The following facts support the claim of the ATO being illegal:
All law in Australia must be passed by a Parliament in both houses (in states that have both houses) and then by law must be gazetted.
The law that established the Australian Taxation Office has been challenged in a particular court whereby the Plaintiff created the need to document the ATO’s formation to the satisfaction of the Defendant and the Court.
The Plaintiff, with the approval of the Australian National Library, brought into the court every Federal Government Gazette for the time period around when the law was passed by the Federal Parliament.
The Defendant was asked to ‘Please show us in which Gazette we will find the Legislation regarding the Australian Taxation Office’, to which the Defendant stated; ‘It is not in any Government Gazette’.
The judge of the matter then stated; ‘You have proved beyond any doubt that the law establishing the Australian Taxation Office has not been Gazetted and thus place its legality in question’ he went on, ‘But I can not permit Australia to fall into financial chaos and thus strike out this evidence’.
Further, Justice J Callinan, in Moelike v Chapman [B8/2000 (24/8/2000)], agreed that the ATO was not a legal entity. This has been validated by two judges.
Since this case, an article from the Aussie Post quotes the High Court case on May 17, 2000, where the ATO admitted it isn’t a legal personality, a view also held by the presiding judge, Justice Callinan. It goes further, stating “at the heart of the matter is the inability of the ATO to provide any documentation that proves it is either a legal entity or was established following correct procedure…”.
Further, as a response by Anthony Wallace, officer of the ATO, to Mr D Cameron on February 25, 2000, in an affidavit ii, stated that the writer and others he contacted could not identify any relevant files or documents setting up the ATO.
The Australian Government has misled the people of Australia in matters relating to taxation.
Is it Lawful or Not?
Information confirming that the ATO has no legal standing and that you are not required to pay tax is contained in this article:
Extracts from letter, in our possession, and dated June 29, 2005, addressed to the ‘Taxation Commissioner’, Mr M Carmody, follow:
The letter stated:
As you are apparently aware, via Australian “High Court” cases and numerous other legal challenges against the “Australian Taxation Office”, the credibility of your “commission” and the status of the “ATO” have been known to be, for some considerable time, illegitimate.
Please take further notice that your “commission” is entirely dependent upon the following:
- Laws issued by a legal “Australian Parliament” granting the gathering of taxes, a legally appointed “Australian Government”, and;
- A Governor General with the appropriate legal status as granted by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland,
It was also stated:
Please take further notice that as it has been revealed in courts in the United Kingdom:
The ruling iii in the Chancery Division of the High Court in London, on Friday 25th June 2004 (the case was heard by Master Bencher Bowman, of the Chancery Division of the British High Court, who had previously reserved his decision on 9th March 2004), has stated that “Letters Patent, issued under ‘The Great Seal of Australia,’ by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, appointing a Governor General in Australia, have been issued incorrectly.”
As a result of the ruling of the Chancery Division of the British High Court, the Governor General of Australia holds no executive powers what so ever.
That as a result of the ruling of the Chancery Division of the British High Court, all current Australian Laws assented to on behalf of a British Monarch by the Governor General of Australia, cannot hold any valid or legal executive authority as the Governor General’s appointments have not been lawfully issued and are in legal terms ultra vires.
It was also stated:
I have included, as attachments to this letter, documents and letters that have been sent to various persons to acquaint them with the travesty of injustice that has been imposed upon the peoples of the Commonwealth of Australia.
It was further stated:
Take Note: that as you now have both actual and constructive notice of this legal defect you have a Duty of Care Obligation to act immediately and step down from your position, once you have notified the peoples of the Commonwealth of Australia.
It was also stated by the writer that shortly after the letter was delivered, Mr Carmody left the position of Commissioner of Taxation and was replaced by another and that there was no response to his letter.
Another letter in our possession, by the same writer, was sent to the new Commissioner of Taxation on or about 15th February 2006 and stating:
Please take notice: that I requested the “Commissioner of Taxation” to step-down on the 29th June 2005 as he held no legal status.
It was also stated:
Accordingly any attempt by the “Australian Taxation Office” to demand monies with menace from any Australian citizen is an illegal act and must stop forthwith. All current and pending claims by the “Australian Taxation Office” upon the Citizens of Australia must be withdrawn immediately.
I (writer of this letter) forwarded documentation to the “Taxation Commissioner” on the 29th June 2005 to acquaint him with the travesty of justice that has been imposed upon the peoples of the Commonwealth of Australia. You are advised to review this documentation without delay.
Take Note: that as you now have both actual and constructive notice of this legal defect you have a Duty of Care Obligation to act immediately.
Thus, as is made clear in the above information and attachments, no current law, created in Australia after 1919 has any legality. The writer of the above letter extracts was attempting to rectify this matter with the least amount of political, financial and human suffering as possible. Rather it was an attempt to ‘wake up’ the system.
Further, we are aware of private arrangements made by the Australian Taxation Office and other persons. Many people had taken action against (or had actions taken against them) by the Australian Taxation Office. We understand that in such private arrangements, the Australian Taxation Office had dropped all legal action and paid compensation to the opposing party(s).
We further understand that in many documented cases people had entered into an arrangement whereby the opposing party need not pay any further taxation in Australia. In some cases the Australian Taxation Office has even agreed to reimburse all taxation paid by the opposing party in a further private arrangement.
Many senior political persons, in both major political parties, are aware of this and simply turn a ‘blind eye’; because they are aware of the outrage that would be felt by the Australian people, should this matter be made public.
Therefore , taxation is voluntary
“The I.T.R. (Institute of Taxation Research) has now received irrefutable proof (through an exhaustive Freedom of Information Act search), that the Australian Taxation Office was never officially gazetted in 1973 at its formation. Legally, therefore, the A.T.O. does not exist! A barrister in Sydney presented this information to a Judicial Registrar who was hearing a liquidation proceeding. The Registrar adjourned the case immediately, after appearing “visibly shaken”. Only a matter of hours later, an airline pilot who is in the Federal Court in Melbourne, against the A.T.O., was contacted by solicitors representing that august body, and informed that they were not proceeding with the case. I wonder why?
I quote from an earlier F.O.I. Act request asking for “.. certified copies of the documents that establish the Australian Taxation Office”.
In response, Mr. R. J. Tomkins, (A.T.O. Solicitor), reports:
“With regards the creation of the Australian Taxation Office (A.T.O.), I was able to ascertain that the A.T.O was created as a branch of the Commonwealth Public Service by an executive instrument in 1973. Officers of the Commonwealth Public Service are assigned to the A.T.O and the Commissioner of Taxation is put in charge of those Officers by section 25(4) of the Public Service Act 1922. “An extensive search of the A.T.O. library and records management system failed to identify any document relevant to this part of your request.
Similarly, enquiries to the Commissioner’s Office, People and Structures Branch, The Delegations and Authorisations Officer and the Parliamentary Business Unit did not identify any document. “On the advice of the Australian Government Solicitor’s Office, I contacted the Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor-General in an attempt to identify, and obtain a copy of the executive instrument.
This office referred me to the Federal Executive Council who then suggested I contact Australian Archives. A detailed search by all offices failed to locate the relevant document. “Accordingly, I am obliged in terms of section 24A of the Act to deny access to this part of your application on the grounds that I was not able to locate the requested document”.
It was from this original F.O.I. Act request, that the I.T.R. was eventually able to identify that the A.T.O. was never legally formed, and therefore, has been illegally illiciting taxes since its formation! The I.T.R. takes the view that all the tax laws in the country are illegal anyway, (under an illegal Constitution), and that therefore, taxes are voluntary.”
The Name, “Australian” Taxation Office, “Australian” Government
The definition of this “Australia” belongs to the changed constitutional definitions in 1973 by the Political Parties without a Referendum = TREASON.
Here the Political Parties created their own so called abstract Country called “Australia” in a geographical sense.
Royal Style and Titles Act 1973 No. 114
This Act created the purported Royal Style and Title for the Political Parties Abstract Queen of Australia.
Royal Style and Titles
Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God Queen of Australia and Her other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth.
(Note the Queen of Australia does NOT hold the Title “Most Excellent Majesty” or “Defender of the Faith”.) This Act is 3 pages
Royal Style and Titles Act 1973 Proclamation and Gazette 5 pages.
Political Parties created their own private sovereign, independent and federal nation.
“God” (not being Our God) “Our Sign Manual”
“Governor-General of Australia” “Great Seal”
“Royal Great Seal” “Great Seal of Australia”
“Government of Australia” “Parliament of Australia”
“Queen of Australia” “Our Royal Proclamation”
“Elizabeth R” “Our Australian Parliament”
“Elizabeth R”. (“R” stands for the Latin Regina, meaning “Queen”. This creates “Elizabeth R” for the Political Parties “Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God Queen of Australia”.
Also in 1973 for the Political Parties “Australia” they created the Australian Citizenship Act creating Abstract Australian Citizens to swear their Oath to the Abstract Queen of Australia
I, A. B., renouncing all other allegiance, swear by Almighty God that I will be faithful and bear allegiance to Her Majesty Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Australia, Her heirs and successors according to law, and that I will faithfully observe the laws of Australia and fulfil my duties as an Australian citizen.
To be able to do this the Political Parties took total control of the Governor-General and Commander in Chief on the 2nd of February 1960, therefore removing Crown Authority from the Governor-General and Commander in Chief = TREASON.
In the early 1960s the Political Parties went to War with Vietnam, a War which America started BUT NO business of ours.
In 1966 the Political Parties created the Australian Dollar with NO head of power NO Crown and Constitution Authority. Therefore Counterfeit to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901, which consists of the Preamble, Clauses 1 to 9 and the Schedule, prescribes at
Clause 9—The Constitution of the Commonwealth,
Chapter I—The Parliament,
Part I—General,
Salary of Governor-General = pounds.
each senator and each member of the House of Representatives = pounds.
payable to the Queen = pounds.
Ministers of State = pounds.
In 1974 the words “Commonwealth of Australia” were changed to “Australia” in the “Legend” on the medium of exchange in the form of paper money.
The intention of the Members of Political Parties, each under their own Party’s Constitution and policies, to convert “the status of the Commonwealth of Australia as a sovereign, independent and federal nation” called “Australia”, was truly coming into fruition with the introduction of “Australian currency” in “Australian Dollars”.
A magnified inspection of an “Australian Dollar” polymer (plastic) note, will reveal a watermarked seal, as shown next to the Five Dollar Note below,
i.e. the “Stylised Arms No. 2 (Solid) US Serial No. 89000533”, which was registered in 1992 with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
The Five Dollar Note shown above
- is NOT Legal Tender “of the Commonwealth of Australia”,
- has NO “Head of Power” and
- has NO Crown and Constitutional authority, and
- is a medium of exchange “of Australia” NOT “of the Commonwealth of Australia”.
To enforce the Political Parties Australian Dollar and their TREASON Laws against Her Most Excellent Majesty Elizabeth the Second by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Our other Realms & Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith, and the people of the Commonwealth of Australia.
The Political Parties created their own private “Australian” Federal Police and their own private “Australian” Courts. These were to ensure that the people of the Commonwealth of Australia as established under the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 would NOT be able to enforce the Laws made by the Parliament of the Commonwealth as in
Clause 5 Operation of the Constitution and laws
This Act, and all laws made by the Parliament of the Commonwealth under the Constitution, shall be binding on the courts, judges, and people of every State and of every part of the Commonwealth, notwithstanding anything in the laws of any State;
FAMILY LAW ACT 1975 Act no 53
Creates the Family Court of Australia
Australian Federal Police Act 1979 No.58
The Commonwealth Police Act 1957 is repealed.
High Court of Australia Act 1979 No. 137
This Political Party High Court of Australia sits as a Coran, No Crown and Constitutional Authority. (Note: Butterworths Concise Australian Legal Dictionary
Coram /koraem/ lat – in the presence of)
Judiciary Amendment Act (No.2) 1979Act No. 138
which repealed Sections 4 to 14 at Part II—Constitution and Seat of the High Court.
Evidence Amendment Act 1979 No. 139
Acts No 137, No 138 and No 139 all commenced together.
All the above were enacted to the Political Parties Queen of Australia Great Seal of Australia Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia = Political Party definition
The Political Parties own private High Court of “Australia” tells us in Justice Dawson of the High Court of “Australia” on 5th November 1996 in Leask v Commonwealth [1996] HCA 29, referred to “Head of Power”:-
“ As McHugh J said in Re Dingjan; Ex parte Wagner:
In determining whether a law is ‘with respect to’ a head of power in s 51 of the Constitution, two steps must be taken. First, the character of the law must be determined. That is done by reference to the rights, powers, liabilities, duties and privileges which it creates.
Secondly, a judgment must be made as to whether the law as so characterised so operates that it can be said to be connected to a head of power conferred by s 51.
In determining whether the connection exists, the practical, as well as the legal, operation of the law must be examined.
If a connection exists between the law and a s 51 head of power, the law will be ‘with respect to’ that head of power unless the connection is, in the words of Dixon J, ‘so insubstantial, tenuous or distant’ that it cannot sensibly be described as a law ‘with respect to’ the head of power. ”
- Australian Dollar is Counterfeit.
- Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is a Criminal Origination.
- There is NO such thing as a Political Party within the Commonwealth of Australian Constitution Act . The Contrary intention of the Political Parties “Australia” has never appeared to this day.
- Everything under the Political Parties “Australia” is Abstract
- BUT the Political Parties are still Accountable to the Laws made by the the Parliament of the Commonwealth under the Constitution
Whereas a One Pound Note, as Legal Tender “of the Commonwealth of Australia” has a “Head of Power”, has the authority of the Crown as held by our Constitutional Sovereign and Monarch, and has the Constitutional authority, all as under the Founding and Primary “Law of the Commonwealth of Australia”, the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901, as Proclaimed and Gazetted, consisting of its Preamble, Clauses 1 to 9 and the Schedule.
The Totally Criminal Australian Taxation Office does NOT recognize Legal Tender of the Commonwealth of Australia ALL BANK LOANS IN COUNTERFEIT AUSTRALIAN DOLLARS ARE VOID.
All those involved in the Australian Taxation Office and Australian Banks dealing with Australian Dollars are dealing in FRUAD and = MISPRISION OF TREASON
The late Sir Harry Gibbs, former Chief Justice of the Australian High Court, had written an ‘explanatory statement’ iv and a letter v supporting the conclusions reached that underpin the above statements, upon which our requests are founded.
In his statement he makes note of the fact that these conclusions are based on the historical facts.
They were solely relied upon.
There is no political rhetoric or legal opinion unless based on historical fact.
His statement goes further in confirming access to the historical documentation.
One of Sir Harry’s key findings is:
“I therefore have come to the conclusion that the current legal and political system in use in Australia and its States and Territories has no basis in law. We do not seek to try these findings in a court of law. Rather, we would prefer to establish common ground where this matter could be concluded out of court.”
82 thoughts on “Is the ATO Lawful?”
This is huge. I have been looking into the ATO for a while, I knew it wasn’t a legal entity and only found out recently the governor general validity has been in question since the early 1900’s. I don’t suppose there is any chance of getting more particulars? I would like to write to the ATO and challenge them myself.
Glen, I recommend you buy Dick Yardley’s book Australian Political Treason, Treachery & Sabotage, as it lists all the laws they have broken in an easy to read format. Click on the link to order.
Thanks Mike. I have had contact with Dick in the past, he has done some great work.
Your link for the book does not work
Fixed. Here it is as well:
Hi Glen. Funnymeeting ya ear. I see now what you mean about prep work.
Hi Mike,
Currently am under harrassment by the ato which has been going on now for 4 years. I currently have ordered dicks book. Is there a particular person i should be speaking with in regards to getting this letter drawn up to send to the ato?
You have my email now Paul. Please email your questions and I’ll do whatever I can to help.
Hi MIke
Where can i obtain the letter advising ATO wont be paying.? Currently in battle they are not responding to questions of illegal entity. Thanks David
Unless you know what you are doing in law, I would not recommend challenging the ATO without some serious and well informed advice from someone who has already challenged and succeeded. There is no template letter for this. You have to do it yourself.
Yes it would be great if I could have a copy of that letter to send to the ATO. I’d like to inform them I won’t be paying taxes in future and the reason why.
Hi, has anyone got a copy of the letter. I would love a copy as I’m considering removing myself from their corrupt system.
No, you need to do this yourself. Consult your accountant and a good lawyer if you need one.
Just a side issue question but if the ato is not legal due to governor generals paperwork not being correct since 1909 how can any judge in this country be legal? After all the ones from before 1909 would all be dead now. Therefore judges presiding over these cases have a massive conflict of interest in that if they support the constitution correctly they have made themselves fraudulent.
Now you are starting to ask the right questions.
Refer to Clause 5, Section 79, Section 109, Constitution, and read the Kable Principle, a High Court decision that is binding on everyone, including lawyers, police, judges and magistrates. Do your research and you can take them all to court. They are the criminals… not us!
Stunning, and very exciting as I will use it in my Free handout advertising materials at election polling booths later this year, cheers
Stop Voting , we need to bring this Fraudulent Government Down , Because by you continuing to cast your Vote we will be Achieving NOTHING , so Please stop Voting .
I have been recently contacted by ATO also. Actual documents and cases would be helpful. Have purchased the book recently.
So this would mean that tha VLAD laws & the anity association laws are also not legal along with the deportation laws ?
Exactly! Everything the governmentts have done since 1986 is illegal/unlawful.
Hi Mike are you still on this forum. I am looking into the ATO, constitution and our unlawful governments here in Victoria and Australia. Am I able to get in contact with you and possibly get your insight into these matters. Thank you
Yes, I run this website. Please use the Contact us page first to let me know what you want to discuss… and then book a phone call with me to discuss. But please do your research first, as you may find the answers you need.
Hi Mike, are you still running the page? (I used the contact us form last week but didn’t get a reply…)
Yes, but I am still catching up on my emails. Try this email address instead:
Just absolute WOW what an eye opener. NO WONDER the big corporations refuse to pay ANY tax. They are already fully aware of this, and the government knows it, and therefore doesn’t even attempt to make them pay taxes.
Looking for the UK High court decision – 25th June 2004 Looking to read the findings.
If you have a link would be great. – can’t find my way around the UK court website.
Sorry, can’t help you. Keep researching.
How can we get this info out to the general public most of whom are “sheep” following mainstream media? We need to fire them up, retaliate and say “pig’s bloody arse”, you’re not doing this to us any longer!!!!!!!
We need to organize protest teams to stand outside media offices and prevent anyone going in or out. The media are the weak link in the dictatorial government’s attempts to strip us of our inalienable rights. Will you stand with us? Join a common law assembly.
I joined up today in Brisbane / Queensland , and looking forward to attending the Gathering on Sunday , at the Designated time and Secret Location . WE THE PEOPLE .
Has anyone had success with getting the ATO off their back for overdue bas statements and income tax by sending letters ect?
“A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999
165‑55 Commissioner may disregard scheme in making declarations
For the purposes of making a declaration under this Subdivision, the Commissioner may:
(a) treat a particular event that actually happened as not having happened; and
(b) treat a particular event that did not actually happen as having happened and, if appropriate, treat the event as:
(i) having happened at a particular time; and
(ii) having involved particular action by a particular entity; and
(c) treat a particular event that actually happened as:
(i) having happened at a time different from the time it actually happened; or
(ii) having involved particular action by a particular entity (whether or not the event actually involved any action by that entity).”
Nope, just get liquidated no matter how much evidence you have.
So what then is the legal / lawful process to undertake to stop paying taxes and to have the ATO leave us alone ?
Thats what I’d also like to know and if you could guide us the right way in how to go about this with pdf’s and also side notes please
“HIS HONOUR: Mr Logan, the Australian Taxation Office is not a legal personality, is it?” “MR LOGAN: It is not.” per Moeliker v Chapman B8/2000 [2000] HCATrans 242 (17 May 2000)”
Good question, but I have a better one.
What is a “legal” and “non-legal personality”?
Mayhap the Trustee of your cestui que vie Trust Estate may provide the answers.
Quoting from the Executive Summary of a publication created by the “N.S.W. GOVERNMENT Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Attorney General & Justice”, titled: “Birth Certificate Content Review 2014” ( I have a copy, and they have taken it off their website, and I am happy to share this under fair use and usufruct). Apparently one may discharge their obligations in respect of services provided by the government and private sectors using a birth certificate.
Quote: “A birth certificate is used to establish identity and enable individuals to establish their rights and discharge their obligations in respect of services provided by the government and private sectors.” Unquote.
Unfortunately the N.S.W. A-G does not like me anymore and will not reply to my repeated requests for the procedure, process, instructions of the above quote.
Mayhap others will have better luck in evading malfeasance, misfeasance, nonfeasance and fraud from men and women acting in the capacity of purported Officers of the Commonwealth.
It would be a help if you publish the document here for all to see.
Its 30 pages long. Would you like me to email it to you or would you prefer I copy and paste. By the way I did not receive acknowledgement of your reply February 4, 2022, 8:51 am. otherwise I would of responded earlier.
I am very busy growing and managing common law assemblies. I am under no obligation to respond to requests on how to deal with the corporation.
Hey mate,
I would love the chance to read over the 30 page document you have. If you can share it in any way I’d be very appreciative.
I would like a copy if you would be willing to email it to me? Thanks Damian
Hey Bro, Keen to look at the 30 page doc. If anyone has received a doc. let me know would like to have a look.
Hi Damian,
May I please have a copy of the 30 page long document sent to my email?
Would appreciate it.
What book?
This “book”, document Mike is titled: “Birth Certificate Content Review 2014”.
Quote: “A birth certificate is used to establish identity and enable individuals to establish their rights and discharge their obligations in respect of services provided by the government and private sectors.” Unquote.
This is from the Executive Summary of a publication created by the “N.S.W. GOVERNMENT Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Attorney General & Justice”, titled: “Birth Certificate Content Review 2014” ( I have a copy, and they have taken it off their website, and I am happy to share this under fair use and usufruct)
I’m probably wrong Mike, but I am very confident that an instrument known as a “BIRTH CERTIFICATE” with the boxed “REGISTRATION NUMBER” which apparently contains a “Legal NAME” in a box, that was given to my Mother, is not my property but was created for my benefit.
Apparently Mike, the worlds a stage and in the “LEGAL FICTION SYSTEM” we play the role of the Beneficiary. Unfortunately the majority do not know this because this information has been deliberately withheld from the Grantor (the “INFORMANT”, the one legislatedly obligated to register the event of ones arrival, Mother). We are deceived to act in the capacity of the co-Trustee, debtor, surety for the Estate, Legal fiction, etc,etc,etc.
Anyway that’s my take.
I can email this document as an attachment to you Mike and you can share it for everyone if you wish.
Very interesting… yes, please email me the book. If you haven’t got my email it’s
Just one comment about the Birth Certificate: It’s FRAUDULENTLY forced on us, and FRAUD VITIATES EVERYTHING.
Hi Damian,
Thank you for your input. It is truly appreciated. Could I, apart from obtaining that document, connect with you please? – I’m trying to connect with like-minded individuals so that I can learn more about these (very) important matters and, hopefully, pass the knowledge to the next generation as those really NEED to know the TRUTH.
Please let me know if it is possible, thanking you in advance for it.
The best way I’ve found is to decline all government ‘services’, haven’t voted since 2002 no tax returns since 2010. Started blogging about an initiative to commence a secure digital direct democracy using blockchain tech since 2012 at voteholder.
I’m a former CFO of a $Bn Enterprise Software Firm turned Spiritual Teacher and I’ve seen enough…
Thanks for all your work, we’re nearly there…
Hi so the ATO has been harassing me to do my tax return as I haven’t completed for the previous x2 years! Is the above illegalities still in place regarding ATO not been legal? If so what can I do/send ato to leave me be?
We have forwarded this to a lawyer for an opinion. We’ll get back to you soon.
Thank you. I was going to ask the same question and look forward to a reply from lawyers. Will you post it here?
Yes, but instead of the lawyers, get an answer from the current Commissioner of Taxation. I’ll be happy to post their response.
Have you had any success hearing back from your lawyer?? As I am keen to send letter to ATO not paying taxes
Lawyer? Never go near them. If you want to challenge the authority of the ATO, or any other GovCorp department, you need to read and understand the laws and how to present your case in court. This is what lawyers are trained to do, but that doesn’t mean you should ever use one. They do not represent We the People. They are sworn to the BAR.
Before you try to take anyone to court, do your research, go to courts and watch how they operate, learn the laws you want to use and make sure you understand all their nuances. We are fighting a serious war here and we need to have the strongest armour possible.
We have had some successes already, but not in court.
Why are you paying taxes cause if you don’t they just take. There are ato whistleblowers for a reason. I have years of files trying to fight them after they created 2 copies of employee super accounts. While one got paid one copy of course racked huge debts and got our company liquidated. I have numerous phone recordings etc. Years of stress and nothing in the end but financially ruined and a “corporate record” aka criminal record on my name so no one will employ me.
I am amazed of these findings. I agree that Australian people should support the country we live in; however, not be compelled to pay a certain amount as told to do so.
On the other side of the coin the issuing of Centrelink support payments must be considered in the same light.
If this information was to be released to the Australian people there would be mass anger for our political parties and the role of the Governor’s past, present and future.
That said Australian people must be made aware of this situation.
If you are ready to help inform people, you could join a common law assembly so that you work with a team. There is power in numbers:
hi mike is it possible to approach tax agent with this info to b able to claim all moneys due in this years tax return , I have put of claiming because the last time i went through this tax agent they took all of my super tax money saying it was due to advances from centerlink for covid payments , i was able to claim for flood damage on 2 occasions this year through centerlink and am worried i might get hit with this on this years tax claim as i withdrew the last of my super in jan 2022
Give it a try. Depends on your accountant. You may need a lawyer to help you if you plan on challenging the ATO
David Ward v Warrington Borough Council case law WI -05257F …it is a mandatory requirement to get the consent of the governed before any acts’and statutes can be legally acted upon…. affidavit of truth
No, the government is bound by Clause 5 and Section 128 of the Constitution to hold a referendum before any change to the Constitutional arrangements can be made. The constitution does not authorize the government to impose income taxes on us. And since the illegitimate Australia Act 1986 is null and void, Councils have no authority to impose Rates taxes on your property. Challenge them… always!
How could I claim all my taxes I’ve paid , I was not aware it was volunteer, I’ve always paid my taxes as o thought it was law ,
Send them a affidavit of truth to the CEO in his private capacity under penalty of perjury asking is the ATO a legal entity and is it voluntary or compulsory to pay taxes download case law on this site then add HCA 11 , aswell as WI-05257F David Ward v Warrington Borough Council with your own crown and seal attached,… David Ward case law .it is a mandatory requirement to get the consent of the governed before any acts’and statutes can be legally acted upon, also fair work Act s35 ..
And maybe either UCC financing statement or PPSR financing statement if U really want to but not necessary as that places a lien on your title surname and transfer your property to your common law name which is your Christian name(s) only good luck with it but maybe utube bill Turner and get informed about letter writing which is key to success
Hi charlie do you have a contact for a lawyer willing to take you out of the ato system please ?
Check your email Sharon.
Sharon, we cannot just opt out of their system. We are enmeshed in it whether we like it or not. What we all must do is challenge the system and hold them accountable under the constitution, the Magna Carta, the English Bill of Rights 1688 and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICPR). If you have been harmed in any way by the system, then you have an absolute RIGHT to seek remedy in the courts… but as our courts seem unwilling or unable to acknowledge our rights and the the constitution, we have to turn to other remedies. We have recently found one in the US Alien Tort Legislation 1789. If we have tried to get justice in Australian courts and failed, then that is a Tort and because Australia has signed up to the ICPR, we have a right to take our case to the US Federal Courts. If anyone would like to know more contact me on
Hi Charlie,
Thank you for your comment. Could I connect with you please? – I’m trying to connect with like-minded individuals so that I can learn more about these (very) important matters and, hopefully, pass the knowledge to the next generation as those really NEED to know the TRUTH.
Please let me know if it is possible, thanking you in advance for it.
Did you find out about your tax Question? if Yes could you Please Let me know if it worked for you?
To everyone asking for help to Opt Out of the ATO, please contact me at
So, how do I not pay my taxes when my employer is forced to take them from my pay before I even see it?
I am sure I remember when I started work in 1986 that you could still choose whether to pay your taxes at the end of the financial year, if you wanted to (rather than have them taken out of your pay). Does anyone else remember this?
Once you agree to the PAYE system, you and your employer are locked into a contract with the ATO. You would have to negotiate a different way of getting paid, but that would be up to your employer.
You can apply to the ATO directly for a form to give to your employee. This form will prevent your employee from taking out the ATO’s income tax installments on a weekly, or fortnightly basis. You can not obtain such a form by email or on an ATO website.
Hey Alex, would you have a link or a name of the form.
Much appreciated
Hi Alex,
Thanks for your comment. Could you please let me know the name of such form or link to it please? I’m also trying to connect with like-minded individuals so that I can learn more about these (very) important matters and, hopefully, pass the knowledge to the next generation as those really NEED to know the TRUTH.
Please let me know if it is possible, thanking you in advance for it.
Hi Doug, you could try being a contractor for your employer & invoice your employer, I do.
Can you provide more information on how you set it up?
Illegal and non-legal are not the same. Claiming the ATO is illegal has no grounds in reality or any tried cases in a court of (Man’s) Law. The ATO; by its own admission, is a non-legal entity. This means it is operating outside of the jurisdiction of the Law. An illegal entity is one which operates within the jurisdiction of the Law, and is therefore contrary to the Law it is under. This causes the entity to be illegal or “not” legal. A non-legal entity has made claim, through it’s initiation to be an “unincorporating entity” that it does not serve the Law and is not bound by the Law. Therefore a non-legal entity can not be sued, or sue. It can not be prosecuted nor can it prosecute as these factions are Law appointments and the non-legal entity is not bound by Law.
So, what is your point? You are engaging in sophistry. We want to hear what your solution might be.
I have been working with a company for a few months now and suddenly they want me to start paying PIC.
I’m not sure how I go about refusing, I didn’t fill in an employment declaration to ATO, only a company variation online.
How do I stop them taxing my wages
Hello interesting read, it’s now 2024 5 years after most of these comments, has anyone contested the ATO?
To anyone’s knowledge has there been an outcome to the case in question?
The questionability as to the legitimacy of the ATO has never been more questionable. It’s a US listed company of the us stock exchange with several ABN numbers, and its recent acquisition by none other than Black Rock (surprise surprise) the common the wealth bank and several other nefarious characters. There is a supposed class action suit case still pending involving the ATA versus The ATO concerning the legality of taxes in AUS, the case must have merit or it would have been resolved already. Has anyone heard?