Fixated People’s Act

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Fixated People’s Act is a draconian Act passed by the political party corporate government to allow their “security” goons to pick up anyone, any time, anywhere and throw them into a “psychiatric assessment unit” (loony bin) for observation.

The pretext is that the person has shown themselves to be unnaturally fixated on a politician or a political topic that the government doesn’t want exposed.

This is not the only Act they government has passed to lock up those it deems are “DANGEROUS”. The Anti-Terrorism Act is another “legal” device they use to lock up those who dare challenge the official lies. The government used the Anti-Terrorism Act to detail Phil Galea without any charges, just vague accusations that he was engaged in terrorist acts. That was in 2016. As of this date (March 2019) Phil still has not been charged. Nor has he been released from prison where he is kept in solitary confinement 23 hours a day. Such is the state of the Australian Government Police State today!

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Fixated People’s Act Exposed

It started in Queensland and now all the states have jumped on board since the Federal Govt. implemented ‘THE FIXATED PEOPLE’S ACT’. Its a great example of how ‘terrorism’ laws can be used against us too. While preventing terror attacks is good – how good is it to limit our freedoms?


Quote: We should be very afraid of this centre and view it as a grave threat to free speech in Victoria. (And now the whole country)

An example of the terrifying dangers of this act:

A secretive branch of the Queensland Police has Big Brother’s shadow looming over it, writes Chris Nyst.

‘Last year, I learned something kind of crazy that I never knew before. A gentleman came to my office complaining that five police officers had recently materialised at his front door, without warning or invitation, wanting to conduct a psychiatric assessment on him.

It all sounded more than a little bit bizarre to me, but, since the gentleman appeared otherwise quite lucid, I tried to dig a little deeper in the hope of understanding what it may be all about. He didn’t really know. The best he could tell me was the officers concerned were apparently attached to something called the “Fixated Persons Unit”.


Shannon Wallace Phil-Galea-arrested

I kept digging, and eventually discovered that, according to my client, he had recently made a number of official complaints about the behaviour of a certain public servant who he contended had been abusing his powers in the line of duty. It still didn’t seem to make much sense to me until I went looking for the so-called Fixated Persons Unit. I was somewhat surprised to find that, in fact, it’s actually a thing.

Proactive intelligence agencies undoubtedly have their place, particularly in an ever-more-sophisticated world of anti-government activity. But so, of course, do concepts of open government, transparent and accountable law enforcement and the right to dissent.

Post lots of FOIs? Make lots of RTI requests? Police & psychiatrists may deem you a “fixated person”
— Asher Wolf (@Asher_Wolf) October 5, 2017

Text in italics added by the author of this post:


As shown by the link above, these draconian, unlawful and unnecessary Acts have been in force since 2017 now…and they are being used to target people deemed by the government to be “vexatious”….in other words, people who are exposing political party government treason, corruption, and other crimes.

The first person in Queensland charged under The Fixated People’s Act was Eliahi Priest (pictured right), a jeweler from the Sunshine Coast. He was dragged (kidnapped) from his shop in front of the public, and thrown into the psychiatric ward at Nambour Hospital. Eliahi was held captive without charge for three days until he was able to convince the doctors and staff of the hospital that he was being held against his will and that he was completely sane. 

Another man, Phil Galea (pictured above) from Victoria, was kidnapped in August 2016 and then falsely charged under the anti-terror laws, has been held in solitary confinement since then without a trial. He has fought against being declared “insane”. The politicians and police are so scared of Phil that they are doing everything they can to prevent him appearing before a judge and jury. Phil is standing strong for now, but there are limits to any man’s endurance. We fear for Phil’s life while he remains behind bars.

Unfortunately, the online (Queensland) QFTAC brochure is long on why “fixated persons” must be monitored, but regrettably short on whether – and, if so, how – its own activities are. With no mention of any kind of public interest monitor, we’re left to wonder just precisely who is fixating on the people fixating on the fixated people.’ (end article by Chris Nyst)


This act – under the guise of preventing terrorism – has the ability to hold people including children as young as 10 for 14 days without legal representation to assess their sanity or threat to the Government or public under an agreement with the states and territories..

So if this website does a series of posts against Peter Dutton for example – are we fixated on him?

Turnbull said “We are dealing with the civil liberties of terrorists and I don’t particularly care about the civil liberties of terrorists or potential terrorists, so I think these are appropriate safeguards or precautions.” — What if the People of Australia think that Turnbull and all the other political party TRAITORS are the real terrorists?


The new $32 million Fixated Person’s centre in Melbourne aimed at identifying and thwarting would-be terrorists and lone gunmen has been criticised for being “loopy”, “illogical” and lacking an evidence basis.


A closer look at which types of people the centre aims to target reveals it has a disturbing political agenda. Assistant Police Commissioner Ross Guenther defined fixated persons as those who “repeatedly write letters, email or call local councillors or politicians and those who display a fixation with an ideology or religion.” — Strange words from a Policeman. Haven’t Australians always had the right to interact with our representatives?

Police Minister Lisa Neville said the centre would look at ideologies on all sides, including “far-right extremism” which she claimed it would “help identify high-risk individuals and have the potential to stop violent incidents before they occur”. — Notice that there is no mention of left wing extremism, or islamic extremism. Apparently, only those who care about the freedoms and rights all Australians have under Common Law and the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 are deemed a danger.

None of us would be holding our breath that left wing groups such as ANTIFA would be targeted by such a centre under this state (Vic.) government. Most of the lone wolf attacks we have seen in Australia have either come from Islamic extremists or the genuinely mentally ill, yet they were not mentioned. We should be very afraid of this centre and view it as a grave threat to free speech in Victoria…and by default in the rest of Australia too. Because what happens in one state is inevitably duplicated in all other States and Territories.

Joseph Siracusa, Professor of Human Security and International Diplomacy at RMIT University, said the centre may reassure the dumbed down sheeplepublic but it was unlikely to prevent terrorist and lone actor attacks.

“There has been very little proof or evidence that there is a set of criteria for identifying lone attackers or terrorists. They do not fit any single profile. The default position is that there is always a mental defect here … [but that is] quite a leap of faith. I think these guys are pretty conscious and rational of what they are doing.”

He added: “It’s not Tom Cruise’s Minority Report — you can’t arrest people for crimes they haven’t committed.” (But it appears you can hold them for 14 days without legal representation — and often much longer, as we have seen in Phil Galea’s case??)

The model was developed with input from leading forensic mental health specialists, including Forensicare, Melbourne Health and Monash Health.

Having police at the forefront of the response could limit the centre’s effectiveness, Dr Jones added.

“I would argue that there are social services in the Victorian community that could deal with this much better than a police unit,” he said.

“That said, in terms of accountability within our society, police have a role in keeping us safe and preventing acts of violence.” — What planet is this man living on?

Similar centres operate in New South Wales, Queensland, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.

Victoria’s Fixated Threat Assessment Centre, which opened on in March 2018, is staffed by 13 specialist police, forensic and mental health experts.

It is aimed at better identifying and responding to “high-risk individuals” who could pose a threat to the community.

“These individuals may have come to the attention of counter-terrorism police and other agencies because they may exhibit extremist ideology, show indications of being radicalised or have extreme grievances,” a state government press release said.

Up to 300 people are expected to be processed in the centre’s first year. — Who knew there were so many madmen running around outside mosques?

“We know that centres like this help identify high-risk individuals and have the potential to stop violent incidents before they occur,” Victorian Police Minister Lisa Neville said.

The BIG question is… How do they know?



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