Watch this video to learn how brave Jacqui Figg has been traveling without a GovCorp licence or registration:

Jacqui Figg has done her research and found that the law actually prohibits the police from stopping us unless they suspect we have committed a crime. Nor can they charge you with the “crime” of driving without their corporate “driving licence” and car registration.
If you want to stop paying the government for the privilege of exercising your human right to travel wherever you want without being harassed by uniformed ignorant goons, record your vehicle details FREE on our Common Law website here: (You will need to register as a website user to gain access. Registration if Free)
After entering your details you will receive a beautiful certificate, signed and sealed, to show that your car is “registered” under Common Law. Therefore, your car does not belong to the GovCorp system.
2 thoughts on “No licence, no rego? No problem”
Found this interesting,I dare say all similar to us here in Australia and the rabbit holes they have trapped us in and they be like a fox waiting at the hole when trying to get out,
Let her speak and tell the bloke butting in every 2nd sentence to be quite as it just makes it hard to listen.. If he had so much to say, he should have done the presentation himself..