The Battle of Brisbane

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Did you know that during World War 2, November 1942, there was a huge battle in Brisbane, Australia which ended with one dead and countless people injured?

The battle was not between sworn enemies, but between US and Australian servicemen. The battle spanned 2 days. This video tells the story:

Where are our Digger’s sons today?

The Diggers put their lives on the line so their sons could live in peace.

Today, our nation needs men like those Diggers; men who could have provided much better leadership, where honour, honesty, strength and love could be woven as an integral part of the fabric of our nation.

The battle is an example of the lengths desperate man will go to, to protect what is theirs.

Unfortunately, we have allowed a cabal of avaricious, power mad men and women to enrich themselves on our national assets. Over the decades they have worked hard to weaken our manhood, and deprive women of their rightful place in society as partners with the men. They have tried every way their devious minds could conjure to deprive us of our earnings and rights.

At the same time, they have created a political system that has slowly but surely tightened its grip on almost every facet of our lives.

It seems they have forgotten the lessons of history, or they are just willfully blind. When tyrants go too far, that is their downfall.

But when an Aussie is pushed to the wall, does he give up?

Not likely! And nor do our women. The way the political parties are destroying our lives it won’t be long before the people demand change. We do not advocate violent overthrow, but the people have a voice and we can use it peacefully, but forcefully. Either the public SERVANTS obey their MASTERS, or they can head for the hills so that real patriotic Aussies can work for the good of the nation, their community, and their family.

Australia is a rich country. We should all be enjoying the benefits of that wealth. But instead, the venal politicians, hand in glove with vested internation interests have conspired to steal that wealth and siphon it overseas. That wealth is OURS!!!

Can we fix the mess the politicians have made?

Definitely! We have a plan for the future. It is presented for you to consider and offer constructive ideas in the comments section to contribute to it. We want this plan to work for all Aussies. The benefits of following it are easy to imagine.

The result of doing nothing is too horrifying to contemplate. What is your choice?

Click the image to read the 5-Point Plan here

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