office must swear the Lawful Oath. There are no exceptions.

That oath binds all of them through the British Accreditation Registrar, to the Coronation Oath of the Queen.

The oath is to uphold, the Faith, the Church of England and the Common Law.

The Common Law is:

  • – Magna Carta
  • – Habeas Corpus
  • – 1688 Bill of Rights including;
    • – The Statute of Monopolies,
    • – The Act of Settlement and
    • – The King James Bible.

Every member of the Bar (judges, barristers, lawyers, etc) is required to Comply with the Common Law subject only to the Covenant Constitution.

Non Compliance Means No Authority Whatsoever !!!

The Oath of Allegiance

As we have seen, none of the political party politicians are taking the correct Oath of Allegiance embedded in our Commonwealth of Australia Act 1901. Instead, they are taking a false Oath written into their Constitution registered to a corporation in the USA.

“The oath is to uphold, the Faith, the Church of England and the Common Law. “

The Political Parties in conjunction with the top brass of the Anglican Church Canon of 1966 Canon 16 removed the Church of England by changing the name to Church of England in Australia. Peter Beattie owns and is the world leader of the Anglican church.

All States put Acts through changing the name from the Church of England in Australia to Anglican Church in Australia.

The Political Parties didn’t Consolidate (removed) from OUR Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 as Proclaimed and Gazetted the words “humbly relying on the blessing of Almighty God,” so therefore the Anglican Church in Australia in conjunction with the Political Parties GOD is nothing more than writing on paper, an Abstract Entity.

Therefore, there is NO GOD in any Parliament, Court, Anglican Church in Australia or Catholic Church.

The Anglican Church in Australia now is in conjunction with the Catholic Church.

Ever since Gough Whitlam all leaders of political parties who automatically became Prime Minister we’re and are fake, as is the Governor General. Neither of them are authorized under the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 and the British Crown. Therefore, Australia has become a rogue nation ruled by liars, thieves, criminals and TRAITORS!

Ever since Gough Whitlam all leaders of political parties who automatically became Prime Minister we’re and are fake, as is the Governor General. Neither of them are authorized under the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 and the British Crown. Therefore, Australia has become a rogue nation ruled by liars, thieves, criminals and TRAITORS!


(If you want to do something to stop the criminal corporate political parties continuing to destroy our nation and our Democracy, sign up for free at Advance Australia Group. We are not a political party. We are a political group of Australians who want to bring back the rule of law under our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901….Click here to Sign Up!)

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