Corruption in the Courts!

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The continuing saga of the attempts by the criminal cartel currently running our nation into the ground to shut up Mike Holt, in direct contravention of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 19(2).

The Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions initiated a case against Mike in the mistaken belief that he could shut Mike up and make him go away…. only it hasn’t worked out like that!

Mike knows the law, and he is challenging the very fabric of the corrupt judicial and political institutions that have destroyed our rights and freedoms and installed a dictatorial tyranny over We the People of the Commonwealth of Australia. Mike has been supported by one of the most important people in Australia today: Peter Gargan.

Thanks to Peter’s massive knowledge of the Law, Mike is challenging the jurisdiction of the purported Judges infesting our courts illegally. These people claim they are administering the law, but they are in fact just CRIMINALS who regard the law as their own power tool to do with whatever they wish.

We have a CONSTITUTION for a good reason. It lays out how our Civil SERVANTS must behave according to the law. But when we have Magistrates, Judges, and Court Registrars all ignoring the law because they have made their own Rules of Court to protect them from the great unwashed masses… that’s us by the way…. then We the People have a huge problem.

This must stop, and Mike is attempting to pull the judiciary back into line by applying for a Constitutional Writ in the High Court. But the corruption appears to go as high as the High Court. The registrars and judges are refusing to allow Mike entry into their court, in direct contravention of our Commonwealth of Australian Constitution Act 1901 S 71. It’s time for Australians everywhere to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

Mike is banging on the High Court door at the moment, after being thrown out of the Supreme Court of Appeals for unlawful reasons, by people purporting to be Judges, but who are in fact criminals occupying positions of trust they do not deserve. They are, in effect, CRIMINALS, and Mike is calling them out as such.

After being denied justice in the Supreme Court of Appeals, which is supposed to be a Common Law Court, now it appears that we face the same type of criminals in the High Court.

So far, High Court Judges Gagelar and Steward have denied Mike access to justice in the High Court. His Application for a Constitutional Writ is a valid and well-prepared attempt to get a fair hearing before a PANEL OF JUDGES…. Gagela and Steward have arrogated power to themselves to unilaterally decide, in direct contravention of the Constitution, that they can deny the law and make their own decisions to override the law.

As a result, Mike is escalating his complaint to the highest court in the land, the Senate of the Commonwealth of Australia Parliament. He has already sent this video to the following, because he believes these representatives are in Parliament trying to do their best for the People of the Commonwealth, despite the many roadblocks being put in their way by the treasonous tyrants we the people have made the mistake of electing to represent us:

We’ve automated it for you to tell ALL the Senators and the PM to call the High Court before Parliament to show cause why they should not be sacked for TREASON

Let’s see if these people will do their job, the job WE the people of the Commonwealth pay them to do, and if they will help us uphold the law.

Many people have approached Mike complaining that the government has caused them grievous harm. This is a disgrace, but it is a disgrace we have all brought on ourselves by not knowing what our Rights in the Law are and protecting them from the tyrants. If you, dear reader, feel the same, exercise your right to tell your Parliamentary representatives YOUR WILL… It’s time to pull the rogue Judges, Magistrates, and Registrars into line and make them OBEY THE BLOODY LAW!

The Application for a Constitutional Writ

The High Court has rejected Mike’s attempt to have it act lawfully with the following statement:

There is High Court authority to the effect that constitutional or prerogative writs cannot be sought against a Justice of the High Court: see Re Toohey Ex parte Gunter [1996] HCA Trans 240; Re Brennan; Ex parte Muldowney [1993] HCA 53

Further, the High Court’s jurisdiction under s75(v) of the Constitution is limited to where writs are sought against “an officer of the Commonwealth”. Judges of the Supreme Court and County Court of a State are not officers of the Commonwealth and accordingly you cannot seek relief against them in this Court. This also applies to “The King”.

To which Mike replied:

You stated: “Further, the High Court’s jurisdiction under s75(v) of the Constitution is limited to where writs are sought against “an officer of the Commonwealth”. Judges of the Supreme Court and County Court of a State are not officers of the Commonwealth and accordingly you cannot seek relief against them in this Court. This also applies to “The King”. “

If the action against me was in the name of the King, the King is a Commonwealth Public Official because He acts under the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 and Constitution. Definition: (n) an individual (other than an official of a registered industrial organisation) who holds or performs the duties of an office established by or under a law of the Commonwealth, (The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 and Constitution are Law of the Commonwealth

The definition of Officers of the Commonwealth, in the Dictionary of the Criminal Code Act 1995 are as follows:

Commonwealth Judicial Officer means:

(f)a judge, justice, magistrate or other judicial officer of a court of a State or Territory who acts in the exercise of federal jurisdiction; or

There is High Court authority to the effect that constitutional or prerogative writs cannot be sought against a Justice of the High Court: see Re Toohey Ex parte Gunter [1996] HCA Trans 240; Mc Hugh J who sat as a Justice in the “Kable Principle” case cannot make a Binding precedent because he was not part of a quorum, of at least three Justices.

Re Brennan; Ex parte Muldowney [1993] HCA 53 this decision By Mason Chief Justice , cannot be binding as again One Justice cannot be the High Court as it does not have a quorum. 

“attack directed against a civilian population” means a course of conduct involving the multiple commission of any one or more proscribed inhumane acts against any civilian population pursuant to, or in furtherance of, a state or organisational policy to engage in that course of conduct.

Please stop trying to obstruct the course of justice in respect of the Judicial power of the Commonwealth. I am one of the victims of an attack against the civilian population by its judiciary. and Australian Lawyers. 

Notice that Judge Steward cites an ‘ex-parte’ hearing. That means a single judge sat and made a unilateral decision. But our Constitution demands that the High Court can only be formed with a quorum of at least three High Court Judges. Therefore, the cases he cites are Null and Void.

Here are the Form 12 and Affidavit Mike filed with the High Court that have been rejected. You read and then decide if the Courts of this land are serving the Law to protect the rights and freedoms of our Nation, or if they are just a bunch of self-serving criminals hell-bent on wringing every last cent out of our pockets, and sending innocent people to jail BECAUSE THEY CAN!

You can download this document and upload it to the Prime Minister through his website….

Mike Holt’s Form 12 Application for a Constitutional Writ
Mike Holt’s Form 12 Application for a Constitutional Writ

Download and read the Application Mike has filed in the High Court. It is written and formatted to the exacting standards the High Court demands, but Justices Gagelar and Steward, colluding with the High Court Registrars who believe they are above the law, have denied Mike access to the High Court, as is HIS RIGHT!

Whenever an Affidavit is entered into the Court record, it is mandatory that those in opposition must rebut each point with specificity. This affidavit provides clear references to the law, and if we had a decent and honest judiciary Mike would have been able to enter the High Court and call those he has named in his Affidavit and Form 12 to account for their crimes against him, while attempting to rebut his Affidavit. But We, the People of the Commonwealth of Australia, will not be denied our RIGHTS any longer!

If you don’t know your rights, you cannot protect yourself from criminal attacks on your rights and freedoms

This powerful and very useful booklet contains the most important documents you need to be able to refer to at any time. The booklet is small enough to fit into your pocket, so that you can carry it around and refer to it whenever you need to. Watch this video and then if you would like your copy, visit the website at:

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