Can you arrest a criminal?

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As more Australians are realizing that the government and courts have been ignoring the Constitution for a long time, we are all becoming very frustrated with the many wrongs we have suffered at the hands of petty tyrants.

The rot started almost from the day our nation came into being as a Commonwealth Federation of six states in 1901. The Federation was ushered in as the result of the Australian people voting in a referendum to enact a Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 under the British Crown.

Unfortunately, our Federation never even had a chance to get off the ground. As soon as the first Governor General arrived on our shores, he was nobbled by the State Premiers, their lawyers, and the political parties who all colluded to ignore Queen Victoria’s Letters Patent that were meant to establish the Federation under the direction of a Crown Representative Governor General.

Queen Victoria appointed a Governor General as the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, as well as giving him the power to appoint a government.

The most important part of the Letters Patent, Section III, stated: III. The Governor General may constitute and appoint, in Our name and on Our behalf, all such Judges, Commissioners, Justices of the Peace, and other necessary officers and Ministers of Our said Commonwealth, as may be lawfully constituted or appointed by Us.”

The Governor General was supposed to be the supreme authority, but that never happened.

As a result, we, the People of the Commonwealth of Australia, have seen our rights and freedoms slowly whittled away by a cabal of lawyers, judges, and politicians who all lusted after power over us. Today, we have tyrannical state and federal governments that have assumed total power and control over our lives. This is in direct contravention of the law of our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900. It was supposed to allow us to live our lives free of government interference. We were supposed to be governed by benevolent Public (or Civil) Servants dedicated to ensuring our nation was able to grow in peace and freedom.

You only have to look at the government and courts today to see a totally different reality. We have overbearing, heavily armed and armoured policy enforcers (police), backed up by corrupt courts presided over by single judges and magistrates meting out fines and punishments as they see fit. Woe betide you if you are convicted in front of a judge having a bad hair day!

Instead of our country being governed by a group of elected moral servants of the people, we have a bunch of career politicians dedicated to lining their own pockets at the expense of the Australian People of the Commonwealth.

These politicians have voted themselves huge salaries, not to mention the many perks they have appropriated for themselves. And who know how much they are making from insider information and corrupt deals done in back rooms? But it is obvious this is what is happening. You only have to look at the state of their finances today compared to when they were first elected and the corruption is staring you in the face.

What’s the Solution?

Did you know that each one of us has the power and authority to arrest anyone we see committing a crime?

But what is a crime?

Classic Austlii is the reference to go to. This is where you will find all Acts passed by Federal and State Parliaments that have been passed in the last 120 years since Federation. It is also a resource for finding various other types of information, including summaries of important court cases, and libraries of different types of law.

Once you open Classic Austlii, use the search feature to find what you are looking for. For example, if you search for Crimes Act 1914 you will be able to look up every type of crime and law governing how the government, police and the public are covered by.

Search through the numbered topics until you find what you are looking for. So, for example, if you want to know what constitutes the crime of terrorism, and the penalties, press CTRL-F and type, ‘terror’.

Once you have found the law you are looking for, it’s time to write your complaint for the police.

Writing your Complaint to the Police

There are no rules about how you write your complaint, but these guidelines will get you started.

Before you can report a crime, you must be able to prove that you have seen someone committing a crime. This can be the physical act of observing the crime being committed, or it can be a report of a crime or crimes that have been publicly committed. You can only report a crime you have seen and heard yourself. You cannot report what someone else has told you.

There is no official form needed to report a crime. You can write your FORMAL COMPLAINT on any paper, but A4 white paper is best. If you can, write the complaint on your computer and then print it out, as this makes it easy for the police to read and understand your report.

  1. Your opening statement should begin by telling the police what their duty is under the law, like this:
  2. Constable [FULL NAME AND RANK] [PLACE] Police.
    FORMAL COMPLAINT (this is your header and should be centered on the page)

    This is a formal complaint under S 80.1 Criminal Code Act 1995 to yourself as a “constable,” as referred to in this extracted passage from the published declaration of what constitutes treason, in the Law of the Commonwealth. I am obliged to report this crime to a constable, on pain of a potential lifetime term of imprisonment should I fail to do so.
  3. Continue by stating the When, Who, What, Where, and if possible the Why that you have seen.
  4. Your description of the crime you have witnessed should include any references to Laws that have been broken. It should include the full names and contact details of those who committed the crime, if possible. If you don’t know their contact information you do not have to include it.
  5. Keep your report as brief and concise as possible. Do not include your emotions or feelings in the report. The police don’t care that you were frightened or angry, or whatever. They need you to report the facts, and only the facts. Always remember the KISS Principle: Keep it Short and Simple.
  6. It’s always a good idea to number each paragraph, so that the court can easily refer to specific parts of your report.
  7. Each paragraph should be about only one idea. Create a new paragraph for each new idea.
  8. Include as much detail about the crime as you can remember. The police need to know where it happened, who you saw, and the action you saw being taken to commit the crime. If possible, include references to Laws, as shown in the example below.


  1. On the 35th August 2023 one Deputy Registrar Peter Piper of the High Court did apply ex-parte to Justice Judith Forsyth a single Justice of the High Court for an order from that person, to refuse to file and have heard a legitimate Petition to the King, in the approved form, to issue for consideration by the Federal Supreme Court to be called the High Court, the issue of some Prerogative Writs in the name of the King. Justice Judith Forsyth did order in excess of her granted authority and in breach of S 71 Constitution, the evidence of which is attached as a PDF Document to this document, admissible by reference to S 129 (5) Evidence Act 1995 in a prosecution against both these individuals, against the said Justice Judith Forsyth  and Deputy Registrar Peter Piper who procured within the meaning of S 11.2 Criminal Code Act 1995 Justice Judith Forsyth to use Rule 6.07.2 High Court Rules 2004 for the purpose of restraining the King in His sworn duty to deliver law and justice in mercy to all His liege subjects, by reference to the Statute 1 Will and Mary ( Coronation Oath) 1688 ( C 6) , the Oath King Charles III took at Westminster Abbey on the 6th June 2023 in front of an assembled congregation including Our Prime Minister.
  2. It was and remains treason, for a Legislature exercising the delegated Sovereignty of the Subjects of the King to use that delegated power, to strip the King of Power, and vest it in The State which then becomes a communist State ( governed by a majority dominated by whatever political Party is in power) where the underlying protections of the civil and political rights of the Subjects of the King protected by what is termed The Crown and as such by S 15A Acts Interpretation Act 1901 must be read out of the Law of the Commonwealth automatically, and the Nationality and Citizenship Act 1948 was and has never been a valid Law of the Commonwealth. To prevent this treason from being called out and tested as a crime, resulting in the dismissal of the entire Parliament of the Commonwealth under S 44 Constitution, as attainted of Treason, the High Court in 1952 promulgated Order 58 Rule 4 subrule 3 High Court Rules 1952, and the Rule used by Justice Judith Forsyth is the direct descendant of that Rule.
  3. The Office of Constable; The concept of a constable’s office dates back centuries and has evolved over time to adapt to changing societal needs and legal frameworks. While the specifics of the role may vary from one jurisdiction to another, constables are generally responsible for ensuring the safety and security of the public, enforcing laws, and responding to emergencies.
  4. That you are specifically referred to in S 80.1 Criminal Code Act 1995 (8) (Note) means that you, Sir, are equally powerful as a Justice Judith Forsyth and Deputy Registrar Peter Piper and Acting Chief Registrar David Jones, have a higher duty than them, granted by the Parliament of the Commonwealth legitimately, equal to and coexisting with that vested in the Australian Federal Police. These are the words used. “constable” means a member of the Australian Federal Police or a member of the police force or police service of a State or Territory.

The above is only an example. You must write your own story, and include all details relevant to what you witnessed and the laws you saw being broken.

Even though most people are reluctant to go up against authority, there is nothing to fear. The police, judges, magistrates, politicians and bureaucrats are all Public Servants. They are there to SERVE US. We are the MASTERS. They have forgotten this and it’s time you remind them of their status as servants to We, the People of the Commonwealth of Australia.

The Video

This video explains your rights and responsibilities as a member of the Commonwealth of Australia.

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