List of All Australian Referendums

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This is a list of the 19 Referendums members of the Commonwealth of Australia have voted in since 1901. Of the 44 questions asked, we have only approved 8 questions.

Any amendment to the Constitution voted on and approved in a referendum is binding on all Federal and State governments. Failure to comply is a crime, as defined under the Crimes Act any anyone who breaks the law can be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Referendums, Proclamation, Gazette
Creating the Commonwealth of Australia

Constituting the Commonwealth of Australia Under

Referendums Australia 1906-1999
Australian Electoral Commission

Referendum 1906
Question 1. Do you approve of the proposed law for the Alteration of the
Constitution, entitled Constitution Alteration (Senate Elections) 1906?
Q1. The referendum was carried.
All six States recorded a YES vote. Nationally 82.65% of electors voted yes.
Referendum 1910
Question 1. Do you approve of the proposed law for the Alteration of the
Constitution, entitled Constitution Alteration (Finance) 1909?
Question 2. Do you approve of the proposed law for the Alteration of the
Constitution, entitled Constitution Alteration (State Debts) 1909?
Q1. The referendum was NOT carried.
Three States recorded a YES vote (Qld, WA, Tas). Nationally 49.04% of electors
voted YES.
Q2. The referendum was carried.
Five States recorded a YES vote (Vic, Qld, WA, SA, Tas). Nationally 54.95% of
electors voted YES.
Referendum 1911
Question 1. Do you approve of the proposed law for the Alteration of the
Constitution, entitled Constitution Alteration (Legislative Powers) 1910?
Question 2. Do you approve of the proposed law for the Alteration of the
Constitution, entitled Constitution Alteration (Monopolies) 1910?
Q1. The referendum was NOT carried.
One State recorded a YES vote (WA). Nationally 39.42% of electors voted YES.
Q2. The referendum was NOT carried.
One State recorded a YES vote (WA). Nationally 39.89% of electors voted YES.
Referendum 1913
Question 1. Do you approve of the proposed law for the Alteration of the
Constitution, entitled Constitution Alteration (Trade and Commerce)
Question 2. Do you approve of the proposed law for the Alteration of the
Constitution, entitled Constitution Alteration (Corporations) 1912?
Question 3. Do you approve of the proposed law for the Alteration of the
Constitution, entitled Constitution Alteration (Industrial Matters) 1912?

Question 4. Do you approve of the proposed law for the Alteration of the
Constitution, entitled Constitution Alteration (Railway Disputes) 1912?

Question 5. Do you approve of the proposed law for the Alteration of the Constitution, entitled Constitution Alteration (Trusts) 1912?

Question 6. Do you approve of the proposed law for the Alteration of the
Constitution, entitled Constitution Alteration (Nationalization of
Monopolies) 1912?

The referendum was NOT carried. Three States recorded a YES vote (Qld,
SA, WA). Nationally 49.38% of electors voted YES.
Q2. The referendum was NOT carried. Three States recorded a YES vote (Qld,
SA, WA). Nationally 49.33% of electors voted YES.
Q3. The referendum was NOT carried. Three States recorded a YES vote (Qld,
SA, WA). Nationally 49.33% of electors voted YES.
Q4. The referendum was NOT carried. Three States recorded a YES vote (Qld,
SA, WA). Nationally 49.13% of electors voted YES.
Q5. The referendum was NOT carried. Three States recorded a YES vote (Qld,
SA, WA). Nationally 49.78% of electors voted YES.
Q6. The referendum was NOT carried. Three States recorded a YES vote (Qld,
SA, WA). Nationally 49.33% of electors voted YES.

Referendum 1916 Plebiscite
Question 1. Are you in favour of the Government having, in this grave emergency,
the same compulsory powers over citizens in regard to requiring their
military service, for the term of the War, outside the Commonwealth, as
it now has in regard to military service within the Commonwealth?
The plebiscite was NOT carried.
Three States (Vic, WA, Tas) and the Federal Territories* recorded a YES vote.
Nationally 48.39% of electors voted YES.
Federal Territories included voters from the Northern Territory, the Territory
of Papua, the Territory for the Seat of Government and the Territory of Norfolk

Referendum 1917 Plebiscite
Question 1. Are you in favour of the proposal of the Commonwealth Government
for reinforcing the Australian Imperial Force overseas?
The plebiscite was NOT carried
Two States (WA, Tas) and the Federal Territories* recorded a YES vote.
Nationally 46.22% of electors voted YES.
Federal Territories included voters from the Northern Territory, the Territory
of Papua, the Territory for the Seat of Government and the Territory of Norfolk

Referendum 1919
Question 1. Do you approve of the proposed law for the alteration of the
Constitution, entitled Constitution Alteration (Legislative Powers) 1919?
Question 2. Do you approve of the proposed law for the alteration of the
Constitution, entitled Constitution Alteration (Nationalisation of
Monopolies) 1919?
Q1. The referendum was NOT carried.
Three States recorded a YES vote (Vic, Qld, WA). Nationally 49.65% of electors
voted YES.
Q2. The referendum was NOT carried.
Three States recorded a YES vote (Vic, Qld, WA). Nationally 48.64% of electors
voted YES.
Referendum 1926
Question 1. Do you approve of the proposed law for the Alteration of the
Constitution, entitled Constitution Alteration (Industry and Commerce)
Question 2. Do you approve of the proposed law for the Alteration of the
Constitution, entitled Constitution Alteration (Essential Services)?
Q.1. The referendum was NOT carried.
Two States recorded a YES vote (NSW, Qld). Nationally 43.50% of electors
voted YES.
Q.2. The referendum was NOT carried.
Two States recorded a YES vote (NSW, Qld). Nationally 42.80% of electors
voted YES.
Referendum 1928
Question 1. Do you approve of the proposed law for the Alteration of the
Constitution, entitled Constitution Alteration (State Debts) 1928?
Q1. The referendum was carried.
All six States recorded a YES vote. Nationally 74.30% of electors voted YES.
Referendum 1937
Question 1. Do you approve of the proposed law for the Alteration of the
Constitution, entitled Constitution Alteration (Aviation) 1936?
Question 2. Do you approve of the proposed law for the Alteration of the
Constitution, entitled Constitution Alteration (Marketing) 1936?
Q1. The referendum was NOT carried.
Two States recorded a YES vote (Vic, Qld). Nationally 53.56% of electors voted

Q2. The referendum was NOT carried.
No States recorded a YES vote. Nationally 36.26% of electors voted YES.
Referendum 1944
Question 1. Do you approve of the proposed law for the Alteration of the
Constitution, entitled Constitution Alteration (Post-War Reconstruction
and Democratic Rights) 1944?
Q1. The referendum was NOT carried.
Two States recorded a YES vote (WA, SA). Nationally 45.99% of electors voted
Referendum 1946
Question 1. Do you approve of the proposed law for the Alteration of the
Constitution, entitled Constitution Alteration (Social Services) 1946?
Question 2. Do you approve of the proposed law for the Alteration of the
Constitution, entitled Constitution Alteration (Organised Marketing of
Primary Products) 1946?
Question 3. Do you approve of the proposed law for the Alteration of the
Constitution, entitled Constitution Alteration (Industrial Employment)
Q1. The referendum was carried.
All six States recorded a YES vote. Nationally 54.39% of electors voted YES.
New paragraph to be added to section 51 of the Constitution
(xxiiiA) the provision of maternity allowances, widows’ pensions, child
endowment, unemployment, pharmaceutical, sickness and hospital
benefits, medical and dental services (but not so as to authorize any
form of civil conscription), benefits to students and family
Q2. The referendum was NOT carried.
Three States recorded a YES vote (NSW, Vic, WA). Nationally 50.57% of
electors voted YES.
Q3. The referendum was NOT carried.
Three States recorded a YES vote (NSW, Vic, WA). Nationally 50.30% of
electors voted YES.
Referendum 1948
Question1. Do you approve of the proposed law for the Alteration of the
Constitution, entitled Constitution Alteration (Rents and Prices) 1947?
Q1. The referendum was NOT carried.
No States recorded a YES vote. Nationally 40.66% of electors voted YES.

Referendum 1951
Question 1. Do you approve of the proposed law for the Alteration of the
Constitution entitled Constitution Alteration (Power to deal with Communists and Communism) 1951?
Q1. The Referendum was NOT carried.
Three States recorded a YES vote (Qld, WA, Tas). Nationally 49.44% of electors
voted YES.
Political Parties using Treason took control of the Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief in 1903. From this date forward Referendum Writs have NO Crown and Constitutional Authority. Political Parties created their own Private Australian Dollar in 1966 Counterfeit to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901.
NO Royal Assent as Governor-General has NO Crown Authority

Referendum 1967
Question 1. An Act to alter the Constitution so that the number of members of the
House of Representatives may be increased without necessarily increasing the number of Senators.
Question 2. An Act to alter the Constitution so as to omit certain words relating to
the people of the Aboriginal race in any State and so that Aboriginals are to be counted in reckoning the population.
Q1. The referendum was NOT carried.
One State recorded a YES vote (NSW). Nationally 40.25% of electors voted YES.
Q2. The referendum was carried.
All six States recorded a YES vote. Nationally 90.77% of electors voted YES.
Political Parties created their own Private Australia, Commonwealth, Commonwealth of Australia as a Republic in 1973 outside the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901.
NO Crown and Constitutional Authority
Political Parties don’t recognize the Living
There is NO such thing as a Political Party within the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901.
The Senate, directly chosen by the people of the State.
House of Representatives, directly chosen by the people of the Commonwealth.

Political Parties Republic

NO Crown and Constitutional Authority, NO Royal Assent
Royal Style and Titles Act
1973 No. 114
This Act created the purported Royal Style and Title for the Political Parties Abstract

Royal Style and Titles
Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God Queen of
Australia and Her other Realms and Territories, Head of
the Commonwealth.
(Note the Queen of Australia does NOT hold the Title “Most Excellent Majesty” or
“Defender of the Faith”.)
This Act is 3 pages
Royal Style and Titles Act 1973 Proclamation and Gazette 5 pages.
Political Parties created their own private sovereign, independent and federal nation.

“God” (not being Our God)
“Governor-General of Australia”
“Royal Great Seal”
“Government of Australia”
“Queen of Australia”
“Elizabeth R”
“Our Sign Manual”
“Great Seal”
“Great Seal of Australia”
“Parliament of Australia”
“Our Royal Proclamation”
“Our Australian Parliament”

“Elizabeth R”. (“R” stands for the Latin Regina, meaning “Queen”.
This creates “Elizabeth R” for the Political Parties
“Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God Queen of Australia”. UNDER the above there is NO Common Law of England, King James Bible, Magna Carta, Bill of Rights, Habeas Corpus etc, ALL to the benefit of the Political Parties.
Referendum 1973
Question 1. An Act to alter the Constitution so as to enable the Australian
Parliament to control prices.
Question 2. An Act to alter the Constitution so as to make laws with respect to
The referendum was NOT carried.
No States recorded a YES vote. Nationally 43.81% of electors voted YES.
Q2. The referendum was NOT carried.
No States recorded a YES vote. Nationally 34.42% of electors voted YES.
Referendum 1974
Question 1. An Act to alter the Constitution so as to ensure that Senate Elections are held at the same time as House of Representatives elections.

Question 2. An Act to facilitate alterations to the Constitution and to allow electors in Territories, as well as electors in the States, to vote at referendums on proposed laws to alter the Constitution.
Question 3. An Act to alter the Constitution so as to ensure that Members of the House of Representatives and of the Parliaments of the States are chosen directly and democratically by the people.
Question 4. An Act to alter the Constitution to enable the Commonwealth to borrow money from, and to grant financial assistance to, local government bodies.
The referendum was NOT carried.
One State recorded a YES vote (NSW). Nationally 48.30% of electors voted YES.
Q2. The referendum was NOT carried.
One State recorded a YES vote (NSW). Nationally 47.99% of electors voted YES.
Q3. The referendum was NOT carried.
One State recorded a YES vote (NSW). Nationally 47.20% of electors voted YES.
Q4. The referendum was NOT carried.
One State recorded a YES vote (NSW). Nationally 46.85% of electors voted YES

Referendum 1977
Question 1. An Act to alter the Constitution so as to ensure that Senate elections are held at the same time as House of Representative elections.
Question 2. An Act to alter the Constitution so as to ensure so far as practicable that a casual vacancy in the Senate is filled by a person of the same political party as the Senator chosen by the people and for the balance of his term.
Question 3. An Act to alter the Constitution so as to allow electors in Territories, as well as electors in the States, to vote at referendums on proposed laws to alter the Constitution.
Question 4. An Act to alter the Constitution so as to provide for retiring ages for judges of Federal Courts.
The referendum was NOT carried.
Three States recorded a YES vote (NSW, Vic, SA). Nationally 62.22% of electors
voted YES.
Q2. The referendum was carried.
All six States recorded a YES vote. Nationally 73.32% of electors voted YES.
Q3. The referendum was carried.
All six States recorded a YES vote. Nationally 77.72% of electors voted YES.
Q4. The referendum was carried.
All six States recorded a YES vote. Nationally 80.10% of electors voted YES.

Referendum 1984
Question 1. An Act to change the term of Senators so that they are no longer of fixed duration and to provide that Senate elections and House of Representatives elections are always held on the same day.
Question 2. An Act to enable the Commonwealth and the States voluntarily to refer powers to each other.
The referendum was NOT carried.
Two States recorded a YES vote (NSW, Vic). Nationally 50.64% of electors voted YES.
Q2. The referendum was NOT carried.
No States recorded a YES vote. Nationally 47.06% of electors voted YES.
All State Governors sold their souls to the Political Parties.
In 1985 all States joined the Political Parties Republic Commonwealth of Australia as a sovereign, independent and federal nation without a Referendum as the Political Parties don’t recognize the Living . They only recognize Abstract Entities.
No State law has Royal Assent as all State Governors belong to the Political Parties to the benefit of the Political Parties.
Referendum 1988
Question 1. To alter the Constitution to provide for 4-year maximum terms for Members of both Houses of the Commonwealth Parliament.
Question 2. To alter the Constitution to provide for fair and democratic parliamentary elections throughout Australia.
Question 3. To alter the Constitution to recognise local government.
Question 4. To alter the Constitution to extend the right to trial by jury, to extend freedom of religion, and to ensure fair terms for persons whose property is acquired by any Government.
The referendum was NOT carried.
No States recorded a YES vote. Nationally 32.92% of electors voted YES.
Q2. The referendum was NOT carried.
No States recorded a YES vote. Nationally 37.60% of electors voted YES.
Q3. The referendum was NOT carried.
No States recorded a YES vote. Nationally 33.62% of electors voted YES.
Q4. The referendum was NOT carried.
No States recorded a YES vote. Nationally 30.79% of electors voted YES.

There is NO such thing as a Political Party within the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 as Proclaimed and Gazetted, which consists of the Preamble, Clauses 1 to 9 and the Schedule.
Political Parties took total Control over the Governor-General Commander-in-Chief on
the 2nd February 1960.
Political Parties went to war against Vietnam with Commonwealth Defence Forces.
Political Parties created Australian Dollars in 1966 counterfeit to the Commonwealth of
Australia Constitution Act 1901.
Salary of Governor-General = pounds.
each senator and each member of the House
of Representatives = pounds.
payable to the Queen = pounds.
Ministers of State = pounds.

Political Parties haven’t taken notice of any of the Answers to the Referendums since 1973 under their sovereign, independent and federal nation Republic.
All States joined the Australian Republic sovereign, independent and federal nation created Local Governments to control all land within the Australia Republic stolen by Treasonous Political Parties.
Political Parties, Council of Australian Governments (COAG) which includes Local Governments (Councils) use their Private enforcers, High Court of Australia, all State Australian Courts, all those acting judicially, Australian Federal and State Police,
Mercenaries wearing uniforms, armed, payed in Foreign currency and work for a Foreign Company.

We the people voted the Political Party Republic OUT A Federal Referendum of the people is an explicitly binding Act on all Australian Parliaments, Governments

(COAG). When all Australian Parliaments, Governments
(COAG) don’t listen to Referendums they enact TREASON upon themselves.

Political Party Republic Constitution The Political Parties “The Constitution” is under the Australia Act 1986 for the Political Parties sovereign, independent and federal nation Republic.

Great Seal of Australia Republic
The Constitution for Republic
Printed on 1 January 2012
together with
Australia Act 1986

“The Constitution” doesn’t hold Common Law of England, King James Bible, Magna Carta, Bill of Rights, Habeas Corpus etc, to the benefit of the Political Parties.
Political Parties have conspired and restrained Elizabeth the Second by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Our other Realms & Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith, and levying war, or does any act preparatory to levying war, against the Commonwealth shall be guilty of an indictable offence, called TREASON, and liable to the punishment of death.


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