Once upon a time government was there to serve We the People. But over the years, the bureaucrats and politicians have overstepped their authority and fooled everyone into thinking that we must obey them.
That’s not true. They are public SERVANTS. We are the MASTERS. Unless you stop fearing the government, and stand up for your rights and defend them using the law, we will never stop the tyranny against us.

WARNING: Never give up trying to settle accounts with a BOE. If these organizations give you a really hard time, it’s too easy to shrug your shoulders and pay them with your hard-earned cash to get them off your back. This is the worst thing you can do… not only to yourself but for everyone else as well. Apart from showing that you still fear the government, you are making it doubly difficult for everyone else who is fighting back. Never, ever give in to their demands. You are in charge. It’s your responsibility to yourself, your family and your community to keep the tyrants in line.
Whenever they threaten you, they are showing their weakness. We must always deal with GovCorp from a position of honour and strength.
When and Why should we settle accounts with a BOE?
Governments around the world that have signed up to UCC Rules have been cheating people out of our hard-earned money, because most people do not know the law. We strongly recommend you read the relevant laws so that you understand what your rights are and how to stop GovCorp stealing more of your money.
If you are not sure if you can settle accounts with a BOE, this is due to your ignorance of the law and the fear governments have worked hard to instil in people. But once you understand the law, you will lose your fear and start to act as a responsible member of your society.
It’s also very important to encourage as many people as possible to start settling their GovCorp bills with a BOE, because we can undermine their ability to operate, and eventually they will be weakened enough that we can replace the political system with true representatives of the People, as proposed in our website Advance-Australia. Please read our Plan and get involved in the debate to create a better future for us all.
Some of this information is already contained in our article, Pay Government and Corporate Bills with Cestui Que Trust. But we present it here again to help you make sense of the process.
The process of settling Bills with a Bill of Exchange (BOE) is very simple. Follow these steps and use the documents downloadable below as a guide. Change anything in [square brackets] to your information. And edit the details of the letter to tell your own story. It’s important that you use your own words to explain what you are doing and why. This gives the reader the confidence that you are trying to deal with them honourably and honestly.
Does it work?
It has worked for many people. The only ones who fail are those that never try, or those that have done it wrong. This step-by-step guide will show you how to ensure you create a Bill of Exchange that works every time as long as you never give up.
How to Create a Bill of Exchange (BOE)
This is a sample of what to write on the Bill
(Do not put your instructions and signature on a sticker. Always write in wet red or blue ink):
Click on an image to view full size. Press ESC to return here
- As soon as you get a Bill from any GovCorp organization, bank, insurance company, finance company, scan or take a photograph of the original bill. Use the Original Bill to create your Bill of Exchange (BOE) and keep the copy you have made for your records. Always copy documents before and after you have written on them. Keep copies of all communications with GovCorp so that you can use them as evidence in case you ever end up in court.
- Write this on the original Bill:
Pay to the order of [Biller’s Name]
Without recourse
By: [Endorser’s Signature] [Date]
{sign your name
as you normally do here
First Middle, of the house Surname}
Endorser, General Executor - Sign your BOE exactly as you usually sign anything. Your signature creates a valid Bill of Exchange for the amount shown on the bill.
- Never change the amount on the bill. You are only using the BOE to settle the amount they have billed you. You cannot use this to pay more, or attempt a scam, or to take money for yourself. It will fail and you may end up in court on a charge of fraud.
- Go to LipForms.com and fill in this letter with your own information: Authority to Process Bill of Exchange. You must always include this letter whenever you send a BOE to give the organization authority to settle your account. Often, GovCorp will ignore your original BOE and send you a new Bill. In that case, repeat the process. Refer to UCC 3-603 and S48 of the Bills of Exchange Act 1909.
- Make a copy of everything before sending the original bill signed in wet ink back to them. You keep the copy. Always keep copies of every piece of correspondence.
- If they reject the bill, you write Refusal for Cause without dishonour in blue wet ink on the original copy and only return a copy of it to the sender.
- Send the Bill and the Authorization letter by Registered Mail that someone at the other end has to sign for as having received.
- Grab a drink, sit back and relax. You do not have to do anything else. You have settled your bill.
- Do not try to do their job for them. If you hear nothing back from the organization, you can assume they have acted according to the law and settled your account. If they have any questions, it’s their job to contact you. Until then, DO NOTHING. Wait until they reply, and then decide what you need to do.
What to do when an Organization Refuses your BOE
When an organization refuses to accept your BOE they will often say that they don’t accept Bills of Exchange and you must use the only payment methods they offer.
This just shows their ignorance of the law. We call it their ‘stupid letter’. This is a good opportunity to educate them. This letter template usually stops them making any more demands. In fact, Bills of Exchange are the only true currency. All banks deal with BOE’s. Take a bank note out of your wallet to see a Bill of Exchange.
Download this letter, amend it with your own information, and send it back to the organization by Registered Mail. Always send all correspondence by registered mail so that they cannot claim they never received it. It also protects your chain of evidence in the unlikely event you end up being summoned to court.

Download and use this template letter when a company that you have already sent a Bill of Exchange to refuses to accept it, claiming they do not recognize Bills of Exchange. They are after your cash. But they have no right to it, so never give in and pay them with your cash. By denying them our cash we are weakening their illegal system. It’s up to each one of us to fight back.
What to do when an Organization Continues to refuse your BOE
However, occasionally an organization will persist with their futile denials. Now it’s time to set them straight about your status. Send this letter to tell them that you are a living, flesh and blood man or woman and they are trying to deal with your strawman; a name on a piece of their paper. Your BOE was in answer to their demand to your strawman, not to you, the living man/woman. Therefore, you have no business with them, and this letter explains that. From my own experience, once they get this letter they will not bother you again.

If a company still refuses to accpet your BOE, then you can send this letter telling them that you are a living man/woman, and they are trying to deal with your Strawman. Therefore, you have no business with them. This letter should only be used as a last resort. But it has been proved to work.
What to do when the Organization decides to take you to court
There are case law precedents that confirms Bills of Exchange preseneted as shown here are legal under the law. Just one of many is “Commercial Bank of Australia v. Amadio” (1983) 151 CLR 447 So, when you go to court, you will be prepared and walk in confident you can win. You will be there to present the FACTS to the magistrate. Click to read the Case Law
Take these when you go to court:
- Take these when you go to court: A copy of the BOE(s) you sent, and copies of all correspondence between you and the organization, including their letters attempting to deny accepting the settlement and demanding money with menaces, and using threats with enforcement. These are crimes and you can point this out and have them charged.
- Print out and take a copy of the Bills of Exchange Act for your country. We have provided links to various countries’ Bills of Exchange. If your country is not listed here, please send us a link to it and we will add it to the growing list.
- If your country is a signatory to the UCC Rules, print out and take a copy of the UCC Rules Article 3. This is the section that governs how GovCorp must process negotiable instruments (BOE, Promissory Notes, etc)
- When you go into court stick to the FACTS. Magistrates and judges hate wasting time, so if you have been advised by someone who has not learned how to make a BOE to identify as a living man/woman this is likely to prejudice them against you. They will accuse you of being a “sovereign citizen”. The idea it so to go court to establish the FACT that you have acted within their laws.
- Common law does not work in their courts. Don’t try to use it. Their courts are purely commercial contract courts. You are there to prove that you have acted legally, not to debunk the opposition.
- If/When the opposing solicitor attempts to argue that a BOE is not a legal financial instrument don’t try to educate him. Instead, always challenge any claims they make and ask them to prove their claims.
- Show the magistrate/judge your evidence – It’s called Presenting Evidence to the Court – and explain that you have acted honorably, and you have done everything possible to settle the account legally. Ask the magistrate/judge if the organization that has summoned you to court can prove they are exempt from the law. That should settle your case in your favour. However, in the corrupt court systems we currently suffer under there are no guarantees that they will follow the law, so be prepared to be defeated. But always go in with a positive attitude, because you are right and they are wrong.
Key Things to Know:
- If you have a payment plan, such as a mortgage or a large Bill, and you would like to settle the whole account, ask them to send you a consolidated invoice so that you can settle the account in full. Tell them to include any interest and fees for settling the account early as well.
- Never answer their phone calls or emails. If you do unknowingly answer a phone call from them, when you realize who you are talking to just say, “I’m sorry. I cannot talk to you on the phone about this. You must always communicate by mail only.” And then hang up. You need to force them to create a paper trail so that they cannot deny anything, especially if your case ends up in court.
- If they email you, never respond to the contents. Simply reply with an instruction for them to communicate with you only by post office mail.
- Always scan or photograph the original bill so that you have a record. Write your BOE message on the original and send it back.
- If their Bill includes a due date, you must respond before then, or be in dishonor.
- When they refuse a BOE the account has been settled.
- If you know the name of a person sending you GovCorp demands for your money, address your BOE to them. But if not, address it to the Chief Financial Officer of the organization. The CFO is often the person with the knowledge on processing Bills of Exchange.
- A BOE is a valid financial instrument. Any organization claiming it does not accept BOE’s is just saying they are ignorant of the law. Write back and ask them to PROVE they are exempt from the law. They have made the claim. Now they must prove it.
- You can generate the letters to accompany your BOE, or to respond to their denials, by filling in the details at this website and you will receive a beautifully written letter to send with your BOE and responses: https://lipforms.com/
- BOE’s work in any country that is signed up to UNIDROIT (UCC) Code that govern how GovCorp must deal with financial instruments.
- REMEMBER! Never give up. When GovCorp makes a claim, or tries to deny that they are bound by law, you must always challenge them to prove their claims. Write and ask them to PROVE that they are exempt from the law. They can’t, of course, so this question should stop them in their tracks.
See? It’s easy isn’t it?
But it won’t work unless we all start doing it!
Story of Banks and the Global Banking Scam
Scott Cundill & Michael Tellinger – The Story of Banks and the Global Banking Scam
– 7 March 2023