A Letter to Albanese

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Dear Prime Minister Albanese,

I am a woman who is 52 years old and while in South Australia I had my daughter abducted by the Child Protection Agency and held for 38 days. I was also a witness to the arrest and arbitrary detention of Peter Scott Haughton by Police in South Australia and he was charged with possessing a firearm and ammunition, and has been held in custody ever since and subjected to severe coercion to plead guilty so that he may eventually be released from prison.


The Federal Court of Australia passed the Federal Court (Criminal Proceedings) Rules 2016 and under that Law, two forms a Form CP14 and CP15 are prescribed for what is termed an ex-officio indictment. When S 13 and 15F Crimes Act 1914 (Cth) was enacted the law of the Constitution permitted anyone to put in train the judicial power of the Commonwealth in its criminal jurisdiction and commit any criminal to trial. In 1915 S 71A Judiciary Act 1903 permitted the Attorney General to file an ex-officio indictment without prior committal proceedings, in the Supreme Court of any State and it has been amended to allow this in the Federal Court of Australia. Since Article 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights declares by an Order to the Parliament of the Commonwealth expressed as Schedule 2 to the Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986  and S 13 Acts Interpretation Act 1901 (Cth)  declares by Act or the Parliament that a Schedule to an Act has the full force of its parent Act, every subject of the Queen of the Constitution is equal to the Attorney General before the law.

A criminal calling himself John, with no second name in the Principal Registry of the Federal Court of Australia  here in Sydney, probably told by one of his superiors to lie to me, has emailed me saying the Federal Court of Australia has no jurisdiction to deal with criminal matters. I have reviewed the Registrar of the Federal Court of Australia decision not to allow the ex-officio indictment to be filed using the Administrative Decisions (JUDICIAL REVIEW) Act 1977 and it has been accepted. I note that your government has shifted the control of the Australian Federal Police from Home Affairs to the Attorney General.

Could you ask the Attorney General to give a Ministerial Direction to the Australian Federal Police to find out who the Registrar is who directed “John” to offend S 44 Crimes Act 1914 (Cth) and have the bastard charged. S 44 Crimes Act 1914 (Cth) only carries three years jail, but S 43 Crimes Act 1914 (Cth) carries ten, and there is a formula to calculate the amount of fine available in S 4B Crimes Act 1914 (Cth). Ten years equals $126,000 for an offence against S 43 Crimes Act 1914 (Cth) and S 44 Crimes Act 1914 (Cth) attracts $37,800. Unless you put the cleaners through the Federal Court of Australia and stop its corrupt conduct you will not last three years. They are robbing the revenue blind, protecting serial murderers and white coat and collar criminals in the States who have been breaching S 51 Placitum (xxiiiA) Constitution and conducting a vast medical conscription experiment on a docile and brainwashed population.  People everywhere are dying from the jab, not only in the Commonwealth.

The previous government has been paying compensation for jabbed injuries, but not according to the law as made.  People have been terminated in their job for not wanting to run the risk of being killed.  You, Sir, preside over the Commonwealth, and if you are to survive in the job, cannot have mongrels in the Federal Court of Australia openly defying the work of the Parliament of the Commonwealth.

The section 24F Crimes Act 1914 (Cth) appended below is no longer published but I and my team cannot find where it has been repealed. Could you please clarify where it is?

Yours sincerely

[Name withheld for obvious reasons]

24F Certain acts done in good faith not unlawful

             (1)  Nothing in the preceding provisions of this Part makes it unlawful for a person:

                     (a)  to endeavour in good faith to show that the Sovereign, the Governor‑General, the Governor of a State, the Administrator of a Territory, or the advisers of any of them, or the persons responsible for the government of another country, has or have been, or is or are, mistaken in any of his or their counsels, policies or actions;

                     (b)  to point out in good faith errors or defects in the government, the constitution, the legislation or the administration of justice of or in the Commonwealth, a State, a Territory or another country, with a view to the reformation of those errors or defects;

                     (c)  to excite in good faith another person to attempt to procure by lawful means the alteration of any matter established by law in the Commonwealth, a State, a Territory or another country;

                     (d)  to point out in good faith, in order to bring about their removal, any matters that are producing, or have a tendency to produce, feelings of ill‑will or hostility between different classes of persons; or

                     (e)  to do anything in good faith in connexion with an industrial dispute or an industrial matter.

             (2)  For the purpose of subsection (1), an act or thing done:

                     (a)  for a purpose intended to be prejudicial to the safety or defence of the Commonwealth;

                     (b)  with intent to assist an enemy:

                              (i)  at war with the Commonwealth; and

                             (ii)  specified by proclamation made for the purpose of paragraph 80.1(1)(e) of the Criminal Code to be an enemy at war with the Commonwealth;

                    (ba)  with intent to assist:

                              (i)  another country; or

                             (ii)  an organisation (within the meaning of section 100.1 of the Criminal Code);

                            that is engaged in armed hostilities against the Australian Defence Force;

                     (c)  with intent to assist a proclaimed enemy, as defined by subsection 24AA(4) of this Act, of a proclaimed country as so defined;

                     (d)  with intent to assist persons specified in paragraphs 24AA(2)(a) and (b) of this Act; or

                     (e)  with the intention of causing violence or creating public disorder or a public disturbance;

is not an act or thing done in good faith

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